Washington Post Eulogizes ISIS Leader Al-Baghdadi as “Austere Religious Leader”

Where is the outrage from the Muslim community? Should we all believe that this terrorist is an austere example of Islam? What happened to the “peaceful religion” narrative? Apparently the WAPO believes that to be a strict Muslim, you need to practice terrorism.
What happened to the rest of the Post obituary? the usual taking out of context innuendo garbage propaganda I see... My from another propaganda GOP rag online only. Read a newspaper... Sorry they don't swear and carry on like your rags and orange clowns. Showing disrespect to Muslim laws is not a great idea really. People have civilization and journalists and law enforcement for a reason, hater dupes. However congratulations to special forces real heroes. Who are not happy with the orange clown.

You don't get it, franco. The WP admired Mr. al-Baghdadi, especially after President Trump put him on notice.

They are crying, just like they did when Mr. Khashoggi was executed
Admired my ass. Where is the rest of this article? Out of context garbage propaganda, super duper. civilized people don't like journalists being tortured and killed.

Mr. Khashoggi was a suspected extremist, which is against Saudi law. The fact that he was an OPINION WRITER (not a licensed journalist for the WP) doesn't exempt him from his own nation's laws.
Where is the outrage from the Muslim community? Should we all believe that this terrorist is an austere example of Islam? What happened to the “peaceful religion” narrative? Apparently the WAPO believes that to be a strict Muslim, you need to practice terrorism.
What happened to the rest of the Post obituary? the usual taking out of context innuendo garbage propaganda I see... My from another propaganda GOP rag online only. Read a newspaper... Sorry they don't swear and carry on like your rags and orange clowns. Showing disrespect to Muslim laws is not a great idea really. People have civilization and journalists and law enforcement for a reason, hater dupes. However congratulations to special forces real heroes. Who are not happy with the orange clown.

You don't get it, franco. The WP admired Mr. al-Baghdadi, especially after President Trump put him on notice.

They are crying, just like they did when Mr. Khashoggi was executed
Admired my ass. Where is the rest of this article? Out of context garbage propaganda, super duper. civilized people don't like journalists being tortured and killed.

Mr. Khashoggi was a suspected extremist, which is against Saudi law. The fact that he was an OPINION WRITER (not a licensed journalist for the WP) doesn't exempt him from his own nation's laws.
Yes yes it would be great to have a murderous fundamentalist dictatorship. GOP loves them.
Where is the outrage from the Muslim community? Should we all believe that this terrorist is an austere example of Islam? What happened to the “peaceful religion” narrative? Apparently the WAPO believes that to be a strict Muslim, you need to practice terrorism.
What happened to the rest of the Post obituary? the usual taking out of context innuendo garbage propaganda I see... My from another propaganda GOP rag online only. Read a newspaper... Sorry they don't swear and carry on like your rags and orange clowns. Showing disrespect to Muslim laws is not a great idea really. People have civilization and journalists and law enforcement for a reason, hater dupes. However congratulations to special forces real heroes. Who are not happy with the orange clown.

You don't get it, franco. The WP admired Mr. al-Baghdadi, especially after President Trump put him on notice.

They are crying, just like they did when Mr. Khashoggi was executed
Admired my ass. Where is the rest of this article? Out of context garbage propaganda, super duper. civilized people don't like journalists being tortured and killed.

Mr. Khashoggi was a suspected extremist, which is against Saudi law. The fact that he was an OPINION WRITER (not a licensed journalist for the WP) doesn't exempt him from his own nation's laws.
Yes yes it would be great to have a murderous fundamentalist dictatorship. GOP loves them.

There is no dictatorship at all in Saudi Arabia, Franco.

The nation has a well respected Monarchy.
What happened to the rest of the Post obituary? the usual taking out of context innuendo garbage propaganda I see... My from another propaganda GOP rag online only. Read a newspaper... Sorry they don't swear and carry on like your rags and orange clowns. Showing disrespect to Muslim laws is not a great idea really. People have civilization and journalists and law enforcement for a reason, hater dupes. However congratulations to special forces real heroes. Who are not happy with the orange clown.

You don't get it, franco. The WP admired Mr. al-Baghdadi, especially after President Trump put him on notice.

They are crying, just like they did when Mr. Khashoggi was executed
Admired my ass. Where is the rest of this article? Out of context garbage propaganda, super duper. civilized people don't like journalists being tortured and killed.

Mr. Khashoggi was a suspected extremist, which is against Saudi law. The fact that he was an OPINION WRITER (not a licensed journalist for the WP) doesn't exempt him from his own nation's laws.
Yes yes it would be great to have a murderous fundamentalist dictatorship. GOP loves them.

There is no dictatorship at all in Saudi Arabia, Franco.

The nation has a well respected Monarchy.
Good one. LOL.
Only a Trump could make em rush to ISIS side in thier time of mourning

Is anyone surprised anymore

The poor boy from the lower classes who studied hard at Baghdad u....made isis into something ....

Golly gee what a swell guy




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"But just four years later, Mr. Baghdadi had helped transform his failing movement into one of the most notorious, vicious and — for a time — successful terrorist groups of modern times. Under his guidance it would burst into the public consciousness as the Islamic State, an organization that would seize control of entire cities in Iraq and Syria and become a byword for shocking brutality."

Yeah, that's a glowing obit.

So, the lesson we learn is that conservative lie all the time, about everything. Here, every conservaitve on this thread proudly lied about the WaPo and liberals, they have no regrets about doing so, and they'd do it again.

But then, I'm guessing the OP didn't even read it. He was told to parrot a certain talking point, so he did. And the others just get their pervy rocks off on hating. Trumpism is a cult based on the thrills that hating gives the cultists.

That was exceedingly well stated. The goofs got their orders to hyperventilate, and they did. Here on this thread.

And here: Washington Post's headline


For reading "austere religious scholar" generates to much cognitive dissonance, there has to be extensive bellowing and spluttering apoplexy for them to regain a semblance of composure. Good doggies...
he............ 'blown up sir'!!!!

Oh, look...yet another leftist who's upset that people are pleased a terrorist was killed.

Fascinating. None of the Trumptards seem to care about lying. They actually think it's justified for the GreaterGood, and that God blesses their lies. Of course, God would never tell them to lie like they do. The voice that they're listening to belongs to Satan, the Lord of Lies.

They've pledged their allegiance to Satan. It's only a matter of whether they realize it. Some do. They think they've cut a deal for a luxury suite in Hell. I've got news for them. Being the Lord of Lies, Satan doesn't keep his promises. They'll burn along with the pedos, traitors, terrorists and Stalinists that they've spend their lives running cover for.

You folks sure do pick some fucked-up shit to get angry about.

Says the guy from that cult that just had group screaming meltdown over a very critical and honest obit, entirely because their Stalinist cult masters ordered them to have a screaming meltdown.

You can't make this stuff up.
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Says the guy from that cult that just had group screaming meltdown over a very critical and honest obit, entirely because their Stalinist cult masters ordered them to have a screaming meltdown.

You can't make this stuff up.

Actually, you can. Had you read that headline, including "austere religious leader", you'd have immediately known that the entirety of Rightardia would fly off their handle. No?
sure....so Isis leader is an austere religious individual....

and Jeffrey Dahmer..... is a quiet, shy guy who loved to eat fresh meat and died a sudden and shocking death at 34 years young. WAPO


"But just four years later, Mr. Baghdadi had helped transform his failing movement into one of the most notorious, vicious and — for a time — successful terrorist groups of modern times. Under his guidance it would burst into the public consciousness as the Islamic State, an organization that would seize control of entire cities in Iraq and Syria and become a byword for shocking brutality."

Yeah, that's a glowing obit.

So, the lesson we learn is that conservative lie all the time, about everything. Here, every conservaitve on this thread proudly lied about the WaPo and liberals, they have no regrets about doing so, and they'd do it again.

But then, I'm guessing the OP didn't even read it. He was told to parrot a certain talking point, so he did. And the others just get their pervy rocks off on hating. Trumpism is a cult based on the thrills that hating gives the cultists.

Even thought the piece was a hard hitting piece the title was wrong for the piece and should have never been sent to print with that title knowing the backlash it would create...
"But just four years later, Mr. Baghdadi had helped transform his failing movement into one of the most notorious, vicious and — for a time — successful terrorist groups of modern times. Under his guidance it would burst into the public consciousness as the Islamic State, an organization that would seize control of entire cities in Iraq and Syria and become a byword for shocking brutality."

Yeah, that's a glowing obit.

So, the lesson we learn is that conservative lie all the time, about everything. Here, every conservaitve on this thread proudly lied about the WaPo and liberals, they have no regrets about doing so, and they'd do it again.

But then, I'm guessing the OP didn't even read it. He was told to parrot a certain talking point, so he did. And the others just get their pervy rocks off on hating. Trumpism is a cult based on the thrills that hating gives the cultists.

Even thought the piece was a hard hitting piece the title was wrong for the piece and should have never been sent to print with that title knowing the backlash it would create...

Since the obit was in the Far Left Post, they weren't going to slam the deceased caliph.

Especially when it was their enemy, Trump, who had al-Baghdadi clipped.
Where is the outrage from the Muslim community? Should we all believe that this terrorist is an austere example of Islam? What happened to the “peaceful religion” narrative? Apparently the WAPO believes that to be a strict Muslim, you need to practice terrorism.

the Washington Post would never presume to judge a Muslim.
And this OP is exactly the reason why the President says that fake news is the enemy of the people.

winner that. The Democrats are the tool for hard power but these are the real enemies of America. Huge multinational news corporations who see if Trump a loss of power.
"But just four years later, Mr. Baghdadi had helped transform his failing movement into one of the most notorious, vicious and — for a time — successful terrorist groups of modern times. Under his guidance it would burst into the public consciousness as the Islamic State, an organization that would seize control of entire cities in Iraq and Syria and become a byword for shocking brutality."

Yeah, that's a glowing obit.

So, the lesson we learn is that conservative lie all the time, about everything. Here, every conservaitve on this thread proudly lied about the WaPo and liberals, they have no regrets about doing so, and they'd do it again.

But then, I'm guessing the OP didn't even read it. He was told to parrot a certain talking point, so he did. And the others just get their pervy rocks off on hating. Trumpism is a cult based on the thrills that hating gives the cultists.

Even thought the piece was a hard hitting piece the title was wrong for the piece and should have never been sent to print with that title knowing the backlash it would create...
The title was exactly what they intended it to be. It expressed the views of the left wanted expressed.
Headlines aren’t accidents. They are succinct summations of what they are trying to convey.
"But just four years later, Mr. Baghdadi had helped transform his failing movement into one of the most notorious, vicious and — for a time — successful terrorist groups of modern times. Under his guidance it would burst into the public consciousness as the Islamic State, an organization that would seize control of entire cities in Iraq and Syria and become a byword for shocking brutality."

Yeah, that's a glowing obit.

So, the lesson we learn is that conservative lie all the time, about everything. Here, every conservaitve on this thread proudly lied about the WaPo and liberals, they have no regrets about doing so, and they'd do it again.

But then, I'm guessing the OP didn't even read it. He was told to parrot a certain talking point, so he did. And the others just get their pervy rocks off on hating. Trumpism is a cult based on the thrills that hating gives the cultists.

Even thought the piece was a hard hitting piece the title was wrong for the piece and should have never been sent to print with that title knowing the backlash it would create...

Since the obit was in the Far Left Post, they weren't going to slam the deceased caliph.

Especially when it was their enemy, Trump, who had al-Baghdadi clipped.

Turns out Muslims and liberals have a common enemy. Trump. Just like Democrats and Soviets found a common enemy in Reagan.
Even thought the piece was a hard hitting piece the title was wrong for the piece and should have never been sent to print with that title knowing the backlash it would create...

Really. The WaPo should preemptively surrender to the spluttering apoplexy of the rightarded apoplectics, and adjust their reporting accordingly? The title was "wrong"... because, apoplexy.

There was always an easy case to be made that Rightardia and the standards of journalism don't mix. It's getting easier by the public admission. Conversely, it's been saddening to behold how the WaPo apparently surrendered, and removed the oh-so "offending" parts of the headline. Because Rightardia has a right not to hear or read what they don't want to hear or read, which is mostly what troubles their perennially frightened ... minds.
....the gaffe was proof that the Post was an "enemy of the people." He suggested that the Postand other mainstream publications "have harsher criticism for The President of The United States than they do for the leader of ISIS, a known serial rapist and murderer."

Says Newsweek.

But then, Hitler was a frustrated painter.

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