We are supposed to believe?

The FBI claims they have been investigating Trump since July and we are supposed to believe they never wire tapped him? What fantasy world do you people live in?
Somehow many Americans lack common sense.
The FBI claims they have been investigating Trump since July and we are supposed to believe they never wire tapped him? What fantasy world do you people live in?
New Democrat movement (communist party usa) is merely one of them. Communist Workers' Party (United States) - Wikipedia Start looking and you can find thousands of blogs, tweets and little bit where young people really believed Obama and Clinton bs. Some of them are still whining today as they lost and they still ain't got no 'real jobs' to depend on.
The FBI claims they have been investigating Trump since July and we are supposed to believe they never wire tapped him? What fantasy world do you people live in?
Somehow many Americans lack common sense.

Yes the Russians leaked info on only one candidate. Anyone with common sense would ask why they wanted trump to win. And do we want the Russians picking our presidents?
The FBI claims they have been investigating Trump since July and we are supposed to believe they never wire tapped him? What fantasy world do you people live in?
Somehow many Americans lack common sense.

Yes the Russians leaked info on only one candidate. Anyone with common sense would ask why they wanted trump to win. And do we want the Russians picking our presidents?
How did the Russians pick the POTUS?
The FBI claims they have been investigating Trump since July and we are supposed to believe they never wire tapped him? What fantasy world do you people live in?
That is not what the FBI said. Comey said a president cannot wire tap anyone.
The FBI claims they have been investigating Trump since July and we are supposed to believe they never wire tapped him? What fantasy world do you people live in?
Somehow many Americans lack common sense.

Yes the Russians leaked info on only one candidate. Anyone with common sense would ask why they wanted trump to win. And do we want the Russians picking our presidents?
How did the Russians pick the POTUS?

The winner was the candidate they helped. The candidate who said dictator Putin is a great leader.
Because Trump doesn't use email so they couldn't hack his info's is my guess. I'm quite sure if there was some dirt on Trump out there, and Russia wanted to fuck with the US, then they'd have dumped that too and we'd have had a crisis they could exploit right now. Instead Russia has basically nothing here other than a President that isn't gun-ho to go to war with them like Clinton wanted to. Trump isn't a buddy, at least not yet, so far as I know Trump and Putin haven't really talked yet. It's a gamble for Putin even if he /did/ try to get Trump elected - there's nothing saying that Trump will get along with Putin, and Trump has even said that he wasn't sure they would get along, but if Trump decides he doesn't like Putin then there's going to be no quarter given to Russia and Putin has to know that. I rather expect that Putin will be doing a little ass kissing when things settle and they get down to business.
The FBI claims they have been investigating Trump since July and we are supposed to believe they never wire tapped him? What fantasy world do you people live in?
Somehow many Americans lack common sense.

Yes the Russians leaked info on only one candidate. Anyone with common sense would ask why they wanted trump to win. And do we want the Russians picking our presidents?

The FBI claims they have been investigating Trump since July and we are supposed to believe they never wire tapped him? What fantasy world do you people live in?
That is not what the FBI said. Comey said a president cannot wire tap anyone.

Hey Dummies...check out this thread and just for once, try to get informed rather than believe whatever DNC News tells you.

A Tale of Two Tales
During his hearing before the House Intel Panel, FBI Director James Comey said that the Russians expected Hillary Clinton to win the presidency over Donald Trump as of August and September.

“Late in the summer they concluded based on the polling that a lot of people were reading that Mr. Trump didn’t stand a chance,” said Comey, although it was not clear just how the FBI knew what the Russians "concluded" as of last summer. Rather interesting that on one hand we have Trump and the Russians working together to steal the election and on the other we have Russia expecting Hillary to win and believing Trump had no chance to win.
The FBI claims they have been investigating Trump since July and we are supposed to believe they never wire tapped him? What fantasy world do you people live in?

Comey was unequivocal, saying, "I have no information that supports those tweets." Information collected over a wiretap orchestrated by the Obama Administration as part of the investigation into Russian connections and dealings with people in the Trump campaign/organization would nonetheless be information. I doubt Comey would have perjured himself before Congress when he could as easily have refused to comment, as he did many times in his testimony.

Do you really not understand that wiretapping Party A, and as a consequence of having done so, overhearing a conversation Party A has with whomever "A" talks to, such as Parties B, C and D, is not the same thing as wiretapping Parties B, C and D? The entirety of the U.S. federal intelligence and law enforcement community have said is that Trump was not a "Party A," and what Trump claimed is that he was a "Party A."

Comey's opening statement said that the FBI have been
"...investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia's efforts....I’ve been authorized by the Department of Justice to confirm that the FBI, as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. That includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts."​
Is obtaining a wiretap a given in all FBI investigations, or investigations of this nature? I can speculate as well as the next person; I don't care what someone/you think about whether it should or might be. I'm asking whether it is. I don't recall hearing about wiretaps during the Clinton/Clinton Foundation investigation, and I am sure there were plenty of people close to Clinton talking on the phone about it.

One must listen very carefully when lawyers start talking to one another. They mean neither more nor less than what they say.
They are not investigating Trump. They are investigating alleged Russian involvement in our election, which includes, apparently, the wild goose chase of trying to determine if Trump and Putin colluded in some grand conspiracy to disenfranchise American voters.
The FBI claims they have been investigating Trump since July and we are supposed to believe they never wire tapped him? What fantasy world do you people live in?
Somehow many Americans lack common sense.

Yes the Russians leaked info on only one candidate. Anyone with common sense would ask why they wanted trump to win. And do we want the Russians picking our presidents?

The FBI claims they have been investigating Trump since July and we are supposed to believe they never wire tapped him? What fantasy world do you people live in?
That is not what the FBI said. Comey said a president cannot wire tap anyone.

Hey Dummies...check out this thread and just for once, try to get informed rather than believe whatever DNC News tells you.

A Tale of Two Tales
I and millions of others heard him say that yesterday.
They are not investigating Trump. They are investigating alleged Russian involvement in our election, which includes, apparently, the wild goose chase of trying to determine if Trump and Putin colluded in some grand conspiracy to disenfranchise American voters.
What is being investigated - Trump associates in the campaign if they had contacts and colluded with the Russian interference in the campaign.
The FBI claims they have been investigating Trump since July and we are supposed to believe they never wire tapped him? What fantasy world do you people live in?
I formed my opinion of the whole crooked mess yesterday when Comey said about members and events in Obama's regime that he couldn't discuss/reveal, wouldn't discuss/reveal or even comment if there was now or had been any investigations. However, he could discuss, reveal and name names when it concerned Trump and his people. Did anyone else catch that or was I hearing things?
The FBI claims they have been investigating Trump since July and we are supposed to believe they never wire tapped him? What fantasy world do you people live in?
That is not what the FBI said. Comey said a president cannot wire tap anyone.

/---- Obozo did lots of things a president isn't allowed to do. Why would he stop at wiretapping?
The FBI claims they have been investigating Trump since July and we are supposed to believe they never wire tapped him? What fantasy world do you people live in?
That is not what the FBI said. Comey said a president cannot wire tap anyone.

/---- Obozo did lots of things a president isn't allowed to do. Why would he stop at wiretapping?
Ah, you are listening to the voices in your head. You don't get it. The FBI and the intel agencies would not do that. They have already told Trump that he can't wiretap Bannon.
They are not investigating Trump. They are investigating alleged Russian involvement in our election, which includes, apparently, the wild goose chase of trying to determine if Trump and Putin colluded in some grand conspiracy to disenfranchise American voters.

/---- I bees disemfrangledized Bwhahaha bwhahaha bwhahaha
The FBI claims they have been investigating Trump since July and we are supposed to believe they never wire tapped him? What fantasy world do you people live in?

There were transcripts of Flynn's Congratulatory Call from The Russian Ambassador.
Flynn was exonerated from any illicit activities based on these transcripts.

  • There were leaked transcripts of General Flynn's Conversation with The Russian Ambassador.
  • There were leaked transcripts of President Trump's Conversation with The Mexican President.
  • There were leaked transcripts of President Trump's Conversation with Australia.
  • There were leaked transcripts of President Trump's Conversation with Taiwan President.
  • Trump's Tax Returns Were Leaked.

And we are supposed to believe that Obama who had No Issues at all Wire Tapping someone like Dennis Kucinich, and Merkel of Germany and all of our allies, as well as wire tapped people in the Media....just somehow NEVER WIRETAPPED TRUMP?

Get The Phuck Out Of Here Lefty.

You make me puke.

And Comey is a Sweeper, a Cleaner for The Corrupt Establishment. Trump should have fired him day 1!

Phuck him. He is a liar.
The FBI claims they have been investigating Trump since July and we are supposed to believe they never wire tapped him? What fantasy world do you people live in?
I doubt the FBI has or had probable cause to tap Trump directly. They admittedly looked at contacts between one of his servers and a Russian band server, and perhaps more than one. All they denied was tapping his phone and that Obama told them what to tap. And Obama didn't do that, because that would have been impeachable. It's laughable you guys would fall for Trump's troll

Taps on Manafort, Flynn, Page, JD Gordon and others are all possibilities. It's certain that Flynn's conversation(s) with russains who the US had legal taps upon were captured.
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