We Are Now at the Peak of the Hurricane Season and It’s Dead Quite

I glance at it daily as a SE Florida resident.
Something strange is going on this year.
The 'bubbles' are coming off of the African West coast and then just getting sheared/broken up before they are able to organize and move West.
The few that have organized were blown North while still East of Bermuda.
It is unique in my experience.
The Ocean Temps are plenty Warm (still warming) enough to support Major H'canes but wind currents are wild.
La Nina years (we have now) usually produce more hurricanes, but their dry warming West-East winds may have moved further South enough to block Hurricane alley.

Current Image in Motion.
Typical of what's been happening.

Just as oddly, some of the Gulf Coast Hurricanes just bubble up by themselves/originate in the Caribbean Sea.
Also not happened yet.
The Oceans have not cooled and are still slowly warming.
Crazy year, and a great relief.. so far.
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I glance iat it daily as a SE Florida resident.
Something strange is going on this year.
The 'bubbles' are coming off of the African West coast and then just getting sheared/broken up before they are able to organize and move West.
The few that have organized were and blown North while still East of Bermuda.
It is unique in my experience
The Ocean Temps are plenty warm enough to support Major H'canes but wind currents are off.

Same amount of CO2 as last year. What's different?
Same amount of CO2 as last year. What's different?
I'm the one who said it's odd/even near unique.
And suggested possible reasons/differences.
ergo your post is non-responsive one-line shlt, as always.

If only we had a TWO-WAY Block button like Facebook to keep you and other garbage one-line/one-word quipsters out of threads, or at least seeing/responding to serious posts.
Go away shlt pile.

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ROFL ... he searched around and found a basin that was currently empty ... the Central Pacific ... what a moron ...

Clue for the clueless: no tropical cyclones in the Southern Hemisphere today ...
Shitforbrains thinks there’s hurricanes in other places than the three shown.
You are mistaken, as usual ... and I've pointed this out to you before ... you're just TOO STUPID to learn ...

NOAA gave a 65% chance of an above average hurricane season ... one extra storm ... and now you want hypercanes crashing into Florida every fifteen minutes? ... that's a 35% change of average to below average season ... arithmetic is challenging for you, I understand ...

I count 3 hurricanes in the Atlantic and 7 in the Eastern Pacific ... counting is challenging for you, I understand ... but how many should we have by now? ...
My God, you have an active imagination! There are ZERO!
Trump couldn’t handle the weather. People were dying and we had massive infrastructure damage. Biden has led us through unprecedented peace with the climate. Thanks Biden!

You know...Gator...whatever Joe touches turns to shit! If he starts claiming that he's responsible for no hurricanes then the country will immediately be hammered by killer storms! He's like an "anti King Midas" only whatever Joe touches turns to crap instead of gold. :)
You are mistaken, as usual ... and I've pointed this out to you before ... you're just TOO STUPID to learn ...

NOAA gave a 65% chance of an above average hurricane season ... one extra storm ... and now you want hypercanes crashing into Florida every fifteen minutes? ... that's a 35% change of average to below average season ... arithmetic is challenging for you, I understand ...

I count 3 hurricanes in the Atlantic and 7 in the Eastern Pacific ... counting is challenging for you, I understand ... but how many should we have by now? ...
Are we counting tropical depressions now as hurricanes and typhoons? The wind shear above 30,000 feet is just tearing these tropical depressions apart.
Living in northeastern Florida, I have no problem with there being no threatening hurricanes...
You guys get more hurricanes up there than we get down here in Central Florida.

The worst hurricane I experienced was Donna in 1960. My family was living in a relatively rural area of Polk County. We were at the end of the power grid. It was six weeks after the hurricane hit before power was restored.

We really lucked out with Irma. Most of the homes on the peninsula lost power for some time. Most of the homes in the area where I live lost power, However, we never lost power at my house.
Are we counting tropical depressions now as hurricanes and typhoons? The wind shear above 30,000 feet is just tearing these tropical depressions apart.
Here's a pop quiz for you Dr Atmospheric Physicist: given the SST in the western Atlantic, what would this hurricane season look like if wind patterns hadn't created all that shear effect?

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