Was Flynn entrapped?

Don't care what came out of the court today.............They set his ass up..............and everyone with half a brain cell knows it.

Or.....you don't now what the hell you're talking about. And are actively ignoring anything that contradicts what you want to believe.

I'll go with Flynn on Flynn's crimes over you citing your imagination.

As would everyone with 'half a brain cell'

You're far too generous if you think Skylar has even half brain cell.
Skylar was right and you twits were.....what's that phrase?

Batshit crazy?

And it took so little effort to just obliterate their entire cobbled together piece of batshit pseudo-legal conspiracy theory.

Apparently less than 'half a brain cell' to debunk the entire lot of them.
Don't care what came out of the court today.............They set his ass up..............and everyone with half a brain cell knows it.

Or.....you don't now what the hell you're talking about. And are actively ignoring anything that contradicts what you want to believe.

I'll go with Flynn on Flynn's crimes over you citing your imagination.

As would everyone with 'half a brain cell'

You're far too generous if you think Skylar has even half brain cell.
Skylar was right and you twits were.....what's that phrase?

Batshit crazy?

Hardly a surprise that you are an expert on Batshit.
Don't care what came out of the court today.............They set his ass up..............and everyone with half a brain cell knows it.

Or.....you don't now what the hell you're talking about. And are actively ignoring anything that contradicts what you want to believe.

I'll go with Flynn on Flynn's crimes over you citing your imagination.

As would everyone with 'half a brain cell'

You're far too generous if you think Skylar has even half brain cell.

Smiling......apparently that's all it takes to decimate all the silly arguments this thread could produce. With Flynn's own lawyers dismantling the entire premise of the thread today in court.

Sullivan immediately took aim at the notion of entrapment during Flynn’s sentencing hearing, saying he wondered if Flynn had really accepted responsibility for his crime, according to reporters in the courthouse. Responding to questions from Sullivan, Flynn said he knew that lying to the FBI was illegal and his lawyer said he wasn’t contending that Flynn needed to be reminded of that, nor that he needed to have a lawyer present, or that Flynn “was entrapped by the FBI.” Flynn reportedly affirmed several times that he was guilty of lying to the FBI.

In court, Mike Flynn walked back the suggestion he was tricked by the FBI

You guys just don't get how little effort it takes to just obliterate the silly stories you tell each other.

The judge has already walked back much of what he said. Flynn hasn't been sentenced yet; and the 302 has not been produced.

The judge only walked back talk of treason.

And Flynn wasn't sentenced.....to give him more time to help Mueller. And the 302 was produced.

Normal people see Flynn as the victim of enormous abuses of power by government officials. The fact that you are cheering this one indicates that you ignorantly believe that power will never be used against you. History is replete with examples that demonstrate how insanely stupid your belief system is.

Normal people don't try and excuse criminal behavior by felons.

I'm cheering law and order applied to an admitted and convicted criminal. You're, unsurprisingly, trying to justify criminal acts and excuse a man selling out his own country.

And you have to ignore Michael Flynn and Flynn's own attorney's to do it. That's not normal.

You sad little dweeb. This highlights how little Mueller's entrapment efforts yielded.

In RealityLand, normal people realize that Flynn was set up for a trap. And you Batshit Crazy Moonbats think it's just grand.
The judge has already walked back much of what he said.

The Judge walked back his treason comment...moron...

He also said he thought he just might impose a sentence on Flynn regardless of Mueller's recommendation

We will have to see what happens in the next three months
Still can’t wait to hear what Flynn had to offer
The judge has already walked back much of what he said.

The Judge walked back his treason comment...moron...

He also said he thought he just might impose a sentence on Flynn regardless of Mueller's recommendation

We will have to see what happens in the next three months
Still can’t wait to hear what Flynn had to offer

How sad that this is the biggest excitement in your life.

In RealityLand, if Flynn had anything that could be pinned on Trump, it would have leaked out of the corrupt parts of the DOJ by now.
boedicca, post: 21414429
Normal people see Flynn as the victim of enormous abuses of power by government officials.

So you are saying Flynn is not normal.

“Sullivan asked Flynn and his lawyers multiple times on Tuesday whether they wanted to challenge the circumstances of his conversation with the FBI that led to the charges or postpone his sentencing, BuzzFeed News reported.

“No, your honor,” Flynn responded.

Sullivan’s insistence was an apparent effort to make clear that Flynn was accepting his guilty plea because he was guilty, not because he felt he had been entrapped.”

Judge Unexpectedly Delays Michael Flynn Sentencing

The guy about whom you’ve attempted to promote the abuse of government power conspiracy theory for Trumpo’s sake has just spit in your eye.

Wake up, get a clue, we normal people are just fine. You deplorables are coming unglued because your great white hope and all those aligned with him are getting exactly what he deserves.
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Don't care what came out of the court today.............They set his ass up..............and everyone with half a brain cell knows it.
Yeah- Flynn repeated the same lie to reporters and Vice President Pence and then when the FBI came and talked with him- he made the same lie to the FBI.

So of course- it was a set up- the FBI should have prevented Flynn from repeating the same lie to them that he made to Pence.

Because that is how the bizarro mind of you Trumpkins works.
The judge has already walked back much of what he said.

The Judge walked back his treason comment...moron...

He also said he thought he just might impose a sentence on Flynn regardless of Mueller's recommendation

We will have to see what happens in the next three months
Still can’t wait to hear what Flynn had to offer

How sad that this is the biggest excitement in your life.

In RealityLand, if Flynn had anything that could be pinned on Trump, it would have leaked out of the corrupt parts of the DOJ by now.

In RealityLand nothing is getting leaks from Muehlers office.

I suspect that Flynn has offered some testimony against Trump- and when thtat does come out- all of you loyal Trumpkins will attack Flynn like crows attacking a white crow.
Or.....you don't now what the hell you're talking about. And are actively ignoring anything that contradicts what you want to believe.

I'll go with Flynn on Flynn's crimes over you citing your imagination.

As would everyone with 'half a brain cell'

You're far too generous if you think Skylar has even half brain cell.

Smiling......apparently that's all it takes to decimate all the silly arguments this thread could produce. With Flynn's own lawyers dismantling the entire premise of the thread today in court.

Sullivan immediately took aim at the notion of entrapment during Flynn’s sentencing hearing, saying he wondered if Flynn had really accepted responsibility for his crime, according to reporters in the courthouse. Responding to questions from Sullivan, Flynn said he knew that lying to the FBI was illegal and his lawyer said he wasn’t contending that Flynn needed to be reminded of that, nor that he needed to have a lawyer present, or that Flynn “was entrapped by the FBI.” Flynn reportedly affirmed several times that he was guilty of lying to the FBI.

In court, Mike Flynn walked back the suggestion he was tricked by the FBI

You guys just don't get how little effort it takes to just obliterate the silly stories you tell each other.

The judge has already walked back much of what he said. Flynn hasn't been sentenced yet; and the 302 has not been produced.

The judge only walked back talk of treason.

And Flynn wasn't sentenced.....to give him more time to help Mueller. And the 302 was produced.

Normal people see Flynn as the victim of enormous abuses of power by government officials. The fact that you are cheering this one indicates that you ignorantly believe that power will never be used against you. History is replete with examples that demonstrate how insanely stupid your belief system is.

Normal people don't try and excuse criminal behavior by felons.

I'm cheering law and order applied to an admitted and convicted criminal. You're, unsurprisingly, trying to justify criminal acts and excuse a man selling out his own country.

And you have to ignore Michael Flynn and Flynn's own attorney's to do it. That's not normal.

You sad little dweeb. This highlights how little Mueller's entrapment efforts yielded.

In RealityLand, normal people realize that Flynn was set up for a trap. And you Batshit Crazy Moonbats think it's just grand.
And what a trap it was!

Lets see- Flynn told reporters he had not spoken with the Russian Ambassador- and then Flynn told the Vice President the same lie.

The FBI heard what Flynn told reporters and heard what the VP repeated- and knew that those were lies- and went to Flynn and asked him about what he had said before. And Flynn repeated the same lies.

Remember- your own Lying Donnie fired Flynn for lying to Pence and the FBI.

Frankly if you really think that is the kind of set up that means a criminal should walk free- there are probably tens of thousands of convicted criminal behind bars based upon lies they told to police and FBI that the police and FBI knew were lies then- and you won't be going to bat for any of them.

Once you find out Flynn flipped on Lying Donnie you will go 180 degrees and declare Flynn a traitor and a liar. Guarantee it.
In RealityLand, if Flynn had anything that could be pinned on Trump, it would have leaked out of the corrupt parts of the DOJ by now.

I guess you missed it but Mueller doesn't leak. I have no idea where there "corrupt parts" are you speak of but the Mueller team does not share with anyone other than Rosenstein and (now) Whitaker possibly

Are you saying Whitaker is a leaker?
The governments tactics are pretty clear proof of what they did.

Their tactic of asking Flynn questions?

No their deception that they just wanted to have a low key conversation. They intentionally withheld it was an evidentiary interview where Flynn should have had a lawyer. I don't think judge Sullivan will look favorably on that.


A low key conversation that Flynn LIED to them at. With Flynn willfully and knowingly making materially false, ficticious and fraudulent statements to federal investigators. No one forced him to. He wasn't 'tricked' into lying his ass off. Flynn chose to.

And commited serious crimes in the process.

Ahd your babble about 'evidentiary interviews' is pseudo-legal gibberish. There's no requirement of a lawyer when federal investigators ask someone a few questions.

We'll see what the judge has to say about it after he reviews the memos, notes and 302s.


Well, this is what the judge said after reviewing the memos, notes and 302s.

All along, you were an unregistered agent of a foreign country while serving as the National Security Adviser to the President of the United States. That undermines everything this flag over here stands for. Arguably you sold your country out."

Sullivan says he could impose a sentence of incarceration.

"I am not hiding my disgust, my disdain for your criminal offense," Sullivan said, straining his voice and taking a brief pause. "Yes, your honor," Flynn said, though he was not asked a question.

Michael Flynn sentencing - CNNPolitics

Demonstrating elegantly what the 'legal analysis' of a truck driver is worth.

And now as they say, the rest of the story. The prosecution corrected the judge, that Flynn was not a foreign agent of Turkey while serving as the National Security Advisor. The the judge APOLOGIZED to Flynn for his inaccuracy. Damn you're not even a good propagandist.

Their tactic of asking Flynn questions?

No their deception that they just wanted to have a low key conversation. They intentionally withheld it was an evidentiary interview where Flynn should have had a lawyer. I don't think judge Sullivan will look favorably on that.


A low key conversation that Flynn LIED to them at. With Flynn willfully and knowingly making materially false, ficticious and fraudulent statements to federal investigators. No one forced him to. He wasn't 'tricked' into lying his ass off. Flynn chose to.

And commited serious crimes in the process.

Ahd your babble about 'evidentiary interviews' is pseudo-legal gibberish. There's no requirement of a lawyer when federal investigators ask someone a few questions.

We'll see what the judge has to say about it after he reviews the memos, notes and 302s.


Well, this is what the judge said after reviewing the memos, notes and 302s.

All along, you were an unregistered agent of a foreign country while serving as the National Security Adviser to the President of the United States. That undermines everything this flag over here stands for. Arguably you sold your country out."

Sullivan says he could impose a sentence of incarceration.

"I am not hiding my disgust, my disdain for your criminal offense," Sullivan said, straining his voice and taking a brief pause. "Yes, your honor," Flynn said, though he was not asked a question.

Michael Flynn sentencing - CNNPolitics

Demonstrating elegantly what the 'legal analysis' of a truck driver is worth.

And now as they say, the rest of the story. The prosecution corrected the judge, that Flynn was not a foreign agent of Turkey while serving as the National Security Advisor. The the judge APOLOGIZED to Flynn for his inaccuracy. Damn you're not even a good propagandist.

Speaking of not being a good propagandist- here is what you said originally their d

deception that they just wanted to have a low key conversation. They intentionally withheld it was an evidentiary interview where Flynn should have had a lawyer. I don't think judge Sullivan will look favorably on that.

Instead of course what Judge Sullivan did was express his disgust with Michael Flynn's criminal actions.

Judge Emmet Sullivan of the US District Court for the District of Columbia said he was “not hiding my disgust, my disdain for your criminal offense.”

“I want to be frank with you, this crime is very serious,” Sullivan said. “Not only did you lie to the FBI, you lied to senior officials in the incoming administration.”

And that is of course what Flynn did.
Flynn lied.
Flynn broke the law when he lied again to the FBI
So of course you blame the FBI.

Here is how easily Flynn could have avoided breaking the law- he could have told the truth.

But telling the truth is not something that comes naturally to the Trump administration.
Says you, citing your imagination. And the useless pseudo-legal idiocy that you tell yourself has no relevance to the actual law, the actual plea deal.

In the actual plea deal, Flynn stipulatesthat the Statement of Offense was accurate *under penalty of perjury*.

Its evidence in any court of law. That you pretend otherwise is meaningless. As you're nobody.
ROFL! That's why Mueller is a criminal. He forced Cohen to perjure himself. He should go to prison for that alone.

Mueller's a criminal....says you, citing your imagination. Mueller forced Cohen to perjure himself......says you, citing your imagination.

At every turn you just make shit up, backed by nothing. All while ignoring sworn testimony and plea agreements in which the defendant stipulates to the accuracy of the Statement of Offense under penalty of perjury.

Neither your imagination nor your willful ignorance have any relevance. As again.....you're nobody.
Almost everything you post is backed by nothing, dumbass.
Laughing....except the actual Miranda v. Arizona ruling which states that miranda warnings are required only when someone is in custody.

Miranda v. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436 (1966)

Which you ignore.

And of course, the actual Flynn plea agreement where the Statement of Offenses lays out the exact lies that Flynn told to federal investigators and the exact violations of the law those lies created. With Flynn stipulating in his "Defendant's Acceptance" that the Statement of Offenses is accurate under penalty of perjury.

Michael Flynn Plea Agreement Documents

Which you refuse to read.

See, that's the difference between us. I'm citing the law and the actual plea agreements. You're just citing yourself.
You were right about one thing. Other than that, you got bupkiss. "Sworn testimony" made with a gun to your head isn't worth jack shit.

The 'gun to your head' is imaginary. Again, you keep making shit up, backed by nothing. While ignoring the actual evidence. Like.....Flynn's plea agreement. You still refuse to even look at it. And then laughably inisist that if you won't look at it, its not evidence.

Good luck with that.

Apparently I only have to endure the next 1000 times you post on that subject.
Why not?

We have to endure the endless nonsense you post.
Flynn is so ashamed of what he did. Something most Republicans don't understand.
What is an FBI 302? The Problematic Nature of FBI Agents’ Interview Memos

A witness who was not represented by counsel during the interview cannot effectively challenge the accuracy of the 302. It becomes a witness-said/agent-said situation. And who is the jury going to believe? Two clean-cut FBI agents who insist the 302 is an accurate summary of what the witness said, or the witness?

In other words, a witness can be effectively coerced into testifying not to the truth of what happened but the “truth” as it was captured by the handwritten notes of an FBI agent. As explained above, the witness notes may not be accurate for all sorts of innocent reasons. It also may not be accurate because an FBI agent has a strong interest in finding evidence of a crime.

The only silver lining to this whole situation is that 302s that capture exculpatory statements about the defendant must be disclosed under Brady, and the government must disclose 302s for testifying witnesses under the Jencks Act. 302s are a very effective discovery tool when they are disclosed to the defense after indictment. After a long investigation, you can finally learn what the witnesses said (or what the FBI agents heard).

This silver lining only benefits the defendant, not poor Mr. McKinley, who is still stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Basically since Flynn didn't have witnesses...............the FBI agents like the lunatic Peter can write whatever he wants. Normally they are written the next day or within a month from their notes.........It is said done 7 months later which is BS............The Judge sees this shit.............and wants answers................knows it's a standard set up.............

The FBI likes the hand written because if they recorded the whole thing they could get nabbed themselves .......which is why Flynn should have had and attorney and forced this to be electronically recorded.....Now it's his word versus 2 FBI guys who don't have to write the 302 how it really went down.

The judge gave Flynn more time to allow him to vomit more information on his former criminal boss....

Michael Flynn sentencing delayed to allow more time for Mueller cooperation
No their deception that they just wanted to have a low key conversation. They intentionally withheld it was an evidentiary interview where Flynn should have had a lawyer. I don't think judge Sullivan will look favorably on that.


A low key conversation that Flynn LIED to them at. With Flynn willfully and knowingly making materially false, ficticious and fraudulent statements to federal investigators. No one forced him to. He wasn't 'tricked' into lying his ass off. Flynn chose to.

And commited serious crimes in the process.

Ahd your babble about 'evidentiary interviews' is pseudo-legal gibberish. There's no requirement of a lawyer when federal investigators ask someone a few questions.

We'll see what the judge has to say about it after he reviews the memos, notes and 302s.


Well, this is what the judge said after reviewing the memos, notes and 302s.

All along, you were an unregistered agent of a foreign country while serving as the National Security Adviser to the President of the United States. That undermines everything this flag over here stands for. Arguably you sold your country out."

Sullivan says he could impose a sentence of incarceration.

"I am not hiding my disgust, my disdain for your criminal offense," Sullivan said, straining his voice and taking a brief pause. "Yes, your honor," Flynn said, though he was not asked a question.

Michael Flynn sentencing - CNNPolitics

Demonstrating elegantly what the 'legal analysis' of a truck driver is worth.

And now as they say, the rest of the story. The prosecution corrected the judge, that Flynn was not a foreign agent of Turkey while serving as the National Security Advisor. The the judge APOLOGIZED to Flynn for his inaccuracy. Damn you're not even a good propagandist.

Speaking of not being a good propagandist- here is what you said originally their d

deception that they just wanted to have a low key conversation. They intentionally withheld it was an evidentiary interview where Flynn should have had a lawyer. I don't think judge Sullivan will look favorably on that.

Instead of course what Judge Sullivan did was express his disgust with Michael Flynn's criminal actions.

Judge Emmet Sullivan of the US District Court for the District of Columbia said he was “not hiding my disgust, my disdain for your criminal offense.”

“I want to be frank with you, this crime is very serious,” Sullivan said. “Not only did you lie to the FBI, you lied to senior officials in the incoming administration.”

And that is of course what Flynn did.
Flynn lied.
Flynn broke the law when he lied again to the FBI
So of course you blame the FBI.

Here is how easily Flynn could have avoided breaking the law- he could have told the truth.

But telling the truth is not something that comes naturally to the Trump administration.

What I said about Sullivan was totally accurate, he offered Flynn an opportunity to withdraw his plea multiple times. My question is who is Flynn still protecting, perhaps his son?
"Was Flynn entrapped?"


The notion that he was ‘entrapped’ is proven to be another rightwing lie – proven to be a lie by Flynn himself.

That the right is so desperate to defend a confessed felon by attacking the FBI and the perfectly appropriate, warranted, and Constitutional Mueller investigation is further evidence of just how reprehensible most conservatives are.
Don't care what came out of the court today.............They set his ass up..............and everyone with half a brain cell knows it.

Or.....you don't now what the hell you're talking about. And are actively ignoring anything that contradicts what you want to believe.

I'll go with Flynn on Flynn's crimes over you citing your imagination.

As would everyone with 'half a brain cell'
We ignore snowflake idiot spin. Mueller is holding a gun to Flynn's head, so nothing he says can be believed.
A low key conversation that Flynn LIED to them at. With Flynn willfully and knowingly making materially false, ficticious and fraudulent statements to federal investigators. No one forced him to. He wasn't 'tricked' into lying his ass off. Flynn chose to.

And commited serious crimes in the process.

Ahd your babble about 'evidentiary interviews' is pseudo-legal gibberish. There's no requirement of a lawyer when federal investigators ask someone a few questions.

We'll see what the judge has to say about it after he reviews the memos, notes and 302s.


Well, this is what the judge said after reviewing the memos, notes and 302s.

All along, you were an unregistered agent of a foreign country while serving as the National Security Adviser to the President of the United States. That undermines everything this flag over here stands for. Arguably you sold your country out."

Sullivan says he could impose a sentence of incarceration.

"I am not hiding my disgust, my disdain for your criminal offense," Sullivan said, straining his voice and taking a brief pause. "Yes, your honor," Flynn said, though he was not asked a question.

Michael Flynn sentencing - CNNPolitics

Demonstrating elegantly what the 'legal analysis' of a truck driver is worth.

And now as they say, the rest of the story. The prosecution corrected the judge, that Flynn was not a foreign agent of Turkey while serving as the National Security Advisor. The the judge APOLOGIZED to Flynn for his inaccuracy. Damn you're not even a good propagandist.

Speaking of not being a good propagandist- here is what you said originally their d

deception that they just wanted to have a low key conversation. They intentionally withheld it was an evidentiary interview where Flynn should have had a lawyer. I don't think judge Sullivan will look favorably on that.

Instead of course what Judge Sullivan did was express his disgust with Michael Flynn's criminal actions.

Judge Emmet Sullivan of the US District Court for the District of Columbia said he was “not hiding my disgust, my disdain for your criminal offense.”

“I want to be frank with you, this crime is very serious,” Sullivan said. “Not only did you lie to the FBI, you lied to senior officials in the incoming administration.”

And that is of course what Flynn did.
Flynn lied.
Flynn broke the law when he lied again to the FBI
So of course you blame the FBI.

Here is how easily Flynn could have avoided breaking the law- he could have told the truth.

But telling the truth is not something that comes naturally to the Trump administration.

What I said about Sullivan was totally accurate, he offered Flynn an opportunity to withdraw his plea multiple times. My question is who is Flynn still protecting, perhaps his son?
Offering to allow Flynn to withdraw his plea isn't the same as dropping the charges, which the snowflakes are implying. Withdrawing his plea means he's right back where he started, spending money hand over fist to defend himself. The reason he agreed to the plea in the first place was to end that hemorrhage of his money.

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