
Reportedly, China is sending troops to NK
AWESOME! Just keeps getting better and better
The troops are being sent to China's border with North Korea to deal with Nk refugees in the event of a US strike on NK, not to fight the US or its allies.
South Korea says different. Maybe you have a direct line to Xi?
No, I've just got Google.

China 'deploys 150,000 troops to deal with possible North Korean refugees over fears Trump may strike Kim Jong-un following missile attack on Syria'

Read more: China 'deploys 150,000 troops to North Korea border' | Daily Mail Online
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We already have over 1000 boots on the ground.
We armed the rebels there.
Yet we created the refugee problem when we removed Saddam and allowed Iraq to break into sectarian groups.
Water under the bridge now. I am thoroughly opposed to stopping Syrian refugees from coming to this country, at least partly because of that.
Well it's not water under the bridge to countries like Sweden, and who Trump now claims don't spend enough money on defense.

Look, I don't like W. But to some degree at least Iraq was stabilized, although with horrible cost to both them and us. Obama was elected on a promise to get the hell out. And we did. And the place erupted, ISIS emerged, the refugee crises insured, and civil war rages in Syria. This isn't some poker game where we just redeal a new hand. We're not Pontius Pilate just washing our hands.
Iraq isn't the place we're discussing, though. We have paid for our mistakes there and I agree we should continue to support Iraq to the extent they wish it, even after ISIS is pushed out. But Syria is another kettle of fish, isn't it? We created no vacuum there; Assad had the reins when ISIS took hold there. That had nothing to do with us, unless you insist on taking full responsibility for ISIS everywhere in the world, which is a bit crazy, imo.
Good point. They were supposed to be fighting ISIS, weren't they? If they're also fighting Assad, that's a double bonus. All the more reason not to go any farther into it, if we've already supplied a fighting force with the weapons to do the job, right?
This isn't the 1st time China has done this. Years ago 'famine' was so bad in N.K. China put troops on the border. N.K. began rattling its sabers, and not long after food came pouring in.
Reportedly, China is sending troops to NK
AWESOME! Just keeps getting better and better
The troops are being sent to China's border with North Korea to deal with Nk refugees in the event of a US strike on NK, not to fight the US or its allies.
South Korea says different. Maybe you have a direct line to Xi?
No, I've just got Google.

China 'deploys 150,000 troops to deal with possible North Korean refugees over fears Trump may strike Kim Jong-un following missile attack on Syria'

Read more: China 'deploys 150,000 troops to North Korea border' | Daily Mail Online
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"chinas top nuclear envoy" seems a bit over the top, don't you think? lol
Reportedly, China is sending troops to NK
AWESOME! Just keeps getting better and better
The troops are being sent to China's border with North Korea to deal with Nk refugees in the event of a US strike on NK, not to fight the US or its allies.
South Korea says different. Maybe you have a direct line to Xi?
No, I've just got Google.

China 'deploys 150,000 troops to deal with possible North Korean refugees over fears Trump may strike Kim Jong-un following missile attack on Syria'

Read more: China 'deploys 150,000 troops to North Korea border' | Daily Mail Online
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"chinas top nuclear envoy" seems a bit over the top, don't you think? lol
I honestly don't know. I do think China is taking this situation very seriously and doesn't want a confrontation with the US. Bill Clinton, frustrated by dealing with Nk, ordered his DoD to draw up plans for an attack on NK to destroy its nuclear capabilities, but SK refused to support it, so Clinton changed course and tried to buy off Nk. Perhaps the Chinese are sending envoys to SK hoping for the same result.
Reportedly, China is sending troops to NK
AWESOME! Just keeps getting better and better
The troops are being sent to China's border with North Korea to deal with Nk refugees in the event of a US strike on NK, not to fight the US or its allies.
South Korea says different. Maybe you have a direct line to Xi?
No, I've just got Google.

China 'deploys 150,000 troops to deal with possible North Korean refugees over fears Trump may strike Kim Jong-un following missile attack on Syria'

Read more: China 'deploys 150,000 troops to North Korea border' | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
From what I just read about China/NK, if China is sending troops to the border "to deal" with refugees, it's to keep them from entering China. China sends the illegals back knowing they'll be tortured and/or executed. They don't want NK refugees. I doubt if it takes 150,000 troops to do that, though. They're there to make sure there's no spillage of US military action into China. We would do the same if Russia were aiming warships at Mexico.
This isn't the 1st time China has done this. Years ago 'famine' was so bad in N.K. China put troops on the border. N.K. began rattling its sabers, and not long after food came pouring in.

Isn't that what they really want ?
This isn't the 1st time China has done this. Years ago 'famine' was so bad in N.K. China put troops on the border. N.K. began rattling its sabers, and not long after food came pouring in.

Isn't that what they really want ?
Do you mean they are building nukes instead of farm equipment because hey want food?

Hey . Have you looked at Trumps budget ? We are doing the same thing .
Guess we can add Trump to that list?
First Syria, now he is sending warships to Korean peninsula?
Goddamnit. This is a complete 180 from what he said. American people are tired of this shit!!

On my ballot in November I voted in every race in my state except (it's legal) I left President blank. I didn't want either Hillary or Trump and no one else even received a 2nd thought. I was leaning toward's Trump but I followed almost all of his rally's and really liked what he said early on, but I was wasn't listening early on. It was sometime in September watching a rally I realized he could not really answer a question but was in this for a popularity contest. In his rally's from day to day he would change just one little thing that he said the day before. Hopefully someone will run for 2020 I can believe in.
Reportedly, China is sending troops to NK
AWESOME! Just keeps getting better and better

Yippeeee :happy-1:

Ain't that grand? not :mad-61:


People didn't vote for you to have a WW3.

Surely you knew that, didn't you Sir?
Guess we can add Trump to that list?
First Syria, now he is sending warships to Korean peninsula?
Goddamnit. This is a complete 180 from what he said. American people are tired of this shit!!

Means he lied big time to America. With his aggressive and rhetoric about building military I have no doubt we are going to war because of Trump on top of his big ego and dwindling popularity.
I pray we don't go to war.

Hillary Clinton warns Trump will start a war if elected
Guess we can add Trump to that list?
First Syria, now he is sending warships to Korean peninsula?
Goddamnit. This is a complete 180 from what he said. American people are tired of this shit!!
Cut him some slack - he's trying to 'UN-FUCK' the situation / mess Obama left.

You make it sound like Syria was / is Trump's fault. Let's remember it was Barry who financed, supplied, armed, trained, defended, and protected ISIS, facilitated ISIS' invasion of Iraq, dragged the US into the middle of a civil war between a Russian-protected dictator and ISIS, and began this Un-Constitutional war. The United States, thanks to Obama, even has an 'INVASION FORCE' - combat troops on the ground - in Syria.

WHERE in the HELL were all the dumbasses on both sides of the aisle who are questioning the Constitutionality of a President ordering a retaliatory one-time proportional military strike in response to a madman using chemical weapons to kill his own people WHEN ALL OF THAT RIGHT ABOVE WAS GOING ON?!

So financing, supplying, arming, protecting, defending, and facilitating ISIS was OK? Invading Syria was OK? Starting the still ON-GOING Un-Constitutional war in Syria was ok? Sending in combat troops into another country without their asking or giving approval to do so - aka an 'invasion' - without Congressional approval to do so was ok....but Trump had to ask for Congressional approval to launch missile strikes in the midst of that on-going unlawful war?


Get out of Syria - Pull the Troops Out

Tell the UN time to prove they are still relevant and still a reason why they exist - 'fix' Syria and N. Korea or the US will no longer support the UN financially or militarily. Tell them the U.S. WILL, however, continue to defend the US and its allies and our/their national security interests.

Send Schumer to the UN Security Council - he is so dead-set on being an obstructionist let him block everything the UN tries to do OTHER THAN it's job - to resolve issues like N. Korea, Syria, etc... :p

Start a world-wide campaign against Putin (start in the UN and use the press).
-- Demand to know why the 'great nation' of Russia is protecting a mass-murdering, treaty-violating chemical weapons-using dictator.
-- Demand to know HOW they could have been 'duped' by Assad and allowed the use of chemical weapons after THEY vowed to ensure Assad had no more to be used.
-- Petition the U.N. to demand / force Russia to pay reparations to the people of Syria effected by those weapons since THEY were responsible for the carrying out and enforcement of the Treaty / 'Agreement' between the US and Putin regarding the destruction / elimination of Assad's chemical weapons...and Putin FAILED.

Do you always plug these lies thread after thread?
Guess we can add Trump to that list?
First Syria, now he is sending warships to Korean peninsula?
Goddamnit. This is a complete 180 from what he said. American people are tired of this shit!!

Means he lied big time to America. With his aggressive and rhetoric about building military I have no doubt we are going to war because of Trump on top of his big ego and dwindling popularity.
I pray we don't go to war.

Hillary Clinton warns Trump will start a war if elected

I also pray for no war


do not bring up that witch Clinton here

had she been elected (thanks GOD she wasn't) we'd be in war with Russia, Iran and probably NKorea now. :mad-61:
Reportedly, China is sending troops to NK
AWESOME! Just keeps getting better and better

Yippeeee :happy-1:

Ain't that grand? not :mad-61:


People didn't vote for you to have a WW3.

Surely you knew that, didn't you Sir?

And what the hell do you think is he doing?

Bomb NK missile program will not eliminate their entire military enterprise. The only retaliation they can have is send valley of bombs to the south and that will be nasty. From there ---------- How should China will react?
At the end ------------- who is responsible and who will they blame?
Reportedly, China is sending troops to NK
AWESOME! Just keeps getting better and better

Yippeeee :happy-1:

Ain't that grand? not :mad-61:


People didn't vote for you to have a WW3.

Surely you knew that, didn't you Sir?

And what the hell do you think is he doing?

Bomb NK missile program will not eliminate their entire military enterprise. The only retaliation they can have is send valley of bombs to the south and that will be nasty. From there ---------- How should China will react?
At the end ------------- who is responsible and who will they blame?

With the witch Clinton we ALREADY would be fighting WW3.
Guess we can add Trump to that list?
First Syria, now he is sending warships to Korean peninsula?
Goddamnit. This is a complete 180 from what he said. American people are tired of this shit!!

Means he lied big time to America. With his aggressive and rhetoric about building military I have no doubt we are going to war because of Trump on top of his big ego and dwindling popularity.
I pray we don't go to war.

Hillary Clinton warns Trump will start a war if elected
Dude Clinton basically ran on war. Give me a fucking break!

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