Washington Post audio of Trump berating and threatening Georgia Secretary of State for not "finding" votes to change election result. Sedition?

Yet the same president garnered 75 mil votes. Says something...
I mean, who is surprised by the turn out? I wasn't. It is one of the most vitriolic presidential elections in my life time. The first one I saw was Carter vs Ford. I thought Bush II vs Gore was pretty rancid. That was nothing. So of course everybody got out and voted. Why wouldn't they have?
To dimwit Trumpers I say, here we have Trump telling the Georgia Secretary of state to engage in fraud and overthrow the newly elected government. When will Trump be arrested?
The President has no legal authority over the GA sec of state, idiot.
Biden has not been inaugurated and is not president yet.

You don't NEED "legal authority" over someone to THREATEN them, idiot.

You need that to legally CONTROL them. Threatening means controlling them illegally.
President Trump urged fellow Republican Brad Raffensperger, the Georgia secretary of state, to “find” enough votes to overturn his defeat in an extraordinary one-hour phone call Saturday that election experts said raised legal questions.

The Washington Post obtained a recording of the conversation in which Trump alternately berated Raffensperger, tried to flatter him, begged him to act and threatened him with vague criminal consequences if the secretary of state refused to pursue his false claims, at one point warning that Raffensperger was taking “a big risk.”

Throughout the call, Raffensperger and his office’s general counsel rejected Trump’s assertions, explaining that the president is relying on debunked conspiracy theories and that President-elect Joe Biden’s 11,779-vote victory in Georgia was fair and accurate.

Trump is engaging of sedition and overturning the will of the people through fraud.

Trump should be arrested for sedition for attempting to overthrow the newly elected government of the United States of America.

Everything Trump touches dies.

Is American democracy next?

What an ass you are. All he did was ask if they could find those votes. Sedition my ass you idiot.

You are good for a laugh though. Lets see how you like Biden as POTUS when he implements the list of things he wants to do. Hope you enjoy because no other Americans will. Dumbass.
"All he did was ask if they could find those votes."

... or face the risk of committing a criminal offense.

LMAO. You are so full of shit. But then you're a Dem who thinks nothing of a stolen election.

You will regret your Biden vote and it won't take long. Carry on shit master.

Still defending the indefensible. I recall during the impeachment, you said "Let the voters decide", and the voters decided. Now you refuse to accept the will of the people, and falsely claim the election was "stolen". Not yet it hasn't been, and it won't be tomorrow either.

The only ones trying to steal the election are Donald Trump, and the Jim Crow Caucus.
Ah. Yes. Of course. The Jim Crow Caucus.
For 4 years the democratic party referred to Trump as illegitimate. That was OK.

But the Jim Crow Caucus!

Got it.

Damn skippy it was OK, because he was an illegitimate President. The people voted for Hillary. She won 3 million votes. Trump won with the help of foreign interference, and dirty tricks co-ordinated with Roger Stone and WikiLeaks. He cheated - bigly.

But he was President. He was given the opportunity to run the country, and he ran it into debt, disease and death. He tore up your trade deals, your strategic alliances, and your defence treaties, and left you with what?

Last week, while you were all distracted with Trump's banana republic shennanigans, and covid, China signed the largest trade deal in world history with the European Union. Xi couldn't ask for a better US President for China than Donald Trump.
We don’t elect a President by the national popular vote in America, you blithering KKKanuck idiot.

Where did I claim that you did? As soon as you bring up my citizenship, I know you're losing your mind and you have nothing.

Trump lost the first election by 3 million votes. This time he lost by 7 million votes. And since he was stupid enough to announce his intention to litigate his loss, the states all made sure their election were run right to the letter of the law, thereby shooting Trump's whole "stolen election" argument right in the foot.

There was no voter suppression this time. Poll watchers from both parties in every polling station, and counting room - all certified the counts and the results. So stop with the bullshit FuckBoi.
Where did I claim that you did?

see below where you said Trump was illegitimate because Hitlery had more popular votes.

Are you senile as well as being a lying sack of KKKanuck shit?

“Damn skippy it was OK, because he was an illegitimate President. The people voted for Hillary. She won 3 million votes.“

No I said he was illegitimate because he had help from the Russians and Wikileaks.
You earn respect. And I don't respect people who put others on ignore.
Like how you put CNN on ignore?

You’re a troll. You deserve to be ignored.
I don't watch CNN but CNN is not a poster on this forum, it is a tabloid station. Then put me on ignore again. LOL.
So what is considered a credible news source and not "tabloid"?
Through my job I get daily news articles too from unbiased sources. Now they are finance/econ themed but still give a good gauge of today's stories.
I was a fox news watcher for a long time. Not the Hannitys and Oreillys and the other opinionists. I watched the anchors and Early morning Fox and Friends. However, they led me to believe that Biden was in his basement everyday, refused to meet with reporters, had minimal gatherings for rallies ..... they even told me that he said something along the lines of "the voters don't deserve to know what my plan is".....they told me he called one supporter a liar; threatened another supporter to prove his manhood....never a positive word about the guy.

And what happens? He beats a sitting President who got the most votes a sitting President ever got in history.

I turned to my wife and said "Fox news is as biased as the rest of them. No way a guy that doesn't campaign and actually insults his supporters could beat someone with tens of thousands of people at rallies"....and all we do for news now is the WSJ. In the morning? We watch HGTV. Fixer upper. Property Brothers. Love it or list it. Soft and fun.

There is no unbiased TV news organization anymore.
He beat the sitting President with the worst approval rating in modern history. It wasn’t a stretch.
Yet the same president garnered 75 mil votes. Says something...
Not when the other guy garnered 7 million more.
You earn respect. And I don't respect people who put others on ignore.
Like how you put CNN on ignore?

You’re a troll. You deserve to be ignored.
I don't watch CNN but CNN is not a poster on this forum, it is a tabloid station. Then put me on ignore again. LOL.
So what is considered a credible news source and not "tabloid"?
Through my job I get daily news articles too from unbiased sources. Now they are finance/econ themed but still give a good gauge of today's stories.
I was a fox news watcher for a long time. Not the Hannitys and Oreillys and the other opinionists. I watched the anchors and Early morning Fox and Friends. However, they led me to believe that Biden was in his basement everyday, refused to meet with reporters, had minimal gatherings for rallies ..... they even told me that he said something along the lines of "the voters don't deserve to know what my plan is".....they told me he called one supporter a liar; threatened another supporter to prove his manhood....never a positive word about the guy.

And what happens? He beats a sitting President who got the most votes a sitting President ever got in history.

I turned to my wife and said "Fox news is as biased as the rest of them. No way a guy that doesn't campaign and actually insults his supporters could beat someone with tens of thousands of people at rallies"....and all we do for news now is the WSJ. In the morning? We watch HGTV. Fixer upper. Property Brothers. Love it or list it. Soft and fun.

There is no unbiased TV news organization anymore.
He beat the sitting President with the worst approval rating in modern history. It wasn’t a stretch.
Yet the same president garnered 75 mil votes. Says something...
Not when the other guy garnered 7 million more.
So you just ignore 75 million voters? Interesting
Scan the ballots. The scan can tell if they are illegal or legal by many reference points. Even the make of the paper and where it was printed. The evidence is obviously in the things Democrats and Republicans are withholding. That would be the ballots and the machines from forensic audits. But, besides that, there are many data studies that show mathematical impossibilities.

Why not do that for every election at every level? Maybe the president will get sworn in...eventually. At the end of the day, Georgia is a republican stronghold. Their people have not only certified the election, but gone out of their way to find things wrong with it, and come up with nothing.

Tell me, don't you find it telling in the tape that one of the Georgian officials ASKS REPEATEDLY for Trump to send the information through and evidence they have? Not in a smarmy way, but in a true, honest way. They have basically said, 'send us the evidence and we'll absolutely investigate it'. Trump's answer? "Don't need to because we know there was fraud". If you know, won't be hard to provide the evidence will it.

Don't you think it just weird? Forget about the politics of it. Don't you think it strange that a state actually has offered to help Trump if he sends through the evidence and he refuses to do so???

Exactly, I heard that over and over. And they were very nice about it, e.g. "if you could just share that information with us" but Rump never offered to do so because he's simply trying to snowjob them and he knows that's what he's doing. You can't "share" stuff you don't have.
And they have been about that for one hundred years. What does that tell you about abortion?

oh, God, you don't even know basic maths...
Are you telling me the black population in a hundred years remains the same? They should be growing in number. I don't know what kind of math you think is involved. It defies common sense. That is what abortion has done.

Why would a percentage be growing in number?

Department of Forgot to Think This Through....
The ballots have been scanned - more than once.

The ballots have not been forensically examined to confirm they are real vs fake. Don't worry the GOP has hired a forensic expert to examine this. It's pretty easy to determine which are valid ballots, mailed out, completed by a human vs the fake batch printed election fraud ballots. Dem's are shitting their pants.

Link to this "Dem is are [sic] shitting their pants"?
You earn respect. And I don't respect people who put others on ignore.
Like how you put CNN on ignore?

You’re a troll. You deserve to be ignored.
I don't watch CNN but CNN is not a poster on this forum, it is a tabloid station. Then put me on ignore again. LOL.
So what is considered a credible news source and not "tabloid"?
Through my job I get daily news articles too from unbiased sources. Now they are finance/econ themed but still give a good gauge of today's stories.
I was a fox news watcher for a long time. Not the Hannitys and Oreillys and the other opinionists. I watched the anchors and Early morning Fox and Friends. However, they led me to believe that Biden was in his basement everyday, refused to meet with reporters, had minimal gatherings for rallies ..... they even told me that he said something along the lines of "the voters don't deserve to know what my plan is".....they told me he called one supporter a liar; threatened another supporter to prove his manhood....never a positive word about the guy.

And what happens? He beats a sitting President who got the most votes a sitting President ever got in history.

I turned to my wife and said "Fox news is as biased as the rest of them. No way a guy that doesn't campaign and actually insults his supporters could beat someone with tens of thousands of people at rallies"....and all we do for news now is the WSJ. In the morning? We watch HGTV. Fixer upper. Property Brothers. Love it or list it. Soft and fun.

There is no unbiased TV news organization anymore.
He beat the sitting President with the worst approval rating in modern history. It wasn’t a stretch.
Yet the same president garnered 75 mil votes. Says something...
Not when the other guy garnered 7 million more.
So you just ignore 75 million voters? Interesting
Who is "ignoring" them? They picked the losing candidate. Millions more people liked the other guy much, much better.
If accusing someone of committing a crime is a “threat”, then every Dimwinger on this board would be locked up for life for serial threats against a sitting President.
It’s different when the person being accused has committed no crime, the person doing the accusing is law enforcement and when the law enforcement is making a personal demand.
Demand? Quote the demand?
Better put...

If someone is accused of committing a crime and charges are brought....but a judge tossed out the charges due to only circumstantial evidence....was the accused threatened? Or did the system play out as it should.

There was no threat. There was concern expressed.

Biden threatens millions of tax payer dollars to a country and gave them 6 hours to comply or they lose it and that was not a threat.

Trump says "something isn't right here and I need you to find if there were 12K votes illegally cast"....and THAT is a threat.


"Pathetic" is right since that ain't what he said.

He said nothing about "find out IF". He said "find 11.780 votes".
Taken out context. But notice you can understand what Trump says. Braindead Joe not so much.

BULL FUCKING SHIT. I followed the entire phone call, prove me wrong, Jackalope.

And there was no "Joe" on the phone call on either end.
Zero times did Trump ask for those votes to be switched to him
Another fake, artificially crafted, overreactive Hoax

Correct, and it's also correct that NOBODY CLAIMED RUMP WANTED VOTES "SWITCHED".


He wanted them "FOUND". That means NEW votes, not old ones.
You earn respect. And I don't respect people who put others on ignore.
Like how you put CNN on ignore?

You’re a troll. You deserve to be ignored.
I don't watch CNN but CNN is not a poster on this forum, it is a tabloid station. Then put me on ignore again. LOL.
So what is considered a credible news source and not "tabloid"?
Through my job I get daily news articles too from unbiased sources. Now they are finance/econ themed but still give a good gauge of today's stories.
I was a fox news watcher for a long time. Not the Hannitys and Oreillys and the other opinionists. I watched the anchors and Early morning Fox and Friends. However, they led me to believe that Biden was in his basement everyday, refused to meet with reporters, had minimal gatherings for rallies ..... they even told me that he said something along the lines of "the voters don't deserve to know what my plan is".....they told me he called one supporter a liar; threatened another supporter to prove his manhood....never a positive word about the guy.

And what happens? He beats a sitting President who got the most votes a sitting President ever got in history.

I turned to my wife and said "Fox news is as biased as the rest of them. No way a guy that doesn't campaign and actually insults his supporters could beat someone with tens of thousands of people at rallies"....and all we do for news now is the WSJ. In the morning? We watch HGTV. Fixer upper. Property Brothers. Love it or list it. Soft and fun.

There is no unbiased TV news organization anymore.
He beat the sitting President with the worst approval rating in modern history. It wasn’t a stretch.
Yet the same president garnered 75 mil votes. Says something...

Right but the challenger garnered 80 mil votes, says more.

It was actually 81 to 74. And change.
You earn respect. And I don't respect people who put others on ignore.
Like how you put CNN on ignore?

You’re a troll. You deserve to be ignored.
I don't watch CNN but CNN is not a poster on this forum, it is a tabloid station. Then put me on ignore again. LOL.
So what is considered a credible news source and not "tabloid"?
Through my job I get daily news articles too from unbiased sources. Now they are finance/econ themed but still give a good gauge of today's stories.
I was a fox news watcher for a long time. Not the Hannitys and Oreillys and the other opinionists. I watched the anchors and Early morning Fox and Friends. However, they led me to believe that Biden was in his basement everyday, refused to meet with reporters, had minimal gatherings for rallies ..... they even told me that he said something along the lines of "the voters don't deserve to know what my plan is".....they told me he called one supporter a liar; threatened another supporter to prove his manhood....never a positive word about the guy.

And what happens? He beats a sitting President who got the most votes a sitting President ever got in history.

I turned to my wife and said "Fox news is as biased as the rest of them. No way a guy that doesn't campaign and actually insults his supporters could beat someone with tens of thousands of people at rallies"....and all we do for news now is the WSJ. In the morning? We watch HGTV. Fixer upper. Property Brothers. Love it or list it. Soft and fun.

There is no unbiased TV news organization anymore.
He beat the sitting President with the worst approval rating in modern history. It wasn’t a stretch.
Yet the same president garnered 75 mil votes. Says something...

Right but the challenger garnered 80 mil votes, says more.

It was actually 81 to 74. And change.
Yep...so we just ignore 74.2 mil? OK.
Yet the same president garnered 75 mil votes. Says something...
I mean, who is surprised by the turn out? I wasn't. It is one of the most vitriolic presidential elections in my life time. The first one I saw was Carter vs Ford. I thought Bush II vs Gore was pretty rancid. That was nothing. So of course everybody got out and voted. Why wouldn't they have?

It was in fact the largest voter turnout since the 19th century. Of course we had a lot of room to improve given our typical flaccid voter participation rate. I blame the Electoral College for that.
You earn respect. And I don't respect people who put others on ignore.
Like how you put CNN on ignore?

You’re a troll. You deserve to be ignored.
I don't watch CNN but CNN is not a poster on this forum, it is a tabloid station. Then put me on ignore again. LOL.
So what is considered a credible news source and not "tabloid"?
Through my job I get daily news articles too from unbiased sources. Now they are finance/econ themed but still give a good gauge of today's stories.
I was a fox news watcher for a long time. Not the Hannitys and Oreillys and the other opinionists. I watched the anchors and Early morning Fox and Friends. However, they led me to believe that Biden was in his basement everyday, refused to meet with reporters, had minimal gatherings for rallies ..... they even told me that he said something along the lines of "the voters don't deserve to know what my plan is".....they told me he called one supporter a liar; threatened another supporter to prove his manhood....never a positive word about the guy.

And what happens? He beats a sitting President who got the most votes a sitting President ever got in history.

I turned to my wife and said "Fox news is as biased as the rest of them. No way a guy that doesn't campaign and actually insults his supporters could beat someone with tens of thousands of people at rallies"....and all we do for news now is the WSJ. In the morning? We watch HGTV. Fixer upper. Property Brothers. Love it or list it. Soft and fun.

There is no unbiased TV news organization anymore.
He beat the sitting President with the worst approval rating in modern history. It wasn’t a stretch.
Yet the same president garnered 75 mil votes. Says something...

Right but the challenger garnered 80 mil votes, says more.

It was actually 81 to 74. And change.
Yep...so we just ignore 74.2 mil? OK.

74.2 mil isn't "ignored". It fucking LOST.
Second place.
Not enough.
Came up short.
(coincidentally, that's what Stormy Daniels said too...)
Last edited:
You earn respect. And I don't respect people who put others on ignore.
Like how you put CNN on ignore?

You’re a troll. You deserve to be ignored.
I don't watch CNN but CNN is not a poster on this forum, it is a tabloid station. Then put me on ignore again. LOL.
So what is considered a credible news source and not "tabloid"?
Through my job I get daily news articles too from unbiased sources. Now they are finance/econ themed but still give a good gauge of today's stories.
I was a fox news watcher for a long time. Not the Hannitys and Oreillys and the other opinionists. I watched the anchors and Early morning Fox and Friends. However, they led me to believe that Biden was in his basement everyday, refused to meet with reporters, had minimal gatherings for rallies ..... they even told me that he said something along the lines of "the voters don't deserve to know what my plan is".....they told me he called one supporter a liar; threatened another supporter to prove his manhood....never a positive word about the guy.

And what happens? He beats a sitting President who got the most votes a sitting President ever got in history.

I turned to my wife and said "Fox news is as biased as the rest of them. No way a guy that doesn't campaign and actually insults his supporters could beat someone with tens of thousands of people at rallies"....and all we do for news now is the WSJ. In the morning? We watch HGTV. Fixer upper. Property Brothers. Love it or list it. Soft and fun.

There is no unbiased TV news organization anymore.
He beat the sitting President with the worst approval rating in modern history. It wasn’t a stretch.
Yet the same president garnered 75 mil votes. Says something...

Right but the challenger garnered 80 mil votes, says more.

It was actually 81 to 74. And change.
Yep...so we just ignore 74.2 mil? OK.
Yeah..voting is over now..so votes don't count..once they've been counted..and recounted..and audited...LOL!
As people, of course we don't ignore them or their concerns..but after the election...it's govt.'s turn.

At some point..ya just got to let it go and move on, IMO.
23 off topic posts deleted AFTER warning to get back on topic. Several infractions and thread bans given. I suggest you get back on topic.
To dimwit Trumpers I say, here we have Trump telling the Georgia Secretary of state to engage in fraud and overthrow the newly elected government. When will Trump be arrested?
The President has no legal authority over the GA sec of state, idiot.
Biden has not been inaugurated and is not president yet.

You don't NEED "legal authority" over someone to THREATEN them, idiot.

You need that to legally CONTROL them. Threatening means controlling them illegally.
If accusing someone of committing a crime is a “threat”, then every Dimwinger on this board would be locked up for life for serial threats against a sitting President.
It’s different when the person being accused has committed no crime, the person doing the accusing is law enforcement and when the law enforcement is making a personal demand.
Demand? Quote the demand?
Better put...

If someone is accused of committing a crime and charges are brought....but a judge tossed out the charges due to only circumstantial evidence....was the accused threatened? Or did the system play out as it should.

There was no threat. There was concern expressed.

Biden threatens millions of tax payer dollars to a country and gave them 6 hours to comply or they lose it and that was not a threat.

Trump says "something isn't right here and I need you to find if there were 12K votes illegally cast"....and THAT is a threat.


"Pathetic" is right since that ain't what he said.

He said nothing about "find out IF". He said "find 11.780 votes".
Taken out context. But notice you can understand what Trump says. Braindead Joe not so much.

BULL FUCKING SHIT. I followed the entire phone call, prove me wrong, Jackalope.

And there was no "Joe" on the phone call on either end.
And who are you? Next.
Looks like this could help out Perdue and Loeffler win in Georgia after all. We all know the fix is in at this point. Good for President Trump calling out the Georgia Secretary of State.
The best I can do in understanding Trump and his supporters is to recall the embrace of "alternate facts." If the number of people actually attending a rally are not what Trump wants … change the picture literally to show a bigger crowd. If a hurricane is not going where he wants it to go, literally change the picture showing its path. I don't understand that. I mean if the doctor tells me I have cancer or that my blood sugar is out of whack, then I have to deal with those facts.

And this is the thing I find strange about Trumpsters. I get him. He is an easy read. He's a charlatan, pure and simple. What I don't get is that so many people either believe him outright or give him such a free pass on such obvious lies.
“Charlatans” don’t say common sense things like we need to be building our own technology and pharmaceuticals again, instead of allowing China to make 99% of them.

They also don’t stand up to the Washington Establishment and refuse warmongers paid by Defense contractors.

The “charlatans” are the ones pushing all that crap. The Bushes, the Clintons, Obama, and the Bidens of Washington.

LOLOL.. Maybe Trump doesn't know the difference between China and Germany. Check EVERYTHING Trump says.. He's stupendously ignorant.
For four years you all have been claiming he is “stupid” or a “liar”, yet can never seem to give examples of his lies or where he is wrong.

His list of lies would wrap around the WH a thousand times, you are just in denial.

View attachment 437350
The Democrats are the racists. That is why black children are stuck in substandard schools. They keep Blacks down so they can use them. That is why the disputed votes come from counties with a lot of Black votes. All so they can play the race card.

History in this country shows that Black Americans do BETTER under Democrats than Republicans.
Then why are you still whining about reparations and burning and looting?

What is reparations? What is the criteria for reparations?

Did you whine when Pres. Reagan gave reparations to Japanese-Americans? I'll answer it for you. Hell no.

Did you whine when others were given reparations? Hell no. You don't want to talk about reparations for black folks because of the hundreds of years of injustice that black folks suffered in this country.

The reason why they don't want reparations to black people is because they use the reparations garbage to frighten stupid people into not voting for a black person or a democratic politician.

It's a simple as that.

It's one of their "boogie man" issues they use to get stupid people to vote against their nation and best interest and vote for a republican.

It's much like their "the democrats are going to take your weapons!" scare tactic ploy they use all the time.
Ummm...Beto literally said he wanted to take guns? Biden literally said he believes America is systemically racist.

It is.
No it isn't. Stop being such a victim.

When you are black for a few years I will listen to you.
Cry me a river. I am a Jew. My oldest had a swastika painted on her school locker last year. I don't the country systemically antisemitic.

Didn't the Jews receive reparations for the Holocaust?
Yup...they call it Israel.
Israel is our ancient homeland.

Alot of Jews don't live in Israel.
A lot is two words and a lot do. It is still our ancient homeland. If a Native American moves to France, is America not his native homeland still? Durrrr.....

What does any of that have to do with didn't Jews receive reparations.
Because Israel does not equate to reparations. It wasn't given to us, we took it back. Read Exodus and educate yourself. Jews don't whine, we work together and succeed. We are a much more significant minority than blacks in America.

Jews don't whine?????? Jews INVENTED whining. Admittedly, you've been treated like shit throughout history, and if this is what it means to be "God's chosen people", I'm grateful I was born Christian, but the whiniest people I know are Jewish. You've raised it to an art form, as practiced by every Jewish comedian since the dawn of time.
Jews INVENTED whining.

All you need to see from this antisemite.
Half my family was never born due to the Holocaust

Yet I never blamed todays German citizens, nationals or immigrants.

I have been told by leaders of our country that I owe the black community reparations for what my ancestors did to their ancestors. My ancestors? They were dying in Germany at the time. My ancestors had nothing to do with slavery. They were treated just as poorly as slaves by the Germans.

But I am the whiner?

Do people really know what they are saying?

Got it.
Thank you.

My grandfather on my dad's side died in the Battle of Stalingrad while my dad was still in my grandmothers stomach. She, my dad and his older sister are all that are left of that side of the family. On my mom's side, my grandmother and her brother were all that were left after the Nazis killed 20+ members of her family. I never once blamed the German people for it. Don't want reparations. I am proud of my heritage. Our peoples struggles and our will to survive and thrive.

If that is whining then so be it.
We have a similar background and a similar view of it.

I hate what my ancestors went through but I was lucky to not have to experience it. SO I am strong for it, not hateful for it and in no way do I whine about it.

This is why Jews thrive. We help one another. We don't kill one another at record rates and then blame racism for it.

Actually the world helped you after the Holocaust, after slavery black folks moved into Jim Crow segregation, more racism and more discrimination. So trying to equate the plight of Jewish people to black folks in America is a disgrace.
Muslims are still trying to eradicate the Jews, Stupid.

You aren’t getting reparations.
Welfare and section 8 are long standing reparations.

How is that when there are more whites on welfare and Section *.

We just won’t throw more money away over 150 years ago to soothe their silly savage feelings that they are due more and then suddenly will join and participate in mainstream society in return

Nobody wants to mainstream with racist trash like you. Thank God most white americans are not like white racist folks like you.
African Americans are only 13% of the population. There should be more whites on welfare.

What % of black folks are on welfare and if there are more whites on it, how in the hell is it reparations for black folks?
41% of blacks on welfare vs 13% of whites.


  • The black population: At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
o The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific
Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.


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