Was Flynn entrapped?

ROFL! That's why Mueller is a criminal. He forced Cohen to perjure himself. He should go to prison for that alone.

Mueller's a criminal....says you, citing your imagination. Mueller forced Cohen to perjure himself......says you, citing your imagination.

At every turn you just make shit up, backed by nothing. All while ignoring sworn testimony and plea agreements in which the defendant stipulates to the accuracy of the Statement of Offense under penalty of perjury.

Neither your imagination nor your willful ignorance have any relevance. As again.....you're nobody.
Almost everything you post is backed by nothing, dumbass.
Laughing....except the actual Miranda v. Arizona ruling which states that miranda warnings are required only when someone is in custody.

Miranda v. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436 (1966)

Which you ignore.

And of course, the actual Flynn plea agreement where the Statement of Offenses lays out the exact lies that Flynn told to federal investigators and the exact violations of the law those lies created. With Flynn stipulating in his "Defendant's Acceptance" that the Statement of Offenses is accurate under penalty of perjury.

Michael Flynn Plea Agreement Documents

Which you refuse to read.

See, that's the difference between us. I'm citing the law and the actual plea agreements. You're just citing yourself.
You were right about one thing. Other than that, you got bupkiss. "Sworn testimony" made with a gun to your head isn't worth jack shit.

The 'gun to your head' is imaginary. Again, you keep making shit up, backed by nothing. While ignoring the actual evidence. Like.....Flynn's plea agreement. You still refuse to even look at it. And then laughably inisist that if you won't look at it, its not evidence.

Good luck with that.

Apparently I only have to endure the next 1000 times you post on that subject.

As you've demonstrated repeatedly, you can just ignore the Miranda ruling and Flynn's plea agrement and make up whatever you'd like in the wasteland of your imagination.

But alas, your imaginary version of Miranda isn't what the courts follow. They follow the *actual* ruling. And your imaginary version of Flynn's plea agreement isn't what the court's follow. They follow the *actual* plea agreement.

The bug of your imagination keeps hitting the windshield of reality. And the collision isn't pretty.
I haven't mentioned Miranda rights in days, moron. You lose on every other point, like claiming a plea is a confession, so you harp incessantly on the one thing you got right. That's your SOP.
It's meaningless. the minute he's sentenced, the plea agreement is null and void. If he testifies in another trial, he will be charged with perjury if he repeats the horseshit in his plea agreement. It's a lie.

WTF are you babbling about "counselor"?

Of course the agreement is meaningless once the accused is sentenced. However Prosecutors know that as well and usually leave other charges on the table in case the asshole tries to get cute.

Not to mention the fact that they usually only GO to sentencing once they have as much as they are going to get

You seem to be foaming at the mouth lately. Might I suggest you get some help?
Ah, yes, Mueller's got this massive pile of secret evidence he's hiding. That's the secret hope of all the forum snowflakes.
There was no real secret about all those boxes of evidence being carried out of Cohen's office
You imagine there's something worthwhile in those boxes. That's pure fantasy.
Mueller's a criminal....says you, citing your imagination. Mueller forced Cohen to perjure himself......says you, citing your imagination.

At every turn you just make shit up, backed by nothing. All while ignoring sworn testimony and plea agreements in which the defendant stipulates to the accuracy of the Statement of Offense under penalty of perjury.

Neither your imagination nor your willful ignorance have any relevance. As again.....you're nobody.
I make up nothing. I report the published facts.

Oh, you make up shit constantly. Your imaginary version of the Miranda warnings, your blithering idiocy about Cohen never having been sworn in, your insistence that Flynn stipulating to the accuracy of the Statement of Offense under penalty of perjury isn't evidence, your made up nonsense that Mueller forced Cohen to perjure himself....

....all imaginary. All backed by nothing. All hopelessly irrelevant to any court proceeding.

Is that really it guys? Just you poor souls playing make believe?
It's not imaginary, you fat homosexual.

Its all imaginary. You're literally offering us a story, backed by nothing. Who says that Mueller 'forced' Cohen to 'perjure' himself. You do. Citing your imagination.

ROFL! Mueller admits it.

No, kiddo, he doesn't. Mueller has never claimed he 'forced' Cohen to 'perjure' himself. That voice you hear in your head....that's not Mueller.

That's just your imagination.

A confession is voluntary. A plea is not a confession.

The plea agreement is voluntary. And it most definitely includes a confession. Read the section called 'Defendant's Acceptance'. Especially those portions where Flynn admits that the Statement of Offense is accurate.

Michael Flynn Plea Agreement Documents

Just because you refuse to look at the plea agreement and Flynn's confession doesn't change the fact that they both exist.

Remember.....you don't know what you're talking about. And most of your ignorance is self imposed.
Mueller's a criminal....says you, citing your imagination. Mueller forced Cohen to perjure himself......says you, citing your imagination.

At every turn you just make shit up, backed by nothing. All while ignoring sworn testimony and plea agreements in which the defendant stipulates to the accuracy of the Statement of Offense under penalty of perjury.

Neither your imagination nor your willful ignorance have any relevance. As again.....you're nobody.
Almost everything you post is backed by nothing, dumbass.
Laughing....except the actual Miranda v. Arizona ruling which states that miranda warnings are required only when someone is in custody.

Miranda v. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436 (1966)

Which you ignore.

And of course, the actual Flynn plea agreement where the Statement of Offenses lays out the exact lies that Flynn told to federal investigators and the exact violations of the law those lies created. With Flynn stipulating in his "Defendant's Acceptance" that the Statement of Offenses is accurate under penalty of perjury.

Michael Flynn Plea Agreement Documents

Which you refuse to read.

See, that's the difference between us. I'm citing the law and the actual plea agreements. You're just citing yourself.
You were right about one thing. Other than that, you got bupkiss. "Sworn testimony" made with a gun to your head isn't worth jack shit.

The 'gun to your head' is imaginary. Again, you keep making shit up, backed by nothing. While ignoring the actual evidence. Like.....Flynn's plea agreement. You still refuse to even look at it. And then laughably inisist that if you won't look at it, its not evidence.

Good luck with that.

Apparently I only have to endure the next 1000 times you post on that subject.

As you've demonstrated repeatedly, you can just ignore the Miranda ruling and Flynn's plea agrement and make up whatever you'd like in the wasteland of your imagination.

But alas, your imaginary version of Miranda isn't what the courts follow. They follow the *actual* ruling. And your imaginary version of Flynn's plea agreement isn't what the court's follow. They follow the *actual* plea agreement.

The bug of your imagination keeps hitting the windshield of reality. And the collision isn't pretty.
I haven't mentioned Miranda rights in days, moron. You lose on every other point, like claiming a plea is a confession, so you harp incessantly on the one thing you got right. That's your SOP.

Laughing....then what, pray tell, is your legal basis that federal investigators have to inform someone of their right to an attorney before questioning him?

Spoiler alert: the legal basis is the Miranda ruling. And ONLY for those suspects in custody. Which Flynn never was during the interview with Federal investigators.

The courts follow the *actual* Miranda ruling. Not what you think you mighta heard once on an episode of Law and Order SVU.
The judge is going to throw out the charges, so there won't be any jail time, fool.

Says the soul so wildly ignorant about the law that he insisted that miranda rights have to be read to people who aren't in custody.

Yeah, your command of the topic really doesn't amount to much.
Why don't you bother these morons who believe a plea agreement constitutes valid evidence of something?

Its a sworn statement of Flynn's guilt. Again, take a look for yourself. Flynn admits to committing crimes:

Michael Flynn Plea Agreement Documents

Jump right to the point titled 'Defendant's Acceptance'. And pay special attention to Michael Flynn's signature.

Remember....and this point is fundemental, Brit: you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
It's what What Flynn agreed to with a gun held to his head. It is evidence of nothing.

Says you, citing your imagination. And the useless pseudo-legal idiocy that you tell yourself has no relevance to the actual law, the actual plea deal.

In the actual plea deal, Flynn stipulatesthat the Statement of Offense was accurate *under penalty of perjury*.

Its evidence in any court of law. That you pretend otherwise is meaningless. As you're nobody.
Don't you wonder if Brip's mom knows what he is doing on the computer in her basement when he says he is doing his homework?
Almost everything you post is backed by nothing, dumbass.
Laughing....except the actual Miranda v. Arizona ruling which states that miranda warnings are required only when someone is in custody.

Miranda v. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436 (1966)

Which you ignore.

And of course, the actual Flynn plea agreement where the Statement of Offenses lays out the exact lies that Flynn told to federal investigators and the exact violations of the law those lies created. With Flynn stipulating in his "Defendant's Acceptance" that the Statement of Offenses is accurate under penalty of perjury.

Michael Flynn Plea Agreement Documents

Which you refuse to read.

See, that's the difference between us. I'm citing the law and the actual plea agreements. You're just citing yourself.
You were right about one thing. Other than that, you got bupkiss. "Sworn testimony" made with a gun to your head isn't worth jack shit.

The 'gun to your head' is imaginary. Again, you keep making shit up, backed by nothing. While ignoring the actual evidence. Like.....Flynn's plea agreement. You still refuse to even look at it. And then laughably inisist that if you won't look at it, its not evidence.

Good luck with that.

Apparently I only have to endure the next 1000 times you post on that subject.

As you've demonstrated repeatedly, you can just ignore the Miranda ruling and Flynn's plea agrement and make up whatever you'd like in the wasteland of your imagination.

But alas, your imaginary version of Miranda isn't what the courts follow. They follow the *actual* ruling. And your imaginary version of Flynn's plea agreement isn't what the court's follow. They follow the *actual* plea agreement.

The bug of your imagination keeps hitting the windshield of reality. And the collision isn't pretty.
I haven't mentioned Miranda rights in days, moron. You lose on every other point, like claiming a plea is a confession, so you harp incessantly on the one thing you got right. That's your SOP.

Laughing....then what, pray tell, is your legal basis that federal investigators have to inform someone of their right to an attorney before questioning him?

Spoiler alert: the legal basis is the Miranda ruling. And ONLY for those suspects in custody. Which Flynn never was during the interview with Federal investigators.

The courts follow the *actual* Miranda ruling. Not what you think you mighta heard once on an episode of Law and Order SVU.

I am taking bets now- when it comes out that Flynn has provided incriminating testimony against Lying Donnie- how much do you want to bet that Brip and all of the loyal Trumpkins here will suddenly declare that Flynn was always a closet Democrat and probably a Commie too!

I am no longer bothering to point out the obvious to Brip- he refuses to accept anything that has not been tweeted by Lying Donnie anyway- but I surely do look forward to seeing what happens next.

Somehow I suspect it is not going to be what Brip and his fellow travellors expect.
Laughing....except the actual Miranda v. Arizona ruling which states that miranda warnings are required only when someone is in custody.

Miranda v. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436 (1966)

Which you ignore.

And of course, the actual Flynn plea agreement where the Statement of Offenses lays out the exact lies that Flynn told to federal investigators and the exact violations of the law those lies created. With Flynn stipulating in his "Defendant's Acceptance" that the Statement of Offenses is accurate under penalty of perjury.

Michael Flynn Plea Agreement Documents

Which you refuse to read.

See, that's the difference between us. I'm citing the law and the actual plea agreements. You're just citing yourself.
The 'gun to your head' is imaginary. Again, you keep making shit up, backed by nothing. While ignoring the actual evidence. Like.....Flynn's plea agreement. You still refuse to even look at it. And then laughably inisist that if you won't look at it, its not evidence.

Good luck with that.

Apparently I only have to endure the next 1000 times you post on that subject.

As you've demonstrated repeatedly, you can just ignore the Miranda ruling and Flynn's plea agrement and make up whatever you'd like in the wasteland of your imagination.

But alas, your imaginary version of Miranda isn't what the courts follow. They follow the *actual* ruling. And your imaginary version of Flynn's plea agreement isn't what the court's follow. They follow the *actual* plea agreement.

The bug of your imagination keeps hitting the windshield of reality. And the collision isn't pretty.
I haven't mentioned Miranda rights in days, moron. You lose on every other point, like claiming a plea is a confession, so you harp incessantly on the one thing you got right. That's your SOP.

Laughing....then what, pray tell, is your legal basis that federal investigators have to inform someone of their right to an attorney before questioning him?

Spoiler alert: the legal basis is the Miranda ruling. And ONLY for those suspects in custody. Which Flynn never was during the interview with Federal investigators.

The courts follow the *actual* Miranda ruling. Not what you think you mighta heard once on an episode of Law and Order SVU.

I am taking bets now- when it comes out that Flynn has provided incriminating testimony against Lying Donnie- how much do you want to bet that Brip and all of the loyal Trumpkins here will suddenly declare that Flynn was always a closet Democrat and probably a Commie too!

I am no longer bothering to point out the obvious to Brip- he refuses to accept anything that has not been tweeted by Lying Donnie anyway- but I surely do look forward to seeing what happens next.

Somehow I suspect it is not going to be what Brip and his fellow travellors expect.

Brit has said that any evidence that shows Trump is lying....is fake news.

That's the kinda shit that cultists say. You can't reason with people like that.
Why don't you bother these morons who believe a plea agreement constitutes valid evidence of something?

Its a sworn statement of Flynn's guilt. Again, take a look for yourself. Flynn admits to committing crimes:

Michael Flynn Plea Agreement Documents

Jump right to the point titled 'Defendant's Acceptance'. And pay special attention to Michael Flynn's signature.

Remember....and this point is fundemental, Brit: you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
It's what What Flynn agreed to with a gun held to his head. It is evidence of nothing.

Says you, citing your imagination. And the useless pseudo-legal idiocy that you tell yourself has no relevance to the actual law, the actual plea deal.

In the actual plea deal, Flynn stipulatesthat the Statement of Offense was accurate *under penalty of perjury*.

Its evidence in any court of law. That you pretend otherwise is meaningless. As you're nobody.
ROFL! That's why Mueller is a criminal. He forced Cohen to perjure himself. He should go to prison for that alone.

Mueller's a criminal....says you, citing your imagination. Mueller forced Cohen to perjure himself......says you, citing your imagination.

At every turn you just make shit up, backed by nothing. All while ignoring sworn testimony and plea agreements in which the defendant stipulates to the accuracy of the Statement of Offense under penalty of perjury.

Neither your imagination nor your willful ignorance have any relevance. As again.....you're nobody.

What is even more wonderfully ironic is that what the Trumpkins say that Flynn was 'forced' to lie about- is the same lie that Lying Donnie specifically said that he had to fire Flynn for- for lying to Pence and the FBI.

Even Lying Donnie has proclaimed Flynn lied to the FBI- probably because he was pissed off that he lied to Pence too.
Its a sworn statement of Flynn's guilt. Again, take a look for yourself. Flynn admits to committing crimes:

Michael Flynn Plea Agreement Documents

Jump right to the point titled 'Defendant's Acceptance'. And pay special attention to Michael Flynn's signature.

Remember....and this point is fundemental, Brit: you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
It's what What Flynn agreed to with a gun held to his head. It is evidence of nothing.

Says you, citing your imagination. And the useless pseudo-legal idiocy that you tell yourself has no relevance to the actual law, the actual plea deal.

In the actual plea deal, Flynn stipulatesthat the Statement of Offense was accurate *under penalty of perjury*.

Its evidence in any court of law. That you pretend otherwise is meaningless. As you're nobody.
ROFL! That's why Mueller is a criminal. He forced Cohen to perjure himself. He should go to prison for that alone.

Mueller's a criminal....says you, citing your imagination. Mueller forced Cohen to perjure himself......says you, citing your imagination.

At every turn you just make shit up, backed by nothing. All while ignoring sworn testimony and plea agreements in which the defendant stipulates to the accuracy of the Statement of Offense under penalty of perjury.

Neither your imagination nor your willful ignorance have any relevance. As again.....you're nobody.

What is even more wonderfully ironic is that what the Trumpkins say that Flynn was 'forced' to lie about- is the same lie that Lying Donnie specifically said that he had to fire Flynn for- for lying to Pence and the FBI.

Even Lying Donnie has proclaimed Flynn lied to the FBI- probably because he was pissed off that he lied to Pence too.

They're kinda raising cognitive dissonance to an art form. We're getting a brand new 'When Prophecy Fails' cult study here.
I make up nothing. I report the published facts.

Oh, you make up shit constantly. Your imaginary version of the Miranda warnings, your blithering idiocy about Cohen never having been sworn in, your insistence that Flynn stipulating to the accuracy of the Statement of Offense under penalty of perjury isn't evidence, your made up nonsense that Mueller forced Cohen to perjure himself....

....all imaginary. All backed by nothing. All hopelessly irrelevant to any court proceeding.

Is that really it guys? Just you poor souls playing make believe?
It's not imaginary, you fat homosexual.

Its all imaginary. You're literally offering us a story, backed by nothing. Who says that Mueller 'forced' Cohen to 'perjure' himself. You do. Citing your imagination.

ROFL! Mueller admits it.

No, kiddo, he doesn't. Mueller has never claimed he 'forced' Cohen to 'perjure' himself. That voice you hear in your head....that's not Mueller.

ROFL! Why would Mueller admit he's a thug and a scumbag? He doesn't need to claim it for us to know it. Why would anyone agree to a plea if he wasn't being forced? Your theory of human behavior has to be the ultimate idiocy.

A confession is voluntary. A plea is not a confession.

The plea agreement is voluntary. And it most definitely includes a confession. Read the section called 'Defendant's Acceptance'. Especially those portions where Flynn admits that the Statement of Offense is accurate.

BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! It's "voluntary" only in the sense that you "voluntarily" hand over your wallet when a mugger demands it or threatens to put a bullet between your ribs.

You're a certified imbecile.
Michael Flynn Plea Agreement Documents

Just because you refuse to look at the plea agreement and Flynn's confession doesn't change the fact that they both exist.

Remember.....you don't know what you're talking about. And most of your ignorance is self imposed.

Who said they didn't exist? You're dealing in non sequiturs. Of course, we both know you don't know what that is.
Its a sworn statement of Flynn's guilt. Again, take a look for yourself. Flynn admits to committing crimes:

Michael Flynn Plea Agreement Documents

Jump right to the point titled 'Defendant's Acceptance'. And pay special attention to Michael Flynn's signature.

Remember....and this point is fundemental, Brit: you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
It's what What Flynn agreed to with a gun held to his head. It is evidence of nothing.

Says you, citing your imagination. And the useless pseudo-legal idiocy that you tell yourself has no relevance to the actual law, the actual plea deal.

In the actual plea deal, Flynn stipulatesthat the Statement of Offense was accurate *under penalty of perjury*.

Its evidence in any court of law. That you pretend otherwise is meaningless. As you're nobody.
ROFL! That's why Mueller is a criminal. He forced Cohen to perjure himself. He should go to prison for that alone.

Mueller's a criminal....says you, citing your imagination. Mueller forced Cohen to perjure himself......says you, citing your imagination.

At every turn you just make shit up, backed by nothing. All while ignoring sworn testimony and plea agreements in which the defendant stipulates to the accuracy of the Statement of Offense under penalty of perjury.

Neither your imagination nor your willful ignorance have any relevance. As again.....you're nobody.

What is even more wonderfully ironic is that what the Trumpkins say that Flynn was 'forced' to lie about- is the same lie that Lying Donnie specifically said that he had to fire Flynn for- for lying to Pence and the FBI.

Even Lying Donnie has proclaimed Flynn lied to the FBI- probably because he was pissed off that he lied to Pence too.
Who said he was forced to lie? He was entrapped, however. Furthermore, Mueller can't demonstrate the Flynn lied because he can't produce the 302s from the interview where he supposedly did that. Mueller has no case.
Oh, you make up shit constantly. Your imaginary version of the Miranda warnings, your blithering idiocy about Cohen never having been sworn in, your insistence that Flynn stipulating to the accuracy of the Statement of Offense under penalty of perjury isn't evidence, your made up nonsense that Mueller forced Cohen to perjure himself....

....all imaginary. All backed by nothing. All hopelessly irrelevant to any court proceeding.

Is that really it guys? Just you poor souls playing make believe?
It's not imaginary, you fat homosexual.

Its all imaginary. You're literally offering us a story, backed by nothing. Who says that Mueller 'forced' Cohen to 'perjure' himself. You do. Citing your imagination.

ROFL! Mueller admits it.

No, kiddo, he doesn't. Mueller has never claimed he 'forced' Cohen to 'perjure' himself. That voice you hear in your head....that's not Mueller.

ROFL! Why would Mueller admit he's a thug and a scumbag? He doesn't need to claim it for us to know it. Why would anyone agree to a plea if he wasn't being forced? Your theory of human behavior has to be the ultimate idiocy.

So "Mueller admits it!" Except that he didn't. So much for the power of your imagination.

Meanwhile, we have Flynn's actual plea agreement where Flynn confesses to very serious crimes.

Michael Flynn Plea Agreement Documents

You can ignore the plea agreement. But you can't make *us* ignore the plea agreement. Or the courts. Or the judge.

And that's why you fail.
Apparently I only have to endure the next 1000 times you post on that subject.

As you've demonstrated repeatedly, you can just ignore the Miranda ruling and Flynn's plea agrement and make up whatever you'd like in the wasteland of your imagination.

But alas, your imaginary version of Miranda isn't what the courts follow. They follow the *actual* ruling. And your imaginary version of Flynn's plea agreement isn't what the court's follow. They follow the *actual* plea agreement.

The bug of your imagination keeps hitting the windshield of reality. And the collision isn't pretty.
I haven't mentioned Miranda rights in days, moron. You lose on every other point, like claiming a plea is a confession, so you harp incessantly on the one thing you got right. That's your SOP.

Laughing....then what, pray tell, is your legal basis that federal investigators have to inform someone of their right to an attorney before questioning him?

Spoiler alert: the legal basis is the Miranda ruling. And ONLY for those suspects in custody. Which Flynn never was during the interview with Federal investigators.

The courts follow the *actual* Miranda ruling. Not what you think you mighta heard once on an episode of Law and Order SVU.

I am taking bets now- when it comes out that Flynn has provided incriminating testimony against Lying Donnie- how much do you want to bet that Brip and all of the loyal Trumpkins here will suddenly declare that Flynn was always a closet Democrat and probably a Commie too!

I am no longer bothering to point out the obvious to Brip- he refuses to accept anything that has not been tweeted by Lying Donnie anyway- but I surely do look forward to seeing what happens next.

Somehow I suspect it is not going to be what Brip and his fellow travellors expect.

Brit has said that any evidence that shows Trump is lying....is fake news.

That's the kinda shit that cultists say. You can't reason with people like that.
Once again, you lie about what I said.
It's what What Flynn agreed to with a gun held to his head. It is evidence of nothing.

Says you, citing your imagination. And the useless pseudo-legal idiocy that you tell yourself has no relevance to the actual law, the actual plea deal.

In the actual plea deal, Flynn stipulatesthat the Statement of Offense was accurate *under penalty of perjury*.

Its evidence in any court of law. That you pretend otherwise is meaningless. As you're nobody.
ROFL! That's why Mueller is a criminal. He forced Cohen to perjure himself. He should go to prison for that alone.

Mueller's a criminal....says you, citing your imagination. Mueller forced Cohen to perjure himself......says you, citing your imagination.

At every turn you just make shit up, backed by nothing. All while ignoring sworn testimony and plea agreements in which the defendant stipulates to the accuracy of the Statement of Offense under penalty of perjury.

Neither your imagination nor your willful ignorance have any relevance. As again.....you're nobody.

What is even more wonderfully ironic is that what the Trumpkins say that Flynn was 'forced' to lie about- is the same lie that Lying Donnie specifically said that he had to fire Flynn for- for lying to Pence and the FBI.

Even Lying Donnie has proclaimed Flynn lied to the FBI- probably because he was pissed off that he lied to Pence too.
Who said he was forced to lie? He was entrapped, however.

Says you, citing yourself. As no one forced Flynn to lie to federal investigators. He voluntarily did that on his own.

Furthermore, Mueller can't demonstrate the Flynn lied because he can't produce the 302s from the interview where he supposedly did that. Mueller has no case.

Sure Mueller can demonstrate that Flynn lied: Flynn admits he lied.

Michael Flynn Plea Agreement Documents

Remember, just because you refuse to look at Flynn's plea agreement where he confesses to willfully and knowingly making materially false, ficticious and fraudulent statments to federal investigators...

....doesn't mean that Flynn's confession to those crimes magically disappears.
As you've demonstrated repeatedly, you can just ignore the Miranda ruling and Flynn's plea agrement and make up whatever you'd like in the wasteland of your imagination.

But alas, your imaginary version of Miranda isn't what the courts follow. They follow the *actual* ruling. And your imaginary version of Flynn's plea agreement isn't what the court's follow. They follow the *actual* plea agreement.

The bug of your imagination keeps hitting the windshield of reality. And the collision isn't pretty.
I haven't mentioned Miranda rights in days, moron. You lose on every other point, like claiming a plea is a confession, so you harp incessantly on the one thing you got right. That's your SOP.

Laughing....then what, pray tell, is your legal basis that federal investigators have to inform someone of their right to an attorney before questioning him?

Spoiler alert: the legal basis is the Miranda ruling. And ONLY for those suspects in custody. Which Flynn never was during the interview with Federal investigators.

The courts follow the *actual* Miranda ruling. Not what you think you mighta heard once on an episode of Law and Order SVU.

I am taking bets now- when it comes out that Flynn has provided incriminating testimony against Lying Donnie- how much do you want to bet that Brip and all of the loyal Trumpkins here will suddenly declare that Flynn was always a closet Democrat and probably a Commie too!

I am no longer bothering to point out the obvious to Brip- he refuses to accept anything that has not been tweeted by Lying Donnie anyway- but I surely do look forward to seeing what happens next.

Somehow I suspect it is not going to be what Brip and his fellow travellors expect.

Brit has said that any evidence that shows Trump is lying....is fake news.

That's the kinda shit that cultists say. You can't reason with people like that.
Once again, you lie about what I said.

So you didn't say that evidence that shows Trump is lying is fake news?
I haven't mentioned Miranda rights in days, moron. You lose on every other point, like claiming a plea is a confession, so you harp incessantly on the one thing you got right. That's your SOP.

Laughing....then what, pray tell, is your legal basis that federal investigators have to inform someone of their right to an attorney before questioning him?

Spoiler alert: the legal basis is the Miranda ruling. And ONLY for those suspects in custody. Which Flynn never was during the interview with Federal investigators.

The courts follow the *actual* Miranda ruling. Not what you think you mighta heard once on an episode of Law and Order SVU.

I am taking bets now- when it comes out that Flynn has provided incriminating testimony against Lying Donnie- how much do you want to bet that Brip and all of the loyal Trumpkins here will suddenly declare that Flynn was always a closet Democrat and probably a Commie too!

I am no longer bothering to point out the obvious to Brip- he refuses to accept anything that has not been tweeted by Lying Donnie anyway- but I surely do look forward to seeing what happens next.

Somehow I suspect it is not going to be what Brip and his fellow travellors expect.

Brit has said that any evidence that shows Trump is lying....is fake news.

That's the kinda shit that cultists say. You can't reason with people like that.
Once again, you lie about what I said.

So you didn't say that evidence that shows Trump is lying is fake news?

Most of it is. That's hardly the same thing as saying all of it is.
Says you, citing your imagination. And the useless pseudo-legal idiocy that you tell yourself has no relevance to the actual law, the actual plea deal.

In the actual plea deal, Flynn stipulatesthat the Statement of Offense was accurate *under penalty of perjury*.

Its evidence in any court of law. That you pretend otherwise is meaningless. As you're nobody.
ROFL! That's why Mueller is a criminal. He forced Cohen to perjure himself. He should go to prison for that alone.

Mueller's a criminal....says you, citing your imagination. Mueller forced Cohen to perjure himself......says you, citing your imagination.

At every turn you just make shit up, backed by nothing. All while ignoring sworn testimony and plea agreements in which the defendant stipulates to the accuracy of the Statement of Offense under penalty of perjury.

Neither your imagination nor your willful ignorance have any relevance. As again.....you're nobody.

What is even more wonderfully ironic is that what the Trumpkins say that Flynn was 'forced' to lie about- is the same lie that Lying Donnie specifically said that he had to fire Flynn for- for lying to Pence and the FBI.

Even Lying Donnie has proclaimed Flynn lied to the FBI- probably because he was pissed off that he lied to Pence too.
Who said he was forced to lie? He was entrapped, however.

Says you, citing yourself. As no one forced Flynn to lie to federal investigators. He voluntarily did that on his own.

Furthermore, Mueller can't demonstrate the Flynn lied because he can't produce the 302s from the interview where he supposedly did that. Mueller has no case.

Sure Mueller can demonstrate that Flynn lied: Flynn admits he lied.

Michael Flynn Plea Agreement Documents

Remember, just because you refuse to look at Flynn's plea agreement where he confesses to willfully and knowingly making materially false, ficticious and fraudulent statments to federal investigators...

....doesn't mean that Flynn's confession to those crimes magically disappears.
You keep repeating the same garbage that I have already addressed.
ROFL! That's why Mueller is a criminal. He forced Cohen to perjure himself. He should go to prison for that alone.

Mueller's a criminal....says you, citing your imagination. Mueller forced Cohen to perjure himself......says you, citing your imagination.

At every turn you just make shit up, backed by nothing. All while ignoring sworn testimony and plea agreements in which the defendant stipulates to the accuracy of the Statement of Offense under penalty of perjury.

Neither your imagination nor your willful ignorance have any relevance. As again.....you're nobody.

What is even more wonderfully ironic is that what the Trumpkins say that Flynn was 'forced' to lie about- is the same lie that Lying Donnie specifically said that he had to fire Flynn for- for lying to Pence and the FBI.

Even Lying Donnie has proclaimed Flynn lied to the FBI- probably because he was pissed off that he lied to Pence too.
Who said he was forced to lie? He was entrapped, however.

Says you, citing yourself. As no one forced Flynn to lie to federal investigators. He voluntarily did that on his own.

Furthermore, Mueller can't demonstrate the Flynn lied because he can't produce the 302s from the interview where he supposedly did that. Mueller has no case.

Sure Mueller can demonstrate that Flynn lied: Flynn admits he lied.

Michael Flynn Plea Agreement Documents

Remember, just because you refuse to look at Flynn's plea agreement where he confesses to willfully and knowingly making materially false, ficticious and fraudulent statments to federal investigators...

....doesn't mean that Flynn's confession to those crimes magically disappears.
You keep repeating the same garbage that I have already addressed.

And by 'addressing' you mean ignoring Flynn's admissions of guilt for his crimes and replacing them with your imagination?

Yeah, you ignoring Flynn's plea agreement and refusing to look at it isn't 'addressing it'.

Are you starting to see why the pseudo-legal horseshit you tell yourself has so little to do with the real world?
Mueller's a criminal....says you, citing your imagination. Mueller forced Cohen to perjure himself......says you, citing your imagination.

At every turn you just make shit up, backed by nothing. All while ignoring sworn testimony and plea agreements in which the defendant stipulates to the accuracy of the Statement of Offense under penalty of perjury.

Neither your imagination nor your willful ignorance have any relevance. As again.....you're nobody.

What is even more wonderfully ironic is that what the Trumpkins say that Flynn was 'forced' to lie about- is the same lie that Lying Donnie specifically said that he had to fire Flynn for- for lying to Pence and the FBI.

Even Lying Donnie has proclaimed Flynn lied to the FBI- probably because he was pissed off that he lied to Pence too.
Who said he was forced to lie? He was entrapped, however.

Says you, citing yourself. As no one forced Flynn to lie to federal investigators. He voluntarily did that on his own.

Furthermore, Mueller can't demonstrate the Flynn lied because he can't produce the 302s from the interview where he supposedly did that. Mueller has no case.

Sure Mueller can demonstrate that Flynn lied: Flynn admits he lied.

Michael Flynn Plea Agreement Documents

Remember, just because you refuse to look at Flynn's plea agreement where he confesses to willfully and knowingly making materially false, ficticious and fraudulent statments to federal investigators...

....doesn't mean that Flynn's confession to those crimes magically disappears.
You keep repeating the same garbage that I have already addressed.

And by 'addressing' you mean ignoring Flynn's admissions of guilt for his crimes and replacing them with your imagination?

Yeah, you ignoring Flynn's plea agreement and refusing to look at it isn't 'addressing it'.

Are you starting to see why the pseudo-legal horseshit you tell yourself has so little to do with the real world?
He signed the plea agreement with a gun held to his head. It's proof of nothing other than his desire to reduce his sentence.

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