Zone1 Was Jesus Woke?

Okay. Did you miss the part of scripture where the emotions of mankind are not the emotions of God?

Basically the First Commandment (even for atheists) is to give Goodness and Love first in all we do. If we make a sculpture first in our lives--that life is all about taking care of that sculpture ignoring everything else, it is going to have an effect on you and those around you. All your effort is not about loving others and doing good by them, it is about that statue. Children and loved ones are ignored and never learn the love and goodness of a parent in their life. Can you see that may have consequences that affect two or three generations? Can you see how life may have been different if one had put the ways of God (love and goodness) first?
God is a jealous god visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me,

thats not what i asked you....if you know there is a real god and many false ones...who are you going to stand with?...
Who is to say what is real or false?

Billions do not believe in your god
The rules are not fearful but the penalties are. Maybe the threat of eternal damnation keeps some people in line. I need no such coercion.
Read the Commandments again. What goodness do they bring to one's earthly life? What consequences do they bring in this life on earth if they are shrugged off or ignored?

Commandments are not about life after death. They are all about life here on earth.
God is a jealous god
Not the way you imagine. Compare it to someone saying, "Gravity is a jealous God." God's ways are truth, and they can not more be broken with no consequences to us in our life today than gravity can be ignored without consequences.
Ten Commandments are scary…

You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.
Scary indeed!
Read the Commandments again. What goodness do they bring to one's earthly life? What consequences do they bring in this life on earth if they are shrugged off or ignored?

Commandments are not about life after death. They are all about life here on earth.
Other than the five devoted entirely to enforcing devotion to God the ten commandments are basic morality common to any society. Nothing special about them at all.
Other than the five devoted entirely to enforcing devotion to God the ten commandments are basic morality common to any society. Nothing special about them at all.
If one can understand the purpose of knowing the Law of Gravity to life here on earth, one can understand the purpose of knowing the Commandments no matter from what society/culture one learns them. It is plain idiotic to ignore them if they are in the Bible but praise them when they are found outside the Bible.
If one can understand the purpose of knowing the Law of Gravity to life here on earth, one can understand the purpose of knowing the Commandments no matter from what society/culture one learns them. It is plain idiotic to ignore them if they are in the Bible but praise them when they are found outside the Bible.
Were the bible a morally consistent document of just a few pages there would be no problem. Instead we have an unreadable brick that has lots of convenient moral escape hatches for things like war, persecution slavery and prejudice.
Were the bible a morally consistent document of just a few pages there would be no problem. Instead we have an unreadable brick that has lots of convenient moral escape hatches for things like war, persecution slavery and prejudice.
Not everything in the Bible is about you or me or a single person.

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