Was JFK the last conservative democrat president?

US politics has moved far to the right. Eisenhower would never be considered a conservative today, and Nixon would be on shaky ground with Republicans as well. Both would be considered very left wing by today's standards. I've even heard Reagan called a RINO by today's conservatives, but back in the 60's we considered Ronnie to be a raving fringe right winger who was far too radicallly right wing to ever get elected.

Obama hasn't reformed banking or investment law, prosecuted Wall Street, and he just appointed a Friedman economist to head the Fed. Even Nixon avoided Friedman's economic policies.

Bull shit. It's moved Authoritarian Socialist and away from it's roots of liberty and conservatism.

You don't know what you're talking about. You're spouting a popular myth within the conservative movement that just so happens to label EVERY Democrat as the most liberal nominee ever.

The truth is that BOTH political parties have moved to the right in the last few decades as Democrats have abandoned old constituencies in favor of the the very same corporate masters who dole out campaign contributions to both parties. It's just the both spectrums of the Democrat Party are more akin to the old Republican and Democrat Parties legislative working coalition of the 50s whereas the Republican Party has moved far to the right from its former political mooring.

You are full of shit stop with the disinformation.
US politics has moved far to the right. Eisenhower would never be considered a conservative today, and Nixon would be on shaky ground with Republicans as well. Both would be considered very left wing by today's standards. I've even heard Reagan called a RINO by today's conservatives, but back in the 60's we considered Ronnie to be a raving fringe right winger who was far too radicallly right wing to ever get elected.

Obama hasn't reformed banking or investment law, prosecuted Wall Street, and he just appointed a Friedman economist to head the Fed. Even Nixon avoided Friedman's economic policies.

Bull shit. It's moved Authoritarian Socialist and away from it's roots of liberty and conservatism.

You don't know what you're talking about. You're spouting a popular myth within the conservative movement that just so happens to label EVERY Democrat as the most liberal nominee ever.

The truth is that BOTH political parties have moved to the right in the last few decades as Democrats have abandoned old constituencies in favor of the the very same corporate masters who dole out campaign contributions to both parties. It's just the both spectrums of the Democrat Party are more akin to the old Republican and Democrat Parties legislative working coalition of the 50s whereas the Republican Party has moved far to the right from its former political mooring.

That ^^.

But please, can we stop saying "Democrat Party"? That's a Lush Rimjob malaprop. He's trying to emphasize the word "rat" because that's the kind of emotional ad hominem bullshit he traffics in. Let's not give it life.
Bull shit. It's moved Authoritarian Socialist and away from it's roots of liberty and conservatism.

You don't know what you're talking about. You're spouting a popular myth within the conservative movement that just so happens to label EVERY Democrat as the most liberal nominee ever.

The truth is that BOTH political parties have moved to the right in the last few decades as Democrats have abandoned old constituencies in favor of the the very same corporate masters who dole out campaign contributions to both parties. It's just the both spectrums of the Democrat Party are more akin to the old Republican and Democrat Parties legislative working coalition of the 50s whereas the Republican Party has moved far to the right from its former political mooring.

That ^^.

But please, can we stop saying "Democrat Party"? That's a Lush Rimjob malaprop. He's trying to emphasize the word "rat" because that's the kind of emotional ad hominem bullshit he traffics in. Let's not give it life.
Just because you agree with it doesn't make it any more correct. It just makes it that much more wrong.
Funny. JFK is still extremely popular, so conservatives claim him as their own.

THIS, despite the fact that he was hated in the conservative South which almost universally saw him as a Northeastern Liberal.

GW Bush is unpopular, so conservatives distance themselves from him by saying he wasn't REALLY conservative.

Stay tuned for more conservative revisionist history with Reagan as the guest du jour as they regale us with how he was a committed Christian who cut the deficit and wouldn't compromise with Democrats, among other fictions.

Talk about revisionist history JFK would not be a democrat today.

Sure he would. He would not have abandoned his political roots anymore than his brothers would have seeing as how they came from an Irish Catholic background in MA. And he damn sure wouldn't be a Republican by today's standards.
Bull shit. It's moved Authoritarian Socialist and away from it's roots of liberty and conservatism.

So you're saying -- "no, but yes"?

Our roots are Liberal -- not conservative. "Conservative" -- the authoritarian clergy and aristocracy-- was exactly what our Founders were getting away from.

Care to explain what founding father was a liberal by today standards?
I'll give you Hamilton

All of them.

You have no idea what "Liberalism" means, do you? That would explain your sig line.

Read that other sig line (Phoenixops). Get a clue.
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Bull shit. It's moved Authoritarian Socialist and away from it's roots of liberty and conservatism.

You don't know what you're talking about. You're spouting a popular myth within the conservative movement that just so happens to label EVERY Democrat as the most liberal nominee ever.

The truth is that BOTH political parties have moved to the right in the last few decades as Democrats have abandoned old constituencies in favor of the the very same corporate masters who dole out campaign contributions to both parties. It's just the both spectrums of the Democrat Party are more akin to the old Republican and Democrat Parties legislative working coalition of the 50s whereas the Republican Party has moved far to the right from its former political mooring.

You are full of shit stop with the disinformation.

You need to do two things.

1. Stop listening to talk radio. It's propaganda. And what's not propaganda, is spin at best, and disinformation at worst.

2. Start reading books. And I don't mean polemic screeds, either.
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No wonder a leftist killed him. They had to get LBJ in there to wage war in Vietnam, and then run of deficits, and pass massive entitlements that would cripple the gold standard. It then forced Nixon to capitulate to the Fed and create a worthless fiat currency, so that they could just print limitless funny money and run trillion dollar deficits.

There is no doubt about it, JFK had to die. May he rest in peace.

This reminds me of a pro-Reagan post that praised Reagan for saving Social Security and protecting U.S. auto manufacturers. It was a trojan horse that entered the Conservative mind by appealing to its love of Reagan . . . but then, once you travelled deeper into the post, you realized that it was a partisan love letter to the Left.

Your story of Kennedy downplays the role of the CIA (which was run by deeply conservative men that hated him), along with the military industrial complex (which was threatened by Kennedy's about face on the Cold War). The powers that assembled against him were on the Right. LBJ was the last of the powerful Texas Democrats, and very much opposed to the Northeastern establishment, whom he regarded as Harvard elites. Kudos for using people's love of JFK to attack the Left. Artful bullshit of the rankest vintage.

Also, if you want to understand deficits, please study Reagan. His historic tax cuts were coupled with massive increases in military spending, with plenty of corrupt weapons contracts - see Star Wars. This exploded the deficits. He never did the hard work of trimming government spending, not least because he asked for 18 debt limit increases. He was a "bait and switch" guy who promised smaller government, but he tripled Carter's debt and deficits. To crawl out of his '81 recession he kept funding open to the states so that they could avoid painful layoffs, which would have removed more consumers from the market and weakened demand, which would have lead to even more layoffs. Whereas the Republicans forced Obama to cut off funding to the states, which lead to massive layoffs, and drove up his unemployment numbers. This stuff is easily researched, but FOX News chooses not to educate its audience, but rather to distract them with Color Coded terror alerts, gay marriage and FEMA concentration camps.
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You don't know what you're talking about. You're spouting a popular myth within the conservative movement that just so happens to label EVERY Democrat as the most liberal nominee ever.

The truth is that BOTH political parties have moved to the right in the last few decades as Democrats have abandoned old constituencies in favor of the the very same corporate masters who dole out campaign contributions to both parties. It's just the both spectrums of the Democrat Party are more akin to the old Republican and Democrat Parties legislative working coalition of the 50s whereas the Republican Party has moved far to the right from its former political mooring.

You are full of shit stop with the disinformation.

You need to do two things.

1. Stop listening to talk radio. It's propaganda. And what's not propaganda, is spin at best, and disinformation at worst.

2. Start reading books. And I don't mean polemic screeds, either.

That, and try to come up with something that involves a little more brain sweat than "you're full of shit" and :cuckoo:
The Democratic Party has moved so far left that JFK couldn't even win the nomination today.

What policies of his do you think that the Democrat party of today would reject?

Place his policies out in the open and we can discuss them.

I think a poster already covered his policies here:

I was asking the poster what policies of JFK they thought that the Democrats of today would reject. Maybe you can come up with some? The thread I referenced seems to have gone unnoticed and unanswered, maybe I missed the responses to it.
US politics has moved far to the right. Eisenhower would never be considered a conservative today, and Nixon would be on shaky ground with Republicans as well. Both would be considered very left wing by today's standards. I've even heard Reagan called a RINO by today's conservatives, but back in the 60's we considered Ronnie to be a raving fringe right winger who was far too radicallly right wing to ever get elected.

Obama hasn't reformed banking or investment law, prosecuted Wall Street, and he just appointed a Friedman economist to head the Fed. Even Nixon avoided Friedman's economic policies.

Bull shit. It's moved Authoritarian Socialist and away from it's roots of liberty and conservatism.

So you're saying -- "no, but yes"?

Our roots are Liberal -- not conservative.

This just in: "Conservative" -- the authoritarian clergy and aristocracy-- was exactly what our Founders were getting away from.

blah blah blah yes duh, everyone knows classical liberalism at the time of the forming of this country actually meant liberty and independence from government tyranny... When I say liberal I'm using the currently used definition of the term. Which anyone over the IQ of 80 knows is a bastardization of the term.
Bull shit. It's moved Authoritarian Socialist and away from it's roots of liberty and conservatism.

So you're saying -- "no, but yes"?

Our roots are Liberal -- not conservative.

This just in: "Conservative" -- the authoritarian clergy and aristocracy-- was exactly what our Founders were getting away from.

blah blah blah yes duh, everyone knows classical liberalism at the time of the forming of this country actually meant liberty and independence from government tyranny... When I say liberal I'm using the currently used definition of the term. Which anyone over the IQ of 80 knows is a bastardization of the term.

Then you're the one bastardizing it, because you're using it wrong. Then you want to claim your ignorance makes me stupid. Sorry, I use actual political science definitions, not the Joe McCarthy revisions.

Done this before but I'll just keep tossing this out until you break down and read it... unless you'd rather wallow in ignorance...
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When I say liberal I'm using the currently used definition of the term. Which anyone over the IQ of 80 knows is a bastardization of the term.

I think you mean the current definition of the liberal as promulgated by Faux News and other conservative news outlets. Real liberals reject the definition conservatives try to pin on us. We're not Marxists, we don't believe in state control, and we strongly believe in liberty. We're even in favour of balanced budgets when the economy is strong, and in capitalism, but we also believe in rights for workers, that fair wages are needed to grow the economy and women's right to control her reproduction.
Bull shit. It's moved Authoritarian Socialist and away from it's roots of liberty and conservatism.

So you're saying -- "no, but yes"?

Our roots are Liberal -- not conservative. "Conservative" -- the authoritarian clergy and aristocracy-- was exactly what our Founders were getting away from.

Care to explain what founding father was a liberal by today standards?
I'll give you Hamilton

You're funny. The founding fathers were REVOLUTIONARIES, for cryin' out loud. They weren't just trying to overthrow A government; they were trying to overthrow the prevailing system of governance at the time in favor of a new form of government which did not exist anywhere within the Western world.
When I say liberal I'm using the currently used definition of the term. Which anyone over the IQ of 80 knows is a bastardization of the term.

I think you mean the current definition of the liberal as promulgated by Faux News and other conservative news outlets. Real liberals reject the definition conservatives try to pin on us. We're not Marxists, we don't believe in state control, and we strongly believe in liberty. We're even in favour of balanced budgets when the economy is strong, and in capitalism, but we also believe in rights for workers, that fair wages are needed to grow the economy and women's right to control her reproduction.

Yet, the liberals are opening the door to a single payer healthcare system( the healthcare companies will be subsidized by taxpayer money if they lose money) ...not to mention the stock the feds have owned in the auto industry for years.

You can call yourself a potato for all I care, you people are what you are.
"Talk about revisionist history JFK would not be a democrat today."

^^^^ That is revisionist history. JFK would be a solid Dem today committed to destroying the TPM and far right reactionary agendas.
When I say liberal I'm using the currently used definition of the term. Which anyone over the IQ of 80 knows is a bastardization of the term.

I think you mean the current definition of the liberal as promulgated by Faux News and other conservative news outlets. Real liberals reject the definition conservatives try to pin on us. We're not Marxists, we don't believe in state control, and we strongly believe in liberty. We're even in favour of balanced budgets when the economy is strong, and in capitalism, but we also believe in rights for workers, that fair wages are needed to grow the economy and women's right to control her reproduction.

Yet, the liberals are opening the door to a single payer healthcare system( the healthcare companies will be subsidized by taxpayer money if they lose money) ...not to mention the stock the feds have owned in the auto industry for years.

You can call yourself a potato for all I care, you people are what you are.

Uh-- any shadow of single payer was wiped out by Joe Lie-bermann looking out for the interests of Big Pharma, his masters.

You know, that Democrat who proves the DP is "moving to the left"...?

\Yet, the liberals are opening the door to a single payer healthcare system( the healthcare companies will be subsidized by taxpayer money if they lose money) ...not to mention the stock the feds have owned in the auto industry for years.

You can call yourself a potato for all I care, you people are what you are.

I live in a country with single payer health care, and it's better and cheaper than what you've currently got. No system is perfect, but private insurance is NOT the way to go. The rest of the world thanks God every day that we don't have US style health care funding. It's an economic disaster which is strangling your economy.
So you're saying -- "no, but yes"?

Our roots are Liberal -- not conservative. "Conservative" -- the authoritarian clergy and aristocracy-- was exactly what our Founders were getting away from.

Care to explain what founding father was a liberal by today standards?
I'll give you Hamilton

You're funny. The founding fathers were REVOLUTIONARIES, for cryin' out loud. They weren't just trying to overthrow A government; they were trying to overthrow the prevailing system of governance at the time in favor of a new form of government which did not exist anywhere within the Western world.

That's not an answer funny boy thats a cop out. how many founding fathers would subscribe to today's liberals policy? Name them.

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