Wave Of Monstrous Anti LGBTQ Legislation Crashing Over Rural America

it's not my phrase, so i don't have to define anything. it's Sam Seder's phrase, so maybe you should watch the video!
Then don’t use the word in your thread title. As far as the video typical partisan crap we see from both sides people who overhype something to try and make themselves look evolved and to paint those who disagree with them as horrible people.
So, you’re 10 year old son comes home and announces he’s going to be a girl, and his teacher has been helping him “transition” by taking him to a doctor who has been injecting him with drugs that have rendered him sterile….You gonna say ‘oh, that’s wonderful’?
Teachers and doctors can't do it where I live.
You must be a Christian.
The violence we see today that is much worse than in the past has nothing to do with Christianity. The rulers who crap on the non-privileged working class live the life of depravity. We argue parties and who is at fault. Tell the Progs to give the working-class massive tax cuts in the lower tax levels than we see now to prove their so-called professed beliefs to start. They will not do that. Eliminate all the nickel and diming federal taxes we do not see in the front. They will not do that. Just the start.
The violence we see today that is much worse than in the past has nothing to do with Christianity. The rulers who crap on the non-privileged working class live the life of depravity. We argue parties and who is at fault. Tell the Progs to give the working-class massive tax cuts in the lower tax levels than we see now to prove their so-called professed beliefs to start. They will not do that. Eliminate all the nickel and diming federal taxes we do not see in the front. They will not do that. Just the start.
The whole idea has been to raise fees and tariffs when tax cuts are made, and the GOP does it swell.
I doubt they ever do, why do you live in so much fear?
More so in the queer tranny life.

Percentage ya know

Just leave children alone, it's not difficult to grasp
I am sure you wish that were true.

Of those molesting a child under six, 50 percent were family members. Family members also accounted for 23 percent of those abusing children ages 12 to 17xi. More than 90 percent of girls in juvenile justice systems self-disclose trauma.



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