Zone1 Was Jesus Woke?

If one can understand the purpose of knowing the Law of Gravity to life here on earth, one can understand the purpose of knowing the Commandments no matter from what society/culture one learns them. It is plain idiotic to ignore them if they are in the Bible but praise them when they are found outside the Bible.
Ten Commandments suck
I could do a better job and I am not even a God
I could do a better job
If that is so, then, with a little research, it should be easy to understand the Ten written thousands of years ago. With the way language changes, would the Commandments you wrote today be easily understood thousands of years from now after undergoing language changes?
If that is so, then, with a little research, it should be easy to understand the Ten written thousands of years ago. With the way language changes, would the Commandments you wrote today be easily understood thousands of years from now after undergoing language changes?
Easy Peasy
Hey numbskull, Jesus went to the Cross willingly to die for your sin. You are just too stupid to understand that.
Hey numbskull, Jesus fought for the oppressed

Why don’t you?
If that is so, then, with a little research, it should be easy to understand the Ten written thousands of years ago. With the way language changes, would the Commandments you wrote today be easily understood thousands of years from now after undergoing language changes?

Other than Thou shall, not kill, steal, commit adultery, bear false witness
What I would include in my Ten Commandments

1. Thou shall not allow slavery. Moses led the Hebrews out of slavery and struggled to free them. Yet God does not even prohibit slavery in his ten commandments. I would prohibit slavery and order employers to pay an honest wage and order workers to give an honest days work

2. Thou shall be clean in thy person and thy environment. God could have saved hundreds of millions of lives with this one. Sanitation was a major killer of mankind. Keep yourself clean to avoid germs. Do not pollute your drinking water or your environment. Could have prevented the plague and other killer diseases

3. Thou shall not engage in War. War is a practice of man and not God. God should encourage peaceful resolution of conflicts and consider war an act against God

4. Thou shall educate yourself and others. A critical trait of man. Learning and the spread of knowledge. You should strive to learn your whole life and spread knowledge to others

5. I would expand the honor your father and mother to honor your family. Parents should honor their kids, make sure they are fed and clothed and protected. Husbands and wives should honor each other. You should work hard to take care of your family
Read the Ten Commandments
what you said was Deuteronomy 5:9...... Ezekiel 18:20 tells us, “The soul who sins is the one who will die. The son will not share the guilt of the father, nor will the father share the guilt of the son.” This verse clearly shows that punishment for one’s sins is borne by that person.
Fact is….Jesus cared for others.
Especially those who were outcasts in society

The very definition of Woke

That's not woke.

Woke is Puritanism. It's micromanaging other people for self-gratification

That's what you all groove on, because it's your religion.
Were the bible a morally consistent document of just a few pages there would be no problem. Instead we have an unreadable brick that has lots of convenient moral escape hatches for things like war, persecution slavery and prejudice.

Because it's a book about humanity. How we were created, how we fell, and how we get back up again.

You're right that it's often gritty and sometimes awful. Then again, look around at humans. That's how we are.

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