Watching the REAL left is endlessly entertaining

Welcomes so hard they caused a state of emergency. 50 people caused a state of emergency among the richest people in the country who have about 20 empty bedrooms each. I didn’t see the obie family run out there welcoming these people and setting them up in their spare bedrooms. No welcome to America dinner, no offers of a shower or place to sleep until they can get on their feet. Nope, none of that actually happened. You know why? And you do know why, democrats are full of shit and wanted the illegals votes but would prefer TX, AZ etc pay for the dinners and places to stay.
The democrat goal is to turn Texas blue for all those Electoral votes.
I’m loving this. DeSantis threw the entire elite left such a fucking curve ball they are beating themselves in the head with the bat. It took… 50 illegals. Not a thousand a day, fucking 50 and these people are losing their shit.

Now I want any children in that group sent to their schools. Get you English second language class going! They will need free lunches, and breakfast and dinner. A place for their family to stay as well. Step the fuck up Martha’s and show us all how to welcome these poor people. And DeSantis, send a hundred more, tonight.
And just for the hell of it we will send a few hundred thousand illegals to Ottawa as a good neighbor gift.
Don’t even let them enter the US. Get on a plane in Mexico and we will fly you to Canada. Wait there, our liberals say they are moving there soon and will help you out.
Shipping these illegals to currently blue states may or may not help these blue states out electoral college or popular vote-wise. But it can certainly help red states to maintain their red. ONce we get all these EVs the illegals will be unable to move around. Besides. The blue states are so welcoming and financially in for it that they'll stay where they are.
The people of Martha's Vineyard welcomed the immigrants and have been treating them nicely.
What was that you said, bud? They're packing them up and movin' them out. THAT's YER leftist sanctuary city/state/martha's vineyard moral superiority for ya.

Watching the real right is also entertaining.

This is surreal! In a half-century of following American politics, this is a first. What this politician did also ranks first in stupidity.

During the Republican primary campaign, the politician emphatically staked out a certain position.

Following his victory, attaining the Republican nomination, the politician completely reversed himself.

CNN reports, "New Hampshire Senate candidate Don Bolduc won the Republican nomination on Tuesday after months campaigning on false claims that the 2020 election was stolen from former President Donald Trump.

“I signed a letter with 120 other generals and admirals saying Trump won the election, and damn it, I stand by [it],” Bolduc said during the mid-August debate.

Two days after his nomination, on Fox News, Bolduc change his mind.

I’ve come to the conclusion, and I want to be definitive on this: The election was not stolen,” Bolduc said, adding that “Elections have consequences and, unfortunately, President Biden is the legitimate president of this country.

The arrogance of Bolduc. He is convinced the people of New Hampshire are stupid.

Bolduc now joins the likes of Herschel Walker in Georgia, J.D. Vance in Ohio, Mehmet Oz in Pennsylvania and Blake Masters in Arizona as Republican candidates who ran – and won – primary campaigns by aligning themselves with the coalition built by former President Donald Trump.

“Senate races are just different — they’re statewide, candidate quality has a lot to do with the outcome,” Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.
We'll get them if its true. But the left never makes their liars pay. But i also bet you that the demorats donated money for his campaign.

Some of the news coverage of this is hysterical. The left are freaking out over 50 illegals when Texas deals with thousands daily

At some point they will also have to pay the price of the increased crime, etc. that Texas has to deal with. That isn't cheap. It is easy for the blue states to be "tolerant" when they don't have to deal with the negative aspects.

Why are liberals so set on bringing in millions of illegals, Yet reject the idea they settle in your neighborhoods? Do you even know what the word "Hypocrisy" means?

Spanish TV Reporter Says Martha's Vineyard Residents Privately Admitted They 'Don't Want Migrants Here'

Speaking outside St. Andrew's church where the 50 migrants that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) shipped up to the elite liberal vacation spot, Cristina Londoño Rooney of Telemundo said that residents refused to be interviewed on camera about their displeasure with the situation for fear of appearing "inhumane."

"A furious man passed by just a short time ago. He said that his children had to leave this island because there are no jobs or housing, and now they bring these migrants over, deceiving them with those promises," she said.

"There are also others who blame the Biden Administration, saying it's their fault, they don't want the migrants here. But they don't want to speak on-camera, either because they don't want to be depicted as inhumane."

Spanish TV: Martha's Vineyard Residents Say They 'Don't Want Migrants'
Why are liberals so set on bringing in millions of illegals, Yet reject the idea they settle in your neighborhoods? Do you even know what the word "Hypocrisy" means?

Spanish TV Reporter Says Martha's Vineyard Residents Privately Admitted They 'Don't Want Migrants Here'

Speaking outside St. Andrew's church where the 50 migrants that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) shipped up to the elite liberal vacation spot, Cristina Londoño Rooney of Telemundo said that residents refused to be interviewed on camera about their displeasure with the situation for fear of appearing "inhumane."

"A furious man passed by just a short time ago. He said that his children had to leave this island because there are no jobs or housing, and now they bring these migrants over, deceiving them with those promises," she said.

"There are also others who blame the Biden Administration, saying it's their fault, they don't want the migrants here. But they don't want to speak on-camera, either because they don't want to be depicted as inhumane."

Spanish TV: Martha's Vineyard Residents Say They 'Don't Want Migrants'

They're two faced hacks. Their entire party

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