We all called it. Trump is gone so NOW Cuomo tweets: "We simply cannot stay closed until the vaccine hits critical mass... We must reopen the economy

Here's CNN avoiding the virus story:

4,320 fucking deaths that evidently didn't happen.

If Trump was decent and even slightly intelligent he would have spoken out last March .. saying essentially, "We don't have all the answers yet, but this is a dangerous virus. I am encouraging every American to wear masks, wash your hands frequently, practice social distancing and stay out of crowds."

Of course that would have put the kibosh on Trump's superspreader rallies.
He's certainly responsible for many, many deaths. Personally.

Trump should have been impeached and removed for his superspreader rallies. He didn't even insist on the protocols at the WH. The moron is a menace.

Every republican, thats who.

could the left be anymore predictable?

Everybody I know has tightened their protocols and precautions ..

Why are you lying? The death counts and new infection counts are on the news every day.. People are getting the vaccine. I get mine on the 19th.

So what do you gain by lying?

Believing death counts put out by a government and media known for lying, isn’t smart.
The Arab countries in the Middle-East that attacked US on 9/11 have 22% of their populations vaccinated.

Yet Trump's Warp Speed only vaccinated 2% of the USA!!! All the Elites here got vaccinated!!!

NO country attacked the US on 9-11. There was NO state actor. OBL had his citizenship revoked in 1994 and was living in Afghanistan.
The hijackers in the September 11 attacks were 19 men affiliated with al-Qaeda. They hailed from four countries; fifteen of them were citizens of Saudi Arabia, two were from the United Arab Emirates
The Arab countries in the Middle-East that attacked US on 9/11 have 22% of their populations vaccinated.

Yet Trump's Warp Speed only vaccinated 2% of the USA!!! All the Elites here got vaccinated!!!

NO country attacked the US on 9-11. There was NO state actor. OBL had his citizenship revoked in 1994 and was living in Afghanistan.
The hijackers in the September 11 attacks were 19 men affiliated with al-Qaeda. They hailed from four countries; fifteen of them were citizens of Saudi Arabia, two were from the United Arab Emirates

Yeah? So what? REgardless, I'm in no hurry to take a rush job vaccine. Maybe if I was elderly and/or a lot of other risk factors.
The Arab countries in the Middle-East that attacked US on 9/11 have 22% of their populations vaccinated.

Yet Trump's Warp Speed only vaccinated 2% of the USA!!! All the Elites here got vaccinated!!!

NO country attacked the US on 9-11. There was NO state actor. OBL had his citizenship revoked in 1994 and was living in Afghanistan.
The hijackers in the September 11 attacks were 19 men affiliated with al-Qaeda. They hailed from four countries; fifteen of them were citizens of Saudi Arabia, two were from the United Arab Emirates

We know that 6 had phony identities and Saudi visas. KSA citizens have had an easy time getting US visas since the 1950s while other countries have difficulty and long waits. We don't know the identity of 6 of them.. They could have been overstayers or Haj overstayers.
The Arab countries in the Middle-East that attacked US on 9/11 have 22% of their populations vaccinated.

Yet Trump's Warp Speed only vaccinated 2% of the USA!!! All the Elites here got vaccinated!!!

NO country attacked the US on 9-11. There was NO state actor. OBL had his citizenship revoked in 1994 and was living in Afghanistan.
The hijackers in the September 11 attacks were 19 men affiliated with al-Qaeda. They hailed from four countries; fifteen of them were citizens of Saudi Arabia, two were from the United Arab Emirates
And then what did we do, attacked Iraq!!!

Every republican, thats who.

could the left be anymore predictable?

Given the horrific COVID death toll currently hammering several parts of the country...

The Arab countries in the Middle-East that attacked US on 9/11 have 22% of their populations vaccinated.

Yet Trump's Warp Speed only vaccinated 2% of the USA!!! All the Elites here got vaccinated!!!

NO country attacked the US on 9-11. There was NO state actor. OBL had his citizenship revoked in 1994 and was living in Afghanistan.
The hijackers in the September 11 attacks were 19 men affiliated with al-Qaeda. They hailed from four countries; fifteen of them were citizens of Saudi Arabia, two were from the United Arab Emirates

Yeah? So what? REgardless, I'm in no hurry to take a rush job vaccine. Maybe if I was elderly and/or a lot of other risk factors.

We need it badly here. My wife & I, help our elderly parents and she also works as caregivers to other elderly. I need to do HVAC & appliance service calls in homes of high risk people. 2 different friends of ours have had Covid-19 that tear threw their entire families on Thanksgiving & none of their family members made it back to 100% healthy. The best of them still can't exert themselves & have Covid Fatigue!

So I would prefer the vaccine ASAP!
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The Arab countries in the Middle-East that attacked US on 9/11 have 22% of their populations vaccinated.

Yet Trump's Warp Speed only vaccinated 2% of the USA!!! All the Elites here got vaccinated!!!

NO country attacked the US on 9-11. There was NO state actor. OBL had his citizenship revoked in 1994 and was living in Afghanistan.
The hijackers in the September 11 attacks were 19 men affiliated with al-Qaeda. They hailed from four countries; fifteen of them were citizens of Saudi Arabia, two were from the United Arab Emirates

Yeah? So what? REgardless, I'm in no hurry to take a rush job vaccine. Maybe if I was elderly and/or a lot of other risk factors.

We need it badly here. My wife & I, help our parents and she also works as caregivers to other elderly. I need to do HVAC & appliance service calls in homes of high risk people. 2 different friends of ours have had Covid-19 that tear threw their entire families & none of their family members made it back to 100% healthy. The best of them still can't exert themselves & have Covid Fatigue!

So I would prefer the vaccine ASAP!

Hang on, friend.. and stay safe.
We've been setting death records for COVID19 this past week and you've got Gilligan posted here talking stupid.

You mean like this one?

James T. Mulder wrote Saturday on syracuse.com that until December 29, there had been no coronavirus deaths at The Commons on St. Anthony nursing home in Auburn, New York. December 29, when deaths of residents with coronavirus began occurring at The Commons, is also seven days days after the nursing home began giving coronavirus vaccinations to residents, with 80 percent of residents having been vaccinated. Over a period of less than two weeks since December 29, Mulder relates that 24 coronavirus-infected residents at the 300-bed nursing home have died. Mulder's article notes: "The nursing home began vaccinating residents Dec. 22. So far 193 residents, or 80%, and 113 employees, or less than half the staff, have been vaccinated. The nursing home plans to do more vaccinations Jan. 12."

Is this article implying that the vaccine gave these people COVID?
We've been setting death records for COVID19 this past week and you've got Gilligan posted here talking stupid.

You mean like this one?

James T. Mulder wrote Saturday on syracuse.com that until December 29, there had been no coronavirus deaths at The Commons on St. Anthony nursing home in Auburn, New York. December 29, when deaths of residents with coronavirus began occurring at The Commons, is also seven days days after the nursing home began giving coronavirus vaccinations to residents, with 80 percent of residents having been vaccinated. Over a period of less than two weeks since December 29, Mulder relates that 24 coronavirus-infected residents at the 300-bed nursing home have died. Mulder's article notes: "The nursing home began vaccinating residents Dec. 22. So far 193 residents, or 80%, and 113 employees, or less than half the staff, have been vaccinated. The nursing home plans to do more vaccinations Jan. 12."

That points to some staff had Christmas with extended family & friends & brought the virus back to work with them in the nursing home. It infected everyone at Thanksgiving in 2 separate families of 2 of our friends. One attended a thanksgiving in North Carolina & the other in Missouri.
We've been setting death records for COVID19 this past week and you've got Gilligan posted here talking stupid.

All the retail stores I go to have tightened precautions .. and so has my dentist office. Their sort of lying is pathological and intends harm.

True. We saw in high definition exactly what their lying accomplished a week ago.

Do you not know if this were Gotham you would be a part of the Penguin and his cronies? You seem to support the Penguin gang. And enough is enough. Enough of the gaslighting by the press. Enough of the gaslighting by the party of slavery, Jim Crow, the KKK, want, deprivation, envy and murder of the unborn in the womb. Most especially, enough of their “Republican,” enablers, who believe they can gain political favor or DC cocktail circuit invites, by promoting these blatant lies.
Wrong answer. You are the one trying to gaslight. For example, slavery began here 100 years before there was a democratic party and todays republican party proudly flies the fflag of slaverY ant the KKK. The press is not gaslighting. You're another extremist loon full of shit and ignorant of history. Last week, we saw what people who believe a lie will do.
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We've been setting death records for COVID19 this past week and you've got Gilligan posted here talking stupid.

Plus, you’ve got new variants of virus forming in other countries. Close the Borders.

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