Was Flynn entrapped?

Don't care what came out of the court today.............They set his ass up..............and everyone with half a brain cell knows it.

Or.....you don't now what the hell you're talking about. And are actively ignoring anything that contradicts what you want to believe.

I'll go with Flynn on Flynn's crimes over you citing your imagination.

As would everyone with 'half a brain cell'

You're far too generous if you think Skylar has even half brain cell.

Smiling......apparently that's all it takes to decimate all the silly arguments this thread could produce. With Flynn's own lawyers dismantling the entire premise of the thread today in court.

Sullivan immediately took aim at the notion of entrapment during Flynn’s sentencing hearing, saying he wondered if Flynn had really accepted responsibility for his crime, according to reporters in the courthouse. Responding to questions from Sullivan, Flynn said he knew that lying to the FBI was illegal and his lawyer said he wasn’t contending that Flynn needed to be reminded of that, nor that he needed to have a lawyer present, or that Flynn “was entrapped by the FBI.” Flynn reportedly affirmed several times that he was guilty of lying to the FBI.

In court, Mike Flynn walked back the suggestion he was tricked by the FBI

You guys just don't get how little effort it takes to just obliterate the silly stories you tell each other.
Flynn's lawyers did whatever it took to keep Flynn from going to prison and to prevent further financial hemorrhaging. What they said proved nothing about whether Flynn was entrapped, which he clearly was. Flynn wasn't about to say he was entrapped because that would lead to the end of his plea bargain.

Hmmm Flynn specifically said he was not entrapped.
The judge didn't say he was entrapped- Judge Sullivan specifically contradicted everything you predicted he would do.

Remember Flynn was 'entrapped'- by his repeating the same lie to the FBI that he told the American people and the Vice President.

Expecting honesty from a Trump official clearly is considered entrapment by the Trumpkins.

Yeah. Just like Beria and the Red Guard forced people to recant their beliefs.
So why did he plead guilty?

He was bankrupted and his family was threatened, what would you do? Classic extortion, but it's not illegal when the government does it.


So, “lock em up” flynn put his family’s financial future in jeopardy by lying about his contacts with Russians.

Not the governments fault.

His contacts with the Russians were perfectly legal. So he admitted to lying about something that is perfectly legal. Does that make any sense to you?

Lying about those contacts to federal investigators however, was not legal.

As Flynn demonstrated with his plea deal where he freedly admitted his crime and his responsibility for that crime.

They had no right to ask bout those contacts if he was not suspected of committing a crime!

My God, the stupid runs deep in you!

You want a good example of how stupid this is?

FBI: "Mr. Flynn, what is the moon made of?"

Flynn: "When I was a kid, I heard stories about it was made of cheese!" Chuckles for a few seconds.

Later they charge Flynn with lying about the moon being made of green cheese because one of the agents visited the Smithsonian and found out there were rocks from the moon on display.
They sure they did have a reason to ask him about his conversation with the Russian Ambassador, who is a known Russian Spy, and shortly after, expelled from this Country, for being one....

The FBI investigation was a counter intelligence investigation on the Russia's interference in our Nation's Democracy by meddling in our election, in support of Candidate Trump...

AND IF any Trump Campaign team members either witting or unwittingly, conspired with them and their mission.

of course they would ask him about that conversation and see if they could find out anything else he could tell them about Kislyak... no reason for Flynn to lie... or expect that he would lie...

BUT if he did lie, why would he lie?

This is their job to find out, ... for goodness sake!
He was bankrupted and his family was threatened, what would you do? Classic extortion, but it's not illegal when the government does it.


So, “lock em up” flynn put his family’s financial future in jeopardy by lying about his contacts with Russians.

Not the governments fault.

His contacts with the Russians were perfectly legal. So he admitted to lying about something that is perfectly legal. Does that make any sense to you?

Lying about those contacts to federal investigators however, was not legal.

As Flynn demonstrated with his plea deal where he freedly admitted his crime and his responsibility for that crime.

They had no right to ask bout those contacts if he was not suspected of committing a crime!

My God, the stupid runs deep in you!

You want a good example of how stupid this is?

FBI: "Mr. Flynn, what is the moon made of?"

Flynn: "When I was a kid, I heard stories about it was made of cheese!" Chuckles for a few seconds.

Later they charge Flynn with lying about the moon being made of green cheese because one of the agents visited the Smithsonian and found out there were rocks from the moon on display.
They sure they did have a reason to ask him about his conversation with the Russian Ambassador, who is a known Russian Spy, and shortly after, expelled from this Country, for being one....

The FBI investigation was a counter intelligence investigation on the Russia's interference in our Nation's Democracy by meddling in our election, in support of Candidate Trump...

AND IF any Trump Campaign team members either witting or unwittingly, conspired with them and their mission.

of course they would ask him about that conversation and see if they could find out anything else he could tell them about Kislyak... no reason for Flynn to lie... or expect that he would lie...

BUT if he did lie, why would he lie?

This is their job to find out, ... for goodness sake!
No, they didn't have a reason to ask him about his conversation with the Russian ambassador because that's not a crime. It was not a counter intelligence investigation. It was a scheme to entrap Flynn. The FBI's job is to prosecute crimes, not persecute members of the administration.
Wonder if these TDS folks know Flynn met with GRU in Russia in 2014 under Obama. LOL. As DIA

Poor things
So, “lock em up” flynn put his family’s financial future in jeopardy by lying about his contacts with Russians.

Not the governments fault.

His contacts with the Russians were perfectly legal. So he admitted to lying about something that is perfectly legal. Does that make any sense to you?

Lying about those contacts to federal investigators however, was not legal.

As Flynn demonstrated with his plea deal where he freedly admitted his crime and his responsibility for that crime.

They had no right to ask bout those contacts if he was not suspected of committing a crime!

My God, the stupid runs deep in you!

You want a good example of how stupid this is?

FBI: "Mr. Flynn, what is the moon made of?"

Flynn: "When I was a kid, I heard stories about it was made of cheese!" Chuckles for a few seconds.

Later they charge Flynn with lying about the moon being made of green cheese because one of the agents visited the Smithsonian and found out there were rocks from the moon on display.
They sure they did have a reason to ask him about his conversation with the Russian Ambassador, who is a known Russian Spy, and shortly after, expelled from this Country, for being one....

The FBI investigation was a counter intelligence investigation on the Russia's interference in our Nation's Democracy by meddling in our election, in support of Candidate Trump...

AND IF any Trump Campaign team members either witting or unwittingly, conspired with them and their mission.

of course they would ask him about that conversation and see if they could find out anything else he could tell them about Kislyak... no reason for Flynn to lie... or expect that he would lie...

BUT if he did lie, why would he lie?

This is their job to find out, ... for goodness sake!
No, they didn't have a reason to ask him about his conversation with the Russian ambassador because that's not a crime. It was not a counter intelligence investigation. It was a scheme to entrap Flynn. The FBI's job is to prosecute crimes, not persecute members of the administration.

Why does it have to be crime for the Fbi to ask him about his conversations with the Russian Ambassador?

They are fact finding, in search of facts revolving around their investigation mission.....
Was Flynn entrapped? Yes. The bureau deliberately planned to trap him. They told him he didn't need a lawyer. He thought he was helping the FBI. He didn't collude with anybody he just said he can't remember talking about a certain subject. The MSM accused him of treason. Did Mike Flynn commit treason? He made an untrue statement about a legal phone call with with the Russian Ambassador to the U.S. He did not collude with our enemies, did not give up American secrets and did not lie under oath. The FBI threatened to prosecute Flynn's son so Flynn plead guilty. The FBI lied to Flynn. Notes taken by Andy McCabe said the bureau deliberately planned to trick Flynn because of his friendliness stated desire to help the FBI. Agents said, in fact, Flynn did not lie per their actual 302s.. Sally Yates, James Comey, Andy McCabe & Peter Strouck all planned this.

How did the FBI 'entrap' Michael Flynn? They asked him some questions.....and he LIED to them.

Not just once, but he kept on lying. He enlisted his Deputy National Security Advisor KT MacFarland to lie.

Ex-White House official revises statement to Mueller after Flynn guilty plea: report

This wasn't a slip of the tongue. This wasn't a misstatement. This was a systematic campaign of misinformation with the express purpose of deception. Not once, but multiple times. By multiple people.

Flynn wasn't 'entrapped' into any of that. He willfully did it to himself.
I can’t wait for you to talk to the cops without a lawyer. That should be fun.

No one forced Flynn to talk to agents when he did, where he did and without counsel. Flynn decided all of that on his own.
Another major flaw in your reasoning: Flynn has admitted to lying to FBI investigators.

You literally have to ignore Michael Flynn on Michael Flynn to cling to your increasingly elaborate conspiracy theory.

The evidence shows that Flynn did not lie. He pleaded out because the F.B.I. was threatening his son. You are conditioned by the MSM to call what he did a 'lie' and seemingly don't even realize it. Flynn made a misstatement about his meeting with the Russian Ambassador (which was perfectly legal).
It's hard to deal with such abject ignorance and political hackery but, here goes......Trump, like the rest of the country, was told by the CORRUPT F.B.I. that Flynn 'lied.' Of course he fired Flynn and I can bet that Flynn will be pardoned by Trump which would the the correct and moral thing to do. McCAbe, Strouck, Yates and Comey should be the ones headed to jail. This is what happens when law enforcement is directed by politics. BTW, this F.B.I. dog-and-pony show mis-directed public awarness of the deep corruption of the Clinton organization which, IMO was the plan all along. Excuses for Hillary's crappy campaign and loss so she can maybe eventually assume her 'crown.'

Odd then that Flynn wrote THIS when he left

"I inadvertently briefed the Vice President Elect and others with incomplete information regarding my phone calls with the Russian Ambassador," Flynn said in a resignation letter. "I have sincerely apologized to the President and the Vice President, and they have accepted my apology."

He HAD to say that fool. Try to follow.
The evidence shows that Flynn did not lie.

As evidenced by his guilty plea. :cuckoo:
He was bankrupted and his family was threatened, what would you do? Classic extortion, but it's not illegal when the government does it.


So, “lock em up” flynn put his family’s financial future in jeopardy by lying about his contacts with Russians.

Not the governments fault.

His contacts with the Russians were perfectly legal. So he admitted to lying about something that is perfectly legal. Does that make any sense to you?

Lying about those contacts to federal investigators however, was not legal.

As Flynn demonstrated with his plea deal where he freedly admitted his crime and his responsibility for that crime.

They had no right to ask bout those contacts if he was not suspected of committing a crime!

My God, the stupid runs deep in you!

You want a good example of how stupid this is?

FBI: "Mr. Flynn, what is the moon made of?"

Flynn: "When I was a kid, I heard stories about it was made of cheese!" Chuckles for a few seconds.

Later they charge Flynn with lying about the moon being made of green cheese because one of the agents visited the Smithsonian and found out there were rocks from the moon on display.
They sure they did have a reason to ask him about his conversation with the Russian Ambassador, who is a known Russian Spy, and shortly after, expelled from this Country, for being one....

The FBI investigation was a counter intelligence investigation on the Russia's interference in our Nation's Democracy by meddling in our election, in support of Candidate Trump...

AND IF any Trump Campaign team members either witting or unwittingly, conspired with them and their mission.

of course they would ask him about that conversation and see if they could find out anything else he could tell them about Kislyak... no reason for Flynn to lie... or expect that he would lie...

BUT if he did lie, why would he lie?

This is their job to find out, ... for goodness sake!
my real question is - are we playing with an even hand?

right now, they're going after anyone related to trumps victory for anything they can get. so far tax issues and "lying" are here. i don't see anyone taking that ford chic to court for lying to the FBI and the nation. she could never prove or provide a single bit of evidence to corroborate her story yet people believed her. had this been on the trumps side, you'd have demanded clear evidence from sources only you approve of.

are we playing with an even hand?

tax issues.
why did so many of obamas cabinet appointments have tax issues and call it a mistake?
Obama Appointees Hit by Tax Problems
Another Obama Nominee Has Tax Issues

when obama came to office, over a third of his appointees had "tax issues" and had not paid in years. YEARS. i've gotten 2 bills last 2 years for getting it wrong so i do have to wonder how they were never checked up on. know what else didn't happen?

no one took them to court over it.

are we playing with an even hand?

trump and the war with the press. oh this is a doozy for the history books one day, isn't it? i mean no one has ever treated the press like this before! no one has ever tried to censor the freedom of our press - this is critical to our country!

Spare me your hypocritical journalism lecture, Mr. President
Under Obama, a Chill on Press Freedom
Did Mainstream Media Forget How Obama Treated Fox News?

and hell, his DOJ is now in court with sharyl attkisson over his spying on her and breaking into her computer time and time again because she dated to break fast and furious.

no. we are certainly not playing with an even hand.

remove all names it's obvious what we should do a vast majority of the time. someone is spying on the press, we stop it, not defend it. obama is doing it? well prove it. she's a hack and believes in aliens. well she had it coming for lying about how it went down!

so what do we do when we say obama was spying on the press? one side gets pissed off and the other side says "no he didn't? and here we are. what do we do when trumps people have much the same issues most people in government have? we prosecute trumps camp and somehow say those crimes are far worse than 1/3+ of obamas appointees OF WHICH could have been prosecuted but we didn't live in that type of a culture *at the time*.

my how a decade changes us.

we've weaponized everything we can and take offense to anything we think will give us an advantage over the other. *this* is our civil war we are so deeply engaged in today. we blame the russians but they just lit the fuse, we went off on each other. they didn't jack with our elections NEAR AS MUCH as with our heads. their facebook ads were pitting side against side, not saying HILLARY SUCKS *at all*. if you want the link to all the ads i'll find it for you but i looked for 2 hours one day and never found a political add to support trump directly. it was all "whitey keeping you down fight the man!" and "all blacks are after your mother" - ANYTHING to start a fight between sides and drop some seeds of hate.

we'll do the rest. we don't even care if we're openly hypocritical anymore. the other side DESERVES it. so when we sit around and double standard things for no other reason than our hate or love for one side or the other, just remember that's what the russians did.

congrats. you let them win.

when we realize that maybe we can get back to playing by our own rules with an even hand and not revenge.
Railroaded, had his Civil Rights Violated, was illegally wire tapped, was illegally unmasked, was charged with lying despite official reports that stated he was not lying, had his family threatened, had his life ruined, was financially devastated, and all because Hillary Clinton couldn't win even with cheating in debates, rigging her own primary, and colluding with Russia to arrange a 24-7 wiretapping operation on The Trump Campaign with the sole purpose being to obtain inside information on The Trump Campaign's Strategy sessions.

Prosecutorial Misconduct does not even begin to scratch the surface.
This is the kind of stuff you read about that went on in Stalinist Russia.

Or rather than your stupidly complicated, wildly elaborate and increasingly unhinged conspiracy theory involving everyone from the FBI to the Justice Department to Facebook.......there's a much simpler explaination that's overwhelmingly supported by the evidence.

Trump is a liar. And he surrounded himself with liars.

Oh, and as usual.....you don't have a clue what you're talking about. Federal agents only have to read a person their miranda rights if that person is in custody. Which Flynn wasn't when he lied to federal investigators.

Remember Brit.....you're clueless. So your pseudo-legal rants about topics you clearly don't comprehend don't amount to much.

Nothing he says before he's mirandized is admissible as evidence, douche nozzle. That's the bottom line.

Says you, citing your imagination. Again, you don't know shit about the law. The miranda warning is only required AFTER you've been arrested. One has to be in custody before a miranda warning is necessary.

Flynn wasn't in custody. Thus, no miranda warning was necessary. Nor is there any restriction on admissability of his false statements to federal investigators given without a miranda warning.......as no miranda warning was required when Flynn wasn't in custody.

The Miranda warning (from the U.S. Supreme Court's Miranda v. Arizona decision), requires that officers let you know of certain facts after your arrest, before questioning you. An officer who is going to interrogate you must convey to you that:

Miranda Rights: What Happens If the Police Don't Read You Your Rights

I can't stress this point enough, Brit.....but you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. And your imagination has no legal relevance.
Says the fat homosexual citing himself.

He wasn't notified that he was being investigated. They violated his 5th Amendment rights against self incrimination.
No one can violated his 5th amd rights, dope.

Those rights must be asserted to be applied. Flynn did not assert his 5th amd rights. He spoke freely with the FBI.
Flynn fucked himself

Not one single human held a gun to his head and made him lie or answer questions without a lawyer present - NOT ONE.
They violated his Miranda rights, you sleazy Stalinist douchebag. You don't want to give Flynn the same rights we give to rapists and murderers.

You're lower than squid shit.

Says you. And with Flynn admitting his guilt, there's no question he did it.

And also no question you'll continue to defend any crime commited by Team Trump. No matter how many, or how indisputable.
Wrong again, you fat homosexual. He agreed to a plea. That doesn't mean he admits guilt in the absolute sense of the term. One thing is certain is that I will never condone the douchebag Stalinist tactics Herr Mueller is so fond of. Anyone who endorses this king of thing is a piece of shit.
Wrong again, you fat homosexual. He agreed to a plea. That doesn't mean he admits guilt in the absolute sense of the term.


That's exactly what it means, dope.
The Trumpers (with the aid of idiot Trump and drunken moron Ghouliani) have invented pseudolaw.

It sorta sounds like actual law but bears no actual relationship to real law
The Trumpers (with the aid of idiot Trump and drunken moron Ghouliani) have invented pseudolaw.

It sorta sounds like actual law but bears no actual relationship to real law
isn't that how obama got most of his stuff done? EO? "pseudolaw"?

or to lie to FISA to get warrants to spy on people and then say "no we didn't" when asked if they broke the "law".

use the same hand to judge things, things change.
GOD Bless General Flynn! :clap2::clap2::clap2:


Soap on a rope may be more practical.
Not sure how that remotely correlates to Glynn pleading guilty to something but whatever.

They bankrupted Flynn, he couldn't afford to fight it any more. I'm sure his lawyers told him he wouldn't spend any time in jail. It was the lesser of the evils.


You're 'sure', huh?



Do you get how much of your argument is based on your imagination?

So you're saying Flynn didn't have to sell his house to pay for his defense?


Flynn didn't have to lie.
They bankrupted Flynn, he couldn't afford to fight it any more. I'm sure his lawyers told him he wouldn't spend any time in jail. It was the lesser of the evils.


You're 'sure', huh?



Do you get how much of your argument is based on your imagination?

So you're saying Flynn didn't have to sell his house to pay for his defense?


Flynn didn't have to lie.
you're not after liars, you're after trump via flynn.

this is what makes this shit so annoying. if you were after LIARS then you'd be just as mad at so many others. selective anger, so emo.
Trump said he fired Flynn for lying to Pence. So how was Flynn "entrapped"? Today, the judge made Flynn say under oath that Flynn knew lying to the FBI was a crime. The judge also said Flynn sold out his country - bordering on TREASON. Flynn deserved prison time. Lock him up!
too fking funny...:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

I see you aren't the brightest bulb in the box.
They bankrupted Flynn, he couldn't afford to fight it any more. I'm sure his lawyers told him he wouldn't spend any time in jail. It was the lesser of the evils.


You're 'sure', huh?



Do you get how much of your argument is based on your imagination?

So you're saying Flynn didn't have to sell his house to pay for his defense?


Flynn didn't have to lie.
nobody does, including hitlery.
Trump said he fired Flynn for lying to Pence. So how was Flynn "entrapped"? Today, the judge made Flynn say under oath that Flynn knew lying to the FBI was a crime. The judge also said Flynn sold out his country - bordering on TREASON. Flynn deserved prison time. Lock him up!
This entire "line" and this entire thread went up in flames in that court today but still the minions carry on as if they're not wiping the charred remains of their hopes and dreams off themselves
why did he post pone the sentencing then? Come on bright guy, let us know, you are all knowing of everyone in DC.

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