Watch A Black Guy Set Nice Old White Lady On Fire

I think I will pass...
I have seen more then enough of blacks slaughtering white people.
And I have seen more then enough indifference from the black community
and the so called black ministers like Sharpton and Jesse Jackson not even spend
two seconds condemning it.

I guess when we go out and try to live our lives we just have to hope we make it back home alive
and not be killed by some angry or bored black.
Move to a better area. Loser.
You'd have to be a soulless piece of human trash to condone any one burning another human being.

People in 1939 were fucked in the head to burn anyone.

Let's all condemn such hate.

Since I have never, and could never do the act of murder or burning a live human I do not condone such actions.
I do understand why such violence is taking place.
Whites have abused blacks for centuries, now that they are in a position to strike back you people try to blame me, how sweet.
Strike back by setting a little old lady on fire

I think he should be set on fire himself for doing it but if he did it specifically because she was white then it was the fault of the slave owners in the past. Still we should reserve that type of treatment for the cowards that deserve it most. The Klueless Korrupt Klowns, Stormback, and Aryan villiage. We should conduct ourselves better than them.
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Haven't you people noticed that there is more black on white crime after the Trayvon Martin incident? I do think something is up and I'm not one to get into conspiracy theories often.

It's like whites are being killed off honestly. Every couple of days, there is a case of some white woman getting raped and killed, or a man being beaten too death by black teens. More and more of it is happening at a very fast pace.
Haven't you people noticed that there is more black on white crime after the Trayvon Martin incident? I do think something is up and I'm not one to get into conspiracy theories often.

It's like whites are being killed off honestly. Every couple of days, there is a case of some white woman getting raped and killed, or a man being beaten too death by black teens. More and more of it is happening at a very fast pace.

Partly media focus and partly backlash from all the racial incidents lately since the POTUS was elected is my guess.

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