Was Flynn entrapped?

"Was Flynn entrapped?"


The notion that he was ‘entrapped’ is proven to be another rightwing lie – proven to be a lie by Flynn himself.

That the right is so desperate to defend a confessed felon by attacking the FBI and the perfectly appropriate, warranted, and Constitutional Mueller investigation is further evidence of just how reprehensible most conservatives are.
He certainly was entrapped. Comey even admitted it.

Nope. That voice in your head 'admitting' to entrapping Flynn.....that's not Comey. You can tell because that voice goes away when you take your medication.

And Flynn's lawyers contradict you.

Sullivan immediately took aim at the notion of entrapment during Flynn’s sentencing hearing, saying he wondered if Flynn had really accepted responsibility for his crime, according to reporters in the courthouse. Responding to questions from Sullivan, Flynn said he knew that lying to the FBI was illegal and his lawyer said he wasn’t contending that Flynn needed to be reminded of that, nor that he needed to have a lawyer present, or that Flynn “was entrapped by the FBI.” Flynn reportedly affirmed several times that he was guilty of lying to the FBI.

In court, Mike Flynn walked back the suggestion he was tricked by the FBI

Remember, Brit......you have no idea what you're talking about. That tends to limit the utility of your arguments.
You're far too generous if you think Skylar has even half brain cell.

Smiling......apparently that's all it takes to decimate all the silly arguments this thread could produce. With Flynn's own lawyers dismantling the entire premise of the thread today in court.

Sullivan immediately took aim at the notion of entrapment during Flynn’s sentencing hearing, saying he wondered if Flynn had really accepted responsibility for his crime, according to reporters in the courthouse. Responding to questions from Sullivan, Flynn said he knew that lying to the FBI was illegal and his lawyer said he wasn’t contending that Flynn needed to be reminded of that, nor that he needed to have a lawyer present, or that Flynn “was entrapped by the FBI.” Flynn reportedly affirmed several times that he was guilty of lying to the FBI.

In court, Mike Flynn walked back the suggestion he was tricked by the FBI

You guys just don't get how little effort it takes to just obliterate the silly stories you tell each other.
Flynn's lawyers did whatever it took to keep Flynn from going to prison and to prevent further financial hemorrhaging. What they said proved nothing about whether Flynn was entrapped, which he clearly was. Flynn wasn't about to say he was entrapped because that would lead to the end of his plea bargain.

Hmmm Flynn specifically said he was not entrapped.
The judge didn't say he was entrapped- Judge Sullivan specifically contradicted everything you predicted he would do.

Remember Flynn was 'entrapped'- by his repeating the same lie to the FBI that he told the American people and the Vice President.

Expecting honesty from a Trump official clearly is considered entrapment by the Trumpkins.

Yeah. Just like Beria and the Red Guard forced people to recant their beliefs.

And who, pray tell, says Flynn was forced to do anything?

There's you, citing your imagination. And....who?

Not Flynn. Not Flynn's lawyers. Not the judge. Not the prosecutors.


Mueller threatened Mueller's son. If you actually paid attention to the news instead of just Twitter spew, you'd know this.
And now as they say, the rest of the story. The prosecution corrected the judge, that Flynn was not a foreign agent of Turkey while serving as the National Security Advisor. The the judge APOLOGIZED to Flynn for his inaccuracy. Damn you're not even a good propagandist.

Speaking of not being a good propagandist- here is what you said originally their d

deception that they just wanted to have a low key conversation. They intentionally withheld it was an evidentiary interview where Flynn should have had a lawyer. I don't think judge Sullivan will look favorably on that.

Instead of course what Judge Sullivan did was express his disgust with Michael Flynn's criminal actions.

Judge Emmet Sullivan of the US District Court for the District of Columbia said he was “not hiding my disgust, my disdain for your criminal offense.”

“I want to be frank with you, this crime is very serious,” Sullivan said. “Not only did you lie to the FBI, you lied to senior officials in the incoming administration.”

And that is of course what Flynn did.
Flynn lied.
Flynn broke the law when he lied again to the FBI
So of course you blame the FBI.

Here is how easily Flynn could have avoided breaking the law- he could have told the truth.

But telling the truth is not something that comes naturally to the Trump administration.

What I said about Sullivan was totally accurate, he offered Flynn an opportunity to withdraw his plea multiple times. My question is who is Flynn still protecting, perhaps his son?
Offering to allow Flynn to withdraw his plea isn't the same as dropping the charges, which the snowflakes are implying. Withdrawing his plea means he's right back where he started, spending money hand over fist to defend himself. The reason he agreed to the plea in the first place was to end that hemorrhage of his money.

Agree, but I think it's about more than just the money. They said on the news today that Flynn will be cooperating with information on his partners in the Turkey thing.

Mueller is looking for more pigeons to squeeze.

Or....you're just looking for more flagrant crimes to desperately ignore
Smiling......apparently that's all it takes to decimate all the silly arguments this thread could produce. With Flynn's own lawyers dismantling the entire premise of the thread today in court.

You guys just don't get how little effort it takes to just obliterate the silly stories you tell each other.
Flynn's lawyers did whatever it took to keep Flynn from going to prison and to prevent further financial hemorrhaging. What they said proved nothing about whether Flynn was entrapped, which he clearly was. Flynn wasn't about to say he was entrapped because that would lead to the end of his plea bargain.

Hmmm Flynn specifically said he was not entrapped.
The judge didn't say he was entrapped- Judge Sullivan specifically contradicted everything you predicted he would do.

Remember Flynn was 'entrapped'- by his repeating the same lie to the FBI that he told the American people and the Vice President.

Expecting honesty from a Trump official clearly is considered entrapment by the Trumpkins.

Yeah. Just like Beria and the Red Guard forced people to recant their beliefs.

And who, pray tell, says Flynn was forced to do anything?

There's you, citing your imagination. And....who?

Not Flynn. Not Flynn's lawyers. Not the judge. Not the prosecutors.


Mueller threatened Mueller's son. If you actually paid attention to the news instead of just Twitter spew, you'd know this.

Again, says who?

Not Flynn. Not Flynn's lawyers. Not the judge. Not the prosecutors.

There's just you....making more shit up again, all while ignoring Michael Flynn on his own crimes. Which is just a bizarrely abnormal thing to do.
Flynn's lawyers did whatever it took to keep Flynn from going to prison and to prevent further financial hemorrhaging. What they said proved nothing about whether Flynn was entrapped, which he clearly was. Flynn wasn't about to say he was entrapped because that would lead to the end of his plea bargain.

Hmmm Flynn specifically said he was not entrapped.
The judge didn't say he was entrapped- Judge Sullivan specifically contradicted everything you predicted he would do.

Remember Flynn was 'entrapped'- by his repeating the same lie to the FBI that he told the American people and the Vice President.

Expecting honesty from a Trump official clearly is considered entrapment by the Trumpkins.

Yeah. Just like Beria and the Red Guard forced people to recant their beliefs.

And who, pray tell, says Flynn was forced to do anything?

There's you, citing your imagination. And....who?

Not Flynn. Not Flynn's lawyers. Not the judge. Not the prosecutors.


Mueller threatened Mueller's son. If you actually paid attention to the news instead of just Twitter spew, you'd know this.

Again, says who?

Not Flynn. Not Flynn's lawyers. Not the judge. Not the prosecutors.

There's just you....making more shit up again, all while ignoring Michael Flynn on his own crimes. Which is just a bizarrely abnormal thing to do.

I'm not your internet research assistant. A simple search with "mueller, flynn, son" will yield plenty of material. Enjoy!
Hmmm Flynn specifically said he was not entrapped.
The judge didn't say he was entrapped- Judge Sullivan specifically contradicted everything you predicted he would do.

Remember Flynn was 'entrapped'- by his repeating the same lie to the FBI that he told the American people and the Vice President.

Expecting honesty from a Trump official clearly is considered entrapment by the Trumpkins.

Yeah. Just like Beria and the Red Guard forced people to recant their beliefs.

And who, pray tell, says Flynn was forced to do anything?

There's you, citing your imagination. And....who?

Not Flynn. Not Flynn's lawyers. Not the judge. Not the prosecutors.


Mueller threatened Mueller's son. If you actually paid attention to the news instead of just Twitter spew, you'd know this.

Again, says who?

Not Flynn. Not Flynn's lawyers. Not the judge. Not the prosecutors.

There's just you....making more shit up again, all while ignoring Michael Flynn on his own crimes. Which is just a bizarrely abnormal thing to do.

I'm not your internet research assistant. A simple search with "mueller, flynn, son" will yield plenty of material. Enjoy!

Translation: You've got jack shit to back up your imaginary claim.

Well that was easy.

Is that really all you've got? You just making shit up and then fleeing with your trail between your legs when challenged to back your claims up with evidence?

You're really not very good at this, are you?
Yeah. Just like Beria and the Red Guard forced people to recant their beliefs.

And who, pray tell, says Flynn was forced to do anything?

There's you, citing your imagination. And....who?

Not Flynn. Not Flynn's lawyers. Not the judge. Not the prosecutors.


Mueller threatened Mueller's son. If you actually paid attention to the news instead of just Twitter spew, you'd know this.

Again, says who?

Not Flynn. Not Flynn's lawyers. Not the judge. Not the prosecutors.

There's just you....making more shit up again, all while ignoring Michael Flynn on his own crimes. Which is just a bizarrely abnormal thing to do.

I'm not your internet research assistant. A simple search with "mueller, flynn, son" will yield plenty of material. Enjoy!

Translation: You've got jack shit to back up your imaginary claim.

Well that was easy.

Is that really all you've got? You just making shit up and then fleeing with your trail between your legs when challenged to back your claims up with evidence?

Condolences on your dual lack of searching skills and intellectual curiosity. The fact that Mueller threatened to prosecute Flynn's son has been widely reported for some time.
And who, pray tell, says Flynn was forced to do anything?

There's you, citing your imagination. And....who?

Not Flynn. Not Flynn's lawyers. Not the judge. Not the prosecutors.


Mueller threatened Mueller's son. If you actually paid attention to the news instead of just Twitter spew, you'd know this.

Again, says who?

Not Flynn. Not Flynn's lawyers. Not the judge. Not the prosecutors.

There's just you....making more shit up again, all while ignoring Michael Flynn on his own crimes. Which is just a bizarrely abnormal thing to do.

I'm not your internet research assistant. A simple search with "mueller, flynn, son" will yield plenty of material. Enjoy!

Translation: You've got jack shit to back up your imaginary claim.

Well that was easy.

Is that really all you've got? You just making shit up and then fleeing with your trail between your legs when challenged to back your claims up with evidence?

Condolences on your dual lack of searching skills and intellectual curiosity. The fact that Mueller threatened to prosecute Flynn's son has been widely reported for some time.

Sweetie.....your imagination isn't evidence. See, its the same schtick every time you your ilk:

Step 1) Make up some nonsense claim based on imagination.

Step 2) Demand other people 'disprove' whatever hapless nonsense you make up.

That's it. Normal people don't use their imagination as evidence. That's something that Cultists and the delusional do.

Keep running.
Mueller threatened Mueller's son. If you actually paid attention to the news instead of just Twitter spew, you'd know this.

Again, says who?

Not Flynn. Not Flynn's lawyers. Not the judge. Not the prosecutors.

There's just you....making more shit up again, all while ignoring Michael Flynn on his own crimes. Which is just a bizarrely abnormal thing to do.

I'm not your internet research assistant. A simple search with "mueller, flynn, son" will yield plenty of material. Enjoy!

Translation: You've got jack shit to back up your imaginary claim.

Well that was easy.

Is that really all you've got? You just making shit up and then fleeing with your trail between your legs when challenged to back your claims up with evidence?

Condolences on your dual lack of searching skills and intellectual curiosity. The fact that Mueller threatened to prosecute Flynn's son has been widely reported for some time.

Sweetie.....your imagination isn't evidence. See, its the same schtick every time you your ilk:

Step 1) Make up some nonsense claim based on imagination.

Step 2) Demand other people 'disprove' whatever hapless nonsense you make up.

That's it. Normal people don't use their imagination as evidence. That's something that Cultists and the delusional do.

Keep running.

It's pointless to have a discussion with someone who lacks knowledge of basic widely available facts. A rational discussion is contingent on either a basic level of shared knowledge, or the unaware party making an effort to learn something about the topic. You are not willing to do your part; so be it. I am not willing to spend time searching up things on your behalf for which, if you really wanted to know, you'd make the effort yourself.
Again, says who?

Not Flynn. Not Flynn's lawyers. Not the judge. Not the prosecutors.

There's just you....making more shit up again, all while ignoring Michael Flynn on his own crimes. Which is just a bizarrely abnormal thing to do.

I'm not your internet research assistant. A simple search with "mueller, flynn, son" will yield plenty of material. Enjoy!

Translation: You've got jack shit to back up your imaginary claim.

Well that was easy.

Is that really all you've got? You just making shit up and then fleeing with your trail between your legs when challenged to back your claims up with evidence?

Condolences on your dual lack of searching skills and intellectual curiosity. The fact that Mueller threatened to prosecute Flynn's son has been widely reported for some time.

Sweetie.....your imagination isn't evidence. See, its the same schtick every time you your ilk:

Step 1) Make up some nonsense claim based on imagination.

Step 2) Demand other people 'disprove' whatever hapless nonsense you make up.

That's it. Normal people don't use their imagination as evidence. That's something that Cultists and the delusional do.

Keep running.

It's pointless to have a discussion with someone who lacks knowledge of basic widely available facts. A rational discussion is contingent on either a basic level of shared knowledge, or the unaware party making an effort to learn something about the topic. You are not willing to do your part; so be it. I am not willing to spend time searching up things on your behalf for which, if you really wanted to know, you'd make the effort yourself.

Your imagination isn't a 'widely available fact'. Its just the silly nonsense you and other conservatives tell each other in the right wing echo chamber when trying to justify felonies and rampant corruption. As when asked to show us the actual evidence of your imaginary 'facts'....

.....you predictably flee with your tail between your legs, dumbounded and confused why your imagination is being questioned.

Get used that feeling.
So is that really it, folks?

Just conservatives ignoring the overwhelming evidence of Flynn's guilt and making up hapless imaginary horseshit backed by nothing?

If so....that was easy.
So is that really it, folks?

Just conservatives ignoring the overwhelming evidence of Flynn's guilt and making up hapless imaginary horseshit backed by nothing?

If so....that was easy.
we took notes from the left on how to ignore "crimes".
neither is flynn. he took a plea.

That means he's convicted, dope.
of what? he is still out right? so, what's he done? nothing different than hitlery as I already told you. why do you care about him and not hitlery exactly?

Flynn is going to federal prison.
when? he's still out and will be for at least the next six months.

Again, why are you worried about his lies and not hitlery's?

Why would I be? Has she been charged?
exactly. there you go bubba.
Well, this is what the judge said after reviewing the memos, notes and 302s.

Demonstrating elegantly what the 'legal analysis' of a truck driver is worth.

And now as they say, the rest of the story. The prosecution corrected the judge, that Flynn was not a foreign agent of Turkey while serving as the National Security Advisor. The the judge APOLOGIZED to Flynn for his inaccuracy. Damn you're not even a good propagandist.

Speaking of not being a good propagandist- here is what you said originally their d

deception that they just wanted to have a low key conversation. They intentionally withheld it was an evidentiary interview where Flynn should have had a lawyer. I don't think judge Sullivan will look favorably on that.

Instead of course what Judge Sullivan did was express his disgust with Michael Flynn's criminal actions.

Judge Emmet Sullivan of the US District Court for the District of Columbia said he was “not hiding my disgust, my disdain for your criminal offense.”

“I want to be frank with you, this crime is very serious,” Sullivan said. “Not only did you lie to the FBI, you lied to senior officials in the incoming administration.”

And that is of course what Flynn did.
Flynn lied.
Flynn broke the law when he lied again to the FBI
So of course you blame the FBI.

Here is how easily Flynn could have avoided breaking the law- he could have told the truth.

But telling the truth is not something that comes naturally to the Trump administration.

What I said about Sullivan was totally accurate, he offered Flynn an opportunity to withdraw his plea multiple times. My question is who is Flynn still protecting, perhaps his son?
Offering to allow Flynn to withdraw his plea isn't the same as dropping the charges, which the snowflakes are implying. Withdrawing his plea means he's right back where he started, spending money hand over fist to defend himself. The reason he agreed to the plea in the first place was to end that hemorrhage of his money.
Some might think he regained his patriotism.
he lost it?
So is that really it, folks?

Just conservatives ignoring the overwhelming evidence of Flynn's guilt and making up hapless imaginary horseshit backed by nothing?

If so....that was easy.
we took notes from the left on how to ignore "crimes".

Actual crimes, or imaginary ones? There's an easy well to tell the difference: The indictments, plea agreements and sentencing.

For example, here's Flynn's plea agreement where he admits to commiting serious crimes:

Michael Flynn Plea Agreement Documents

Now....show us Hillary's plea agreement. The actual one, not the imaginary one.
And now as they say, the rest of the story. The prosecution corrected the judge, that Flynn was not a foreign agent of Turkey while serving as the National Security Advisor. The the judge APOLOGIZED to Flynn for his inaccuracy. Damn you're not even a good propagandist.

Speaking of not being a good propagandist- here is what you said originally their d

deception that they just wanted to have a low key conversation. They intentionally withheld it was an evidentiary interview where Flynn should have had a lawyer. I don't think judge Sullivan will look favorably on that.

Instead of course what Judge Sullivan did was express his disgust with Michael Flynn's criminal actions.

Judge Emmet Sullivan of the US District Court for the District of Columbia said he was “not hiding my disgust, my disdain for your criminal offense.”

“I want to be frank with you, this crime is very serious,” Sullivan said. “Not only did you lie to the FBI, you lied to senior officials in the incoming administration.”

And that is of course what Flynn did.
Flynn lied.
Flynn broke the law when he lied again to the FBI
So of course you blame the FBI.

Here is how easily Flynn could have avoided breaking the law- he could have told the truth.

But telling the truth is not something that comes naturally to the Trump administration.

What I said about Sullivan was totally accurate, he offered Flynn an opportunity to withdraw his plea multiple times. My question is who is Flynn still protecting, perhaps his son?
Offering to allow Flynn to withdraw his plea isn't the same as dropping the charges, which the snowflakes are implying. Withdrawing his plea means he's right back where he started, spending money hand over fist to defend himself. The reason he agreed to the plea in the first place was to end that hemorrhage of his money.
Some might think he regained his patriotism.
he lost it?

The judge sentencing Flynn certainly seemed to think so when he said that Flynn essentially sold out his country.

That's nothing something the patriotic tend to do.
Hmmm Flynn specifically said he was not entrapped.
The judge didn't say he was entrapped- Judge Sullivan specifically contradicted everything you predicted he would do.

Remember Flynn was 'entrapped'- by his repeating the same lie to the FBI that he told the American people and the Vice President.

Expecting honesty from a Trump official clearly is considered entrapment by the Trumpkins.

Yeah. Just like Beria and the Red Guard forced people to recant their beliefs.

And who, pray tell, says Flynn was forced to do anything?

There's you, citing your imagination. And....who?

Not Flynn. Not Flynn's lawyers. Not the judge. Not the prosecutors.


Mueller threatened Mueller's son. If you actually paid attention to the news instead of just Twitter spew, you'd know this.

Again, says who?

Not Flynn. Not Flynn's lawyers. Not the judge. Not the prosecutors.

There's just you....making more shit up again, all while ignoring Michael Flynn on his own crimes. Which is just a bizarrely abnormal thing to do.

I'm not your internet research assistant. A simple search with "mueller, flynn, son" will yield plenty of material. Enjoy!
Mueller threatened Mueller's son.

Sorry...link required. You make a claim it;s up to YOU to document it.'
Otherwise it's safe to assume you are lying...again
Yeah. Just like Beria and the Red Guard forced people to recant their beliefs.

And who, pray tell, says Flynn was forced to do anything?

There's you, citing your imagination. And....who?

Not Flynn. Not Flynn's lawyers. Not the judge. Not the prosecutors.


Mueller threatened Mueller's son. If you actually paid attention to the news instead of just Twitter spew, you'd know this.

Again, says who?

Not Flynn. Not Flynn's lawyers. Not the judge. Not the prosecutors.

There's just you....making more shit up again, all while ignoring Michael Flynn on his own crimes. Which is just a bizarrely abnormal thing to do.

I'm not your internet research assistant. A simple search with "mueller, flynn, son" will yield plenty of material. Enjoy!
Mueller threatened Mueller's son.

Sorry...link required. You make a claim it;s up to YOU to document it.'
Otherwise it's safe to assume you are lying...again
what is it you're looking for?
And who, pray tell, says Flynn was forced to do anything?

There's you, citing your imagination. And....who?

Not Flynn. Not Flynn's lawyers. Not the judge. Not the prosecutors.


Mueller threatened Mueller's son. If you actually paid attention to the news instead of just Twitter spew, you'd know this.

Again, says who?

Not Flynn. Not Flynn's lawyers. Not the judge. Not the prosecutors.

There's just you....making more shit up again, all while ignoring Michael Flynn on his own crimes. Which is just a bizarrely abnormal thing to do.

I'm not your internet research assistant. A simple search with "mueller, flynn, son" will yield plenty of material. Enjoy!
Mueller threatened Mueller's son.

Sorry...link required. You make a claim it;s up to YOU to document it.'
Otherwise it's safe to assume you are lying...again
what is it you're looking for?

What part of 'link required' did you not get?

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