Was Flynn entrapped?

What is even more wonderfully ironic is that what the Trumpkins say that Flynn was 'forced' to lie about- is the same lie that Lying Donnie specifically said that he had to fire Flynn for- for lying to Pence and the FBI.

Even Lying Donnie has proclaimed Flynn lied to the FBI- probably because he was pissed off that he lied to Pence too.
Who said he was forced to lie? He was entrapped, however.

Says you, citing yourself. As no one forced Flynn to lie to federal investigators. He voluntarily did that on his own.

Furthermore, Mueller can't demonstrate the Flynn lied because he can't produce the 302s from the interview where he supposedly did that. Mueller has no case.

Sure Mueller can demonstrate that Flynn lied: Flynn admits he lied.

Michael Flynn Plea Agreement Documents

Remember, just because you refuse to look at Flynn's plea agreement where he confesses to willfully and knowingly making materially false, ficticious and fraudulent statments to federal investigators...

....doesn't mean that Flynn's confession to those crimes magically disappears.
You keep repeating the same garbage that I have already addressed.

And by 'addressing' you mean ignoring Flynn's admissions of guilt for his crimes and replacing them with your imagination?

Yeah, you ignoring Flynn's plea agreement and refusing to look at it isn't 'addressing it'.

Are you starting to see why the pseudo-legal horseshit you tell yourself has so little to do with the real world?
He signed the plea agreement with a gun held to his head.

Says you, citing your imagination. And your imagination isn't proof of anything. Its merely a window into the silly little lies based on nothing you tell yourself to get through the day.

Meanwhile, back in reality.....Flynn has admitted to his crimes in his plea agreement.

Michael Flynn Plea Agreement Documents

You refuse to look at it. And.....nothing changes. As your willful ignorance doesn't change Flynn's guilt, his confession, his plea agreement, anything.

Your willful ignorance only blinds you.
So it that really it guys? Just ya'll making shit up and ignoring the overwhelming evidence that contradicts you?

If so....that was easy.
From AP:

Michael Flynn may have given extraordinary cooperation to prosecutors, but the run-up to his sentencing hearing Tuesday has exposed raw tensions over an FBI interview in which the former national security adviser lied about his Russian contacts.

Flynn's lawyers have suggested that investigators discouraged him from having an attorney present during the January 2017 interview and never informed him it was a crime to lie. Prosecutors say Flynn did " not need to be warned it is a crime to lie to federal agents to know the importance of telling them the truth."

It is not for the prosecutors to decide if and when someone needs to be warned; I know of no criteria that exists anywhere that a prosecutor or investigator can use to make that decision and therefore they should warn EVERYBODY up front that anything they say matters. I think Flynn needed to be warned that the federal agents to whom he was talking might be using his statements against him in a court of law. When McCabe told him he didn't really need a lawyer present Flynn must have believed everything was off the record and that's why he was so relaxed and friendly to them.


Flynn, during his brief time as national security adviser to President Trump, told FBI agents untruths that are contradicted by hard evidence. Why he did that remains a mystery because, with his vast experience in intelligence gathering, he must have known that the FBI had hard evidence of the conversations he denied having with a Russian diplomat. Be that as it may, this reality does not automatically exclude the possibility that the FBI acted improperly in eliciting untruths from him.

The FBI knew the truth. They had recordings of the conversations. Then why did they ask him whether he had those conversations? Obviously, not to learn whether he had them but, rather, to give him the opportunity to lie under oath so that they could squeeze him to provide incriminating information against President Trump. If you do not believe me, read what Judge T.S. Ellis III, who presided over the Paul Manafort trial, said to the prosecutors: “You do not really care about Mr. Manafort’s bank fraud. What you really care about is what information Mr. Manafort could give you that would reflect on Mr. Trump or lead to his prosecution or impeachment.”

Ellis continued: “This vernacular to ‘sing’ is what prosecutors use. What you have got to be careful of is that they may not only sing, they may compose.” Experienced criminal lawyers have seen this phenomenon at work. Most judges, many of whom were former prosecutors, have also seen it. But few have the courage to expose it publicly as Ellis did. Judge Emmet Sullivan of the District of Columbia Court also has expressed concern regarding federal prosecutorial practices in the investigation.

Defenders of the tactics used by special counsel Robert Mueller argue that his potential witnesses are generally guilty of some crime, such as lying to FBI agents, and that may well be true. But they are targeted not because of what they may have done. They are targeted for what they may know about what the real target may have done. Then they, and their relatives who may also be complicit, are threatened with imprisonment and bankruptcy unless they plead guilty and cooperate with prosecutors.

So the real question, which transcends the Flynn, the Manafort, and even the Trump investigations, is whether these tactics should be deemed acceptable to use in our justice system. Is it the proper role of law enforcement to conduct criminal morality tests to determine whether citizens will tell the truth or lie when given the opportunity to do either by FBI agents? Is it proper to target individuals for such tests for the purpose of pressuring them into becoming witnesses against the real target?

Alan Dershowitz: Did Michael Flynn lie? Or did the FBI act improperly?
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Michael Flynn, Former National Security Advisor, Stands By Guilty Plea Ahead of Sentencing.

Michael Flynn, former national security adviser, stands by guilty plea ahead of sentencing.

Former national security adviser Michael Flynn stood by his plea in federal court Tuesday after pleading guilty more than a year ago to making false statements to the FBI.

Before sentencing, U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan called Flynn and his attorneys to the stand and asked a series of questions to ensure Flynn did in fact want to plead guilty. Flynn said he did not want to withdraw his plea.

Quit for your fucking belly aching you bunch of RWNJ ConJob Lying Fucking RePubLiKlan Snowflakes.

Flynn admits his guilt. Shut the fuck up his being framed. It did not happen. The judge gave Flynn an and and he refused.

General Flynn. As national security advisor have you had personal contacts with the Russian ambassador?

From AP:

Michael Flynn may have given extraordinary cooperation to prosecutors, but the run-up to his sentencing hearing Tuesday has exposed raw tensions over an FBI interview in which the former national security adviser lied about his Russian contacts.

Flynn's lawyers have suggested that investigators discouraged him from having an attorney present during the January 2017 interview and never informed him it was a crime to lie. Prosecutors say Flynn did " not need to be warned it is a crime to lie to federal agents to know the importance of telling them the truth."

It is not for the prosecutors to decide if and when someone needs to be warned; I know of no criteria that exists anywhere that a prosecutor or investigator can use to make that decision and therefore they should warn EVERYBODY up front that anything they say matters. I think Flynn needed to be warned that the federal agents to whom he was talking might be using his statements against him in a court of law. When McCabe told him he didn't really need a lawyer present Flynn must have believed everything was off the record and that's why he was so relaxed and friendly to them.


Flynn, during his brief time as national security adviser to President Trump, told FBI agents untruths that are contradicted by hard evidence. Why he did that remains a mystery because, with his vast experience in intelligence gathering, he must have known that the FBI had hard evidence of the conversations he denied having with a Russian diplomat. Be that as it may, this reality does not automatically exclude the possibility that the FBI acted improperly in eliciting untruths from him.

The FBI knew the truth. They had recordings of the conversations. Then why did they ask him whether he had those conversations? Obviously, not to learn whether he had them but, rather, to give him the opportunity to lie under oath so that they could squeeze him to provide incriminating information against President Trump. If you do not believe me, read what Judge T.S. Ellis III, who presided over the Paul Manafort trial, said to the prosecutors: “You do not really care about Mr. Manafort’s bank fraud. What you really care about is what information Mr. Manafort could give you that would reflect on Mr. Trump or lead to his prosecution or impeachment.”

Ellis continued: “This vernacular to ‘sing’ is what prosecutors use. What you have got to be careful of is that they may not only sing, they may compose.” Experienced criminal lawyers have seen this phenomenon at work. Most judges, many of whom were former prosecutors, have also seen it. But few have the courage to expose it publicly as Ellis did. Judge Emmet Sullivan of the District of Columbia Court also has expressed concern regarding federal prosecutorial practices in the investigation.

Defenders of the tactics used by special counsel Robert Mueller argue that his potential witnesses are generally guilty of some crime, such as lying to FBI agents, and that may well be true. But they are targeted not because of what they may have done. They are targeted for what they may know about what the real target may have done. Then they, and their relatives who may also be complicit, are threatened with imprisonment and bankruptcy unless they plead guilty and cooperate with prosecutors.

So the real question, which transcends the Flynn, the Manafort, and even the Trump investigations, is whether these tactics should be deemed acceptable to use in our justice system. Is it the proper role of law enforcement to conduct criminal morality tests to determine whether citizens will tell the truth or lie when given the opportunity to do either by FBI agents? Is it proper to target individuals for such tests for the purpose of pressuring them into becoming witnesses against the real target?

Alan Dershowitz: Did Michael Flynn lie? Or did the FBI act improperly?

Q: Did Michael Flynn lie? Or did the FBI act improperly?

A: Judge to Michael Flynn: 'Arguably you sold your country out'.

"I want to be frank with you, this crime is very serious," Sullivan said. "Not only did you lie to the FBI, you lied to senior officials in the incoming administration."

Michael Flynn sentencing postponed - CNNPolitics

Well that answers that.
Why don't you bother these morons who believe a plea agreement constitutes valid evidence of something?
This idiot seems to have latched on the phrase "plea agreement" as if that means something in this context. That is an agreement between the accused and the prosecutor. The Court can be advised of it but his TESTIMONY is all the court is really concerned about. Testimony like "Yes your honor I am guilty and this is why and what I did"
Oh, Brit knows nothing. And he's proud of it. The thing to remember is that to conservatives, the law is whatever they FEEL it is. They don't actually care what the real law says, or how plea agreements work, or even what the Supreme Court rules.

They only care about how they FEEL the law should be. Which is what Brit is arguing.

Alas, the court's don't give a fiddler's fuck what some online hack FEELS about the law. Courts abide the actual law, the actual court rulings.

And in the actual plea agreement......Flynn accepted the Statement of Offense and signed his name and stipulates to its accuracy under the penalty of perjury.

Which they don't know.....because they refuse to look at the plea agreement. And then laughably argue that if they won't look at the agreement, then it doesn't have any evidence.

You can't fix stupid.
It's meaningless. the minute he's sentenced, the plea agreement is null and void.

Says you, citing your imagination.

Again, you don't know a thing about the law. You keep citing your imagination.....as if it has some relevance. You keep inventing 'requirements' of the federal authorities that simply don't exist. And the pseudo-legal gibberish you make up has no relevance in any court of law.

Back in reality, Flynn stipulated to the accuracy of the Statement of Offense under penalty of perjury.
Of course, you can't prove otherwise. You're trying hard to defend the criminality of your scumbag hero, but it isn't going to work. The FBI entrapped Flynn, Mueller wiped Peter Strzok's phone clean the day he was taken off the case, and Mueller is extorting false confessions from his victims. There has never been this kind of corruption in the US government before now, but you're perfectly OK with it.

And by 'corruption', you mean your imagination?

Despite the endless steaming stream of psuedo-legal batshit that comes spewing out of your mouth.......once again, the bug of your imagination hits the wind shield of reality yet again.

"I want to be frank with you, this crime is very serious," Sullivan said. "Not only did you lie to the FBI, you lied to senior officials in the incoming administration."
"All along, you were an unregistered agent of a foreign country while serving as the national security adviser to the President of the United States," Sullivan said. "That undermines everything this flag over here stands for. Arguably you sold your country out......

...I am not hiding my disgust, my disdain for your criminal offense," Sullivan said, straining his voice and taking a brief pause. "Yes, your honor," Flynn said, though he was not asked a question.

Michael Flynn sentencing - CNNPolitics

Doesn't seem the judge took your imagination into account at all, did he Brit. But I thought you said nothing that Flynn answered to the FBI was admissible as evidence because the FBI didn't read Flynn his Miranda rights. I thought you said Flynn was 'entrapped'. I thought you said the judge was going to throw Flynn's plea out?

So, um....how'd that work out?

Laughing....time to make up a new conspiracy theory, kiddo!
And the evidence that Napolitano offers that the government strong armed Michael Flynn is........nothing.

The governments tactics are pretty clear proof of what they did.

Their tactic of asking Flynn questions?

No their deception that they just wanted to have a low key conversation. They intentionally withheld it was an evidentiary interview where Flynn should have had a lawyer. I don't think judge Sullivan will look favorably on that.


A low key conversation that Flynn LIED to them at. With Flynn willfully and knowingly making materially false, ficticious and fraudulent statements to federal investigators. No one forced him to. He wasn't 'tricked' into lying his ass off. Flynn chose to.

And commited serious crimes in the process.

Ahd your babble about 'evidentiary interviews' is pseudo-legal gibberish. There's no requirement of a lawyer when federal investigators ask someone a few questions.

We'll see what the judge has to say about it after he reviews the memos, notes and 302s.


Well, this is what the judge said after reviewing the memos, notes and 302s.

All along, you were an unregistered agent of a foreign country while serving as the National Security Adviser to the President of the United States. That undermines everything this flag over here stands for. Arguably you sold your country out."

Sullivan says he could impose a sentence of incarceration.

"I am not hiding my disgust, my disdain for your criminal offense," Sullivan said, straining his voice and taking a brief pause. "Yes, your honor," Flynn said, though he was not asked a question.

Michael Flynn sentencing - CNNPolitics

Demonstrating elegantly what the 'legal analysis' of a truck driver is worth.
How many years you think Flynn gets? Cohen got 3.

None. But hopefully Sullivan hands Mueller his butt.
Poor little Trumpkins- its bad enough that they have to endure Lying Donnie's lies- but don't they get tired of being so very wrong?
WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge abruptly postponed the sentencing of President Donald Trump's first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, on Tuesday, saying he could not hide his disgust for Flynn's crime of lying to the FBI and accusing him of selling out his country.

Lawyers for Flynn, a retired Army lieutenant general who pleaded guilty last year to lying to the agency about his Russia contacts, requested the delay during a stunning hearing in which U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan gave Flynn a blistering rebuke.

"Arguably you sold your country out," Sullivan told Flynn, who was flanked by his attorneys.Flynn sentencing abruptly postponed; judge expresses disgust
Judge Sullivan sits on the U.S. District Court in the District of Columbia, and while overseeing the trial of then-Sen. Ted Stevens of Alaska grew suspicious and he ultimately assigned a lawyer to investigate Justice Department misconduct. The investigator’s report found prosecutors had engaged in deliberate and repeated ethical violations, withholding key evidence from the defense. It also excoriated the FBI for failing to write up 302s and for omitting key facts from those it did write. The head of the FBI at the time was Mr. Mueller.

Judge Sullivan has since made it his practice to begin every case with a Brady order, which reminds prosecutors of their constitutional obligation to provide the defense with any exculpatory evidence. On Dec. 12, 2017, days after being assigned the Flynn case, Judge Sullivan issued such an order, instructing Mr. Mueller’s team to turn over “any evidence in its possession that is favorable to defendant and material either to defendant’s guilt or punishment.” Had any other judge drawn the case, we likely would never have seen these details of the FBI’s behavior.

It’s clear that something has concerned the judge—who likely sees obvious parallels to the Stevens case. The media was predicting a quick ruling in the Flynn case. Instead, Judge Sullivan issued new orders Wednesday, demanding to see for himself the McCabe memo and the Flynn 302. He also ordered the special counsel to hand over by Friday any other documents relevant to the Flynn-FBI meeting.
Doesn't look like Sullivan is going to be the Muehler bashing judge the Trumpkins hoped for.
WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge abruptly postponed the sentencing of President Donald Trump's first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, on Tuesday, saying he could not hide his disgust for Flynn's crime of lying to the FBI and accusing him of selling out his country.

Lawyers for Flynn, a retired Army lieutenant general who pleaded guilty last year to lying to the agency about his Russia contacts, requested the delay during a stunning hearing in which U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan gave Flynn a blistering rebuke.

"Arguably you sold your country out," Sullivan told Flynn, who was flanked by his attorneys.Flynn sentencing abruptly postponed; judge expresses disgust
He was the Head of the NRA. He wasn't interviewed as a suspect, nor was he being charged with a crime. The LYING was the crime.

Flynn was in no danger of being charged with anything when he walked into that room. By lying to the FBI, he INSTANTLY became the subject of the investigation. Flynn did this to himself.
The intent of the agents was clear...They weren't there for a social call, and Comey just admitted as much.
When 2 senior FBI officers visit you you better be telling the truth

And he did. According to the agents who did the interview. It's funny watching you leftards crying and moaning over this. Mueller, Comey and the rest of the crooks just got caught. By their own words and deeds. This judge won't put up with Mueller's BS. Not informing Flynn this was an official interview and denying him legal representation? Naughty naughty. Maybe you lefties best learn to follow the law.
LOL- you poor little Trumpkin. Once again you have been led astray by your Dear Leader and the talking heads of his pocket media

What this judge won't put up with is clear- he won't put up with breaking the law like Flynn confessed to.

Perhaps next time you shoudln't lecture everyone else about the law?

WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge abruptly postponed the sentencing of President Donald Trump's first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, on Tuesday, saying he could not hide his disgust for Flynn's crime of lying to the FBI and accusing him of selling out his country.

Lawyers for Flynn, a retired Army lieutenant general who pleaded guilty last year to lying to the agency about his Russia contacts, requested the delay during a stunning hearing in which U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan gave Flynn a blistering rebuke.

"Arguably you sold your country out," Sullivan told Flynn, who was flanked by his attorneys.Flynn sentencing abruptly postponed; judge expresses disgust
Probably no jail time at all if the plea deal holds up.

I wonder how all of Flynn's defenders are going to react if it turns out that he ended up providing testimony against Trump?
The judge is going to throw out the charges, so there won't be any jail time, fool.

Says the soul so wildly ignorant about the law that he insisted that miranda rights have to be read to people who aren't in custody.

Yeah, your command of the topic really doesn't amount to much.
Why don't you bother these morons who believe a plea agreement constitutes valid evidence of something?

Its a sworn statement of Flynn's guilt. Again, take a look for yourself. Flynn admits to committing crimes:

Michael Flynn Plea Agreement Documents

Jump right to the point titled 'Defendant's Acceptance'. And pay special attention to Michael Flynn's signature.

Remember....and this point is fundemental, Brit: you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
It's what What Flynn agreed to with a gun held to his head. It is evidence of nothing. It can't be used in any other court case.

Saying a guilty plea is a sworn statement of the defendant's guilt is a tautology. You're saying a guilty plea is a guilty plea. It's absolutely meaningless. All you proved is that you are unable to commit logic.

Remember....and this point is fundamental, fat homo: you're a fucking idiot.

LOL- after todays' postponement it is pretty clear who is the fucking idiot- you flaming bigoted pile of shit. Far from attacking the FBI- Sullivan expressed his disgust for Flynn and his crime.
By the way- when it comes out that Flynn has testified against your Dear Leader and you suddenly go from considering Flynn a saint to a traitor to America- I look forward of reminding you of this thread.

WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge abruptly postponed the sentencing of President Donald Trump's first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, on Tuesday, saying he could not hide his disgust for Flynn's crime of lying to the FBI and accusing him of selling out his country.

Lawyers for Flynn, a retired Army lieutenant general who pleaded guilty last year to lying to the agency about his Russia contacts, requested the delay during a stunning hearing in which U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan gave Flynn a blistering rebuke.

"Arguably you sold your country out," Sullivan told Flynn, who was flanked by his attorneys.Flynn sentencing abruptly postponed; judge expresses disgust
The documents confirm that those agents LIED to Flynn and Mueller is trying to cover it up

Not even close. Flynn was told that they were going to be asking about the meeting with the Russian Ambassador and sanctions.

That's what they asked about and that's what he lied about

How do we know what he even said? The original 302s don't exist. Strzok's after the fact 302 doesn't prove jack shit.
Lesh baby knows. He will tell you he knows. watch.
The judge is going to throw out the charges, so there won't be any jail time, fool.

Says the soul so wildly ignorant about the law that he insisted that miranda rights have to be read to people who aren't in custody.

Yeah, your command of the topic really doesn't amount to much.
Why don't you bother these morons who believe a plea agreement constitutes valid evidence of something?

Its a sworn statement of Flynn's guilt. Again, take a look for yourself. Flynn admits to committing crimes:

Michael Flynn Plea Agreement Documents

Jump right to the point titled 'Defendant's Acceptance'. And pay special attention to Michael Flynn's signature.

Remember....and this point is fundemental, Brit: you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
It's what What Flynn agreed to with a gun held to his head. It is evidence of nothing. It can't be used in any other court case.

Saying a guilty plea is a sworn statement of the defendant's guilt is a tautology. You're saying a guilty plea is a guilty plea. It's absolutely meaningless. All you proved is that you are unable to commit logic.

Remember....and this point is fundamental, fat homo: you're a fucking idiot.

LOL- after todays' postponement it is pretty clear who is the fucking idiot- you flaming bigoted pile of shit. Far from attacking the FBI- Sullivan expressed his disgust for Flynn and his crime.
By the way- when it comes out that Flynn has testified against your Dear Leader and you suddenly go from considering Flynn a saint to a traitor to America- I look forward of reminding you of this thread.

WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge abruptly postponed the sentencing of President Donald Trump's first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, on Tuesday, saying he could not hide his disgust for Flynn's crime of lying to the FBI and accusing him of selling out his country.

Lawyers for Flynn, a retired Army lieutenant general who pleaded guilty last year to lying to the agency about his Russia contacts, requested the delay during a stunning hearing in which U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan gave Flynn a blistering rebuke.

"Arguably you sold your country out," Sullivan told Flynn, who was flanked by his attorneys.Flynn sentencing abruptly postponed; judge expresses disgust
He was the Head of the NRA. He wasn't interviewed as a suspect, nor was he being charged with a crime. The LYING was the crime.

Flynn was in no danger of being charged with anything when he walked into that room. By lying to the FBI, he INSTANTLY became the subject of the investigation. Flynn did this to himself.
The intent of the agents was clear...They weren't there for a social call, and Comey just admitted as much.
When 2 senior FBI officers visit you you better be telling the truth

And he did. According to the agents who did the interview. It's funny watching you leftards crying and moaning over this. Mueller, Comey and the rest of the crooks just got caught. By their own words and deeds. This judge won't put up with Mueller's BS. Not informing Flynn this was an official interview and denying him legal representation? Naughty naughty. Maybe you lefties best learn to follow the law.
LOL- you poor little Trumpkin. Once again you have been led astray by your Dear Leader and the talking heads of his pocket media

What this judge won't put up with is clear- he won't put up with breaking the law like Flynn confessed to.

Perhaps next time you shoudln't lecture everyone else about the law?

WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge abruptly postponed the sentencing of President Donald Trump's first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, on Tuesday, saying he could not hide his disgust for Flynn's crime of lying to the FBI and accusing him of selling out his country.

Lawyers for Flynn, a retired Army lieutenant general who pleaded guilty last year to lying to the agency about his Russia contacts, requested the delay during a stunning hearing in which U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan gave Flynn a blistering rebuke.

"Arguably you sold your country out," Sullivan told Flynn, who was flanked by his attorneys.Flynn sentencing abruptly postponed; judge expresses disgust
so he's not allowed to confess?
Trump said he fired Flynn for lying to Pence. So how was Flynn "entrapped"? Today, the judge made Flynn say under oath that Flynn knew lying to the FBI was a crime. The judge also said Flynn sold out his country - bordering on TREASON. Flynn deserved prison time. Lock him up!
Well, Flynn's lawyer today said in court that Flynn was not entrapped.
So - unless you are wearing a hat made of tinfoil - that puts an end to the OP question once and for all.
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The judge is going to throw out the charges, so there won't be any jail time, fool.

Says the soul so wildly ignorant about the law that he insisted that miranda rights have to be read to people who aren't in custody.

Yeah, your command of the topic really doesn't amount to much.
Why don't you bother these morons who believe a plea agreement constitutes valid evidence of something?

Its a sworn statement of Flynn's guilt. Again, take a look for yourself. Flynn admits to committing crimes:

Michael Flynn Plea Agreement Documents

Jump right to the point titled 'Defendant's Acceptance'. And pay special attention to Michael Flynn's signature.

Remember....and this point is fundemental, Brit: you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
It's what What Flynn agreed to with a gun held to his head. It is evidence of nothing. It can't be used in any other court case.

Saying a guilty plea is a sworn statement of the defendant's guilt is a tautology. You're saying a guilty plea is a guilty plea. It's absolutely meaningless. All you proved is that you are unable to commit logic.

Remember....and this point is fundamental, fat homo: you're a fucking idiot.

LOL- after todays' postponement it is pretty clear who is the fucking idiot- you flaming bigoted pile of shit. Far from attacking the FBI- Sullivan expressed his disgust for Flynn and his crime.
By the way- when it comes out that Flynn has testified against your Dear Leader and you suddenly go from considering Flynn a saint to a traitor to America- I look forward of reminding you of this thread.

WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge abruptly postponed the sentencing of President Donald Trump's first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, on Tuesday, saying he could not hide his disgust for Flynn's crime of lying to the FBI and accusing him of selling out his country.

Lawyers for Flynn, a retired Army lieutenant general who pleaded guilty last year to lying to the agency about his Russia contacts, requested the delay during a stunning hearing in which U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan gave Flynn a blistering rebuke.

"Arguably you sold your country out," Sullivan told Flynn, who was flanked by his attorneys.Flynn sentencing abruptly postponed; judge expresses disgust

From Sullivan's comments, the delay was to give the prosecution more time to get Flynn to cooperate with the sentencing looming over him.

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