"We are f***ed": Democrats despair over Biden debate performance

Ok, so he can't keep that money in the GE if he drops out.
It is possible that he won the debate in the eyes of voters. I saw one focus group. It was only four people, but all four of them said the same thing they complained that Biden was too old, but on the other side of it was that Trump could say nothing but lies, so what it boils down to his whether voters would rather have a liar in the White House or an older person with an acceptable vice president pushing the same policies. So like FDR - Physically weak man that was and he died his first year what in the third term. America wasn’t destroyed when a president Roosevelt died in office..
He said exactly that the election would be overturned on January 6, 2021. He said he was going to come out of the procedure on that day if Mike Pence did the right thing.

He told his followers and the angry mob that day that they would be the winners. Of course Trump is a dumbass and he didn’t get Mike Pence lined up before engaging in a criminal conspiracy to overturn the election in seven states were many of his co-conspirators have been indicted and many have pled guilty.

You shouldn’t be able to lie your way out of this one, but you know Trump voters do not exist without lies.
You are a dumbass. The election would be sent back to certain states. If that happened nothing would be overturned that day.
Joe was not senile last night. He had command of the facts way more than Trump. The problem was that Joe couldn’t organize the facts in 90 seconds in an improvisational high pressure presidential debate to take Trump out when he was given the layup, it’s a aging problem where the nation needs to be saved from the existential threat from Trump and his league of loyal liars
He had command of the facts? You mean like when he claimed no US service men and women were killed during his administration? How is possible that Joe Biden forgot about the 13 US soldiers killed during his botched Afghan pullout?
The election would be sent back to certain states. If that happened nothing would be overturned that day.
The plan was to win it in the House on that day. by not counting states with multiple slates of electors with the Trump wins being the fake ones. Trump said the states want their certifications back” to decertify,

If Vice President @Mike_Pence comes through for us, we will win the Presidency. Many States want to decertify the mistake they made in certifying incorrect & even fraudulent numbers in a process NOT approved by their State Legislatures (which it must be). Mike can send it back!
1:00 AM · Jan 6, 2021

No state wanted to decertify, Trump was lying to you. You are a sucker.

And if any states wanted to decertify until further review Trump could not say he would win on J6.2021 so that was a lie too.
The plan was to win it in the House on that day. by not counting states with multiple slates of electors with the Trump wins being the fake ones. Trump said the states want their certifications back” to decertify,

If Vice President @Mike_Pence comes through for us, we will win the Presidency. Many States want to decertify the mistake they made in certifying incorrect & even fraudulent numbers in a process NOT approved by their State Legislatures (which it must be). Mike can send it back!
1:00 AM · Jan 6, 2021

No state wanted to decertify, Trump was lying to you. You are a sucker.

And if any states wanted to decertify until further review Trump could not say he would win on J6.2021 so that was a lie too.
All of that would have been legal if Congress let it happen. Instead they were complicit with the fraud.
All of that would have been legal if Congress let it happen. Instead they were complicit with the fraud.
No. Pence stopped the Trump fraud when he refused to accept the fake certificates of electors. The plan couldn’t be executed because Trump was so fucking stupid to operate a seven state criminal conspiracy that depended on.Pence to participate but so fucking stupid Trump did not get Pence on board first.
So nobody in reality. You don’t care that Trump tried to overturn the 2020 election that he lost.

Do I care that Trump tried to overturn the 2020 election?

It's an issue, but not the biggest issue.

The Presidential election is not democratic. For me the Reps and Dems steal the elections every two years. They stop people having a viable choice, they stop people from voting for what they want, they keep it easy for Reps and Dems to win every time without fail.

Had Trump overturned the result of the last election, the Reps and Dems would still have the White House, Congress and the Supreme Court. Nothing much changes.
Had Trump overturned the result of the last election, the Reps and Dems would still have the White House, Congress and the Supreme Court. Nothing much changes.
Are you in favor of having more lifetime serving Christian NRA baby killers, Pollution loving fascists on the Supreme Court?
You mean like when he claimed no US service men and women were killed during his administration?

"We are f***ed": Democrats despair over Biden debate performance. 240629 {post•92}

NotfooledbyW Jun’24 Vwafdd: You are a fucking liar. Biden did not say:

no US service men and women were killed during his administration?”

Biden did say;

“I’m the only president this century that doesn’t have any, this decade, that not any troops dying anywhere in the world, like he did,” Biden claimed

Are you fucking senile or demented Saint_Manwithaplan?

Jesus Christ are you so filled with hatred that you don’t know the grammatical difference between past and present tense?

Any normal human being with six grades of education in a public school that has no fucking Ten Commandments and a glorious portrait of Chairman Trump hanging on every classroom wall would no that Lunchbox Joe actual said the truth that he is the first President this decade that does not have any troops dying right now on the day in this debate, in a combat operation like Trump did and every President before him,

Do you believe tariffs on all goods coming in from abroad will not increase by one penny the cost of living to US consumers who buys foreign made or produced products? nfbw 240629 Vwafdd00092
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I'm more in favor of Proportional Representation and sensible politics.
I take that as a yes that you are in favor of having more lifetime Conservative Catholic Republican fascistic NRA baby killers and Pollution enablers on the Supreme Court?

You are quite a revelation as to what the irrational side of a human mind can believe in.
I take that as a yes that you are in favor of having more lifetime Conservative Catholic Republican fascistic NRA baby killers and Pollution enablers on the Supreme Court? You are quite a revelation as to what the irrational side of a human mind can believe in.
NRA baby killers?
Deviant enabler?
I take that as a yes that you are in favor of having more lifetime Conservative Catholic Republican fascistic NRA baby killers and Pollution enablers on the Supreme Court?

You are quite a revelation as to what the irrational side of a human mind can believe in.

No point in me answering seeing as you seem to think you know me better.

I answered the question. If you don't understand it, that's not my problem.
“I’m the only president this century that doesn’t have any, this decade, that not any troops dying anywhere in the world, like he did,” Biden claimed

And that was a lie...

Biden on his record as commander-in-chief

Biden claimed that he is the only president this decade “that doesn’t have any … troops dying anywhere in the world, like he did,” referring to Trump.
“Truth is, I’m the only president this century, that doesn’t have any, this decade, that doesn’t have any troops dying anywhere in the world, like he did,” Biden said.

Facts First: Biden is wrong. US service members have died abroad during his presidency, including 13 troops killed in a suicide bombing during the US withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Thirteen US service members — including 11 Marines, one Army special operations soldier, and one Navy corpsman — were killed in the suicide bombing at the Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul. Three US soldiers were also killed this year at a small US outpost in Jordan in a one-way drone attack launched by Iran-backed militants. And two US Navy SEALs died in January off the coast of Somalia while conducting a night-time seizure of lethal aid being transported from Iran to Yemen.

Other US service members have also died abroad in training incidents, including five US soldiers who died in a helicopter crash in the eastern Mediterranean Sea in November 2023 during a routine refueling mission, and eight US airmen who died in a CV-22 Osprey crash in November 2023 off the coast of Yakushima Island, Japan.

From CNN’s Haley Britzky

Yes, Trump is an enormous lying POS and he should never again sit in the Oval office. But Biden is in no way fit to continue in the job. Anyone willing to honestly examine the circumstances would be hard pressed to reach any other conclusion.

I take that as a yes that you are in favor of having more lifetime Conservative Catholic Republican fascistic NRA baby killers and Pollution enablers on the Supreme Court?

You are quite a revelation as to what the irrational side of a human mind can believe in.

Medice, cura te ipsum.
And that was a lie...

Anyone willing to honestly examine the circumstances

Just do not lie about what exactly Joe said if you mean the second quote, be precise in use of language when you attack political figures

NotfooledbyW Jun’24 Vwafdd: You are a fucking liar. Biden did not say:

no US service men and women were killedduring his administration?”

Biden did say;

“I’m the only president this century that doesn’t have any, this decade, that not any troops dying anywhere in the world, like he did,” Biden claimed

Do you know the difference Confounded_Hjmick between “doesn’t“ and “didn’t”?

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Just do not lie about what exactly Joe said if you mean the second quote, be precise in use of language when you attack political figures

NotfooledbyW Jun’24 Vwafdd: You are a fucking liar. Biden did not say:

no US service men and women were killedduring his administration?”

Biden did say;

“I’m the only president this century that doesn’t have any, this decade, that not any troops dying anywhere in the world, like he did,” Biden claimed

Do you know the difference Confounded_Hjmick between “doesn’t“ and “didn’t”?

You are obviously incapable lucid discussion, blinded by your hatred for anyone who doesn't agree with you.

What Biden claimed was inaccurate, it was a lie. He was wrong. Members of our armed services have indeed died under his watch... during his administration.

Your histrionic personality disorder won't change this fact. Neither will your semantic games. I provided you the link to the CNN Fact Checks, I quoted it directly, and they quoted Biden. I am not arguing what any other person here posted, I couldn't care less what hey said. Biden was wrong.

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