Watch this... Hey libs, do you have any examples of successful socialist countries? List them.

Well, I would think the bottom line for "success" would be the happiness of its citizens, so let's see what this survey says: Visit the Top 10 Happiest Countries in the World
  1. Denmark
  2. Switzerland
  3. Iceland
  4. Norway
  5. Finland
  6. Canada
  7. The Netherlands
  8. New Zealand
  9. Australia
  10. Sweden
And since it appears that "socialism" is whatever government spending exceeds military, I guess those would qualify as "socialist".

So I guess we need to specify definitions.
socialism - Google Search

  1. "a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
    synonyms: leftism, welfarism; More
    • "policy or practice based on the political and economic theory of socialism.
      synonyms: leftism, welfarism; More

    • "(in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of communism."
Can anyone find an example of a country that has ever regulated the means of production by the community as a whole as opposed to private capitalists or unelected bureaucrats?
Communist- Industries owned by the state, socialism they are regulated by the state, like every modern country including even the United States when ObamaCare is implemented fully...
There is also a 21st century version of socialism: worker-self-directed enterprises which extend the concept of democracy to the workplace.

How could we cope if capitalism failed? Ask 26 Greek factory workers | Aditya Chakrabortty

"How could we cope if capitalism failed? Ask 26 Greek factory workers

"You could call the men and women at Viome factory workers, but that wouldn’t be the half of it..."

"At the height of the Greek crash in 2011, staff at Viome clocked in to confront an existential quandary. The owners of their parent company had gone bust and abandoned the site, in the second city of Thessaloniki.

"From here, the script practically wrote itself: their plant, which manufactured chemicals for the construction industry, would be shut.

"There would be immediate layoffs, and dozens of families would be plunged into poverty.

"And seeing as Greece was
in the midst of the greatest economic depression ever seen in the EU, the workers’ chances of getting another job were close to nil.

"So they decided to occupy their own plant. Not only that, they turned it upside down..."

Well, I would think the bottom line for "success" would be the happiness of its citizens, so let's see what this survey says: Visit the Top 10 Happiest Countries in the World
  1. Denmark
  2. Switzerland
  3. Iceland
  4. Norway
  5. Finland
  6. Canada
  7. The Netherlands
  8. New Zealand
  9. Australia
  10. Sweden
And since it appears that "socialism" is whatever government spending exceeds military, I guess those would qualify as "socialist".

So I guess we need to specify definitions.

Hmmmm...let's look at the similarities:

1. Small, affluent largely homogenous Nordic countries. Nordic peoples have a long tradition of egalitarianism as they lived for centuries in harsh circumstances which required cooperation to get through the winters. So, the culture preceded the Democratic Socialism.

2. Anglosphere countries with the traditions of Western Civilization, and which have not been overrun, yet, with massive illegal immigration. Canada and Australia are self-immolating themselves on the multi-cultural petard, so their happiness levels are at risk of declining.
Well, the fact is that America is going to turn more brown with time. That's not going to change.
Well, I would think the bottom line for "success" would be the happiness of its citizens, so let's see what this survey says: Visit the Top 10 Happiest Countries in the World
  1. Denmark
  2. Switzerland
  3. Iceland
  4. Norway
  5. Finland
  6. Canada
  7. The Netherlands
  8. New Zealand
  9. Australia
  10. Sweden
And since it appears that "socialism" is whatever government spending exceeds military, I guess those would qualify as "socialist".

So I guess we need to specify definitions.

Hmmmm...let's look at the similarities:

1. Small, affluent largely homogenous Nordic countries. Nordic peoples have a long tradition of egalitarianism as they lived for centuries in harsh circumstances which required cooperation to get through the winters. So, the culture preceded the Democratic Socialism.

2. Anglosphere countries with the traditions of Western Civilization, and which have not been overrun, yet, with massive illegal immigration. Canada and Australia are self-immolating themselves on the multi-cultural petard, so their happiness levels are at risk of declining.
Well, the fact is that America is going to turn more brown with time. That's not going to change.

And as it happens many of the white people are going to be less and less happy as there are more people around them that do not look just like them.
Well, I would think the bottom line for "success" would be the happiness of its citizens, so let's see what this survey says: Visit the Top 10 Happiest Countries in the World
  1. Denmark
  2. Switzerland
  3. Iceland
  4. Norway
  5. Finland
  6. Canada
  7. The Netherlands
  8. New Zealand
  9. Australia
  10. Sweden
And since it appears that "socialism" is whatever government spending exceeds military, I guess those would qualify as "socialist".

So I guess we need to specify definitions.
Socialism only suits progressive shit stains, it’s a living hell for the rest of us.
What is socialism?

Where is the line between socialism and free market capitalism?

Well, I would think the bottom line for "success" would be the happiness of its citizens, so let's see what this survey says: Visit the Top 10 Happiest Countries in the World
  1. Denmark
  2. Switzerland
  3. Iceland
  4. Norway
  5. Finland
  6. Canada
  7. The Netherlands
  8. New Zealand
  9. Australia
  10. Sweden
And since it appears that "socialism" is whatever government spending exceeds military, I guess those would qualify as "socialist".

So I guess we need to specify definitions.

Good mac, thank you for playing.

What do you notice about those countries? Notice anything? What?


Good mac, thank you for playing.

What do you notice about those countries? Notice anything? What?
An overwhelming percentage of the citizens of each country I listed have spleens.

Now. Perhaps you can make a point.

Mac, those aren't Socialist countries, those are welfare states.

A Socialist country is one that owns/controls the means of production, and controls/dictates the price of goods through mandate.

socialism vs. social democracy

In the many years since socialism entered English around 1830, it has acquired several different meanings. It refers to a system of social organization in which private property and the distribution of income are subject to social control, but the conception of that control has varied, and the term has been interpreted in widely diverging ways, ranging from statist to libertarian, from Marxist to liberal. In the modern era, "pure" socialism has been seen only rarely and usually briefly in a few Communist regimes. Far more common are systems of social democracy, now often referred to as democratic socialism, in which extensive state regulation, with limited state ownership, has been employed by democratically elected governments (as in Sweden and Denmark) in the belief that it produces a fair distribution of income without impairing economic growth.

Definition of SOCIALISM

In other words, capitalism is socialism. Pure horseshit.

look little asswipe- straight from webster's dictionary. you know.... a DICTIONARY? you didn't even bother to see what the source was. my my- thanx for showing the class exactly why president tribblehead loves the poorly educated.
Dictionaries simply report how morons like you use a term. That doesn't make it rational or coherent.
All nations are socialist to some degree

Including the good ole USA
Well, I would think the bottom line for "success" would be the happiness of its citizens, so let's see what this survey says: Visit the Top 10 Happiest Countries in the World
  1. Denmark
  2. Switzerland
  3. Iceland
  4. Norway
  5. Finland
  6. Canada
  7. The Netherlands
  8. New Zealand
  9. Australia
  10. Sweden
And since it appears that "socialism" is whatever government spending exceeds military, I guess those would qualify as "socialist".

So I guess we need to specify definitions.
Socialism only suits progressive shit stains, it’s a living hell for the rest of us.
What is socialism?

Where is the line between socialism and free market capitalism?


Rustic is a simple person who echoes an ideology he has no ability to comprehend. He has no framework to build upon, and no comprehension as to how and why the Articles of Confederation's inadequacy needed to be replaced.

Nor does he comprehend that COTUS was a Compromise based on the fears upon which this new nation rebelled against, and to correct what was needed by a growing nation. COTUS came with numerous ambiguities, which allowed for each generation to argue the meaning of words and phrases, and thus seek compromises so to remain relevant. That is the genius of COTUS.
As soon as a country puts a government in place, there is a degree of socialism.

Of course, the simple minded, binary thinkers on the right have trouble comprehending that concept because in their little pea brains, if you're not 1000% capitalistic, then you must be 1000% socialistic. There can be no in between with those people.
Well, I would think the bottom line for "success" would be the happiness of its citizens, so let's see what this survey says: Visit the Top 10 Happiest Countries in the World
  1. Denmark
  2. Switzerland
  3. Iceland
  4. Norway
  5. Finland
  6. Canada
  7. The Netherlands
  8. New Zealand
  9. Australia
  10. Sweden
And since it appears that "socialism" is whatever government spending exceeds military, I guess those would qualify as "socialist".

So I guess we need to specify definitions.
Socialism only suits progressive shit stains, it’s a living hell for the rest of us.
What is socialism?

Where is the line between socialism and free market capitalism?


Rustic is a simple person who echoes an ideology he has no ability to comprehend. He has no framework to build upon, and no comprehension as to how and why the Articles of Confederation's inadequacy needed to be replaced.

Nor does he comprehend that COTUS was a Compromise based on the fears upon which this new nation rebelled against, and to correct what was needed by a growing nation. COTUS came with numerous ambiguities, which allowed for each generation to argue the meaning of words and phrases, and thus seek compromises so to remain relevant. That is the genius of COTUS.
That's a very fair point, and one that I will most likely steal for future use.

Our very Constitution is the result of passionate disagreement, but ultimate cooperation and bi-partisanship.

You would think that would matter.
Well, I would think the bottom line for "success" would be the happiness of its citizens, so let's see what this survey says: Visit the Top 10 Happiest Countries in the World
  1. Denmark
  2. Switzerland
  3. Iceland
  4. Norway
  5. Finland
  6. Canada
  7. The Netherlands
  8. New Zealand
  9. Australia
  10. Sweden
And since it appears that "socialism" is whatever government spending exceeds military, I guess those would qualify as "socialist".

So I guess we need to specify definitions.
Socialism only suits progressive shit stains, it’s a living hell for the rest of us.
What is socialism?

Where is the line between socialism and free market capitalism?


Rustic is a simple person who echoes an ideology he has no ability to comprehend. He has no framework to build upon, and no comprehension as to how and why the Articles of Confederation's inadequacy needed to be replaced.

Nor does he comprehend that COTUS was a Compromise based on the fears upon which this new nation rebelled against, and to correct what was needed by a growing nation. COTUS came with numerous ambiguities, which allowed for each generation to argue the meaning of words and phrases, and thus seek compromises so to remain relevant. That is the genius of COTUS.
It’s funny that you have bought into the fallacy that the collective is there for the individuals good. Socialism is a failure and always has been failure.
Well, I would think the bottom line for "success" would be the happiness of its citizens, so let's see what this survey says: Visit the Top 10 Happiest Countries in the World
  1. Denmark
  2. Switzerland
  3. Iceland
  4. Norway
  5. Finland
  6. Canada
  7. The Netherlands
  8. New Zealand
  9. Australia
  10. Sweden
And since it appears that "socialism" is whatever government spending exceeds military, I guess those would qualify as "socialist".

So I guess we need to specify definitions.
socialism - Google Search

  1. "a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
    synonyms: leftism, welfarism; More
    • "policy or practice based on the political and economic theory of socialism.
      synonyms: leftism, welfarism; More

    • "(in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of communism."
Can anyone find an example of a country that has ever regulated the means of production by the community as a whole as opposed to private capitalists or unelected bureaucrats?

I've never seen a triangle with four sides either It doesn't exist for the same reason cars don't run if you fill them with water. How would the "community as a whole" run a factory? So-called "socialists" can't even tell you. They just waive their magic wand and tell you what a paradise it would be.
Various forms of democratically managed work places have existed for centuries, and once government levels the playing field in the US, they will bury corporate capitalism.

Workers' self-management - Wikipedia

"Self-management or workers' self-management (also referred to as labor management, autogestión,workers' control, industrial democracy, democratic management and producer cooperatives) is a form of organizational management based on self-directed work processes on the part of an organization's workforce.

"Self-management is a characteristic of many forms of socialism, with proposals for self-management having appeared many times throughout the history of the socialist movement, advocated variously by market socialists, communists, and anarchists.[1]"
All nations are socialist to some degree

Including the good ole USA
The federal government is 100% socialist, that’s why we have no real freedom or individuality in this country.

And what exactly is it that you want to do but are being prevented from doing because of our "socialist government:?
You obviously don’t understand what real freedom is...

Then how about you explain it to us.
Well, I would think the bottom line for "success" would be the happiness of its citizens, so let's see what this survey says: Visit the Top 10 Happiest Countries in the World
  1. Denmark
  2. Switzerland
  3. Iceland
  4. Norway
  5. Finland
  6. Canada
  7. The Netherlands
  8. New Zealand
  9. Australia
  10. Sweden
And since it appears that "socialism" is whatever government spending exceeds military, I guess those would qualify as "socialist".

So I guess we need to specify definitions.
Socialism only suits progressive shit stains, it’s a living hell for the rest of us.
What is socialism?

Where is the line between socialism and free market capitalism?


Rustic is a simple person who echoes an ideology he has no ability to comprehend. He has no framework to build upon, and no comprehension as to how and why the Articles of Confederation's inadequacy needed to be replaced.

Nor does he comprehend that COTUS was a Compromise based on the fears upon which this new nation rebelled against, and to correct what was needed by a growing nation. COTUS came with numerous ambiguities, which allowed for each generation to argue the meaning of words and phrases, and thus seek compromises so to remain relevant. That is the genius of COTUS.

It’s funny that you have bought into the fallacy that the collective is there for the individuals good. Socialism is a failure and always has been failure.

Thanks so much Simon, you input is always good for a laugh.
All nations are socialist to some degree

Including the good ole USA
The federal government is 100% socialist, that’s why we have no real freedom or individuality in this country.

And what exactly is it that you want to do but are being prevented from doing because of our "socialist government:?
You obviously don’t understand what real freedom is...

Then how about you explain it to us.
You don’t know what real freedom is?

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