Was JFK the last conservative democrat president?

The Democratic Party has moved so far left that JFK couldn't even win the nomination today.

Prove it.

Shouldn't need to. You liberals have been saying for years how the two parties have switched sides. So using liberal logic Kennedy would be a conservative Republican.

"Ask not what your country can do for you....." would make most liberal democrats puke in their mouth if said by Obama or anyone else.
The Democratic Party has moved so far left that JFK couldn't even win the nomination today.

Prove it.

Shouldn't need to. You liberals have been saying for years how the two parties have switched sides. So using liberal logic Kennedy would be a conservative Republican.

"Ask not what your country can do for you....." would make most liberal democrats puke in their mouth if said by Obama or anyone else.

Exactly, in Obama's america 47% of the population are victims........
I love how the conservatives on this board keep trying to claim JFK as a conservative when in reality, he was the most liberal President in my lifetime and I'm over 60. Obama is the most conservative Democrat President the US has ever seen, with Clinton a close second.

Neither Obama nor Clinton would be called "liberals" in any country other than the USA.

Jack Kennedy was a true liberal.
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I love how the conservatives on this board keep trying to claim JFK as a conservative when in reality, it was the most liberal President in my lifetime and I'm over 60. Obama is the most conservative Democrat President the US has ever seen, with Clinton a close second.

Neither Obama nor Clinton would be called "liberals" in any country other than the USA.

Jack Kennedy was a true liberal.

The main domestic issue Kennedy fought for during his presidency was passing Medicare.
The Democratic Party has moved so far left that JFK couldn't even win the nomination today.

Prove it.

Shouldn't need to. You liberals have been saying for years how the two parties have switched sides. So using liberal logic Kennedy would be a conservative Republican.

"Ask not what your country can do for you....." would make most liberal democrats puke in their mouth if said by Obama or anyone else.

I've never said that. The liberal/conservative north/south Democratic coalition is what ended.
yes, it is now taken over by radical Socialist/communist

hell they probably killed him themselves to get him out of there
Kennedy's tax cuts didn't balance the budget. Reagan's tax cuts didn't balance the budget. Bush's tax cuts didn't balance the budget.

You're talking bull shit without knowing what you are talking about.
JFK was assassinated before his tax cut policy was voted for in the senate. So duces bag tell me how in the hell could JFK tax cut policy be deemed a failure?

It is quite possible that the tax cut would have died in the Senate, but the political landscape changed strikingly before the Senate could act, when President Kennedy was assassinated on Nov. 22, 1963.


And Reagan you're joking of course.

It's a well known fact that Reagan's tax cuts increased the debt and of course never balanced the budget.

Horse shit unless your over thirty you are dumber than a stump when it comes to Reagan. Reagan increased spending in the military industry to bring down the soviet union. So you can shut the fuck up also.
Kennedy's tax cuts didn't balance the budget. Reagan's tax cuts didn't balance the budget. Bush's tax cuts didn't balance the budget.

You're talking bull shit without knowing what you are talking about.
JFK was assassinated before his tax cut policy was voted for in the senate. So duces bag tell me how in the hell could JFK tax cut policy be deemed a failure?

It is quite possible that the tax cut would have died in the Senate, but the political landscape changed strikingly before the Senate could act, when President Kennedy was assassinated on Nov. 22, 1963.


And Reagan you're joking of course.

As I've said numerous times, dumbest poster around here. Reagan ran up massive deficits.

horse shit Reagan brought down the soviet union dumb ass.
Yes, he also fought for civil rights and equal opportunities for blacks, worked tirelessly against poverty.

His "Ask not what your country can do for you" line has been completely misconstrued by today's conservatives. That was a call to public service for young people when he started the Peace Corps. He wanted young college graduates to spend two years working in Third World countries to promote peaceful economic growth in those countries rather than staying at home and making big bucks with their college degrees.

JFK was positively loathed by conservatives, both for his civil rights stance and his programs to aid the poor.
I love how the conservatives on this board keep trying to claim JFK as a conservative when in reality, he was the most liberal President in my lifetime and I'm over 60. Obama is the most conservative Democrat President the US has ever seen, with Clinton a close second.

Neither Obama nor Clinton would be called "liberals" in any country other than the USA.

Jack Kennedy was a true liberal.

liberals don't know a god damn thing about JFK and they call him one of their own
Just because that POS brother of his is one of your's doesn't make JFK one

A tax cut means higher family income and higher business profits and a balanced federal budget.... As the national income grows, the federal government will ultimately end up with more revenues. Prosperity is the real way to balance our budget. By lowering tax rates, by increasing jobs and income, we can expand tax revenues and finally bring our budget into balance.
On the 50th anniversary of the death of JFK, I think the question should be asked. Was JFK the last conservative democrat president?

JFK lowered taxes and fought to keep debt low.

President Kennedy on Raising Revenue through Tax Cuts and Economic Growth - YouTube

He even opposed the Fed via Executive order 11110

John F. Kennedy Assassination and Executive Order 11110 (The Real Reason He Was Killed) - YouTube

JFK asked the nation to ask what they could do for their country, rather than what their country could do for them.

So was JFK the last of the Mohicans in terms of conservatives in the democrat party?

No wonder a leftist killed him. They had to get LBJ in there to wage war in Vietnam, and then run of deficits, and pass massive entitlements that would cripple the gold standard. It then forced Nixon to capitulate to the Fed and create a worthless fiat currency, so that they could just print limitless funny money and run trillion dollar deficits.

There is no doubt about it, JFK had to die. May he rest in peace.

No, the dems get more conservative all the time. Clinton ended welfare as we know it, made government smaller via Al Gore privatizing government work, ending welfare as we know it, Nafta, end glass steagall etc. Obama extended bush tax cuts, filled his cabinet with ceo's and hard line anti labor ceo's. Made Reagan the guy he usually quotes in speeches. Brought us ACA instead of single payer, continuously puts the safety nets on the table, funneled billions to the banks, list goes on. If Obama were a liberal he would never have been allowed to run the first time, much less the second time. Hasn't been a liberal in the oval office for decades. Did I vote for him? I did but I would rather have Edwards, Kucinich, Gravel or Nader.
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Yes, he also fought for civil rights and equal opportunities for blacks, worked tirelessly against poverty.

His "Ask not what your country can do for you" line has been completely misconstrued by today's conservatives. That was a call to public service for young people when he started the Peace Corps. He wanted young college graduates to spend two years working in Third World countries to promote peaceful economic growth in those countries rather than staying at home and making big bucks with their college degrees.

JFK was positively loathed by conservatives, both for his civil rights stance and his programs to aid the poor.

Stupid bitch alert^^^^^^^^^^^
The Democratic Party has moved so far left that JFK couldn't even win the nomination today.

JFK wouldn't be a democrat today.

JFK fought his entire presidency to pass Medicare. You really think he'd be in the end Medicare as we know it party today?

lol, you are ineducable.

JFK would have crushed anyone today who interfered with Medicare and Medicaid, which he championed the creation of for almost twenty years.
On the 50th anniversary of the death of JFK, I think the question should be asked. Was JFK the last conservative democrat president?

JFK lowered taxes and fought to keep debt low.

President Kennedy on Raising Revenue through Tax Cuts and Economic Growth - YouTube

He even opposed the Fed via Executive order 11110

John F. Kennedy Assassination and Executive Order 11110 (The Real Reason He Was Killed) - YouTube

JFK asked the nation to ask what they could do for their country, rather than what their country could do for them.

So was JFK the last of the Mohicans in terms of conservatives in the democrat party?

No wonder a leftist killed him. They had to get LBJ in there to wage war in Vietnam, and then run of deficits, and pass massive entitlements that would cripple the gold standard. It then forced Nixon to capitulate to the Fed and create a worthless fiat currency, so that they could just print limitless funny money and run trillion dollar deficits.

There is no doubt about it, JFK had to die. May he rest in peace.

No, the dems get more conservative all the time. Clinton ended welfare as we know it, made government smaller via Al Gore privatizing government work, ending welfare as we know it, Nafta, end glass steagall etc. Obama extended bush tax cuts, filled his cabinet with ceo's and hard line anti labor ceo's. Made Reagan the guy he usually quotes in speeches. Brought us ACA instead of single payer, continuously puts the safety nets on the table, funneled billions to the banks, list goes on. If Obama were a liberal he would never have been allowed to run the first time, much less the second time. Hasn't been a liberal in the oval office for decades.

:eusa_liar::cuckoo: :eusa_whistle: :eusa_liar: :cuckoo: :eusa_whistle: :eusa_liar: :cuckoo: :eusa_liar: :cuckoo: :eusa_liar: :cuckoo: :eusa_liar: :cuckoo: :eusa_whistle: :eusa_hand:
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Kennedy's tax cuts didn't balance the budget. Reagan's tax cuts didn't balance the budget. Bush's tax cuts didn't balance the budget.

You're talking bull shit without knowing what you are talking about.
JFK was assassinated before his tax cut policy was voted for in the senate. So duces bag tell me how in the hell could JFK tax cut policy be deemed a failure?

It is quite possible that the tax cut would have died in the Senate, but the political landscape changed strikingly before the Senate could act, when President Kennedy was assassinated on Nov. 22, 1963.


And Reagan you're joking of course.

As I've said numerous times, dumbest poster around here. Reagan ran up massive deficits.

I never meant to say that Reagan was conservative by my standards, rather, he was considered conservative for the standards at that time.

I predict that within 10 years, Obama will be looked at as conservative. It's simply the progressive formula of inching their way towards a leftist utopia.

What I see today, however, is less inching and more like jumping towards tyranny.
You're talking bull shit without knowing what you are talking about.
JFK was assassinated before his tax cut policy was voted for in the senate. So duces bag tell me how in the hell could JFK tax cut policy be deemed a failure?

It is quite possible that the tax cut would have died in the Senate, but the political landscape changed strikingly before the Senate could act, when President Kennedy was assassinated on Nov. 22, 1963.


And Reagan you're joking of course.

It's a well known fact that Reagan's tax cuts increased the debt and of course never balanced the budget.

They also ushered in the greatest peacetime expansion of the economy in history. Well worth the cost, very unlike the MASSIVE debt we have accumulated under Obama and the Democrats. We got NOTHING out of their using the Chinese credit card except massive debt.

"The debt explosion has resulted not from big spending by the Democrats, but instead the Republican Party's embrace, about three decades ago, of the insidious doctrine that deficits don't matter if they result from tax cuts."
David Stockman - Director of the Office of Management and Budget for U.S. President Ronald Reagan.

"The excuse cannot be used that Congress massively increased Reagan's budget proposals. On the contrary, there was never much difference between Reagan's and Congress's budgets, and despite propaganda to the contrary, Reagan never proposed a cut in the total budget."
Murray N. Rothbard - former Dean of the Austrian School, an economist, economic historian, and libertarian political philosopher

“Ronald Reagan changed the trajectory of America in a way that Richard Nixon did not and in a way that Bill Clinton did not. Reagan was an ideological inflection point, ending a 50-year liberal ascendancy and beginning a 30-year conservative ascendancy."
Charles Krauthammer
You're talking bull shit without knowing what you are talking about.
JFK was assassinated before his tax cut policy was voted for in the senate. So duces bag tell me how in the hell could JFK tax cut policy be deemed a failure?

It is quite possible that the tax cut would have died in the Senate, but the political landscape changed strikingly before the Senate could act, when President Kennedy was assassinated on Nov. 22, 1963.


And Reagan you're joking of course.

It's a well known fact that Reagan's tax cuts increased the debt and of course never balanced the budget.

They also ushered in the greatest peacetime expansion of the economy in history. Well worth the cost, very unlike the MASSIVE debt we have accumulated under Obama and the Democrats. We got NOTHING out of their using the Chinese credit card except massive debt.

Ah, so deficit spending as economic stimulus is a good thing? lolol.

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