Was JFK the last conservative democrat president?

So was JFK the last of the Mohicans in terms of conservatives in the democrat party?

No wonder a leftist killed him. They had to get LBJ in there to wage war in Vietnam, and then run of deficits, and pass massive entitlements that would cripple the gold standard. It then forced Nixon to capitulate to the Fed and create a worthless fiat currency, so that they could just print limitless funny money and run trillion dollar deficits.

There is no doubt about it, JFK had to die. May he rest in peace.

"A leftist killed him"? What, have you been asleep the last 50 years?

Spocksmoker tried to make that case here. It crashed and burned.

"A leftist killed him"... Jeezis Christ on a bicycle the revisionistas never stop.

And by the way it's called the Democratic Party, not the "Democrat Party". Get your nose out of Lush Rimjob's ass.
So what happen to the soviet union and be VERY specific.

1. Resistance by non-ethnic Russians, which formed more than half of the population, to assimilation.

2. Failure of the centralized government provide for the physical needs of the members states in regards to food, clothing, and other essentials.

3. Corruption of the communist party officials who rewarded themselves, and kept workers in poverty.

4. Gorbachev's relaxation of freedom of speech laws lead to the release of a lot of pent up emotion and dissent allowing the dissatisfaction with the central government to grow into political unrest in the satellite states.

Reagan was more than happy to take credit but the USSR fell on its own merits, not because of anything Reagan did.
Clear cut the soviet union economy could not keep up with the same pace as the U.S. economy. When they would build one missile the U.S. would build 10. One ship[ the U.S. 3 ships.
The Collapse of the Soviet Union and Ronald Reagan
Both parties have undeniably moved to the right (there's Bill Clinton again) but JFK could definitely still be nominated today. Because nomination is a lot more about personality than ideology.
US politics has moved far to the right. Eisenhower would never be considered a conservative today, and Nixon would be on shaky ground with Republicans as well. Both would be considered very left wing by today's standards. I've even heard Reagan called a RINO by today's conservatives, but back in the 60's we considered Ronnie to be a raving fringe right winger who was far too radicallly right wing to ever get elected.

Obama hasn't reformed banking or investment law, prosecuted Wall Street, and he just appointed a Friedman economist to head the Fed. Even Nixon avoided Friedman's economic policies.
Both parties have undeniably moved to the right (there's Bill Clinton again) but JFK could definitely still be nominated today. Because nomination is a lot more about personality than ideology.

Do you pick any type of shit that you think of and fling it and hope that it might stick?
US politics has moved far to the right. Eisenhower would never be considered a conservative today, and Nixon would be on shaky ground with Republicans as well. Both would be considered very left wing by today's standards. I've even heard Reagan called a RINO by today's conservatives, but back in the 60's we considered Ronnie to be a raving fringe right winger who was far too radicallly right wing to ever get elected.

Obama hasn't reformed banking or investment law, prosecuted Wall Street, and he just appointed a Friedman economist to head the Fed. Even Nixon avoided Friedman's economic policies.

US politics has moved far to the right. Eisenhower would never be considered a conservative today, and Nixon would be on shaky ground with Republicans as well. Both would be considered very left wing by today's standards. I've even heard Reagan called a RINO by today's conservatives, but back in the 60's we considered Ronnie to be a raving fringe right winger who was far too radicallly right wing to ever get elected.

Obama hasn't reformed banking or investment law, prosecuted Wall Street, and he just appointed a Friedman economist to head the Fed. Even Nixon avoided Friedman's economic policies.

Bull shit. It's moved Authoritarian Socialist and away from it's roots of liberty and conservatism.
US politics has moved far to the right. Eisenhower would never be considered a conservative today, and Nixon would be on shaky ground with Republicans as well. Both would be considered very left wing by today's standards. I've even heard Reagan called a RINO by today's conservatives, but back in the 60's we considered Ronnie to be a raving fringe right winger who was far too radicallly right wing to ever get elected.

Obama hasn't reformed banking or investment law, prosecuted Wall Street, and he just appointed a Friedman economist to head the Fed. Even Nixon avoided Friedman's economic policies.

Bull shit. It's moved Authoritarian Socialist and away from it's roots of liberty and conservatism.

So you're saying -- "no, but yes"?

Our roots are Liberal -- not conservative.

This just in: "Conservative" -- the authoritarian clergy and aristocracy-- was exactly what our Founders were getting away from.
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US politics has moved far to the right. Eisenhower would never be considered a conservative today, and Nixon would be on shaky ground with Republicans as well. Both would be considered very left wing by today's standards. I've even heard Reagan called a RINO by today's conservatives, but back in the 60's we considered Ronnie to be a raving fringe right winger who was far too radicallly right wing to ever get elected.

Obama hasn't reformed banking or investment law, prosecuted Wall Street, and he just appointed a Friedman economist to head the Fed. Even Nixon avoided Friedman's economic policies.

Bull shit. It's moved Authoritarian Socialist and away from it's roots of liberty and conservatism.

So you're saying -- "no, but yes"?

Our roots are Liberal -- not conservative. "Conservative" -- the authoritarian clergy and aristocracy-- was exactly what our Founders were getting away from.

Care to explain what founding father was a liberal by today standards?
I'll give you Hamilton
I never meant to say that Reagan was conservative by my standards, rather, he was considered conservative for the standards at that time.

I predict that within 10 years, Obama will be looked at as conservative. It's simply the progressive formula of inching their way towards a leftist utopia.

What I see today, however, is less inching and more like jumping towards tyranny.

Or the reactionary inching towards ultimate dominion, making the left more conservative as the former's paradigm shifts the political map.
Funny. JFK is still extremely popular, so conservatives claim him as their own.

THIS, despite the fact that he was hated in the conservative South which almost universally saw him as a Northeastern Liberal.

GW Bush is unpopular, so conservatives distance themselves from him by saying he wasn't REALLY conservative.

Stay tuned for more conservative revisionist history with Reagan as the guest du jour as they regale us with how he was a committed Christian who cut the deficit and wouldn't compromise with Democrats, among other fictions.

Good post.

The John Birch Society, which was the Tea Party of 60 years ago, hated Kennedy at least as much as the TP hates Obama.
Funny. JFK is still extremely popular, so conservatives claim him as their own.

THIS, despite the fact that he was hated in the conservative South which almost universally saw him as a Northeastern Liberal.

GW Bush is unpopular, so conservatives distance themselves from him by saying he wasn't REALLY conservative.

Stay tuned for more conservative revisionist history with Reagan as the guest du jour as they regale us with how he was a committed Christian who cut the deficit and wouldn't compromise with Democrats, among other fictions.

Talk about revisionist history JFK would not be a democrat today.
US politics has moved far to the right. Eisenhower would never be considered a conservative today, and Nixon would be on shaky ground with Republicans as well. Both would be considered very left wing by today's standards. I've even heard Reagan called a RINO by today's conservatives, but back in the 60's we considered Ronnie to be a raving fringe right winger who was far too radicallly right wing to ever get elected.

Obama hasn't reformed banking or investment law, prosecuted Wall Street, and he just appointed a Friedman economist to head the Fed. Even Nixon avoided Friedman's economic policies.

Bull shit. It's moved Authoritarian Socialist and away from it's roots of liberty and conservatism.

You don't know what you're talking about. You're spouting a popular myth within the conservative movement that just so happens to label EVERY Democrat as the most liberal nominee ever.

The truth is that BOTH political parties have moved to the right in the last few decades as Democrats have abandoned old constituencies in favor of the the very same corporate masters who dole out campaign contributions to both parties. It's just the both spectrums of the Democrat Party are more akin to the old Republican and Democrat Parties legislative working coalition of the 50s whereas the Republican Party has moved far to the right from its former political mooring.

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