WATCH LIVE: republican leaders warn deep state attempting to trigger shooting civil war

Why do you keep putting up infowars?
Has he ever been right about any of his nutty theories? :)

This information can be found way beyond JUST INFOWARS>
Next years news today
Why do you keep putting up infowars?
Has he ever been right about any of his nutty theories? :)


HE CAN PROVE EVERYTHING THE SHEEP DENY if you had logic you'd see why they hell they took this man DOWN then cam TWITTER then came facebook doing it all those who WONT KISS the DEMOCRATS asses.
I fear we are heading into a violent civil war. Because of the vitriolic and intolerant hateful LEFT. They are everything but tolerant, Democrat or liberal. I want my party back.
Trump was a Democrat once upon a time , and a Clinton supporter. And in turn the Clintons supported Trump . I didn't choose Trump as my end candidate, but here we are. I didn't choose the guy, but if he is corrupt, that goes more to the entire American political process, doesn't it?
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President Trump is finally realizing the danger he’s in as Democrats take drastic measures since they have no strong candidates in the 2020 race:
Emergency – Marines Called In to Protect President Trump From Leftist Coup D’Etat

I have never trusted the government nor both parties or the news (not since Pres. Clinton) and yes the two are really no different.
Dems are on the fast track to big gov. Control.
R's are just slower at it.

Alex Jones and I ask again, how many times has his theories been right?

if you are talking predictions then yeah you have a good point but he does what the media doesnt do,talk about how both parties are corrupt,one in the same,and how our government is out to destroy the people instead of serving them as they are suppose to as the constitution states. I take in everything he says with a grain of salt myself cause he is part of the controlled opposition.

He tells the truth about how corrupt our government is but at the same time he does not tell us EVERYTHING he knows,he witholds some information from us as he is instructed by them but at the same time,he does a great job of exposing government corruption and did an excellent job of covering 9/11 when it first came out. His best video he has ever made is THE OBAMA DECEPTION. That is an excellent video.I used to have it listed in my sig but then i got rid of it when i realised it made me look like I was only against the democrats and only did not like Obama.

My one critisem i have of that video is Jones NEEDS to change the title of that video because it is not only about the corruption of Obama it ALSO talks in great length of how BOTH parties are corrupt and one in the same,how the bankers start wars around the world,and how JFK was our last REAL president we had who was not a puppet for the bankers.

what the hell Jones was thinking calling it THE OBAMA DECEPTION I will never understand.:rolleyes::cuckoo:
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I have never trusted the government nor both parties or the news (not since Pres. Clinton) and yes the two are really no different.
Dems are on the fast track to big gov. Control.
R's are just slower at it.

Alex Jones and I ask again, how many times has his theories been right?

When "both" parties grovel to and serve the same donor class, the common goal is simply societal wealth redistribution toward the aristocracy. The system is working exactly as designed, and it will continue to so long as we the people accept it, cooperate with it and participate in it.

wait,your first post implied you did not believe me that both parties are corrupt but this one is agreeing with me,which is it charlie? LOL
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Why do you keep putting up infowars?
Has he ever been right about any of his nutty theories? :)

are you the brainwashed sheep peach,the one who believes EVERYTHING the government and media tells you even when the facts prove otherwise and the facts prove they lied,or are you the OBJECTIVE peach who understands our government is corrupt and both parties are one in the same,a one party system disguised as two? I am betting on the former because the former cant think for herself where the latter was always objective and reasonable and unlike the former,she did not ignore the evidence.

I take in what all alex jones says with a grain of salt myself but he at LEAST is far more truthful than the corporate controlled media,the ones that came up with that fairy tale warren commission report that JFK was killed by a magic bullet by oswald.the magic bullet theory,or the other incredibly equal unproven theory that bin laden and 19 muslims were behind the 9/11 attacks and that the fires caused the towers to collapse.:abgg2q.jpg::laughing0301::lmao:
based on this post you have GOT to be the former,not the latter.the latter peach was always objective and did not dismiss EVERYTHING that alex jones says.

I am the same peach who came here in 2010 saying both parties are corrupt , got laughed at by dems on here, then falsely accused of being brainwashed by media watching only fox news.
Not a lick of it's true.
Seems to be a common pattern of false accusing with many Dems and has no clue about what cons think.
The labeling has got to go.
We all want what's best for everyone in the Nation.

i think they must have been making the mistake back then that i initially made as well about you thinking that you were the brainwashed peach that i know that cant think for herself and DOES believe everything fox news tells her,and seriously thinks there is a difference in the two parties and our government is here to serve us and we elect our presidents.:lmao::laughing0301: it was a long while before i realised you were two different posters. that THAT peach,her user name just says PEACH and thats it.;) THAT peach is a hopeless case,one who DOES believe everything fox news tells her like most the mods here do.,that if fox news said it happened that way,its the automatic truth for her same as the mods here.:cuckoo:
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Why do you keep putting up infowars?
Has he ever been right about any of his nutty theories? :)

This information can be found way beyond JUST INFOWARS>
Next years news today
Why do you keep putting up infowars?
Has he ever been right about any of his nutty theories? :)


HE CAN PROVE EVERYTHING THE SHEEP DENY if you had logic you'd see why they hell they took this man DOWN then cam TWITTER then came facebook doing it all those who WONT KISS the DEMOCRATS asses.

Notice how Obozo ass kisser Bodeca when he cant counter your facts,trys to laugh it off in defeat?:abgg2q.jpg:

my question is how come the repubs where the corruption of Romney,Bush and many others reside,how come they have not joined in? you would think they would in a heartbeat. is it because there are not enough corrupt republicans like bush and romney in the senate for the reason they have not joined the dems in this?
I have never trusted the government nor both parties or the news (not since Pres. Clinton) and yes the two are really no different.
Dems are on the fast track to big gov. Control.
R's are just slower at it.

Alex Jones and I ask again, how many times has his theories been right?

if you are talking predictions then yeah you have a good point but he does what the media doesnt do,talk about how both parties are corrupt,one in the same,and how our government is out to destroy the people instead of serving them as they are suppose to as the constitution states. I take in everything he says with a grain of salt myself cause he is part of the controlled opposition.

He tells the truth about how corrupt our government is but at the same time he does not tell us EVERYTHING he knows,he witholds some information from us as he is instructed by them but at the same time,he does a great job of exposing government corruption and did an excellent job of covering 9/11 when it first came out. His best video he has ever made is THE OBAMA DECEPTION. That is an excellent video.I used to have it listed in my sig but then i got rid of it when i realised it made me look like I was only against the democrats and only did not like Obama.

My one critisem i have of that video is Jones NEEDS to change the title of that video because it is not only about the corruption of Obama it ALSO talks in great length of how BOTH parties are corrupt and one in the same,how the bankers start wars around the world,and how JFK was our last REAL president we had who was not a puppet for the bankers.

what the hell Jones was thinking calling it THE OBAMA DECEPTION I will never understand.:rolleyes::cuckoo:

Because Obama was used to usher inn all that WOULD NNOT be accepted instead the Elites decided to wait until Trump came in so the entiere tables would be turned Everything heard before Trump that was suppose to happen DURING Obama they delayed it so all that Obama did would appear to be Trump because most of Obamas asshole polices are STILL IN TACT and TRUMP can NOT get them all unndone b.c. when he does assholes step . inn and block him. Sry for typos.

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