Zone1 Was The Garden Of Eden A Real Place?

You mean, you are attempting to limit it to that , so you can say silly things.

If there was no promise of the forever festival, you wouldn't even be a Christian, Christianity would be a smattering of tiny cults at best, and we wouldn't even be having this discussion.
You don't know what's in the minds of mature Christians. Many are so tired of 'well doing' that they would just as soon sleep forever.
Hmm, pretty sure I could come over, open your Bible, and open it to the page that states these things.

The Bible in your house right now.
Have you heard of any Christian stoning's lately? When you read a book do you keep rereading the first chapters without reading how the story ends?
Wow, it's like you are about to fall ass backwards into my point.

I won't get in your way. ;)
I'll rephrase it. Have you ever heard of a "Christian" stoning?

*The church was relieved of 'law enforcement' at its founding. Miscreants were put out of the church, they were not stoned.
While you may think this phrase is a zinger, it implicitly states that you are aggressively ignorant (don't need any nuance or information) and that you are aggressively lazy (no need to fashion a coherent argment).
About what? We haven't broached a subject yet.
- are you speaking of jesus ... or the desert crucifiers that nailed him - bing.

you simply are oblivious the very reason the 1st century events occurred ...
Ding is kind of Trumpy.

He can't grasp the concept that his arguments are bad, and that he has scant evidence for his claims.

Therefore , he chalks up his repeated slamming into brick walls to everyone else just being big ol' meanies.
Ding is kind of Trumpy.

He can't grasp the concept that his arguments are bad, and that he has scant evidence for his claims.

Therefore , he chalks up his repeated slamming into brick walls to everyone else just being big ol' meanies.
Your arrogance and rudeness are off the chart. Can't wait for your predictable surprises in life to humble you.

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