Wave Of Monstrous Anti LGBTQ Legislation Crashing Over Rural America

I am a couple of the letters so I am concern.


I honestly don't understand telling me what I can do in my bed room is individual liberty? Seems to be very big and powerful government like policies these are.
I am a couple of the letters so I am concern.


I honestly don't understand telling me what I can do in my bed room is individual liberty? Seems to be very big and powerful government like policies these are.
I am the letters O and W, myself.

Old and Wrinkly.
I would question why you're so disconnected from your child you didn't know already.
Others have had medical procedure initiated on YOUR child, and the first thought is NOT, that he is now sterile, but, 'gee, why am I so disconnected'???? Jesus, please don't have kids...
Look, dipshit. everyone knows you're an enabler. You're a flamer that gets caught up in your little game and gets butthurt then bawls

Just stop already.
Hard to be an "enabler" when I'm literally doing nothing. Which is this issue . You however seem very concerned about Da Gayz and Da Trannys. Are you worried Da Gayz is going to rub off on you? Have you had the urge to visit a Gayz bar recently?
Others have had medical procedure initiated on YOUR child, and the first thought is NOT, that he is now sterile, but, 'gee, why am I so disconnected'???? Jesus, please don't have kids...
No they haven't Russobot. You can't even use correct English. You need to learn more gooder.
Hard to be an "enabler" when I'm literally doing nothing. Which is this issue . You however seem very concerned about Da Gayz and Da Trannys. Are you worried Da Gayz is going to rub off on you? Have you had the urge to visit a Gayz bar recently?

Enabler.... everyone knows it. Grow up already. You're not funny, you're not clever... just another leftist schmuck
Enabler.... everyone knows it. Grow up already. You're not funny, you're not clever... just another leftist schmuck
And you protest too much. Don't let Da Gayz get on you! Soon you'll be demanding Hunter Biden dick pics!

Da Gayz are all around you! They're everywhere. Touching your groceries. Secretly they run by and touch your pickup. Saint Trump protect you!
Hard to be an "enabler" when I'm literally doing nothing. Which is this issue . You however seem very concerned about Da Gayz and Da Trannys. Are you worried Da Gayz is going to rub off on you? Have you had the urge to visit a Gayz bar recently?
You can keep your sexual perversion to yourself.
i've gonna be following this trend. let's compile all these laws and discuss them here, my friends!

Not injecting children with puberty blockers is a good idea. About 75% or more of children who suffer from gender dysphoria resolve it through puberty. By the time they're in their late teens, they're no longer dysphoric. So why condemn someone to go their whole life bearing the effects of child-administered puberty blockers, which includes having underdeveloped genitalia? That person that was born male and suffered from gender dysphoria as a child, and was deprived of their puberty due to being injected with female hormones, might find themselves wanting to be a man at 24 or 30, but now they're stuck with the penis and testicles that they had when they were ten years old. Heck, if you want to talk about the prospect of someone killing themselves, that would be it right there. All of this gender confusion is caused by a combination of liberal claptrap bullshit and capitalism. There are pharmaceutical companies and other industries within the medical field that love the idea of having tens of millions of Americans confused about their gender and demanding treatments with hormones and various surgeries $$$$$$$$$.

All of this gender confusion is a very lucrative business and the purple-haired, MSNBC "woke" loonies get to pervert society as much as they can, which is what they love to do. They're nihilistic and believe all boundaries are arbitrary, which is clearly not the case. Without lines drawn there's nothing that can be defined, in other words, everything is reduced to nothing. What's next? Pedophilia "child-love"? Legal incest? Boundaries must be defined, or else we become degenerate savages.

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And you protest too much. Don't let Da Gayz get on you! Soon you'll be demanding Hunter Biden dick pics!

Da Gayz are all around you! They're everywhere. Touching your groceries. Secretly they run by and touch your pickup. Saint Trump protect you!
More trolling. Just like every libtarded “moderator” here. Your defense of this crap marks you Cletus. You best STFU.
Hard to be an "enabler" when I'm literally doing nothing. Which is this issue . You however seem very concerned about Da Gayz and Da Trannys. Are you worried Da Gayz is going to rub off on you? Have you had the urge to visit a Gayz bar recently?
literally doing nothing is the VERY DEFINITION of enabling.

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