Was Flynn entrapped?

Trump said he fired Flynn for lying to Pence. So how was Flynn "entrapped"? Today, the judge made Flynn say under oath that Flynn knew lying to the FBI was a crime. The judge also said Flynn sold out his country - bordering on TREASON. Flynn deserved prison time. Lock him up!
This entire "line" and this entire thread went up in flames in that court today but still the minions carry on as if they're not wiping the charred remains of their hopes and dreams off themselves
Trump said he fired Flynn for lying to Pence. So how was Flynn "entrapped"? Today, the judge made Flynn say under oath that Flynn knew lying to the FBI was a crime. The judge also said Flynn sold out his country - bordering on TREASON. Flynn deserved prison time. Lock him up!
This entire "line" and this entire thread went up in flames in that court today but still the minions carry on as if they're not wiping the charred remains of their hopes and dreams off themselves

They didn't need evidence to bleat their shrill hysterics in the first place. Why would evidence mean a fiddler's fuck to them now?

Their entire basis of argument is their imagination. And its an infinitely renewable resource.
Says the soul so wildly ignorant about the law that he insisted that miranda rights have to be read to people who aren't in custody.

Yeah, your command of the topic really doesn't amount to much.
Why don't you bother these morons who believe a plea agreement constitutes valid evidence of something?

Its a sworn statement of Flynn's guilt. Again, take a look for yourself. Flynn admits to committing crimes:

Michael Flynn Plea Agreement Documents

Jump right to the point titled 'Defendant's Acceptance'. And pay special attention to Michael Flynn's signature.

Remember....and this point is fundemental, Brit: you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
It's what What Flynn agreed to with a gun held to his head. It is evidence of nothing. It can't be used in any other court case.

Saying a guilty plea is a sworn statement of the defendant's guilt is a tautology. You're saying a guilty plea is a guilty plea. It's absolutely meaningless. All you proved is that you are unable to commit logic.

Remember....and this point is fundamental, fat homo: you're a fucking idiot.

LOL- after todays' postponement it is pretty clear who is the fucking idiot- you flaming bigoted pile of shit. Far from attacking the FBI- Sullivan expressed his disgust for Flynn and his crime.
By the way- when it comes out that Flynn has testified against your Dear Leader and you suddenly go from considering Flynn a saint to a traitor to America- I look forward of reminding you of this thread.

WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge abruptly postponed the sentencing of President Donald Trump's first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, on Tuesday, saying he could not hide his disgust for Flynn's crime of lying to the FBI and accusing him of selling out his country.

Lawyers for Flynn, a retired Army lieutenant general who pleaded guilty last year to lying to the agency about his Russia contacts, requested the delay during a stunning hearing in which U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan gave Flynn a blistering rebuke.

"Arguably you sold your country out," Sullivan told Flynn, who was flanked by his attorneys.Flynn sentencing abruptly postponed; judge expresses disgust

From Sullivan's comments, the delay was to give the prosecution more time to get Flynn to cooperate with the sentencing looming over him.

And the judge indicated he was more than willing to give Flynn jail time if he tries any more stunts
Well, Flynn's lawyer today said in court that Flynn was not entrapped.
So - unless you are wearing a hat made of tinfoil - that puts an end to the OP question once and for all.

Its almost like Flynn's lawyers could hear our batshit conspiracy theorists......and refuted each and every one of their pseudo-legal conspiracy theories.

Sullivan immediately took aim at the notion of entrapment during Flynn’s sentencing hearing, saying he wondered if Flynn had really accepted responsibility for his crime, according to reporters in the courthouse. Responding to questions from Sullivan, Flynn said he knew that lying to the FBI was illegal and his lawyer said he wasn’t contending that Flynn needed to be reminded of that, nor that he needed to have a lawyer present, or that Flynn “was entrapped by the FBI.” Flynn reportedly affirmed several times that he was guilty of lying to the FBI.

In court, Mike Flynn walked back the suggestion he was tricked by the FBI

The Trumpies now have only one option: Expand their conspiracy yet again!
He was the Head of the NRA. He wasn't interviewed as a suspect, nor was he being charged with a crime. The LYING was the crime.

Flynn was in no danger of being charged with anything when he walked into that room. By lying to the FBI, he INSTANTLY became the subject of the investigation. Flynn did this to himself.
The intent of the agents was clear...They weren't there for a social call, and Comey just admitted as much.
When 2 senior FBI officers visit you you better be telling the truth

And he did. According to the agents who did the interview. It's funny watching you leftards crying and moaning over this. Mueller, Comey and the rest of the crooks just got caught. By their own words and deeds. This judge won't put up with Mueller's BS. Not informing Flynn this was an official interview and denying him legal representation? Naughty naughty. Maybe you lefties best learn to follow the law.
LOL- you poor little Trumpkin. Once again you have been led astray by your Dear Leader and the talking heads of his pocket media

What this judge won't put up with is clear- he won't put up with breaking the law like Flynn confessed to.

Perhaps next time you shoudln't lecture everyone else about the law?

WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge abruptly postponed the sentencing of President Donald Trump's first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, on Tuesday, saying he could not hide his disgust for Flynn's crime of lying to the FBI and accusing him of selling out his country.

Lawyers for Flynn, a retired Army lieutenant general who pleaded guilty last year to lying to the agency about his Russia contacts, requested the delay during a stunning hearing in which U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan gave Flynn a blistering rebuke.

"Arguably you sold your country out," Sullivan told Flynn, who was flanked by his attorneys.Flynn sentencing abruptly postponed; judge expresses disgust

Let's note something you conveniently ignore little Obamanzee. The judge apologized to Flynn for those comments. Saying he was not correct in making them. By the way where's that ORIGINAL 302 know nothing? Postponement also means more Mueller malfeasance will likely be uncovered. Glad to piss on your early parade.
He walked back the "treason" comment...reluctantly.

HUGE FAIL junior
He was the Head of the NRA. He wasn't interviewed as a suspect, nor was he being charged with a crime. The LYING was the crime.

Flynn was in no danger of being charged with anything when he walked into that room. By lying to the FBI, he INSTANTLY became the subject of the investigation. Flynn did this to himself.
The intent of the agents was clear...They weren't there for a social call, and Comey just admitted as much.
When 2 senior FBI officers visit you you better be telling the truth

And he did. According to the agents who did the interview. It's funny watching you leftards crying and moaning over this. Mueller, Comey and the rest of the crooks just got caught. By their own words and deeds. This judge won't put up with Mueller's BS. Not informing Flynn this was an official interview and denying him legal representation? Naughty naughty. Maybe you lefties best learn to follow the law.
LOL- you poor little Trumpkin. Once again you have been led astray by your Dear Leader and the talking heads of his pocket media

What this judge won't put up with is clear- he won't put up with breaking the law like Flynn confessed to.

Perhaps next time you shoudln't lecture everyone else about the law?

WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge abruptly postponed the sentencing of President Donald Trump's first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, on Tuesday, saying he could not hide his disgust for Flynn's crime of lying to the FBI and accusing him of selling out his country.

Lawyers for Flynn, a retired Army lieutenant general who pleaded guilty last year to lying to the agency about his Russia contacts, requested the delay during a stunning hearing in which U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan gave Flynn a blistering rebuke.

"Arguably you sold your country out," Sullivan told Flynn, who was flanked by his attorneys.Flynn sentencing abruptly postponed; judge expresses disgust

Let's note something you conveniently ignore little Obamanzee. The judge apologized to Flynn for those comments.

The judge walked back the references to treason. Of which none of my quotes made any reference.

The judge eviscerated Flynn and his lawyers today for even trying to insinuate that the FBI had done something improper.

Saying he was not correct in making them. By the way where's that ORIGINAL 302 know nothing? Postponement also means more Mueller malfeasance will likely be uncovered. Glad to piss on your early parade.

All of your little pseudo-legal horseshit just got shoveled, kiddo. The judge had Flynn openly admit that he lied to the FBI, that he knew lying was a crime....with Flynn's lawyers desperately backpedalling, telling the judge that there was no entrapment, that they weren't arguing that Flynn needed a lawyer for the interview, that Flynn knew he was lying, Flynn knew it was a crime, that no, Flynn didn't need to be reminded of it the Federal Investigators.

Sullivan immediately took aim at the notion of entrapment during Flynn’s sentencing hearing, saying he wondered if Flynn had really accepted responsibility for his crime, according to reporters in the courthouse. Responding to questions from Sullivan, Flynn said he knew that lying to the FBI was illegal and his lawyer said he wasn’t contending that Flynn needed to be reminded of that, nor that he needed to have a lawyer present, or that Flynn “was entrapped by the FBI.” Flynn reportedly affirmed several times that he was guilty of lying to the FBI.

In court, Mike Flynn walked back the suggestion he was tricked by the FBI

Point for point, the silly, nonsense conspiracies that your ilk offered us here.....the entire premise of the thread, was dismantled by Flynn's own lawyers as they desperately tried to preserve Flynn's plea deal.

With the judge delaying sentencing so the prosecutors could get a few more months of cooperation with the sentencing ahead of Flynn rather than behind him.

Shill your horseshit in the right wing echo chamber, rube. As it doesn't play well in an actual court of law.
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The intent of the agents was clear...They weren't there for a social call, and Comey just admitted as much.
When 2 senior FBI officers visit you you better be telling the truth

And he did. According to the agents who did the interview. It's funny watching you leftards crying and moaning over this. Mueller, Comey and the rest of the crooks just got caught. By their own words and deeds. This judge won't put up with Mueller's BS. Not informing Flynn this was an official interview and denying him legal representation? Naughty naughty. Maybe you lefties best learn to follow the law.
LOL- you poor little Trumpkin. Once again you have been led astray by your Dear Leader and the talking heads of his pocket media

What this judge won't put up with is clear- he won't put up with breaking the law like Flynn confessed to.

Perhaps next time you shoudln't lecture everyone else about the law?

WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge abruptly postponed the sentencing of President Donald Trump's first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, on Tuesday, saying he could not hide his disgust for Flynn's crime of lying to the FBI and accusing him of selling out his country.

Lawyers for Flynn, a retired Army lieutenant general who pleaded guilty last year to lying to the agency about his Russia contacts, requested the delay during a stunning hearing in which U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan gave Flynn a blistering rebuke.

"Arguably you sold your country out," Sullivan told Flynn, who was flanked by his attorneys.Flynn sentencing abruptly postponed; judge expresses disgust

Let's note something you conveniently ignore little Obamanzee. The judge apologized to Flynn for those comments.

The judge walked back the references to treason. Of which none of my quotes made any reference.

The judge eviscerated Flynn and his lawyers today for even trying to insinuate that the FBI had done something improper.

Saying he was not correct in making them. By the way where's that ORIGINAL 302 know nothing? Postponement also means more Mueller malfeasance will likely be uncovered. Glad to piss on your early parade.

All of your little pseudo-legal horseshit just got shoveled, kiddo. The judge had Flynn openly admit that he lied to the FBI, that he knew lying was a crime....with Flynn's lawyers desperately backpedalling, telling the judge that there was no entrapment, that they weren't arguing that Flynn needed a lawyer for the interview, that Flynn knew he was lying, that no, Flynn didn't need to be reminded of it.

Sullivan immediately took aim at the notion of entrapment during Flynn’s sentencing hearing, saying he wondered if Flynn had really accepted responsibility for his crime, according to reporters in the courthouse. Responding to questions from Sullivan, Flynn said he knew that lying to the FBI was illegal and his lawyer said he wasn’t contending that Flynn needed to be reminded of that, nor that he needed to have a lawyer present, or that Flynn “was entrapped by the FBI.” Flynn reportedly affirmed several times that he was guilty of lying to the FBI.

In court, Mike Flynn walked back the suggestion he was tricked by the FBI

Point for point, the silly, nonsense conspiracies that your ilk offered us here.....the entire premise of the thread, was dismantled by Flynn's own lawyers as they desperately tried to preserve Flynn's plea deal.

With the judge delaying sentencing so the prosecutors could get a few more months of cooperation with the sentencing ahead of Flynn rather than behind him.

Shill your horseshit in the right wing echo chamber, rube. As it doesn't play well in an actual court of law.

Sorry jackass. I slap you again. More time to get even more evidence to add to the mountain of Mule malfeasance. But I forget, you and your ilk never got out of second grade, so understanding of how things get played is beyond you. by the way, your hirseshit denials about Enron, Hatfill and everything else you deny got shoveled a while ago so don't talk about being wrong uneducated one.
When 2 senior FBI officers visit you you better be telling the truth

And he did. According to the agents who did the interview. It's funny watching you leftards crying and moaning over this. Mueller, Comey and the rest of the crooks just got caught. By their own words and deeds. This judge won't put up with Mueller's BS. Not informing Flynn this was an official interview and denying him legal representation? Naughty naughty. Maybe you lefties best learn to follow the law.
LOL- you poor little Trumpkin. Once again you have been led astray by your Dear Leader and the talking heads of his pocket media

What this judge won't put up with is clear- he won't put up with breaking the law like Flynn confessed to.

Perhaps next time you shoudln't lecture everyone else about the law?

WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge abruptly postponed the sentencing of President Donald Trump's first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, on Tuesday, saying he could not hide his disgust for Flynn's crime of lying to the FBI and accusing him of selling out his country.

Lawyers for Flynn, a retired Army lieutenant general who pleaded guilty last year to lying to the agency about his Russia contacts, requested the delay during a stunning hearing in which U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan gave Flynn a blistering rebuke.

"Arguably you sold your country out," Sullivan told Flynn, who was flanked by his attorneys.Flynn sentencing abruptly postponed; judge expresses disgust

Let's note something you conveniently ignore little Obamanzee. The judge apologized to Flynn for those comments.

The judge walked back the references to treason. Of which none of my quotes made any reference.

The judge eviscerated Flynn and his lawyers today for even trying to insinuate that the FBI had done something improper.

Saying he was not correct in making them. By the way where's that ORIGINAL 302 know nothing? Postponement also means more Mueller malfeasance will likely be uncovered. Glad to piss on your early parade.

All of your little pseudo-legal horseshit just got shoveled, kiddo. The judge had Flynn openly admit that he lied to the FBI, that he knew lying was a crime....with Flynn's lawyers desperately backpedalling, telling the judge that there was no entrapment, that they weren't arguing that Flynn needed a lawyer for the interview, that Flynn knew he was lying, that no, Flynn didn't need to be reminded of it.

Sullivan immediately took aim at the notion of entrapment during Flynn’s sentencing hearing, saying he wondered if Flynn had really accepted responsibility for his crime, according to reporters in the courthouse. Responding to questions from Sullivan, Flynn said he knew that lying to the FBI was illegal and his lawyer said he wasn’t contending that Flynn needed to be reminded of that, nor that he needed to have a lawyer present, or that Flynn “was entrapped by the FBI.” Flynn reportedly affirmed several times that he was guilty of lying to the FBI.

In court, Mike Flynn walked back the suggestion he was tricked by the FBI

Point for point, the silly, nonsense conspiracies that your ilk offered us here.....the entire premise of the thread, was dismantled by Flynn's own lawyers as they desperately tried to preserve Flynn's plea deal.

With the judge delaying sentencing so the prosecutors could get a few more months of cooperation with the sentencing ahead of Flynn rather than behind him.

Shill your horseshit in the right wing echo chamber, rube. As it doesn't play well in an actual court of law.

Sorry jackass. I slap you again. More time to get even more evidence to add to the mountain of Mule malfeasance. But I forget, you and your ilk never got out of second grade, so understanding of how things get played is beyond you. by the way, your hirseshit denials about Enron, Hatfill and everything else you deny got shoveled a while ago so don't talk about being wrong uneducated one.

Sorry kiddo.....but all you did was just throw up yet another piece of useless pseudo-legal horseshit. Predictably backed by nothing.

The entire premise of the thread was debunked today.....by Flynn's own lawyers.

Sullivan immediately took aim at the notion of entrapment during Flynn’s sentencing hearing, saying he wondered if Flynn had really accepted responsibility for his crime, according to reporters in the courthouse. Responding to questions from Sullivan, Flynn said he knew that lying to the FBI was illegal and his lawyer said he wasn’t contending that Flynn needed to be reminded of that, nor that he needed to have a lawyer present, or that Flynn “was entrapped by the FBI.” Flynn reportedly affirmed several times that he was guilty of lying to the FBI.

Ignore as you will. Your willful ignorance is, as always, utterly irrelevant.
This idiot seems to have latched on the phrase "plea agreement" as if that means something in this context. That is an agreement between the accused and the prosecutor. The Court can be advised of it but his TESTIMONY is all the court is really concerned about. Testimony like "Yes your honor I am guilty and this is why and what I did"
Oh, Brit knows nothing. And he's proud of it. The thing to remember is that to conservatives, the law is whatever they FEEL it is. They don't actually care what the real law says, or how plea agreements work, or even what the Supreme Court rules.

They only care about how they FEEL the law should be. Which is what Brit is arguing.

Alas, the court's don't give a fiddler's fuck what some online hack FEELS about the law. Courts abide the actual law, the actual court rulings.

And in the actual plea agreement......Flynn accepted the Statement of Offense and signed his name and stipulates to its accuracy under the penalty of perjury.

Which they don't know.....because they refuse to look at the plea agreement. And then laughably argue that if they won't look at the agreement, then it doesn't have any evidence.

You can't fix stupid.
It's meaningless. the minute he's sentenced, the plea agreement is null and void.

Says you, citing your imagination.

Again, you don't know a thing about the law. You keep citing your imagination.....as if it has some relevance. You keep inventing 'requirements' of the federal authorities that simply don't exist. And the pseudo-legal gibberish you make up has no relevance in any court of law.

Back in reality, Flynn stipulated to the accuracy of the Statement of Offense under penalty of perjury.
Of course, you can't prove otherwise. You're trying hard to defend the criminality of your scumbag hero, but it isn't going to work. The FBI entrapped Flynn, Mueller wiped Peter Strzok's phone clean the day he was taken off the case, and Mueller is extorting false confessions from his victims. There has never been this kind of corruption in the US government before now, but you're perfectly OK with it.

And by 'corruption', you mean your imagination?

Despite the endless steaming stream of psuedo-legal batshit that comes spewing out of your mouth.......once again, the bug of your imagination hits the wind shield of reality yet again.

I have pounded your ass more times than I can count. What you do is harbor your resentment and hatred and lurk in the shadows until you can find something to harp on, and then you harp on that thing until doomsday. It's a typical leftwing tactic. All you proved is that you're a fat maladjusted obsessive homosexual.
Oh, Brit knows nothing. And he's proud of it. The thing to remember is that to conservatives, the law is whatever they FEEL it is. They don't actually care what the real law says, or how plea agreements work, or even what the Supreme Court rules.

They only care about how they FEEL the law should be. Which is what Brit is arguing.

Alas, the court's don't give a fiddler's fuck what some online hack FEELS about the law. Courts abide the actual law, the actual court rulings.

And in the actual plea agreement......Flynn accepted the Statement of Offense and signed his name and stipulates to its accuracy under the penalty of perjury.

Which they don't know.....because they refuse to look at the plea agreement. And then laughably argue that if they won't look at the agreement, then it doesn't have any evidence.

You can't fix stupid.
It's meaningless. the minute he's sentenced, the plea agreement is null and void.

Says you, citing your imagination.

Again, you don't know a thing about the law. You keep citing your imagination.....as if it has some relevance. You keep inventing 'requirements' of the federal authorities that simply don't exist. And the pseudo-legal gibberish you make up has no relevance in any court of law.

Back in reality, Flynn stipulated to the accuracy of the Statement of Offense under penalty of perjury.
Of course, you can't prove otherwise. You're trying hard to defend the criminality of your scumbag hero, but it isn't going to work. The FBI entrapped Flynn, Mueller wiped Peter Strzok's phone clean the day he was taken off the case, and Mueller is extorting false confessions from his victims. There has never been this kind of corruption in the US government before now, but you're perfectly OK with it.

And by 'corruption', you mean your imagination?

Despite the endless steaming stream of psuedo-legal batshit that comes spewing out of your mouth.......once again, the bug of your imagination hits the wind shield of reality yet again.

I have pounded your ass more times than I can count. What you do is harbor your resentment and hatred and lurk in the shadows until you can find something to harp on, and then you harp on that thing until doomsday. It's a typical leftwing tactic. All you proved is that you're a fat maladjusted obsessive homosexual.

The entire premise of the thread was destroyed today......by Flynn's own lawyers. They told the judge that Flynn was not entrapped.

And yet after your childish ignorance about Miranda, the judge berating Flynn for his 'serious crimes', even after your batshit claims that nothing Flynn said to the investigators was admissible, even after your stupid predictions that the plea deal would be thrown out.....

.....You're still going to ignore the plea deal, Flynn in court admitting to his crimes, and Flynn's own lawyers debunking your conspiracy theory.

Shrugs.....you can't fix stupid.
Flynn fucked himself

not one single human held a gun to his head and made him lie or answer questions without a lawyer present - NOT ONE.
He was conned into giving an interview without being Mirandized...Clear and unambiguous entrapment.

Laughing.....not according to Flynn's lawyers, it wasn't.

Sullivan immediately took aim at the notion of entrapment during Flynn’s sentencing hearing, saying he wondered if Flynn had really accepted responsibility for his crime, according to reporters in the courthouse. Responding to questions from Sullivan, Flynn said he knew that lying to the FBI was illegal and his lawyer said he wasn’t contending that Flynn needed to be reminded of that, nor that he needed to have a lawyer present, or that Flynn “was entrapped by the FBI.” Flynn reportedly affirmed several times that he was guilty of lying to the FBI.

In court, Mike Flynn walked back the suggestion he was tricked by the FBI

And once again we see the utility of the pseudo-legal horseshit that conservatives tell each other summed up in two words:

Jack Shit.
Says the soul so wildly ignorant about the law that he insisted that miranda rights have to be read to people who aren't in custody.

Yeah, your command of the topic really doesn't amount to much.
Why don't you bother these morons who believe a plea agreement constitutes valid evidence of something?

Its a sworn statement of Flynn's guilt. Again, take a look for yourself. Flynn admits to committing crimes:

Michael Flynn Plea Agreement Documents

Jump right to the point titled 'Defendant's Acceptance'. And pay special attention to Michael Flynn's signature.

Remember....and this point is fundemental, Brit: you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
It's what What Flynn agreed to with a gun held to his head. It is evidence of nothing. It can't be used in any other court case.

Saying a guilty plea is a sworn statement of the defendant's guilt is a tautology. You're saying a guilty plea is a guilty plea. It's absolutely meaningless. All you proved is that you are unable to commit logic.

Remember....and this point is fundamental, fat homo: you're a fucking idiot.

LOL- after todays' postponement it is pretty clear who is the fucking idiot- you flaming bigoted pile of shit. Far from attacking the FBI- Sullivan expressed his disgust for Flynn and his crime.
By the way- when it comes out that Flynn has testified against your Dear Leader and you suddenly go from considering Flynn a saint to a traitor to America- I look forward of reminding you of this thread.

WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge abruptly postponed the sentencing of President Donald Trump's first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, on Tuesday, saying he could not hide his disgust for Flynn's crime of lying to the FBI and accusing him of selling out his country.

Lawyers for Flynn, a retired Army lieutenant general who pleaded guilty last year to lying to the agency about his Russia contacts, requested the delay during a stunning hearing in which U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan gave Flynn a blistering rebuke.

"Arguably you sold your country out," Sullivan told Flynn, who was flanked by his attorneys.Flynn sentencing abruptly postponed; judge expresses disgust

From Sullivan's comments, the delay was to give the prosecution more time to get Flynn to cooperate with the sentencing looming over him.
Says you based on your own authority.
Why don't you bother these morons who believe a plea agreement constitutes valid evidence of something?

Its a sworn statement of Flynn's guilt. Again, take a look for yourself. Flynn admits to committing crimes:

Michael Flynn Plea Agreement Documents

Jump right to the point titled 'Defendant's Acceptance'. And pay special attention to Michael Flynn's signature.

Remember....and this point is fundemental, Brit: you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
It's what What Flynn agreed to with a gun held to his head. It is evidence of nothing. It can't be used in any other court case.

Saying a guilty plea is a sworn statement of the defendant's guilt is a tautology. You're saying a guilty plea is a guilty plea. It's absolutely meaningless. All you proved is that you are unable to commit logic.

Remember....and this point is fundamental, fat homo: you're a fucking idiot.

LOL- after todays' postponement it is pretty clear who is the fucking idiot- you flaming bigoted pile of shit. Far from attacking the FBI- Sullivan expressed his disgust for Flynn and his crime.
By the way- when it comes out that Flynn has testified against your Dear Leader and you suddenly go from considering Flynn a saint to a traitor to America- I look forward of reminding you of this thread.

WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge abruptly postponed the sentencing of President Donald Trump's first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, on Tuesday, saying he could not hide his disgust for Flynn's crime of lying to the FBI and accusing him of selling out his country.

Lawyers for Flynn, a retired Army lieutenant general who pleaded guilty last year to lying to the agency about his Russia contacts, requested the delay during a stunning hearing in which U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan gave Flynn a blistering rebuke.

"Arguably you sold your country out," Sullivan told Flynn, who was flanked by his attorneys.Flynn sentencing abruptly postponed; judge expresses disgust

From Sullivan's comments, the delay was to give the prosecution more time to get Flynn to cooperate with the sentencing looming over him.

And the judge indicated he was more than willing to give Flynn jail time if he tries any more stunts
Flynn didn't do anything, moron.
It's meaningless. the minute he's sentenced, the plea agreement is null and void.

Says you, citing your imagination.

Again, you don't know a thing about the law. You keep citing your imagination.....as if it has some relevance. You keep inventing 'requirements' of the federal authorities that simply don't exist. And the pseudo-legal gibberish you make up has no relevance in any court of law.

Back in reality, Flynn stipulated to the accuracy of the Statement of Offense under penalty of perjury.
Of course, you can't prove otherwise. You're trying hard to defend the criminality of your scumbag hero, but it isn't going to work. The FBI entrapped Flynn, Mueller wiped Peter Strzok's phone clean the day he was taken off the case, and Mueller is extorting false confessions from his victims. There has never been this kind of corruption in the US government before now, but you're perfectly OK with it.

And by 'corruption', you mean your imagination?

Despite the endless steaming stream of psuedo-legal batshit that comes spewing out of your mouth.......once again, the bug of your imagination hits the wind shield of reality yet again.

I have pounded your ass more times than I can count. What you do is harbor your resentment and hatred and lurk in the shadows until you can find something to harp on, and then you harp on that thing until doomsday. It's a typical leftwing tactic. All you proved is that you're a fat maladjusted obsessive homosexual.

The entire premise of the thread was destroyed today......by Flynn's own lawyers. They told the judge that Flynn was not entrapped.

And yet after your childish ignorance about Miranda, the judge berating Flynn for his 'serious crimes', even after your batshit claims that nothing Flynn said to the investigators was admissible, even after your stupid predictions that the plea deal would be thrown out.....

.....You're still going to ignore the plea deal, Flynn in court admitting to his crimes, and Flynn's own lawyers debunking your conspiracy theory.

Shrugs.....you can't fix stupid.

Glad to see you admit your stupidity. I would suggest an education so you can keep up. Your willful ignorance of Mueller's past and current misdeeds is noted. One would think you'd get tired of being slapped around. That may be another issue you need help with. But some of us have lives and don't live in the basement so whine to the sky. Does it upset you that you can't ruin people's days with your babble?
Its a sworn statement of Flynn's guilt. Again, take a look for yourself. Flynn admits to committing crimes:

Michael Flynn Plea Agreement Documents

Jump right to the point titled 'Defendant's Acceptance'. And pay special attention to Michael Flynn's signature.

Remember....and this point is fundemental, Brit: you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
It's what What Flynn agreed to with a gun held to his head. It is evidence of nothing. It can't be used in any other court case.

Saying a guilty plea is a sworn statement of the defendant's guilt is a tautology. You're saying a guilty plea is a guilty plea. It's absolutely meaningless. All you proved is that you are unable to commit logic.

Remember....and this point is fundamental, fat homo: you're a fucking idiot.

LOL- after todays' postponement it is pretty clear who is the fucking idiot- you flaming bigoted pile of shit. Far from attacking the FBI- Sullivan expressed his disgust for Flynn and his crime.
By the way- when it comes out that Flynn has testified against your Dear Leader and you suddenly go from considering Flynn a saint to a traitor to America- I look forward of reminding you of this thread.

WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge abruptly postponed the sentencing of President Donald Trump's first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, on Tuesday, saying he could not hide his disgust for Flynn's crime of lying to the FBI and accusing him of selling out his country.

Lawyers for Flynn, a retired Army lieutenant general who pleaded guilty last year to lying to the agency about his Russia contacts, requested the delay during a stunning hearing in which U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan gave Flynn a blistering rebuke.

"Arguably you sold your country out," Sullivan told Flynn, who was flanked by his attorneys.Flynn sentencing abruptly postponed; judge expresses disgust

From Sullivan's comments, the delay was to give the prosecution more time to get Flynn to cooperate with the sentencing looming over him.

And the judge indicated he was more than willing to give Flynn jail time if he tries any more stunts
Flynn didn't do anything, moron.

Flynn, the Judge, Flynn's Lawyers, Flynn's plea agreement, Title 18 of the USC, Section 1001(a)(2), and the Prosecutors disagree.

Remember.......you don't actually know what the fuck you're talking about.
But the idiot Trumpers "soldier on" no matter how hard the facts kick them in the teeth

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