Washing machines/dryers prices up 17% under Trump (thank you, tariffs)

What companies are importing items with copyright violations?
HOLY CRAP...you ARE that stupid.

Follow along with me...if mentally possible....

China illegally violates the crap out of copyright law, making a fortune off of stolen technology / products / etc... while costing US artists, inventors, and companies BILLIONS ... who in turn passes those losses on to the American consumer.

'American firms lost nearly $48 billion in 2009 due to Chinese violations of U.S. intellectual property, new data show. Improving IP rights protection in China could have a sizable effect on the U.S. economy and jobs.'

- What Chinese IP Violations Cost the U.S.

Even if you (the company / copyright owner 'wins' a lawsuit, you 'LOSE':

How much is that patent lawsuit going to cost you?

...but thank GOD you can save $50 on that new washing machine.

These tariffs are going to do what for that?
Hopefully spur production in the US.
And that will stop China from violating?
If we don’t send them specifications?
So we are the problem?
HOLY CRAP...you ARE that stupid.

Follow along with me...if mentally possible....

China illegally violates the crap out of copyright law, making a fortune off of stolen technology / products / etc... while costing US artists, inventors, and companies BILLIONS ... who in turn passes those losses on to the American consumer.

'American firms lost nearly $48 billion in 2009 due to Chinese violations of U.S. intellectual property, new data show. Improving IP rights protection in China could have a sizable effect on the U.S. economy and jobs.'

- What Chinese IP Violations Cost the U.S.

Even if you (the company / copyright owner 'wins' a lawsuit, you 'LOSE':

How much is that patent lawsuit going to cost you?

...but thank GOD you can save $50 on that new washing machine.

These tariffs are going to do what for that?
Hopefully spur production in the US.
And that will stop China from violating?
If we don’t send them specifications?
So we are the problem?
The rich selling us out to cheap foreign labor is the problem.
People will pay more for foreign made washers and dryers, leaving less money for other things. The economy will suffer.
I guess putting loyalty to America over buying cheaply made $hit from our enemy China who has taken advantage of and cheated this country is too tough for snowflakes.

China has illegally ripped off everything the US has made costing the US BILLIONS...but as long as you can save $40 on that new washing machine you're 'fat, dumb, and happy'.
Funny. Selling us products really cheaply is illegal now. The right sure is stupid.

Who said it was illegal?
And you just displayed your ignorance of politics. Unless Republicans have 60 unified senate seats, they don't really control anything because the Democrats can still stop their agendas.
I know that the dems can do nothing to make them spend more. Repubs love spending.

Bull. The Democrats still have the power to stop spending bills in the Senate. Republicans only have a slight majority.

Now you could make your claim if Republicans had 60 or more votes, but they never have.

So the two choices Republicans had was spend on the things we want and spend on the things Democrats wanted, or we get nothing and likely get blamed for a government shutdown. Either that, or we spend on Democrat things to avoid the shutdown, and we still get nothing.
Dude, the left are truly stupid. Math has always been an issue for them. 51...60. They don’t know which number is bigger

They know. When we ask them why DumBama just didn't get single payer or take care of various other things, they tell us he didn't have the votes. Well he sure had a lot more votes than what we have, and now they are telling us votes don't matter; we have the majority.

What are you going to say when Rump gives you single payer? Be careful and remember you will then have health care.

As long as the majority wants it, then there is nothing I can do about it like any other tax or program. And as long as it's fair unlike Commie Care that was designed for likely Democrat voters.
I know that the dems can do nothing to make them spend more. Repubs love spending.

Bull. The Democrats still have the power to stop spending bills in the Senate. Republicans only have a slight majority.

Now you could make your claim if Republicans had 60 or more votes, but they never have.

So the two choices Republicans had was spend on the things we want and spend on the things Democrats wanted, or we get nothing and likely get blamed for a government shutdown. Either that, or we spend on Democrat things to avoid the shutdown, and we still get nothing.
Dude, the left are truly stupid. Math has always been an issue for them. 51...60. They don’t know which number is bigger

They know. When we ask them why DumBama just didn't get single payer or take care of various other things, they tell us he didn't have the votes. Well he sure had a lot more votes than what we have, and now they are telling us votes don't matter; we have the majority.

What are you going to say when Rump gives you single payer? Be careful and remember you will then have health care.

As long as the majority wants it, then there is nothing I can do about it like any other tax or program. And as long as it's fair unlike Commie Care that was designed for likely Democrat voters.

How do you feel about getting your free shit! Rethugs are completely against socialized well anything. And if Dear Leader sponsors it now will you feel about having coverage again, but it will be against all that you hold Holy?
Bull. The Democrats still have the power to stop spending bills in the Senate. Republicans only have a slight majority.

Now you could make your claim if Republicans had 60 or more votes, but they never have.

So the two choices Republicans had was spend on the things we want and spend on the things Democrats wanted, or we get nothing and likely get blamed for a government shutdown. Either that, or we spend on Democrat things to avoid the shutdown, and we still get nothing.
Dude, the left are truly stupid. Math has always been an issue for them. 51...60. They don’t know which number is bigger

They know. When we ask them why DumBama just didn't get single payer or take care of various other things, they tell us he didn't have the votes. Well he sure had a lot more votes than what we have, and now they are telling us votes don't matter; we have the majority.

What are you going to say when Rump gives you single payer? Be careful and remember you will then have health care.

As long as the majority wants it, then there is nothing I can do about it like any other tax or program. And as long as it's fair unlike Commie Care that was designed for likely Democrat voters.

How do you feel about getting your free shit! Rethugs are completely against socialized well anything. And if Dear Leader sponsors it now will you feel about having coverage again, but it will be against all that you hold Holy?
why do you need my money for your obsessions? You wish to give away, feel free without my money.
That's because your leftist mentality is that all money belongs to government, and what they allow us to keep is a gift from them to us.

The truth is that taking less from people is not welfare in any sense of the word. Welfare is when you provide something somebody never had.
No, it is my free market capitalism mentality. Corporate welfare is really bad for capitalism. But your rightist mentality doesn't understand good capitalism.

Corporate welfare is a term created by leftist to oppose tax reduction. That's all it is and ever was.

If you and I were neighbors, and once a week when you went out to walk your dog, I went into your house and stole 100 dollars, and after a while, I began to feel guilty, so I stopped stealing 100 dollars, and only stole 50 dollars, did I give you 50 dollars a week?

Government doesn't give most businesses anything--they only take less from them. But taking less is not welfare.
Republicans in WI are giving Foxconn 3 billion in cash incentives. Sorry, but they are giving away lots of tax payer dollars. It used to be they gave tax breaks, not anymore. You must believe more government influence in business is a good thing. Conservatives used to be smart enough to know it is not good...

Giving them 3 billion or reducing their taxes by 3 billion? If they are giving away tax money, please provide the link.
Cash payments are common now, where have you been?

Wisconsin Senate approves $3 billion cash payment for Foxconn factory

The Wisconsin Senate approved nearly $3 billion in cash payments for Foxconn Technology Group on Tuesday.

It's hardly what I call welfare. The state is going to give them 3 billion over 15 years to get back 13,000 jobs that employees will be paying taxes on, and get a 10 billion dollar return on top of that.

There is a difference between welfare and investment.
If the Republicans only spent money on their things and didn't allow spending on Democrat things, then the Democrats would shutdown the government, and as always, the MSM would blame the Republicans only.

Trump and the Republicans promised us things that we support, but they could never get that passed without giving the Democrats things they wanted.

So yes, there is deficit and new debt, but it's not solely the Republicans fault.
Republicans control the government. They have put spending way ahead of fiscal responsibility. They love spending.

And you just displayed your ignorance of politics. Unless Republicans have 60 unified senate seats, they don't really control anything because the Democrats can still stop their agendas.
I know that the dems can do nothing to make them spend more. Repubs love spending.

Bull. The Democrats still have the power to stop spending bills in the Senate. Republicans only have a slight majority.

Now you could make your claim if Republicans had 60 or more votes, but they never have.

So the two choices Republicans had was spend on the things we want and spend on the things Democrats wanted, or we get nothing and likely get blamed for a government shutdown. Either that, or we spend on Democrat things to avoid the shutdown, and we still get nothing.
So the choice was a huge spending increase or being fiscally responsible and don't increase spending. They chose to spend and that seems to make you happy. So no, the right is not fiscally responsible.

No, what would have made me happy is not spending money on things Democrats wanted and let them shutdown the government. I would have been fine with that.

The real choice was cut down on Republican spending and keep Democrat spending to keep the government from getting shutdown, or spend more and get what we want too. Wanna see less spending? Give Republicans an over 60 Senate lead majority and that way they can cut Democrat programs and bring spending back down.
Bull. The Democrats still have the power to stop spending bills in the Senate. Republicans only have a slight majority.

Now you could make your claim if Republicans had 60 or more votes, but they never have.

So the two choices Republicans had was spend on the things we want and spend on the things Democrats wanted, or we get nothing and likely get blamed for a government shutdown. Either that, or we spend on Democrat things to avoid the shutdown, and we still get nothing.
Dude, the left are truly stupid. Math has always been an issue for them. 51...60. They don’t know which number is bigger

They know. When we ask them why DumBama just didn't get single payer or take care of various other things, they tell us he didn't have the votes. Well he sure had a lot more votes than what we have, and now they are telling us votes don't matter; we have the majority.

What are you going to say when Rump gives you single payer? Be careful and remember you will then have health care.

As long as the majority wants it, then there is nothing I can do about it like any other tax or program. And as long as it's fair unlike Commie Care that was designed for likely Democrat voters.

How do you feel about getting your free shit! Rethugs are completely against socialized well anything. And if Dear Leader sponsors it now will you feel about having coverage again, but it will be against all that you hold Holy?

I don't get free shit and will not in the future. Single payer means everybody pays. That's hardly getting free shit.

And we wouldn't even be in this position today if that big-eared commie would have left private industry alone.
Dude, the left are truly stupid. Math has always been an issue for them. 51...60. They don’t know which number is bigger

They know. When we ask them why DumBama just didn't get single payer or take care of various other things, they tell us he didn't have the votes. Well he sure had a lot more votes than what we have, and now they are telling us votes don't matter; we have the majority.

What are you going to say when Rump gives you single payer? Be careful and remember you will then have health care.

As long as the majority wants it, then there is nothing I can do about it like any other tax or program. And as long as it's fair unlike Commie Care that was designed for likely Democrat voters.

How do you feel about getting your free shit! Rethugs are completely against socialized well anything. And if Dear Leader sponsors it now will you feel about having coverage again, but it will be against all that you hold Holy?
why do you need my money for your obsessions? You wish to give

away, feel free without my money.

I do not want single payer you fucking maroon, but I am getting your Dear Leader will jump at it as "his better,cheaper health care for all at a fraction of the cost. And it will be so easy."
They know. When we ask them why DumBama just didn't get single payer or take care of various other things, they tell us he didn't have the votes. Well he sure had a lot more votes than what we have, and now they are telling us votes don't matter; we have the majority.

What are you going to say when Rump gives you single payer? Be careful and remember you will then have health care.

As long as the majority wants it, then there is nothing I can do about it like any other tax or program. And as long as it's fair unlike Commie Care that was designed for likely Democrat voters.

How do you feel about getting your free shit! Rethugs are completely against socialized well anything. And if Dear Leader sponsors it now will you feel about having coverage again, but it will be against all that you hold Holy?
why do you need my money for your obsessions? You wish to give

away, feel free without my money.

I do not want single payer you fucking maroon, but I am getting your Dear Leader will jump at it as "his better,cheaper health care for all at a fraction of the cost. And it will be so easy."
based on what?
No, it is my free market capitalism mentality. Corporate welfare is really bad for capitalism. But your rightist mentality doesn't understand good capitalism.

Corporate welfare is a term created by leftist to oppose tax reduction. That's all it is and ever was.

If you and I were neighbors, and once a week when you went out to walk your dog, I went into your house and stole 100 dollars, and after a while, I began to feel guilty, so I stopped stealing 100 dollars, and only stole 50 dollars, did I give you 50 dollars a week?

Government doesn't give most businesses anything--they only take less from them. But taking less is not welfare.
Republicans in WI are giving Foxconn 3 billion in cash incentives. Sorry, but they are giving away lots of tax payer dollars. It used to be they gave tax breaks, not anymore. You must believe more government influence in business is a good thing. Conservatives used to be smart enough to know it is not good...

Giving them 3 billion or reducing their taxes by 3 billion? If they are giving away tax money, please provide the link.
Cash payments are common now, where have you been?

Wisconsin Senate approves $3 billion cash payment for Foxconn factory

The Wisconsin Senate approved nearly $3 billion in cash payments for Foxconn Technology Group on Tuesday.

It's hardly what I call welfare. The state is going to give them 3 billion over 15 years to get back 13,000 jobs that employees will be paying taxes on, and get a 10 billion dollar return on top of that.

There is a difference between welfare and investment.
It is giving them cash like i said. But you think government is good at this? Should they run the whole economy? Foxconn will probably be long gone before WI benefits.

Wisconsin wouldn't break even on Foxconn incentives for 25 years, analysis shows
Dude, the left are truly stupid. Math has always been an issue for them. 51...60. They don’t know which number is bigger

They know. When we ask them why DumBama just didn't get single payer or take care of various other things, they tell us he didn't have the votes. Well he sure had a lot more votes than what we have, and now they are telling us votes don't matter; we have the majority.

What are you going to say when Rump gives you single payer? Be careful and remember you will then have health care.

As long as the majority wants it, then there is nothing I can do about it like any other tax or program. And as long as it's fair unlike Commie Care that was designed for likely Democrat voters.

How do you feel about getting your free shit! Rethugs are completely against socialized well anything. And if Dear Leader sponsors it now will you feel about having coverage again, but it will be against all that you hold Holy?

I don't get free shit and will not in the future. Single payer means everybody pays. That's hardly getting free shit.

And we wouldn't even be in this position today if that big-eared commie would have left private industry alone.

And covered 14,000,000 million more Americans!
They know. When we ask them why DumBama just didn't get single payer or take care of various other things, they tell us he didn't have the votes. Well he sure had a lot more votes than what we have, and now they are telling us votes don't matter; we have the majority.

What are you going to say when Rump gives you single payer? Be careful and remember you will then have health care.

As long as the majority wants it, then there is nothing I can do about it like any other tax or program. And as long as it's fair unlike Commie Care that was designed for likely Democrat voters.

How do you feel about getting your free shit! Rethugs are completely against socialized well anything. And if Dear Leader sponsors it now will you feel about having coverage again, but it will be against all that you hold Holy?

I don't get free shit and will not in the future. Single payer means everybody pays. That's hardly getting free shit.

And we wouldn't even be in this position today if that big-eared commie would have left private industry alone.

And covered 14,000,000 million more Americans!
no it didn't. that's just false and fake.
What are you going to say when Rump gives you single payer? Be careful and remember you will then have health care.

As long as the majority wants it, then there is nothing I can do about it like any other tax or program. And as long as it's fair unlike Commie Care that was designed for likely Democrat voters.

How do you feel about getting your free shit! Rethugs are completely against socialized well anything. And if Dear Leader sponsors it now will you feel about having coverage again, but it will be against all that you hold Holy?
why do you need my money for your obsessions? You wish to give

away, feel free without my money.

I do not want single payer you fucking maroon, but I am getting your Dear Leader will jump at it as "his better,cheaper health care for all at a fraction of the cost. And it will be so easy."
based on what?

He is a fucking Limosine Liberal and had talked about before, long before he ever decided to run for Prez.
Republicans control the government. They have put spending way ahead of fiscal responsibility. They love spending.

And you just displayed your ignorance of politics. Unless Republicans have 60 unified senate seats, they don't really control anything because the Democrats can still stop their agendas.
I know that the dems can do nothing to make them spend more. Repubs love spending.

Bull. The Democrats still have the power to stop spending bills in the Senate. Republicans only have a slight majority.

Now you could make your claim if Republicans had 60 or more votes, but they never have.

So the two choices Republicans had was spend on the things we want and spend on the things Democrats wanted, or we get nothing and likely get blamed for a government shutdown. Either that, or we spend on Democrat things to avoid the shutdown, and we still get nothing.
So the choice was a huge spending increase or being fiscally responsible and don't increase spending. They chose to spend and that seems to make you happy. So no, the right is not fiscally responsible.

No, what would have made me happy is not spending money on things Democrats wanted and let them shutdown the government. I would have been fine with that.

The real choice was cut down on Republican spending and keep Democrat spending to keep the government from getting shutdown, or spend more and get what we want too. Wanna see less spending? Give Republicans an over 60 Senate lead majority and that way they can cut Democrat programs and bring spending back down.
So you are ok with spending if it is yours. That isn’t being fiscally responsible. Deficits are increasing.
And you just displayed your ignorance of politics. Unless Republicans have 60 unified senate seats, they don't really control anything because the Democrats can still stop their agendas.
I know that the dems can do nothing to make them spend more. Repubs love spending.

Bull. The Democrats still have the power to stop spending bills in the Senate. Republicans only have a slight majority.

Now you could make your claim if Republicans had 60 or more votes, but they never have.

So the two choices Republicans had was spend on the things we want and spend on the things Democrats wanted, or we get nothing and likely get blamed for a government shutdown. Either that, or we spend on Democrat things to avoid the shutdown, and we still get nothing.
So the choice was a huge spending increase or being fiscally responsible and don't increase spending. They chose to spend and that seems to make you happy. So no, the right is not fiscally responsible.

No, what would have made me happy is not spending money on things Democrats wanted and let them shutdown the government. I would have been fine with that.

The real choice was cut down on Republican spending and keep Democrat spending to keep the government from getting shutdown, or spend more and get what we want too. Wanna see less spending? Give Republicans an over 60 Senate lead majority and that way they can cut Democrat programs and bring spending back down.
So you are ok with spending if it is yours. That isn’t being fiscally responsible. Deficits are increasing.

Now you are catching on to Ray-Ray there Brian!
Dude, the left are truly stupid. Math has always been an issue for them. 51...60. They don’t know which number is bigger

They know. When we ask them why DumBama just didn't get single payer or take care of various other things, they tell us he didn't have the votes. Well he sure had a lot more votes than what we have, and now they are telling us votes don't matter; we have the majority.

What are you going to say when Rump gives you single payer? Be careful and remember you will then have health care.

As long as the majority wants it, then there is nothing I can do about it like any other tax or program. And as long as it's fair unlike Commie Care that was designed for likely Democrat voters.

How do you feel about getting your free shit! Rethugs are completely against socialized well anything. And if Dear Leader sponsors it now will you feel about having coverage again, but it will be against all that you hold Holy?

I don't get free shit and will not in the future. Single payer means everybody pays. That's hardly getting free shit.

And we wouldn't even be in this position today if that big-eared commie would have left private industry alone.
Healthcare costs were skyrocketing long before obama...
What are you going to say when Rump gives you single payer? Be careful and remember you will then have health care.

As long as the majority wants it, then there is nothing I can do about it like any other tax or program. And as long as it's fair unlike Commie Care that was designed for likely Democrat voters.

How do you feel about getting your free shit! Rethugs are completely against socialized well anything. And if Dear Leader sponsors it now will you feel about having coverage again, but it will be against all that you hold Holy?

I don't get free shit and will not in the future. Single payer means everybody pays. That's hardly getting free shit.

And we wouldn't even be in this position today if that big-eared commie would have left private industry alone.

And covered 14,000,000 million more Americans!
no it didn't. that's just false and fake.

Tell that to the Rubes that are going to soon be losing their enemies due to Dear Leader!
As long as the majority wants it, then there is nothing I can do about it like any other tax or program. And as long as it's fair unlike Commie Care that was designed for likely Democrat voters.

How do you feel about getting your free shit! Rethugs are completely against socialized well anything. And if Dear Leader sponsors it now will you feel about having coverage again, but it will be against all that you hold Holy?

I don't get free shit and will not in the future. Single payer means everybody pays. That's hardly getting free shit.

And we wouldn't even be in this position today if that big-eared commie would have left private industry alone.

And covered 14,000,000 million more Americans!
no it didn't. that's just false and fake.

Tell that to the Rubes that are going to soon be losing their enemies due to Dear Leader!
not sure what you meant here.

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