Warren On The Warpath


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
Elizabeth Warren is starting to campaign outside her jurisdiction. This is normally what President wannabes do.

Sen. Warren to campaign for Tennant in W.Va.

U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren will campaign for Natalie Tennant in West Virginia next month in a push to keep a Democratic Senate seat.

Warren will accompany Tennant in the Eastern Panhandle on July 14 as she rolls out an education agenda.

Recently, Warren led a charge to refinance some student loans by setting minimum tax rates on people making more than $1 million. Senate Republicans blocked the measure, which Democrats have focused on as a pocketbook issue.

Warren is hardly an exact match for Appalachia. Both Republicans and Democrats, including Tennant, largely oppose President Barack Obama’s plans to limit carbon emissions from the coal industry. Warren has supported them.

But wait, there's more!

Elizabeth Warren to campaign in Kentucky for Alison Lundergan Grimes

Democratic Senate candidate Alison Lundergan Grimes said Thursday that U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., will campaign in Kentucky against Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Republicans appeared to welcome Warren, noting her rock-star status with liberals and her positions on coal and guns.

Warren seemed eager to join Grimes in her mission to unseat McConnell as he goes for a sixth term, in part as a way to exact a measure of political revenge for McConnell's leadership among Republicans on Wednesday in blocking a bill that dealt with refinancing student loan interest rates.

West Virginia. Kentucky. A Northeastern liberal making the rounds through the Southern voting bloc.


Definitely making all the moves of a 2016 Presidential candidate. Or someone who wants Harry Reid's Majority Leader office under a President Clinton. Both people she is stumping for are female US Senate candidates.

She's clever. I'll give her that.
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Normally the president or vice president would be doing such things in order to try and help in the mid-terms. However since they deem this senator as some type of "progressive" star they send her instead. As Obama or Biden would not help things in this region.
Maybe Hillary is not the lock everyone seems to think....
Lizzie warming up in the bullpen?

Looks kind of that way.

Senators are superdelegates, and Warren is campaigning for two Senate candidates in crucial battles.

If Clinton implodes, it will be Warren v. Biden. Biden still has a lot of friends in the Senate since he served there for so long. Warren may be trying to erode that.
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Look for buzz which hints at a revival of "Clinton fatigue" to start humming.
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If a Democratic primary was between Clinton and Warren, I wonder which one Rush would be launching Operation Chaos II against.
Pocahontas has been drinking the Firewater again, if she thinks she has a rat's chance in hell of ever being elected president.

More likely, they mean to use her as a prop...a sure enough left-wing loon...to make Bill Clinton's bogus wife appear more palatable to moderates.
Warren is getting her name attached to actual issues. Wall Street malfeasance, student tuition, taxes.

No one has heard Clinton doing the same.

All Clinton has going for her at the moment is name recognition, but slow and easy will win the race if Warren is building plans and solutions for actual issues, and making friends and allies at the same time.

She's very clever. This sure does look like a Presidential start-up operation. It looks, walks, and quacks like one.
:popcorn: OH yeah...Bitch Fight! :eusa_clap:

Yeah. If Clinton even begins to suspect Warren is gunning for the top spot, you can bet it is going to get ugly really fast. Clinton fights very dirty. The birther movement was conceived in her belly. She'll have the tards in the right wing doing her dirty work for her like they did for her in 2008. "Fauxcahontas" will only be the beginning.
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Yep. She's way more liberal than me, but given the TPM .... she actually proposes policy. She's smarter than me too. LOL

She's also smarter than Obama, but Obama doesn't know that.
Didnt she say repeatedly she wouldn't run? Didnt all the libs here swear up and down she wasnt runniing?
Oh yeah, she's a liar. You can't truist anything that bitch says.
Warren is getting her name attached to actual issues. Wall Street malfeasance, student tuition, taxes.

No one has heard Clinton doing the same.

All Clinton has going for her at the moment is name recognition, but slow and easy will win the race if Warren is building plans and solutions for actual issues, and making friends and allies at the same time.

She's very clever. This sure does look like a Presidential start-up operation. It looks, walks, and quacks like one.

Hmmm, not so sure. Warren, I suspect, is going to be in the US Senate for a good, long time. She is good at it and she likes the job.

This is more an issue of a female politician helping out two female candidates.

I would say that it is pretty much 100% that West Virginia is a lost cause for the DEMS.

But in Kentucky and in Georgia, the Democratic Party has real chances of taking away two Senate seats from the Republicans.

And Hillary's numbers are not going to drop. They are much more likely to shoot up when she announces and then slowly drop back to the current levels, which is more than enough for her to win a large landslide in 2016.

Which is precisely what is going to happen.

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