Was the 'Barred In Britain Cleric', Shiekh Omar Bakri Mohammed Behind the Plot?


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
If so, probably was al Quaida. Lots of links regarding a real bad guy, whether or not he was behind this plot:


August 10, 2006
Terror Plot Linked to Exiled Cleric

****Jawa Report Exclusive*****

behead_those_who_insult_islam.jpg Sources in the U.K. have informed The Jawa Report that suspects in today's terror arrests are linked to exiled cleric Shiekh Omar Bakri Mohammed.

24 people have been arrested so far in the plot to set off explosive devices on up to 10 airplanes. At least 5 suspects are still at large in the terror plot which has been described as in the final stages of planning.

ABC radio claims that at least 2 of those suspects had made martyrdom videos.

Three suspects have been named by The Blotter as Rashid Rauf, Mohammed al-Ghandra, and Ahmed al Khan.

Hot Air, PJM, and Drudge are reporting new developments.

Glen Jenvey, a member of the London based terrorist watch group Vigil, believes that there is sufficient evidence to conclude that those involved in the plot are linked to Bakri.

Just last month intelligence supplied by Vigil to the British government led to the banning of organizations linked to Bakri.

Jenvey also indicates that some of the plotters may be linked to Abu Hamza. Jenvey's testimony was instrumental in the conviction of the radical cleric.

The Jawa Report cannot confirm the extent to Bakri or Hamza's involvement.


The Syrian born Omar Bakri Mohammed was the leader of several Salafist organizations which many claim have ties to al Qaeda. In July, two splinter groups from Bakri's orignal Al-Muhajiroun organization were banned by the British government.

The Jawa Report, with the help of a British ISP, was instrumental in the removal of the Bakri linked al Ghurabaa website.

Bakri has sometimes claimed to be the spokesman of the political wing of the International Islamic Front for Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders, led by Osama bin Laden. At other times, Bakri has denied and distanced himself from the military wing of the organization, al Qaeda.

After he was told by the British government that his presence was "not conducive to the public good", Bakri fled to Lebanon. Recently, Bakri was denied entry into to the U.K. when he tried to flee the war torn country.

Tapes made by Vigil record Bakri answering questions to followers on what he thought was a secret password protected forum. Bakri can be heard on the tape making a religious ruling that it was permitted for Muslims to attack civilian targets such as airports.

Bakri has also made statements justifying the killing of British soldiers by British Muslims in Iraq.

Other secret recordings reveal the transfer of money from London to Bakri in exile to be used for "the mujahidin".

While the organizations with formal ties to Bakri have been outlawed in Britain, dozens of offshoots have grown in their place.

One of Bakri's followers can be seen in the photo above. Developing.......

The suspects in today's foiled plot have been described as homegrown terrrorists and are said to be the children of Pakistani immigrants.

UPDATE: From a recent Times Online article on declassified documents which are being displayed at the British Library:

Another document, written by an FBI agent before the attacks on New York and Washington, accuses Omar Bakri Mohammed, the radical preacher now barred from Britain, of sending his Al-Muhajiroun supporters to flight training schools in America.
Update: CT blog has good roundup.

UPDATE II: Raid in Birmingham. Why is that important? Bakri has a cell called The Saved Sect centered in Birmingham.

Raids were carried out at homes in London, the nearby town of High Wycombe and in Birmingham, in central England.

And the mandatory he can't be a terrorist because he goes to mosque denial:

"Ibrahim didn't do nothing wrong," Ghafoor said, referring to a suspect. "He played football. He goes to the mosque. He's a nice guy."

UPDATE III: Bakri's minions respond as if on cue:

Extremists accused the Government of fabricating the extent of the threat. Anjem Choudary, the right-hand man to the cleric Omar Bakri Mohammed, said that the arrest of 24 suspects was a “baseless attack” on British Muslims that was designed to scare the public.

Mr Choudary said that he did not believe that a plan to commit “mass murder” had been foiled. “I think this is another case of whipping the public into a frenzy over terrorism with very flimsy evidence.”

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Posted by Dr. Rusty Shackleford at August 10, 2006 04:20 PM

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