We Are Now at the Peak of the Hurricane Season and It’s Dead Quite

What part of "an observation is not a prediction" is confusing you so?

This isn't complicated. A third grader could grasp it, but you can't. You shouldn't be bothering the grownups.

the ONLY reason anyone would be against dealing with climate change through a Green New Deal is because they are in bed in with big oil, prostituting themselves to the big oil companies
I beg you to take your meds! You have a psychotic episode every hour!
Going into Florida. Looks like it detiorates from Cat 4 to Cat 1 as it nears. Hopefully that is the case.
The most reliable model (EURO) has it coming up the mouth of Tampa Bay at a Cat 4. That will be devastating. If this model is right my ass is grass and Ian is the lawn mower. I live on the Eastern side of Tampa. I don't have to worry about flooding but the wind will be a bastard.

The GFS model has it farther out in the Gulf but it has not been very reliable this year in path forecast.

It will only go to a Cat 1 if the GFS model is correct and it makes it up to the panhandle.
But ... but ... but ... it's "dead quiet" in the tropics ... didn't you read the OP? ... When St Petersburg and Clearwater get washed into the Gulf ... what will you call your sports teams? ... the Gulf of Mexico Rays? ...

Ian has Category 7 written all over it ...
But ... but ... but ... it's "dead quiet" in the tropics ... didn't you read the OP? ... When St Petersburg and Clearwater get washed into the Gulf ... what will you call your sports teams? ... the Gulf of Mexico Rays? ...

Ian has Category 7 written all over it ...
The consensus now is that the further north it goes before landfall the weaker it gets.

If it comes in south of Tampa it could be as much as a four. North of Tampa it could be a two. Way north of Tampa a one.

If Tampa got hit with a Cat 4 it would be a disaster.

Anyway we are all fucked here. Jim Cantore is on his way. It is never good when he shows up.
The consensus now is that the further north it goes before landfall the weaker it gets.

If it comes in south of Tampa it could be as much as a four. North of Tampa it could be a two. Way north of Tampa a one.

If Tampa got hit with a Cat 4 it would be a disaster.

Anyway we are all fucked here. Jim Cantore is on his way. It is never good when he shows up.
Weather channel has it at 50 mile an hour winds this morning
There's one of the gas giant planets that has sustained winds of over 900mph. Has to be due to CO2! Nothing else in the Universe can drive the climate to those extremes!!!!!
What hope ... computer models are solid through 72 hours ... western Cuba is sure to get fucked ... the only question is where in Florida's nut sack does Ian land his kick ... Tampa is going to see some serious Southeast Quadrant action ... may God have mercy on their souls ...

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