Warning: Very Bad Gang Members and Drug Dealers Are Coming From Bahamas


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
Trump says US must be 'careful' about admitting people from Bahamas

"President Trump said Monday that the United States needs to be “careful” in making sure everyone entering the country from the Bahamas has proper documentation, suggesting dangerous individuals could sneak into the U.S. along with those seeking refuge following Hurricane Dorian."

We definitely do not need anymore violent thugs and drug dealers coming into our country from these shit hole places; besides its not like the whole island of the Bahamas got hit, why not make those subhuman animals remain on their own island. Trump was right to be concerned about gang members and drug dealers trying to sneak back in the U.S. using the hurricane as an excuse to expand their criminal activities back in the US where they escaped from previously.

100 potentially violent thugs were kicked off a boat headed for Florida yesterday for not having the proper documentation, the media tried to blame this on Trump just because Trump said "..everybody needs totally proper documentation. Because look, the Bahamas has some tremendous problems with people going to the Bahamas who weren’t supposed to be there" -- but the Trump admin had nothing to do with why the operator of that ferry kicked off those people, but they still did the right thing regardless....less shithole people to worry about.....now if only we can deport the other inferior blacks out of our country
Have you ever been to the Bahama's? The people are too laid back to have "very bad gang members". LOL

"Hey, come over here so I can rob you" LOL
OP thinks he's clever lol.

How sad is it that you have to pretend to agree with Trump to mock Trump?

The name Biff suits you...
Trump says US must be 'careful' about admitting people from Bahamas

"President Trump said Monday that the United States needs to be “careful” in making sure everyone entering the country from the Bahamas has proper documentation, suggesting dangerous individuals could sneak into the U.S. along with those seeking refuge following Hurricane Dorian."

We definitely do not need anymore violent thugs and drug dealers coming into our country from these shit hole places; besides its not like the whole island of the Bahamas got hit, why not make those subhuman animals remain on their own island. Trump was right to be concerned about gang members and drug dealers trying to sneak back in the U.S. using the hurricane as an excuse to expand their criminal activities back in the US where they escaped from previously.

100 potentially violent thugs were kicked off a boat headed for Florida yesterday for not having the proper documentation, the media tried to blame this on Trump just because Trump said "..everybody needs totally proper documentation. Because look, the Bahamas has some tremendous problems with people going to the Bahamas who weren’t supposed to be there" -- but the Trump admin had nothing to do with why the operator of that ferry kicked off those people, but they still did the right thing regardless....less shithole people to worry about.....now if only we can deport the other inferior blacks out of our country

Maybe the Clinton Foundation can do for the Bahamas what they did for Haiti?
Trump says US must be 'careful' about admitting people from Bahamas

"President Trump said Monday that the United States needs to be “careful” in making sure everyone entering the country from the Bahamas has proper documentation, suggesting dangerous individuals could sneak into the U.S. along with those seeking refuge following Hurricane Dorian."

We definitely do not need anymore violent thugs and drug dealers coming into our country from these shit hole places; besides its not like the whole island of the Bahamas got hit, why not make those subhuman animals remain on their own island. Trump was right to be concerned about gang members and drug dealers trying to sneak back in the U.S. using the hurricane as an excuse to expand their criminal activities back in the US where they escaped from previously.

100 potentially violent thugs were kicked off a boat headed for Florida yesterday for not having the proper documentation, the media tried to blame this on Trump just because Trump said "..everybody needs totally proper documentation. Because look, the Bahamas has some tremendous problems with people going to the Bahamas who weren’t supposed to be there" -- but the Trump admin had nothing to do with why the operator of that ferry kicked off those people, but they still did the right thing regardless....less shithole people to worry about.....now if only we can deport the other inferior blacks out of our country
Whattaguy. So proud he's our leader.
Where is the frickin Queen. It’s her fricken country. Why aren’t they sailing to England?
OP thinks he's clever lol.

How sad is it that you have to pretend to agree with Trump to mock Trump?

The name Biff suits you...
There is no "think I am clever" to it.....I am clever....

Why do you feel simply repeating Trump's own words mocks him?? How sad...

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