Watch this... Hey libs, do you have any examples of successful socialist countries? List them.

Anyone else want to try spewing their Orwellian revisionist history of the Third Reich?
I'll take on all comers.
You MORONS couldn't debate a cold french fry...bring it, bitches.

By what definition of "right wing" is fascism right wing?
That's complete bullshit. Unfortunately USA has been consistently sliding into socialism, which the reason why the health care system is so shitty.

We'd be sliding into socialism if we had single payer.
Another idiot who went to Alex Jones University.

If that's your way of saying "factual person", then yes.

Once the socialism is gone, we will see a much better system than any other country.
Anyone else want to try spewing their Orwellian revisionist history of the Third Reich?
I'll take on all comers.
You MORONS couldn't debate a cold french fry...bring it, bitches.

By what definition of "right wing" is fascism right wing?

every one. if you went to school you'd know that.
I imagine you could read what I posted if you went to school.
Anyone else want to try spewing their Orwellian revisionist history of the Third Reich?
I'll take on all comers.
You MORONS couldn't debate a cold french fry...bring it, bitches.

By what definition of "right wing" is fascism right wing?

every one. if you went to school you'd know that.
I imagine you could read what I posted if you went to school.

Even worse... he probably went to public school.
Anyone else want to try spewing their Orwellian revisionist history of the Third Reich?
I'll take on all comers.
You MORONS couldn't debate a cold french fry...bring it, bitches.

By what definition of "right wing" is fascism right wing?

every one. if you went to school you'd know that.
I imagine you could read what I posted if you went to school.

Even worse... he probably went to public school.
Jillian is a she.
Anyone else want to try spewing their Orwellian revisionist history of the Third Reich?
I'll take on all comers.
You MORONS couldn't debate a cold french fry...bring it, bitches.

By what definition of "right wing" is fascism right wing?

every one. if you went to school you'd know that.
I imagine you could read what I posted if you went to school.

Even worse... he probably went to public school.
Jillian is a she.

I was wondering how an individual could seem to lack anything reminiscent of balls completely.

This might explain it.
Nope. Nothing to admire.

You've really upped your game here. So crafty.

But you are confused. The government of China is a fascist disctatorship. The economy is socialist.

Do you understand the difference.

If not, why not? Stupid? really don't know anything about China. Clearly.

Their economy is NOT socialist. Their government is. There is a difference, but you have to have a smidgen of intelligence to know this.

Are you trying to tell me that socialism is a form of government?

I think I love you. Someone as stupid as you must be loved.

As socialism has been practiced in the past, it is always imposed via government power and coercion. Right?

Define "socialism". Do you consider Canada and the UK Socialist countries, or countries with a mixed economy?

You won’t get an answer.

These freaks just want to tag anything they don’t like as “socialist” .

They are the same fools who claimed the PPACA was Socialism. They echo the bullshit of Hannity and Limbaugh and don't have a clue as to forms of economic systems.
They also can't respond once they get their asses kicked.
They go into MEME mode because they don't have documentation, they don't have facts, they don't have scientifically valid proofs, they don't have evidence. They ain't got dick except idiotic memes and whining.
They also can't respond once they get their asses kicked.
They go into MEME mode because they don't have documentation, they don't have facts, they don't have scientifically valid proofs, they don't have evidence. They ain't got dick except idiotic memes and whining.
You never respond to facts you fucking liar. I would not waste my fucking time looking facts for you. You deranged socialist hypocrite.
Go ahead, we are interested in hearing these wonderful successes.

Please, list the countries.

Venezuela . . . . . . . . . . . . . er, no.
Cuba . . . . . . . . . . . . . er, no.
Somalia . . . . . . . . . . . . . er, no.
North Korea . . . . . . . . . . . . . er, no.

USA should be in that list, no? Capitalism and the free market get bailed out frequently with money from the government. The great depression after years of republican rule and fdr stepped in to help out the country with money from the treasury. The 2008 wall street meltdown after several years of Bush. Wall street etc. gets bailed out. Bush also I think it was early on in his reign, bailed out the banks by making students ineligible to get out from under their student loans. Helped out the banks tremendously. But republicans only squawk when they see a little guy getting some government help, even if it's a single mom buying ding dongs with her ebt card.
If you're talking to me, I do disavow state built and state owned roads.
How about the Corps of Engineers' work on the major rivers? I take it you're against that too. Contacted your representatives about that?
Yes, I'm against that. You'll excuse me if I don't have my priorities ordered according to your plan.
If you're talking to me, I do disavow state built and state owned roads.
How about the Corps of Engineers' work on the major rivers? I take it you're against that too. Contacted your representatives about that?
Yes, I'm against that. You'll excuse me if I don't have my priorities ordered according to your plan.

Here's a community that got ruined forever due to oil company pollution. This happened under present rules which are too weak I think. Imagine what rivers and lakes will look like under republican free market pollution.

This Is What Happens When a Pipeline Bursts in Your Town
By what definition of "right wing" is fascism right wing?
It supported the monarchy in the Spanish civil war. That's as right wing as can be. Supporting the monarchy is where the term came from originally, the French monarchy, before Madame had her say.
Go ahead, we are interested in hearing these wonderful successes.

Please, list the countries.

Venezuela . . . . . . . . . . . . . er, no.
Cuba . . . . . . . . . . . . . er, no.
Somalia . . . . . . . . . . . . . er, no.
North Korea . . . . . . . . . . . . . er, no.

With the exception, maybe, of Somalia, the other three are Communist. Not socialist. There is a difference.
That's complete bullshit. Unfortunately USA has been consistently sliding into socialism, which the reason why the health care system is so shitty.

We'd be sliding into socialism if we had single payer.
Another idiot who went to Alex Jones University.

If that's your way of saying "factual person", then yes.

Once the socialism is gone, we will see a much better system than any other country.
This is dated around 1910, the time you want to go back to...


A much better system, who could argue against it?
That's complete bullshit. Unfortunately USA has been consistently sliding into socialism, which the reason why the health care system is so shitty.

We'd be sliding into socialism if we had single payer.
Another idiot who went to Alex Jones University.

If that's your way of saying "factual person", then yes.

Once the socialism is gone, we will see a much better system than any other country.
This is dated around 1910, the time you want to go back to...


A much better system, who could argue against it?

I don't want to go back to a time when we were much poorer.

Keep the wealth, get rid of the looters.

Once the socialism is gone, we will see a much better system than any other country.

I know what you mean. Look at all those countries that hate socialism. Nicaragua, Panama, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Mexico, Haiti, - what great countries to live in...

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