Was John Wilkes Booth right to shoot Lincoln?

I do, it was war and they were the aggressor.
please no bullshit about states rights and other excuses for the south.
It was a declared aggression?
semantics !
You think that is grasping at straws? :lol: You fuckin statist moron!
only use words you know and don't make false assumptions, like you just did.
If you think a President of a Constitutional Republic has the authority to do that WITHOUT declaration, YES, you are a statist moron.

Why would the President of the United States need a 'declaration' to put down an insurrection.

Rebels attacked troops of the United States when they fired upon Fort Sumter.
Congress authorized the calling up of Militia and Abraham Lincoln authorized the blockading of rebellious states- after the rebels fired upon American soldiers.
In Feb of 1861, Lincoln had to sneak out of Baltimore because he was about to be assassinated lol
Maryland didn't like him. At all. Especially after the suspension of habeas corpus.. lol
not the smartest Assassins if Lincoln knew it was about to happen' must have been the 19th century version of conservatives.
It was a declared aggression?
semantics !
You think that is grasping at straws? :lol: You fuckin statist moron!
only use words you know and don't make false assumptions, like you just did.
If you think a President of a Constitutional Republic has the authority to do that WITHOUT declaration, YES, you are a statist moron.

Why would the President of the United States need a 'declaration' to put down an insurrection.

Rebels attacked troops of the United States when they fired upon Fort Sumter.
Congress authorized the calling up of Militia and Abraham Lincoln authorized the blockading of rebellious states- after the rebels fired upon American soldiers.
He had already blocked the ports before the emergency meeting... Good try!
Blocked the ports in April. Called for the meeting in july
[]speaking of stupid ...jwb had no "right" to kill Lincoln no matter what the excuse.
the war was over. but it is very much something a conservative would do,

You are ignorant. The war was NOT over when L got shot..
Lincoln was a totalitarian that shit on our rule of law. I don't have a problem with it.

Booth was right about that - lincoln was a tyrant. He started that horrible war and then he shut down 300 northern newspapers for opposing it and threw around 15,000 northern civilians in prison for opposing it.
Had JWB not murdered Dishonest Abe, blacks might have all been rounded up and deported per Abe's most ardent wish.
Lincoln was a dictator who trashed the Constitution.

And ushered in the totalitarian federal government we toil under today. .... :cool:

Yup - before lincoln the states pretty much ran the country, as the founding fathers intended. The federal govt was not supposed to be above the states; The fed govt was supposed to exist alongside and maybe a little below the states, like the european union is now
[]I do, it was war and they were the aggressor.
please no bullshit about states rights and other excuses for the south.

The south was the aggressor?? HAHAHA. You are the most ignorant person ever.

The south just walked away from the union. Then the north invaded them to force them back in.
semantics !
You think that is grasping at straws? :lol: You fuckin statist moron!
only use words you know and don't make false assumptions, like you just did.
If you think a President of a Constitutional Republic has the authority to do that WITHOUT declaration, YES, you are a statist moron.

Why would the President of the United States need a 'declaration' to put down an insurrection.

Rebels attacked troops of the United States when they fired upon Fort Sumter.
Congress authorized the calling up of Militia and Abraham Lincoln authorized the blockading of rebellious states- after the rebels fired upon American soldiers.
He had already blocked the ports before the emergency meeting... Good try!
Blocked the ports in April. Called for the meeting in july

April 12, 1861- Rebel forces fire on American troops on Fort Sumter

U.S. Secretary of State William Henry Seward recommended adopting the blockade shortly after the Battle of Fort Sumter in April, 1861 that marked the beginning of Civil War hostilities. Gideon Welles, the Secretary of the Navy, argued for a de facto but undeclared blockade, which would prevent foreign governments from granting the Confederacy belligerent status. President Abraham Lincoln sided with Seward and proclaimed the blockade on April 19. Lincoln extended the blockade to include North Carolina and Virginia on April 27. By July of 1861, the Union Navy had established blockades of all the major southern ports.
Had JWB not murdered Dishonest Abe, blacks might have all been rounded up and deported per Abe's most ardent wish.

LOL.....and yes once again- the liars come out.

Lincoln did indeed advocate voluntary resettlement of former slaves- but always voluntary and never said anything about 'rounding them up'

That is more the line of our current racists here at USMB- you know the ones pining for Lincoln's murderer.
[]I do, it was war and they were the aggressor.
please no bullshit about states rights and other excuses for the south.

The south was the aggressor?? HAHAHA. You are the most ignorant person ever.

The south just walked away from the union. Then the north invaded them to force them back in.

The Union forced those rebel troops to fire on American soldiers.....
Lee surrendered the confederate military at Appomattox on April 9, 1865, and agreed to end hostilities with the agreement of exchanged letters on that date. There was no longer any legitimate or legal military purpose for the assassination that took place six days after the peace agreement and ending of hostilities that took place on April 15. This was not a case of soldiers in the field who were unaware of the agreement. Booth was a disgruntled confederate and chose to act in a dishonorable way and disobey the General of the Confederate Military.

You ignorant jackass. LEE WAS NOT HEAD OF STATE. He was just one of many generals the south had and he surrendered his Army of Northern Virginia. The South had other armies led by other generals and they continued fighting. And Booth was NOT in the military and no general could tell him what to do.

Truly you are the dumbest person in history.
Rebels attacked troops of the United States when they fired upon Fort Sumter.
Congress authorized the calling up of Militia and Abraham Lincoln authorized the blockading of rebellious states- after the rebels fired upon American soldiers.

Union soldiers who were trespassing in a foreign country and refused to leave. That's what started the war.
Had JWB not murdered Dishonest Abe, blacks might have all been rounded up and deported per Abe's most ardent wish.

HAHAHA. You're right. Abe opposed slavery but he was very much a white supremacist and wanted blacks anywhere but america.
You think that is grasping at straws? :lol: You fuckin statist moron!
only use words you know and don't make false assumptions, like you just did.
If you think a President of a Constitutional Republic has the authority to do that WITHOUT declaration, YES, you are a statist moron.

Why would the President of the United States need a 'declaration' to put down an insurrection.

Rebels attacked troops of the United States when they fired upon Fort Sumter.
Congress authorized the calling up of Militia and Abraham Lincoln authorized the blockading of rebellious states- after the rebels fired upon American soldiers.
He had already blocked the ports before the emergency meeting... Good try!
Blocked the ports in April. Called for the meeting in july

April 12, 1861- Rebel forces fire on American troops on Fort Sumter

U.S. Secretary of State William Henry Seward recommended adopting the blockade shortly after the Battle of Fort Sumter in April, 1861 that marked the beginning of Civil War hostilities. Gideon Welles, the Secretary of the Navy, argued for a de facto but undeclared blockade, which would prevent foreign governments from granting the Confederacy belligerent status. President Abraham Lincoln sided with Seward and proclaimed the blockade on April 19. Lincoln extended the blockade to include North Carolina and Virginia on April 27. By July of 1861, the Union Navy had established blockades of all the major southern ports.
Your link said it was undeclared.....
Lincoln did indeed advocate voluntary resettlement of former slaves- but always voluntary and never said anything about 'rounding them up'

That's true but then prior to the war abe said he had no authority and no inclination to free the slaves. Then three years later he issued the emancipation proclamation.!!! Abe was a politician and a corporate lawyer. His middle name was "liar".
Rebels attacked troops of the United States when they fired upon Fort Sumter.
Congress authorized the calling up of Militia and Abraham Lincoln authorized the blockading of rebellious states- after the rebels fired upon American soldiers.

Union soldiers who were trespassing in a foreign country and refused to leave. That's what started the war.

You always support those who fire upon American soldiers so enthusiastically?

Guess it's appropriate from you on Pearl Harbor Day.

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