
Can you zoom in, I can't see what ordinance they are dropping. Can you?

The word is "ordnance" and the graphic is a radar tracking signature.
It fails to prove what is being alleged.
The US shared its intelligence with all of its allies and not one of them expressed any doubt about Assad's guilt and all of them supported the attack but you and Ron Paul are arguing that since the government didn't share its intelligence with CNN, Assad was probably innocent.
Guess we can add Trump to that list?
First Syria, now he is sending warships to Korean peninsula?
Goddamnit. This is a complete 180 from what he said. American people are tired of this shit!!
Well we know from the Frontline presentation that (1) Trump has always been an aggressive person, (2) Trump was a bully as a child, (3) Trump was placed in military boarding school by his father, and (4) Trump has used bullying as a means of doing big business in real estate and it worked for him.

No reason to suspect that a leopard will change his spots anytime soon.

In terms of aggressiveness Trump is probably the most aggressive POTUS the USA has had since LBJ. Whether Trump will turn out more or less than LBJ has yet to be seen.

We have had aggressive POTUS's before -- Lincoln obviously. Andrew Jackson as well.
Can you zoom in, I can't see what ordinance they are dropping. Can you?

The word is "ordnance" and the graphic is a radar tracking signature.
It fails to prove what is being alleged.
The US shared its intelligence with all of its allies and not one of them expressed any doubt about Assad's guilt and all of them supported the attack but you and Ron Paul are arguing that since the government didn't share its intelligence with CNN, Assad was probably innocent.
Innocent until proven guilty. We believe that in America don't we.
main thing that concerns me is that Trump is being approved on the syria gassing by all the rinos who are not America first type people .
I watched the Sunday shows yesterday and they're all chomping at the bit to take this and run with it. When they start with the "So Syrian people can live in peace" I know we're in trouble. I've heard THAT one before--WAR is for PEACE. Fortunately, the entire administration is not saying that yet (although Tillerson seemed to agree with Haley about Assad). As Easy pointed out, we already are kinda involved in a war in Syria (ala supporting Syrian fighters fighting ISIS) although not AGAINST Syria. Looking down the road, no one sees how peace can be negotiated in that country with Assad at the helm, so they believe the only way to end this is to get him out at some point. However, it should NOT be America's job to do that. The countries in the Middle East have a lot more at stake in that than we do, as does Europe due to the refugee problem. Let them put their foot forward and handle that.
Yet we created the refugee problem when we removed Saddam and allowed Iraq to break into sectarian groups.
Water under the bridge now. I am thoroughly opposed to stopping Syrian refugees from coming to this country, at least partly because of that.
Guess we can add Trump to that list?
First Syria, now he is sending warships to Korean peninsula?
Goddamnit. This is a complete 180 from what he said. American people are tired of this shit!!

He did not flip flop-----his message re military was-------as I understood it------
was -------either no or minimal BOOTS ON THE GROUND -------and AMERICA
FIRST which, as I undertood it was THE USA WILL DO WHAT IT MUST DO
IN THE INTERESTINS OF THE USA---------IMO----breaking the AXIS (iran, Russia,
"if you bomb Syria, it would be like bombing Russia" or something to that effect.
"we take care of everyone" or something to that effect.
Hell, he ran against Clintons war mongering policy. Don't give me that mess!

try to be brave, tinman
What does my bravery have to do with his integrity and possible war?

His act was one of BRAVERY and INTEGRITY------and will not MANUFACTURE
a war. ----------the issue is the use of poison gases on civilian populations----or even the use of poison gases as a custom-------poison gases are weapons of MASS DESTRUCTION and a HUGE THREAT to the USA
The US (BHO) has/had drawn a red line on nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons.

DJ Trump was only enforcing the red line.

Syria was a perfect target because they cannot strike back.

Tillerson is now hammering Russia as either complicit or inept at not suppressing Syria's chemical weapons.

This is just starting to get interesting.

It will be embarrassing for Putin either way -- whether complicit or inept.
main thing that concerns me is that Trump is being approved on the syria gassing by all the rinos who are not America first type people .
I watched the Sunday shows yesterday and they're all chomping at the bit to take this and run with it. When they start with the "So Syrian people can live in peace" I know we're in trouble. I've heard THAT one before--WAR is for PEACE. Fortunately, the entire administration is not saying that yet (although Tillerson seemed to agree with Haley about Assad). As Easy pointed out, we already are kinda involved in a war in Syria (ala supporting Syrian fighters fighting ISIS) although not AGAINST Syria. Looking down the road, no one sees how peace can be negotiated in that country with Assad at the helm, so they believe the only way to end this is to get him out at some point. However, it should NOT be America's job to do that. The countries in the Middle East have a lot more at stake in that than we do, as does Europe due to the refugee problem. Let them put their foot forward and handle that.
Yet we created the refugee problem when we removed Saddam and allowed Iraq to break into sectarian groups.
Water under the bridge now. I am thoroughly opposed to stopping Syrian refugees from coming to this country, at least partly because of that.
Well it's not water under the bridge to countries like Sweden, and who Trump now claims don't spend enough money on defense.

Look, I don't like W. But to some degree at least Iraq was stabilized, although with horrible cost to both them and us. Obama was elected on a promise to get the hell out. And we did. And the place erupted, ISIS emerged, the refugee crises insured, and civil war rages in Syria. This isn't some poker game where we just redeal a new hand. We're not Pontius Pilate just washing our hands.
Can you zoom in, I can't see what ordinance they are dropping. Can you?

The word is "ordnance" and the graphic is a radar tracking signature.
It fails to prove what is being alleged.
The US shared its intelligence with all of its allies and not one of them expressed any doubt about Assad's guilt and all of them supported the attack but you and Ron Paul are arguing that since the government didn't share its intelligence with CNN, Assad was probably innocent.
Innocent until proven guilty. We believe that in America don't we.
Exactly, America and all its allies believe Assad's guilt has been proved.
ndeed. All americans are at risk over chemical/missile attacks that happen on the other side of the world. Thanks for clarifying!

What don't you get about the fact that if internationally outlawed chemical weapons are used commonly it endangers everybody everywhere, including us.

If there weren't repercussions for their use, these WMD's would be proliferate and despots would happily begin committing genocide against their citizens and neighbors. It would get totally out of control very quickly.

So yes, the use of chemical and/or biological weapons anywhere would pose a national security threat to the U.S. and the world.

You really do need to step away from Ron and Rand Paul. Their isolationist and extreme libertarian views would make America vulnerable.

National Isolationism in the 1930's didn't work out so well. It left us vulnerable and Japan took advantage of it. And as we learned from Pearl Harbor, oceans are no longer a shield against attack.

The only thing that has changed since pre-WWII is the calendar. Rouge nations are still looking for openings they can find to exploit each other's security. When one is found against a real or perceived, enemy, they can, and will, use it.
main thing that concerns me is that Trump is being approved on the syria gassing by all the rinos who are not America first type people .
I watched the Sunday shows yesterday and they're all chomping at the bit to take this and run with it. When they start with the "So Syrian people can live in peace" I know we're in trouble. I've heard THAT one before--WAR is for PEACE. Fortunately, the entire administration is not saying that yet (although Tillerson seemed to agree with Haley about Assad). As Easy pointed out, we already are kinda involved in a war in Syria (ala supporting Syrian fighters fighting ISIS) although not AGAINST Syria. Looking down the road, no one sees how peace can be negotiated in that country with Assad at the helm, so they believe the only way to end this is to get him out at some point. However, it should NOT be America's job to do that. The countries in the Middle East have a lot more at stake in that than we do, as does Europe due to the refugee problem. Let them put their foot forward and handle that.
Yet we created the refugee problem when we removed Saddam and allowed Iraq to break into sectarian groups.
Water under the bridge now. I am thoroughly opposed to stopping Syrian refugees from coming to this country, at least partly because of that.
Well it's not water under the bridge to countries like Sweden, and who Trump now claims don't spend enough money on defense.

Look, I don't like W. But to some degree at least Iraq was stabilized, although with horrible cost to both them and us. Obama was elected on a promise to get the hell out. And we did. And the place erupted, ISIS emerged, the refugee crises insured, and civil war rages in Syria. This isn't some poker game where we just redeal a new hand. We're not Pontius Pilate just washing our hands.
What is your point? Pontius Pilate played poker of we killed Jesus in the missile attack?
ndeed. All americans are at risk over chemical/missile attacks that happen on the other side of the world. Thanks for clarifying!

What don't you get about the fact that if internationally outlawed chemical weapons are used commonly it endangers everybody everywhere, including us.

If there weren't repercussions for their use, these WMD's would be proliferate and despots would happily begin committing genocide against their citizens and neighbors. It would get totally out of control very quickly.

So yes, the use of chemical and/or biological weapons anywhere would pose a national security threat to the U.S. and the world.

You really do need to step away from Ron and Rand Paul. Their isolationist and extreme libertarian views would make America vulnerable.

National Isolationism in the 1930's didn't work out so well. It left us vulnerable and Japan took advantage of it. And as we learned from Pearl Harbor, oceans are no longer a shield against attack.

The only thing that has changed since pre-WWII is the calendar. Rouge nations are still looking for openings they can find to exploit each other's security. When one is found against a real or perceived, enemy, they can, and will, use it.
lol well..
Might want to rethink that
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main thing that concerns me is that Trump is being approved on the syria gassing by all the rinos who are not America first type people .
I watched the Sunday shows yesterday and they're all chomping at the bit to take this and run with it. When they start with the "So Syrian people can live in peace" I know we're in trouble. I've heard THAT one before--WAR is for PEACE. Fortunately, the entire administration is not saying that yet (although Tillerson seemed to agree with Haley about Assad). As Easy pointed out, we already are kinda involved in a war in Syria (ala supporting Syrian fighters fighting ISIS) although not AGAINST Syria. Looking down the road, no one sees how peace can be negotiated in that country with Assad at the helm, so they believe the only way to end this is to get him out at some point. However, it should NOT be America's job to do that. The countries in the Middle East have a lot more at stake in that than we do, as does Europe due to the refugee problem. Let them put their foot forward and handle that.
Yet we created the refugee problem when we removed Saddam and allowed Iraq to break into sectarian groups.
Water under the bridge now. I am thoroughly opposed to stopping Syrian refugees from coming to this country, at least partly because of that.
main thing that concerns me is that Trump is being approved on the syria gassing by all the rinos who are not America first type people .
I watched the Sunday shows yesterday and they're all chomping at the bit to take this and run with it. When they start with the "So Syrian people can live in peace" I know we're in trouble. I've heard THAT one before--WAR is for PEACE. Fortunately, the entire administration is not saying that yet (although Tillerson seemed to agree with Haley about Assad). As Easy pointed out, we already are kinda involved in a war in Syria (ala supporting Syrian fighters fighting ISIS) although not AGAINST Syria. Looking down the road, no one sees how peace can be negotiated in that country with Assad at the helm, so they believe the only way to end this is to get him out at some point. However, it should NOT be America's job to do that. The countries in the Middle East have a lot more at stake in that than we do, as does Europe due to the refugee problem. Let them put their foot forward and handle that.
Yet we created the refugee problem when we removed Saddam and allowed Iraq to break into sectarian groups.
Water under the bridge now. I am thoroughly opposed to stopping Syrian refugees from coming to this country, at least partly because of that.
Well it's not water under the bridge to countries like Sweden, and who Trump now claims don't spend enough money on defense.

Look, I don't like W. But to some degree at least Iraq was stabilized, although with horrible cost to both them and us. Obama was elected on a promise to get the hell out. And we did. And the place erupted, ISIS emerged, the refugee crises insured, and civil war rages in Syria. This isn't some poker game where we just redeal a new hand. We're not Pontius Pilate just washing our hands.
What is your point? Pontius Pilate played poker of we killed Jesus in the missile attack?

ndeed. All americans are at risk over chemical/missile attacks that happen on the other side of the world. Thanks for clarifying!

What don't you get about the fact that if internationally outlawed chemical weapons are used commonly it endangers everybody everywhere, including us.

If there weren't repercussions for their use, these WMD's would be proliferate and despots would happily begin committing genocide against their citizens and neighbors. It would get totally out of control very quickly.

So yes, the use of chemical and/or biological weapons anywhere would pose a national security threat to the U.S. and the world.

You really do need to step away from Ron and Rand Paul. Their isolationist and extreme libertarian views would make America vulnerable.

National Isolationism in the 1930's didn't work out so well. It left us vulnerable and Japan took advantage of it. And as we learned from Pearl Harbor, oceans are no longer a shield against attack.

The only thing that has changed since pre-WWII is the calendar. Rouge nations are still looking for openings they can find to exploit each other's security. When one is found against a real or perceived, enemy, they can, and will, use it.
lol well..

Ok, genius, tell us why you believe WMD use in Syria DOESN'T pose a treat to us, or anybody else.
Can you zoom in, I can't see what ordinance they are dropping. Can you?

The word is "ordnance" and the graphic is a radar tracking signature.
It fails to prove what is being alleged.
The US shared its intelligence with all of its allies and not one of them expressed any doubt about Assad's guilt and all of them supported the attack but you and Ron Paul are arguing that since the government didn't share its intelligence with CNN, Assad was probably innocent.
Innocent until proven guilty. We believe that in America don't we.
Exactly, America and all its allies believe Assad's guilt has been proved.
You're kidding, our allies support US objectives. Shocking.
Guess we can add Trump to that list?
First Syria, now he is sending warships to Korean peninsula?
Goddamnit. This is a complete 180 from what he said. American people are tired of this shit!!
As I stated BEFORE the primaries were over.

Trump is no conservative. Trump is no republican. Trump was a charlatan. He said what people wanted to hear. People like Walker & Webb said what people needed to hear. Trump was a lifelong democrat until he saw an opening for himself.

Americans were EXTREMELY stupid but this is where we are now.
Things are much more complex than most ever realize. Reality can be a bitch.
I'm sorry but I disagree. Trump was always talking out both sides of his mouth on the use of military. The fact that he is warmongering now is not really that big a surprise.

And since most of the country agrees with his actions on Syria he isn't really losing points with it. I've seen die hard anti trumpets praising him for his action.

I oppose involvement in Syria and I'm not sure how I feel about n Korea but i don't find any of this surprising.

I agree. Reality is much more complicated. I wish it was simpler
main thing that concerns me is that Trump is being approved on the syria gassing by all the rinos who are not America first type people .
I watched the Sunday shows yesterday and they're all chomping at the bit to take this and run with it. When they start with the "So Syrian people can live in peace" I know we're in trouble. I've heard THAT one before--WAR is for PEACE. Fortunately, the entire administration is not saying that yet (although Tillerson seemed to agree with Haley about Assad). As Easy pointed out, we already are kinda involved in a war in Syria (ala supporting Syrian fighters fighting ISIS) although not AGAINST Syria. Looking down the road, no one sees how peace can be negotiated in that country with Assad at the helm, so they believe the only way to end this is to get him out at some point. However, it should NOT be America's job to do that. The countries in the Middle East have a lot more at stake in that than we do, as does Europe due to the refugee problem. Let them put their foot forward and handle that.
Yet we created the refugee problem when we removed Saddam and allowed Iraq to break into sectarian groups.
Water under the bridge now. I am thoroughly opposed to stopping Syrian refugees from coming to this country, at least partly because of that.
Well it's not water under the bridge to countries like Sweden, and who Trump now claims don't spend enough money on defense.

Look, I don't like W. But to some degree at least Iraq was stabilized, although with horrible cost to both them and us. Obama was elected on a promise to get the hell out. And we did. And the place erupted, ISIS emerged, the refugee crises insured, and civil war rages in Syria. This isn't some poker game where we just redeal a new hand. We're not Pontius Pilate just washing our hands.
Iraq isn't the place we're discussing, though. We have paid for our mistakes there and I agree we should continue to support Iraq to the extent they wish it, even after ISIS is pushed out. But Syria is another kettle of fish, isn't it? We created no vacuum there; Assad had the reins when ISIS took hold there. That had nothing to do with us, unless you insist on taking full responsibility for ISIS everywhere in the world, which is a bit crazy, imo.

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