We all called it. Trump is gone so NOW Cuomo tweets: "We simply cannot stay closed until the vaccine hits critical mass... We must reopen the economy

Every republican, thats who.

could the left be anymore predictable?

Everybody I know has tightened their protocols and precautions ..

Why are you lying? The death counts and new infection counts are on the news every day.. People are getting the vaccine. I get mine on the 19th.

So what do you gain by lying?

The Trump vaccine will be coursing through your veins on the 19th. You should call and thank him.

Are you claiming that Trump developed the vaccine? Trump barely has a high school education.

LMAO Trump has an IQ of 170. How high is yours.

trumps IQ isn't 170. And trump had people taking tests for him that he paid.

Every republican, thats who.

could the left be anymore predictable?

Everybody I know has tightened their protocols and precautions ..

Why are you lying? The death counts and new infection counts are on the news every day.. People are getting the vaccine. I get mine on the 19th.

So what do you gain by lying?

The Trump vaccine will be coursing through your veins on the 19th. You should call and thank him.

There is no trump vaccine.

Lying to yourself is no way to go through life son.

Every republican, thats who.

could the left be anymore predictable?

Everybody I know has tightened their protocols and precautions ..

Why are you lying? The death counts and new infection counts are on the news every day.. People are getting the vaccine. I get mine on the 19th.

So what do you gain by lying?

The Trump vaccine will be coursing through your veins on the 19th. You should call and thank him.

Are you claiming that Trump developed the vaccine? Trump barely has a high school education.

LMAO Trump has an IQ of 170. How high is yours.

trumps IQ isn't 170. And trump had people taking tests for him that he paid.

LOLOL.. What kind of sad sack talks about his IQ or his dick?

Every republican, thats who.

could the left be anymore predictable?

Everybody I know has tightened their protocols and precautions ..

Why are you lying? The death counts and new infection counts are on the news every day.. People are getting the vaccine. I get mine on the 19th.

So what do you gain by lying?

The Trump vaccine will be coursing through your veins on the 19th. You should call and thank him.

There is no trump vaccine.

Lying to yourself is no way to go through life son.

Then stop doing it.

Every republican, thats who.

could the left be anymore predictable?

Everybody I know has tightened their protocols and precautions ..

Why are you lying? The death counts and new infection counts are on the news every day.. People are getting the vaccine. I get mine on the 19th.

So what do you gain by lying?

The Trump vaccine will be coursing through your veins on the 19th. You should call and thank him.

There is no trump vaccine.

Lying to yourself is no way to go through life son.

Tell that to TRump..
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Every republican, thats who.

could the left be anymore predictable?

Everybody I know has tightened their protocols and precautions ..

Why are you lying? The death counts and new infection counts are on the news every day.. People are getting the vaccine. I get mine on the 19th.

So what do you gain by lying?

The Trump vaccine will be coursing through your veins on the 19th. You should call and thank him.

Are you claiming that Trump developed the vaccine? Trump barely has a high school education.

LMAO Trump has an IQ of 170. How high is yours.

trumps IQ isn't 170. And trump had people taking tests for him that he paid.

LOLOL.. What kind of sad sack talks about his IQ or his dick?


Every republican, thats who.

could the left be anymore predictable?

Everybody I know has tightened their protocols and precautions ..

Why are you lying? The death counts and new infection counts are on the news every day.. People are getting the vaccine. I get mine on the 19th.

So what do you gain by lying?

The Trump vaccine will be coursing through your veins on the 19th. You should call and thank him.

Are you claiming that Trump developed the vaccine? Trump barely has a high school education.

LMAO Trump has an IQ of 170. How high is yours.

trumps IQ isn't 170. And trump had people taking tests for him that he paid.

LOLOL.. What kind of sad sack talks about his IQ or his dick?

LOL He doesn't have to talk about either. All one has to do is google. You won't find his dick on there but you will find his IQ. Dumbass.
We've been setting death records for COVID19 this past week and you've got Gilligan posted here talking stupid.

All the retail stores I go to have tightened precautions .. and so has my dentist office. Their sort of lying is pathological and intends harm.

Speaking of pathological lying and intending to do harm, Trump said the vaccines would be ready before the end of the year. Liberals laughed. Big pharma had the vaccine prior to the election, but waited until the week after to make that public because they didn’t want to get involved into the politics.(LOL). You were completely and totally duped by the crooked Democratic machine and the MSM. Trump had a clear path to victory even as late as June, that is, until the MSM, big tech and the Democrats tricked you lemmings into believing that the economy and COVID was Trump’s fault, despite Democrats screwing up left and right with their advice and actions and inactions on COVID. You were tricked and continue to be tricked. Try to step away and think for yourself. Don’t let the MSM tell you what to think. Require they provide you proof, not just by some random fact-checker in his parent’s basement.

Every republican, thats who.

could the left be anymore predictable?

Also they got their poison shot out and are giving it to people. In which the medical cartel wanted all along.

You MUST be a Trumpy....

That is what the Cabal wants you to believe. If you question any of their narratives you are a Trumpy. So great job for falling for their propaganda.

Your belief in this medical cabal is quite the grandiose conspiracy theory.. or just a real stupid lie. I thought you were a Trumpy.

All you have to do is research Bill Gates and you see the medical cartel real well. Or even start with how the medical system we have now was started by the Rockefellers. Sure it is a conspiracy on the human race but it isn't a theory.

It's not my fault you refuse to see the truth and believe in the lies and propaganda that are fed to you on a daily basis because you can't even understand what kind of reality we are even in Oooo Mr. Sheeple. Baaaahhh

Ah yes "sheeple", the bleat of the idiot class. It's not my fault you're so gullible as to believe every idiot conspiracy theory that comes down the pike. You wouldn't know the truth if it jumped up and slapped you in the face.

I have little patience for you conspiracy theory FuckBois. If you're stupid enough to fall for this bullshit, you're basically as waste of skin. I especially love your "you can't even see the truth" bullshit. Thinking you're all that and a bag of peanuts. Puff your chest out little man. You're one of the "special people". You know what's REALLY going on.

The internet is going to be censored because fools like you can't discern truth from lies, and continue to become violently radicalized by the lies. Congratulations, stupid. It's people like you that force the rest of us to have to deal with censorship.

Every republican, thats who.

could the left be anymore predictable?

Also they got their poison shot out and are giving it to people. In which the medical cartel wanted all along.

You MUST be a Trumpy....

That is what the Cabal wants you to believe. If you question any of their narratives you are a Trumpy. So great job for falling for their propaganda.

Your belief in this medical cabal is quite the grandiose conspiracy theory.. or just a real stupid lie. I thought you were a Trumpy.

All you have to do is research Bill Gates and you see the medical cartel real well. Or even start with how the medical system we have now was started by the Rockefellers. Sure it is a conspiracy on the human race but it isn't a theory.

It's not my fault you refuse to see the truth and believe in the lies and propaganda that are fed to you on a daily basis because you can't even understand what kind of reality we are even in Oooo Mr. Sheeple. Baaaahhh

Ah yes "sheeple", the bleat of the idiot class. It's not my fault you're so gullible as to believe every idiot conspiracy theory that comes down the pike. You wouldn't know the truth if it jumped up and slapped you in the face.

I have little patience for you conspiracy theory FuckBois. If you're stupid enough to fall for this bullshit, you're basically as waste of skin. I especially love your "you can't even see the truth" bullshit. Thinking you're all that and a bag of peanuts. Puff your chest out little man. You're one of the "special people". You know what's REALLY going on.

The internet is going to be censored because fools like you can't discern truth from lies, and continue to become violently radicalized by the lies. Congratulations, stupid. It's people like you that force the rest of us to have to deal with censorship.

The internet is NOT going to be censored, drama queen. You are stirring up lies and fear with your new conspiracy theory.. and no doubt the sheep will fall in behind you.

This board can kick you off if you break their rules.. They don't owe you a platform.
We've been setting death records for COVID19 this past week and you've got Gilligan posted here talking stupid.
Setting record deaths? Most of deaths by, have almost completely disappeared, could it be that hospitals are fudging the numbers so they can get more money? Of course, but you progs sure hate on something like Hospitals, then when it works for your prog masters, you turn 180 and love hospitals....

How the media is misreporting COVID-19's death toll in America (nypost.com)

The CDC estimated that about 177,000 Americans died during the 2017-2018 flu season, from either the flu itself or by complications of pneumonia. (The CDC never made a public announcement about this number, but you can count it yourself from data on its site, as I did in the chart below.) That was a bad year, noted at the time, but mostly by medical professionals. Those with good memories will recall seeing more “Wash Your Hands” and “Cough Into Your Elbows” posters.
We've been setting death records for COVID19 this past week and you've got Gilligan posted here talking stupid.

Plus, you’ve got new variants of virus forming in other countries. Close the Borders.
Closing the borders is not going to stop an airborne virus.

Dumbest post of the new year and quite honestly, going to be extremely difficult to beat.

Every republican, thats who.

could the left be anymore predictable?

Also they got their poison shot out and are giving it to people. In which the medical cartel wanted all along.

You MUST be a Trumpy....

That is what the Cabal wants you to believe. If you question any of their narratives you are a Trumpy. So great job for falling for their propaganda.

Your belief in this medical cabal is quite the grandiose conspiracy theory.. or just a real stupid lie. I thought you were a Trumpy.

All you have to do is research Bill Gates and you see the medical cartel real well. Or even start with how the medical system we have now was started by the Rockefellers. Sure it is a conspiracy on the human race but it isn't a theory.

It's not my fault you refuse to see the truth and believe in the lies and propaganda that are fed to you on a daily basis because you can't even understand what kind of reality we are even in Oooo Mr. Sheeple. Baaaahhh

Ah yes "sheeple", the bleat of the idiot class. It's not my fault you're so gullible as to believe every idiot conspiracy theory that comes down the pike. You wouldn't know the truth if it jumped up and slapped you in the face.

I have little patience for you conspiracy theory FuckBois. If you're stupid enough to fall for this bullshit, you're basically as waste of skin. I especially love your "you can't even see the truth" bullshit. Thinking you're all that and a bag of peanuts. Puff your chest out little man. You're one of the "special people". You know what's REALLY going on.

The internet is going to be censored because fools like you can't discern truth from lies, and continue to become violently radicalized by the lies. Congratulations, stupid. It's people like you that force the rest of us to have to deal with censorship.

The internet is NOT going to be censored, drama queen. You are stirring up lies and fear with your new conspiracy theory.. and no doubt the sheep will fall in behind you.

This board can kick you off if you break their rules.. They don't owe you a platform.

The internet is definitely going to be censored. It always has been, but it only affected the most odious of assholes, like kiddie porn, or snuff films. But now, it's going to affect everything, because Republicans just gotta lie.

What a narrow view you have of the internet. It's not just "this board", or discussion boards we're talking about. I welcome open and frank discussions, but what has happened is that the Dark Side has destroyed that. Their willingness to use open communications to lie to, radicalize, and mobile armies of misinformed fools, and bend them to their own purposes is shutting down open discussion. What is happening with Qanon and white supremacists now, is what happened with kiddie porn and the internet.

Child sexual abuse used to be the creep down the street, or somebody's "funny uncle". Now, through the magic of the internet, these creeps are a "movement". Where they used to be lonely, sick people, leading furtive lives, they're now getting togther and exchanging ideas, techniques, perfecting their lures, and sharing the results. They're using the internet to lure children into a life of abuse, and they are everywhere.

The internet has made child sexual abuse easier, more widespread, and more profitable than at any time in history. Now they're about to do the same thing to white supremacy and right wing terrorism.

Every republican, thats who.

could the left be anymore predictable?

Also they got their poison shot out and are giving it to people. In which the medical cartel wanted all along.

You MUST be a Trumpy....

That is what the Cabal wants you to believe. If you question any of their narratives you are a Trumpy. So great job for falling for their propaganda.

Your belief in this medical cabal is quite the grandiose conspiracy theory.. or just a real stupid lie. I thought you were a Trumpy.

All you have to do is research Bill Gates and you see the medical cartel real well. Or even start with how the medical system we have now was started by the Rockefellers. Sure it is a conspiracy on the human race but it isn't a theory.

It's not my fault you refuse to see the truth and believe in the lies and propaganda that are fed to you on a daily basis because you can't even understand what kind of reality we are even in Oooo Mr. Sheeple. Baaaahhh

Ah yes "sheeple", the bleat of the idiot class. It's not my fault you're so gullible as to believe every idiot conspiracy theory that comes down the pike. You wouldn't know the truth if it jumped up and slapped you in the face.

I have little patience for you conspiracy theory FuckBois. If you're stupid enough to fall for this bullshit, you're basically as waste of skin. I especially love your "you can't even see the truth" bullshit. Thinking you're all that and a bag of peanuts. Puff your chest out little man. You're one of the "special people". You know what's REALLY going on.

The internet is going to be censored because fools like you can't discern truth from lies, and continue to become violently radicalized by the lies. Congratulations, stupid. It's people like you that force the rest of us to have to deal with censorship.

The internet is NOT going to be censored, drama queen. You are stirring up lies and fear with your new conspiracy theory.. and no doubt the sheep will fall in behind you.

This board can kick you off if you break their rules.. They don't owe you a platform.

The internet is definitely going to be censored. It always has been, but it only affected the most odious of assholes, like kiddie porn, or snuff films. But now, it's going to affect everything, because Republicans just gotta lie.

What a narrow view you have of the internet. It's not just "this board", or discussion boards we're talking about. I welcome open and frank discussions, but what has happened is that the Dark Side has destroyed that. Their willingness to use open communications to lie to, radicalize, and mobile armies of misinformed fools, and bend them to their own purposes is shutting down open discussion. What is happening with Qanon and white supremacists now, is what happened with kiddie porn and the internet.

Child sexual abuse used to be the creep down the street, or somebody's "funny uncle". Now, through the magic of the internet, these creeps are a "movement". Where they used to be lonely, sick people, leading furtive lives, they're now getting togther and exchanging ideas, techniques, perfecting their lures, and sharing the results. They're using the internet to lure children into a life of abuse, and they are everywhere.

The internet has made child sexual abuse easier, more widespread, and more profitable than at any time in history. Now they're about to do the same thing to white supremacy and right wing terrorism.

You're equating the Walkaway movement on the scale of kiddie-porn? Sheesh. Why did you not mention left wing extremism? Islamic terror propaganda? Chinese Communist statements.

My friend just fot banned from Twitter today. For posting Pro-Life material.

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