We are becoming a banana republic.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
What happens when the federal government catches a high profile figure in the Democratic Party broadcasting national secrets from a bathroom? The answer is obvious. It launches a massive investigation against another high profile figure that the people put in the White House. The government in the US has got itself into a jam because the free vote didn’t go its way.

After years of importing interlopers from Mexico and several other third world countries the government was unable to complete its apparent mission of lowering the mean intelligence of the American voter. Unfortunately for the US government there were still enough reasonable people left in the US to vote for a reasonable candidate.

The people are not stupid. They see that there is an effort in education, politics and mass media to deliver free Americans into the hands of a global authority. It’s the same insectoid mentality that prevails in Europe and leaves the people defenseless against the dark, medieval, malevolence of Islamic terrorism. The great American experiment could have met a tragic end if the election had gone the other way.

Surely the American people can see that the losing party and their minions are perpetrating a show-trial investigation against the new president based on McCarthyism and smearing innuendo to weaken the administration. Their actions have now encouraged assassination attempts against the party that won by referring to the loser as the “resistance” which energizes lunatics. This appears to be a conscious and premeditated effort to overthrow the elected leader of the United States by any means necessary up to and including incited violence.

We have free elections in this country for a reason. When the people speak the government is required to listen, not mobilize to topple a fair election. We need a serious investigation of our government and the embedded interests in that government that are fighting against the people’s freedom to choose a leader. Instead we get a circus designed to take our eyes off the ball.

What’s happening in the US is starkly reminiscent of just about every banana republic that ever existed and the people are watching it happen right before their eyes. It’s not going to work.
What happens when the federal government catches a high profile figure in the Democratic Party broadcasting national secrets from a bathroom? The answer is obvious. It launches a massive investigation against another high profile figure that the people put in the White House. The government in the US has got itself into a jam because the free vote didn’t go its way.

After years of importing interlopers from Mexico and several other third world countries the government was unable to complete its apparent mission of lowering the mean intelligence of the American voter. Unfortunately for the US government there were still enough reasonable people left in the US to vote for a reasonable candidate.

The people are not stupid. They see that there is an effort in education, politics and mass media to deliver free Americans into the hands of a global authority. It’s the same insectoid mentality that prevails in Europe and leaves the people defenseless against the dark, medieval, malevolence of Islamic terrorism. The great American experiment could have met a tragic end if the election had gone the other way.

Surely the American people can see that the losing party and their minions are perpetrating a show-trial investigation against the new president based on McCarthyism and smearing innuendo to weaken the administration. Their actions have now encouraged assassination attempts against the party that won by referring to the loser as the “resistance” which energizes lunatics. This appears to be a conscious and premeditated effort to overthrow the elected leader of the United States by any means necessary up to and including incited violence.

We have free elections in this country for a reason. When the people speak the government is required to listen, not mobilize to topple a fair election. We need a serious investigation of our government and the embedded interests in that government that are fighting against the people’s freedom to choose a leader. Instead we get a circus designed to take our eyes off the ball.

What’s happening in the US is starkly reminiscent of just about every banana republic that ever existed and the people are watching it happen right before their eyes. It’s not going to work.
We Already are, the debt is far too large to ever be paid back… Fact
What happens when the federal government catches a high profile figure in the Democratic Party broadcasting national secrets from a bathroom? The answer is obvious. It launches a massive investigation against another high profile figure that the people put in the White House.
The investigation started long before the orange clusterfuck was put in the White House.
Yep, Because of the goddamn republican party...

Yep, lets cut infrastructure, science and education to the bone!!! Lets go bow our fucking heads 5 times per day and wonder why we're a joke.

No, socialism is a banana republic…
Yep, Because of the goddamn republican party...

Yep, lets cut infrastructure, science and education to the bone!!! Lets go bow our fucking heads 5 times per day and wonder why we're a joke.


*Slowly takes the rifle away from Matthew, and pats him on the back.*
HERE HAVE SOME PLAY-DOH, they say it reduces stress somehow.

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