Was Sessions Aware, As AG, He Was Expected To Ignore Corruption In The White House?


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
The Big Orange Idiot just announced, “ ‘if he [Sessions] was going to recuse himself he should have told me before he took the job and I would have picked somebody else.’ "

After this startling admission by Big Orange, rational Americans are motivated to ask a few questions, important questions. One being, Did Big Orange expect Sessions to be aware that, as Attorney General, he was to ignore corruption in the current administration? The second, since Sessions also met with the Russians during the months involved in Mueller’s investigation, again, as Attorney General, was Sessions expected to prevent such investigations into corruption in the current administration? Three, given his own contact with the Russians, is Sessions not required ethically to recuse himself? Four, even though he IS a typical conservative and has no ethics, wouldn’t he find it beneficial to recuse himself, if for no other reason, than to protect himself from criminal charges as being part of a cover-up of the corruption in the current administration?

As Big Orange and his family members continue to ignore the advice of their lawyers, and refuse to exercise their right to remain silent, they are going to keep making incriminating statements in their belief they are immune to prosecution and punishment. This, in turn, is going to make Mueller’s job of rooting out the corruption in the current administration a “slam dunk”.

Trump says he wouldn't have picked Sessions if he knew he'd recuse himself from Russia probe: NYT



Yes, the denial of the conservatives goes on, and the denial by Big Orange and his fellow defendants will soon begin.

Sessions meetings with the Russian Ambassador were two social events. First one the State Department invited 100 ambassadors to hear Sessions speak. WOW! Now there's a secret meeting. With 99 other ambassadors.

The other social situation was at some affair at Trump Tower and again it was a social setting. The only time he spent any time with the Ambassador was as his duty as a Senator.

None of the meetings were nefarious and Sessions who I like and admire was a bloody fool to have recused himself from the investigation.

You keep throwing out corruption. What's this new shit? Mueller was assigned to investigate the so called Russian collusion. And Mueller should be fired for conflict of interest.

If he wanted to pursue corruption in the White House, he wouldn't have recused himself, now would he?

Well, there went your entire argument.
Sessions meetings with the Russian Ambassador were two social events. First one the State Department invited 100 ambassadors to hear Sessions speak. WOW! Now there's a secret meeting. With 99 other ambassadors.

The other social situation was at some affair at Trump Tower and again it was a social setting. The only time he spent any time with the Ambassador was as his duty as a Senator.

None of the meetings were nefarious and Sessions who I like and admire was a bloody fool to have recused himself from the investigation.

You keep throwing out corruption. What's this new shit? Mueller was assigned to investigate the so called Russian collusion. And Mueller should be fired for conflict of interest.
Interesting that you have a very permissive position on Sessions and an absolutist position on Mueller in the same post and do not even feel like a flaming hypocrite.
Sessions meetings with the Russian Ambassador were two social events. First one the State Department invited 100 ambassadors to hear Sessions speak. WOW! Now there's a secret meeting. With 99 other ambassadors.

The other social situation was at some affair at Trump Tower and again it was a social setting. The only time he spent any time with the Ambassador was as his duty as a Senator.

None of the meetings were nefarious and Sessions who I like and admire was a bloody fool to have recused himself from the investigation.

You keep throwing out corruption. What's this new shit? Mueller was assigned to investigate the so called Russian collusion. And Mueller should be fired for conflict of interest.

The fact is that Sessions did not disclose his meetings with the Russians. He also said that he would recuse himself during the hearings so Trump was told. He did the proper thing in recusing himself. The AG takes a oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States not Trump.

Mueller has no conflict of interest. Before his appointment, he was cleared of any conflict of interest by the Trump Justice Department. You think the AG is there to protect Trump. He is not.

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