Was Truss a Planned Screw up by Globalists?


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
I haven't follow England, the UK, Brits or whatever they call themselves since Thatcher left.

BJ did good in getting them out of the EU. Since then the Globalists have been on a campaign to drag them back into the fold. The little I know about Truss, I get the feeling she was a David Brock, or Liz Cheney or Adam Kinzinger of "Conservatives", someone wearing a label but put up there to totally embarrass the movement.

Does anyone else think that this whole Truss fiasco was a set up to get them to completely embrace Socialism while they freeze to death this winter?
Who knows..... may be they let her go because they need a real Globlalist believer in place, you know.....fascist and totalitarian to the max?

For the time being though, they will probably replace her with Boris the Clown, can you imagine that?

From bad to worse then back to bad again.:cuckoo:

Idiotic Europe.
To a nation suffering through 10.1 percent inflation, alarmed by the war in Ukraine, worried about energy shortages this winter and struggling with myriad disruptions caused by Brexit, Truss offered massive tax cuts for the wealthiest individuals and the biggest corporations. Her brief tenure should be remembered as the hyphenate premiership: all-in on supply-side, laissez-faire, trickle-down economics.

The only way to pay for this huge giveaway was through equally massive borrowing. She and her first chancellor of the exchequer, Kwasi Kwarteng, gambled their futures — and the well-being of the country — on their blind faith in the wisdom of free markets.

Those markets immediately decided Truss and her cabinet were nuts. The British pound plummeted, investors lost faith in Britain’s debt, the independent Bank of England had to raise interest rates utter chaos reigned in one of the world’s biggest and traditionally most stable economies.

Truss began rescinding her radical policies one by one, but it was already too late.

Traditional Republican policies are now rightly seen as radical.
I haven't follow England, the UK, Brits or whatever they call themselves since Thatcher left.

BJ did good in getting them out of the EU. Since then the Globalists have been on a campaign to drag them back into the fold. The little I know about Truss, I get the feeling she was a David Brock, or Liz Cheney or Adam Kinzinger of "Conservatives", someone wearing a label but put up there to totally embarrass the movement.

Does anyone else think that this whole Truss fiasco was a set up to get them to completely embrace Socialism while they freeze to death this winter?
The crown is the one who rules Britain.

The Queen is dead, and. . .

. . . apparently Chuck don't like her, so? She gots to go.

We can finally dispense with the illusion that "democracy matters."

I wish it were just this transparent in the states.

Apparently, there are still some democrats that are having a hard time grasping this though. :rolleyes:
The crown is the one who rules Britain.

The Queen is dead, and. . .

. . . apparently Chuck don't like her, so? She gots to go.

We can finally dispense with the illusion that "democracy matters."

I wish it were just this transparent in the states.

Apparently, there are still some democrats that are having a hard time grasping this though. :rolleyes:
The 'parties' are doing this themselves. The people have no say.

Truss won the nod to replace Johnson via a ridiculous process, reminiscent of the game Musical Chairs, whereby Tory politicians knock off candidates one by one until a single individual is left standing. Tory voters reportedly preferred the smart, articulate Kemi Badenoch – who voted for Brexit, rejects critical race theory, admires Roger Scruton and Thomas Sowell, and supports immigration controls. But she got voted off the island soon enough. In the U.S., imbeciles like Kamala Harris have risen to power because they’re “women of color.” Badenoch is one woman of color who deserved to reach the top. There was a very good chance that she could’ve been Britain’s Trump. Much of the electorate would’ve loved it. But the electorate didn’t matter. The party hacks said no, and that was that.

Oh, well. At least Truss was better than some of the alternatives. But now, 44 days in, she’s out – the shortest-serving British prime minister ever. The 21st century’s Lady Jane Grey. The Tippecanoe of No. 10.

What happened? Truss’s own Tories, including her finance minister, resisted her low-tax, free-market agenda from the git-go. She fired her Chancellor of the Exchequer on October 14. She forced her home secretary, Suella Braverman, an advocate of strict immigration curbs, to resign on Wednesday, supposedly over the kind of minor e-mail flub that Hillary Clinton commits a dozen times before breakfast. The Tories’ Chief Whip, Wendy Morton, quit the same day. And then on Thursday, Truss announced that she’d be leaving, too.

On Wednesday and Thursday, one British TV commentator after another expressed absolute astonishment at these developments. A woman on TalkTV said that Westminster was a site of “complete and utter dysfunction.” On GB News, Nigel Farage declared that the Tory Party “is now dead and it needs to be replaced.” Others echoed his verdict, with some adding that Farage himself, founder of UKIP and the Brexit Party, needs to form yet another new party, one that actually represents the low-tax, anti-immigration, pro-Brexit views of most Englishmen living outside of London. The Tories, as podcaster Connor Tomlinson observed, are now “a Blairite institution entirely.”

I can’t pretend to follow all the nuances of British politics: keeping up with them these days is a full-time job. But a long list of Brits whom I respect – Farage included – have characterized the takedown of the Truss government as “a globalist coup.” In the U.S., we wonder who’s really calling the shots in the White House, given that Joe Biden is a corpse; in Britain, one TV talking head after another has declared that the real power in today’s Tory Party is the new Chancellor of the Exchequer, Jeremy Hunt, an old Commons hand who’s previously served as Foreign, Culture, and Health Secretary – and who was an ardent Remainer. Farage even said that Hunt now “has total control of the country” and called him “president of the UK.”
The 'parties' are doing this themselves. The people have no say.

Why are well placed party elites, that are the most well funded, the most well placed, and most influential doing this though? On whose orders? OF course the people have no say, but who IS calling the shots?

The WEF at work.
The WEF IS the crown, several other hereditary monarchs in other nations, a consortium of billionaire global oligarchs, and the Vatican. The folks that own the BIS.



Jeremy Hunt

I haven't follow England, the UK, Brits or whatever they call themselves since Thatcher left.

BJ did good in getting them out of the EU. Since then the Globalists have been on a campaign to drag them back into the fold. The little I know about Truss, I get the feeling she was a David Brock, or Liz Cheney or Adam Kinzinger of "Conservatives", someone wearing a label but put up there to totally embarrass the movement.

Does anyone else think that this whole Truss fiasco was a set up to get them to completely embrace Socialism while they freeze to death this winter?
That is what happens when you put a Right Winger in charge.
What will happen if the RWQGOP gets a majority? The same as usual. Nothing.
Yeah, good thing nothing. Free speech, gun rights, and freedom of movement, oh so bad. huh.

The government needs to stay the hell out of folks lives.

Better to have the government get nothing done, and leave us the hell alone, than to have the government lose their mind and throw folks in a concentration camps over a bad cold.

Britain? Canada? New Zealand? Australia? The entire Commonwealth has lost its ever loving mind.

Inside Australia's Covid internment camp​

Why are well placed party elites, that are the most well funded, the most well placed, and most influential doing this though? On whose orders? OF course the people have no say, but who IS calling the shots?

The WEF IS the crown, several other hereditary monarchs in other nations, a consortium of billionaire global oligarchs, and the Vatican. The folks that own the BIS.



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Jeremy Hunt has a Chinese wife, and his sister lives in Beijing. He was enthusing about Chinese Covid lockdown measures on the telly last night.

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