
I don't think it is Trump's fault we are on the brink of war with two nations (Syria and NK) backed by the major players (Russia and China) in the world. This has been coming a long time.
Sure, Trump could have continued to ignore Assad's use of chemical weapons. The majority of the world was happy we didn't ignore it; your question is, why didn't THEY send missiles--why US? They apparently don't have warships with Tomahawks available in the Med. to make a targeted strike in a limited way without endangering personnel. That's what happens when we are the boys with the toys, I think.
This was inevitable. Obama kicked the can down the road for eight years.
It's not Trump's fault this landed in his lap. All he and we can do is deal with the mess in our laps. It will not go away if we ignore it. North Korea HAS the missiles and the nukes to make a nuclear attack on Japan or South Korea (or our warships). It will not stop because we close our eyes some more. The war in Syria is not going to wind down anytime soon, either, although I don't see the pressing urgency there that I do with NK.
Those 'warships' visit the Korean Peninsula regularly. Nothing new.
Guess we can add Trump to that list?
First Syria, now he is sending warships to Korean peninsula?
Goddamnit. This is a complete 180 from what he said. American people are tired of this shit!!
Maybe those countries will pay us for their defense. Didn't he make that promise as well?
Those 'warships' visit the Korean Peninsula regularly. Nothing new.
Guess we can add Trump to that list?
First Syria, now he is sending warships to Korean peninsula?
Goddamnit. This is a complete 180 from what he said. American people are tired of this shit!!
They are turning them around to send them there. They are doing it as a direct message.
Whats weird is, kimmy likes to shoot missiles in the ocean. Hope he doesn't aim for one of our ships! I would say he isn't that stupid, but I cant... lol
He did not flip flop-----his message re military was-------as I understood it------
was -------either no or minimal BOOTS ON THE GROUND -------and AMERICA
FIRST which, as I undertood it was THE USA WILL DO WHAT IT MUST DO
IN THE INTERESTINS OF THE USA---------IMO----breaking the AXIS (iran, Russia,
"if you bomb Syria, it would be like bombing Russia" or something to that effect.
"we take care of everyone" or something to that effect.
Hell, he ran against Clintons war mongering policy. Don't give me that mess!

try to be brave, tinman
What does my bravery have to do with his integrity and possible war?

His act was one of BRAVERY and INTEGRITY------and will not MANUFACTURE
a war. ----------the issue is the use of poison gases on civilian populations----or even the use of poison gases as a custom-------poison gases are weapons of MASS DESTRUCTION and a HUGE THREAT to the USA
Its not a threat to us, its a threat to the people that live in that country.
Have you got some more proof assad did it? All I have seen is radar tracking and even Mattis still wouldn't admit it was assad...

I agree that there is no PROOF that it was a assad-------it came out of the
CAMP OF ASSAD------the logic being that it was the enemys of assad who
were gassed and it is the camp of assad that has access to endless stores of
IRAQI chemical weapons. Isis does not have the stuff or an airforce-------
"rebel forces" are not bombing "rebel forces"
"if you bomb Syria, it would be like bombing Russia" or something to that effect.
"we take care of everyone" or something to that effect.
Hell, he ran against Clintons war mongering policy. Don't give me that mess!

try to be brave, tinman
What does my bravery have to do with his integrity and possible war?

His act was one of BRAVERY and INTEGRITY------and will not MANUFACTURE
a war. ----------the issue is the use of poison gases on civilian populations----or even the use of poison gases as a custom-------poison gases are weapons of MASS DESTRUCTION and a HUGE THREAT to the USA
Its not a threat to us, its a threat to the people that live in that country.
Have you got some more proof assad did it? All I have seen is radar tracking and even Mattis still wouldn't admit it was assad...

I agree that there is no PROOF that it was a assad-------it came out of the
CAMP OF ASSAD------the logic being that it was the enemys of assad who
were gassed and it is the camp of assad that has access to endless stores of
IRAQI chemical weapons. Isis does not have the stuff or an airforce-------
"rebel forces" are not bombing "rebel forces"
ISIS has chemical weapons. They have used them dozens of times. They also have been seen with helicopters.
Reports are out about them training fighter pilots as well. But idk
Guess we can add Trump to that list?
First Syria, now he is sending warships to Korean peninsula?
Goddamnit. This is a complete 180 from what he said. American people are tired of this shit!!
---------------------------------------- agree FULLY with you concerning 'syria' and the supposed gassing but i think that he has got to go after the norks , iran and maybe 'china' . And so far all he is doing with the USA Warships arriving at norks doorstep is acceptable to me TNHarley .
try to be brave, tinman
What does my bravery have to do with his integrity and possible war?

His act was one of BRAVERY and INTEGRITY------and will not MANUFACTURE
a war. ----------the issue is the use of poison gases on civilian populations----or even the use of poison gases as a custom-------poison gases are weapons of MASS DESTRUCTION and a HUGE THREAT to the USA
Its not a threat to us, its a threat to the people that live in that country.
Have you got some more proof assad did it? All I have seen is radar tracking and even Mattis still wouldn't admit it was assad...

I agree that there is no PROOF that it was a assad-------it came out of the
CAMP OF ASSAD------the logic being that it was the enemys of assad who
were gassed and it is the camp of assad that has access to endless stores of
IRAQI chemical weapons. Isis does not have the stuff or an airforce-------
"rebel forces" are not bombing "rebel forces"
ISIS has chemical weapons. They have used them dozens of times. They also have been seen with helicopters.
Reports are out about them training fighter pilots as well. But idk

the TARGET-----is the issue. They targeted themselves?
I don't think it is Trump's fault we are on the brink of war with two nations (Syria and NK) backed by the major players (Russia and China) in the world.

No offense meant whatsoever; however, 'ON THE BRINK OF WAR'?

Many have the opinion that we are 'ON THE BRINK OF WAR' with Syria based on the acknowledgement that the last President refused to go before Congress and request the authorization to Constitutionally go to war with Syria. The truth - the FACT - is the United States is engaged in a very real war with / in Syria. We have been engaged in combat in and against Syria for a 'long' time. There are US combat Troops on the ground inside of Syria's borders - troops that were never requested by Syria's leader and were never Constitutionally authorized by Congress to be there. That basically means there is a U.S. Invasion Force (others might call a 'Liberation Force' or whatever...) fighting inside of another country.
-- Air Strikes
-- Missile Strikes
-- US Combat Forces inside Syria

...and someone is seriously going to try to argue the US is not fighting a war IN / WITH Syria right now?

2. Korean War
Technically the Korean War is not over. A peace treaty was never signed - an Armistice was called for / established. An Armistice is basically a 'Cease fire'. So, again, technically, the United States/S. Korea are still at war' with North Korea.
What does my bravery have to do with his integrity and possible war?

His act was one of BRAVERY and INTEGRITY------and will not MANUFACTURE
a war. ----------the issue is the use of poison gases on civilian populations----or even the use of poison gases as a custom-------poison gases are weapons of MASS DESTRUCTION and a HUGE THREAT to the USA
Its not a threat to us, its a threat to the people that live in that country.
Have you got some more proof assad did it? All I have seen is radar tracking and even Mattis still wouldn't admit it was assad...

I agree that there is no PROOF that it was a assad-------it came out of the
CAMP OF ASSAD------the logic being that it was the enemys of assad who
were gassed and it is the camp of assad that has access to endless stores of
IRAQI chemical weapons. Isis does not have the stuff or an airforce-------
"rebel forces" are not bombing "rebel forces"
ISIS has chemical weapons. They have used them dozens of times. They also have been seen with helicopters.
Reports are out about them training fighter pilots as well. But idk

the TARGET-----is the issue. They targeted themselves?
Im not sure what you are referring to, but I wouldn't doubt it. They strap bombs to their own children.
I don't think it is Trump's fault we are on the brink of war with two nations (Syria and NK) backed by the major players (Russia and China) in the world.

No offense meant whatsoever; however, 'ON THE BRINK OF WAR'?

Many have the opinion that we are 'ON THE BRINK OF WAR' with Syria based on the acknowledgement that the last President refused to go before Congress and request the authorization to Constitutionally go to war with Syria. The truth - the FACT - is the United States is engaged in a very real war with / in Syria. We have been engaged in combat in and against Syria for a 'long' time. There are US combat Troops on the ground inside of Syria's borders - troops that were never requested by Syria's leader and were never Constitutionally authorized by Congress to be there. That basically means there is a U.S. Invasion Force (others might call a 'Liberation Force' or whatever...) fighting inside of another country.
-- Air Strikes
-- Missile Strikes
-- US Combat Forces inside Syria

...and someone is seriously going to try to argue the US is not fighting a war IN / WITH Syria right now?

2. Korean War
Technically the Korean War is not over. A peace treaty was never signed - an Armistice was called for / established. An Armistice is basically a 'Cease fire'. So, again, technically, the United States/S. Korea are still at war' with North Korea.

the USA military is actually in the midst of a recognized war------THE WAR ON
During the campaign The Donald promised he was going to "bomb the hell out of ISIS" and not give them and their assorted supporters weapons like Obama and Crooked Hillary did. He never said he would not use the military when it helps makes America great again.
Those 'warships' visit the Korean Peninsula regularly. Nothing new.
Guess we can add Trump to that list?
First Syria, now he is sending warships to Korean peninsula?
Goddamnit. This is a complete 180 from what he said. American people are tired of this shit!!
Those 'warships' visit the Korean Peninsula regularly. Nothing new.
The Carl Vinson group was turned from it's scheduled course, to go to off coast NOKO.

That IS new.
During the campaign The Donald promised he was going to "bomb the hell out of ISIS" and not give them and their assorted supporters weapons like Obama and Crooked Hillary did. He never said he would not use the military when it helps makes America great again.
That is one thing that makes me happy with his foreign policy.
Breaking from a decades long tradition of arming/training terrorists. At least as far as we know..
Hopefully he wont start. He still has a while to go.
Notice how many of the Trumpbots are obediently doing the 180 WITH Trump,

their Pied Piper?

In fairness, there do seem to be a few who cobbled together enough independently functioning brain cells to stick to their own principles, such as they are,

and voice some plaintive disagreement with the Master.
I agree that there is no PROOF that it was a assad-------it came out of the
CAMP OF ASSAD------the logic being that it was the enemys of assad who
were gassed and it is the camp of assad that has access to endless stores of
IRAQI chemical weapons. Isis does not have the stuff or an airforce-------
"rebel forces" are not bombing "rebel forces"

The aircraft that dispensed the chemical weapons took off from and returned to an Assad-controlled airbase. ISIS did not fly that plane off on and back onto an Assad-held airbase.

Chemical weapons were used - THAT means both Syria and Russia are in violation of the treaty they agreed to with President Obama.
-- Even if ISIS or an ISIS Sympathizer took over the base OR somehow snuck on/loaded up the chemical weapons/dispense the gas/landed back at the base THERE STILL SHOULD HAVE BEEN NO CHEMICAL WEAPONS TO USE, which means Syria/Russia STILL violated the Treaty.

Every bit of logic / common sense (on top of whatever other evidence they have / had but we are not privy to)points to Syria being at fault / sharing responsibility for the chemical weapons attack.
In fairness, there do seem to be a few who cobbled together enough independently functioning brain cells to stick to their own principles, such as they are, and voice some plaintive disagreement with the Master.

So while praising Conservatives for being independent-minded, you are declaring them to only be so if they agree with snowflakes who disagree with their leaders - like Schumer and Pelosi, who support the strike?! Interesting
main thing that concerns me is that Trump is being approved on the syria gassing by all the rinos who are not America first type people .

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