We DO NOT Have a Living Constitution

The words of the United States Constitution are not to be reworked or legislatively overturned by activists liberals judges who feel the Constitution is a living document. Strict constructionist view is the correct one.
Loose Construction versus Strict Construction | Conservatism In The United States | United States Government
Do you know what you are talking about and are you able to give examples, or have you been stuck following bumper stickers in rush hour traffic for most of your life?
Abuse of 14th Amendment, FISA warrants, abuse of Necessary and Proper Clause...Roe v. Wade 1973...Obamacare ruling...overturning of California Prop 8 (example of 14th Amendment abuse). If you want to debate constitutional law...let’s do it.
The words of the United States Constitution are not to be reworked or legislatively overturned by activists liberals judges who feel the Constitution is a living document. Strict constructionist view is the correct one.
Loose Construction versus Strict Construction | Conservatism In The United States | United States Government
Do you know what you are talking about and are you able to give examples, or have you been stuck following bumper stickers in rush hour traffic for most of your life?
Abuse of 14th Amendment, FISA warrants, abuse of Necessary and Proper Clause...Roe v. Wade 1973...Obamacare ruling...overturning of California Prop 8 (example of 14th Amendment abuse). If you want to debate constitutional law...let’s do it.
First you'd have to know what "a living constitution" is or isn't.
The words of the United States Constitution are not to be reworked or legislatively overturned by activists liberals judges who feel the Constitution is a living document. Strict constructionist view is the correct one.
Loose Construction versus Strict Construction | Conservatism In The United States | United States Government
Jefferson was an agrarian nincompoop, and Hamilton gave us the success story that became American capitalism
Thomas Jefferson was a great American and a patriot.
The words of the United States Constitution are not to be reworked or legislatively overturned by activists liberals judges who feel the Constitution is a living document. Strict constructionist view is the correct one.
Loose Construction versus Strict Construction | Conservatism In The United States | United States Government
Do you know what you are talking about and are you able to give examples, or have you been stuck following bumper stickers in rush hour traffic for most of your life?
Abuse of 14th Amendment, FISA warrants, abuse of Necessary and Proper Clause...Roe v. Wade 1973...Obamacare ruling...overturning of California Prop 8 (example of 14th Amendment abuse). If you want to debate constitutional law...let’s do it.
First you'd have to know what "a living constitution" is or isn't.
I told you what it was not. Opposite of what liberals think it is.
And I've yet to find judicial review any place in Article III. Judicial review is a power given to the court by itself.

Jefferson held them off the first time they tried it but after he died, they went right back to it.
The words of the United States Constitution are not to be reworked or legislatively overturned by activists liberals judges who feel the Constitution is a living document. Strict constructionist view is the correct one.
Loose Construction versus Strict Construction | Conservatism In The United States | United States Government
Tell us about those well regulated militias
National Guard and private citizens who are armed. Every authoritarian or totalitarian governments that I know of all have one thing in common...no private gun ownership.
National guard is well regulated

Private citizens are not. Our founders said NOTHING about arming private citizens, a strict constitutionalist must support that private ownership is not covered
The Constitution of the United States is the foundation upon which our nation rest. Rule of law is what the Founders intended. Not activists jurist from lower courts legislating from the bench.
Rule of Law.

And SCOTUS is the ultimate interpreter of that Law.
Yes...but not lower court federal judges who want to inject their personal political beliefs into decisions.
The words of the United States Constitution are not to be reworked or legislatively overturned by activists liberals judges who feel the Constitution is a living document. Strict constructionist view is the correct one.
Loose Construction versus Strict Construction | Conservatism In The United States | United States Government
Tell us about those well regulated militias
National Guard and private citizens who are armed. Every authoritarian or totalitarian governments that I know of all have one thing in common...no private gun ownership.
National guard is well regulated

Private citizens are not. Our founders said NOTHING about arming private citizens, a strict constitutionalist must support that private ownership is not covered
The whole 2nd Amendment is about an armed citizenry. British wish they could have disarmed colonist after French-Indian War...didn’t work that way. Lexington-Concord 1775 showed necessity for armed citizens.
The Constitution has been a "living" document only since Woodrow Wilson, the only president who might have been a bigger socialist than Obama.
If I know your SSN, can I shout it out on main street to anyone who will listen? Or what if you have AIDS...can I tell people that you have this disease?
The problem with those examples are yes you can say them. the question is how do you know? Doctors have a field of ethics which preclude you from telling personal info to people you don't want know, even your spouse ( I worked for Accredo and you were NOT ALLOWED to tell a wife unless she was authorized, same for husbands). Now had I don't that, I would have been fired and I could be prosecuted, because while we have free speech, we also have a right to privacy......so that is a valid question for the court. Saying you have a right to an abortion is not, it's not in the constitution. Even murder isn't in it, it's a state crime, not a federal one, unless committed on federal land.

If you or your wife tell a friend, see a note, see you taking chemotherapy at a clinic while they are there too…etc… and get a bullhorn and shout it out on main street…they have not committed a crime? Is that the type of nation the conservatives want?

What crime?
The words of the United States Constitution are not to be reworked or legislatively overturned by activists liberals judges who feel the Constitution is a living document. Strict constructionist view is the correct one.
Loose Construction versus Strict Construction | Conservatism In The United States | United States Government
Tell us about those well regulated militias
National Guard and private citizens who are armed. Every authoritarian or totalitarian governments that I know of all have one thing in common...no private gun ownership.
National guard is well regulated

Private citizens are not. Our founders said NOTHING about arming private citizens, a strict constitutionalist must support that private ownership is not covered
Your OPINION of what Constitution means is that of the left and is debated constantly. Obviously, others disagree with you.
The Constitution has been a living document for over 200 years

Hard to imagine we still have those wanting to live like it is 1776

Your understanding of the Constitution and of history in general is appallingly thin.
The words of the United States Constitution are not to be reworked or legislatively overturned by activists liberals judges who feel the Constitution is a living document. Strict constructionist view is the correct one.
Loose Construction versus Strict Construction | Conservatism In The United States | United States Government
Tell us about those well regulated militias
National Guard and private citizens who are armed. Every authoritarian or totalitarian governments that I know of all have one thing in common...no private gun ownership.
National guard is well regulated

Private citizens are not. Our founders said NOTHING about arming private citizens, a strict constitutionalist must support that private ownership is not covered
The whole 2nd Amendment is about an armed citizenry. British wish they could have disarmed colonist after French-Indian War...didn’t work that way. Lexington-Concord 1775 showed necessity for armed citizens.

Looks like you are interpreting there
More reason we need courts to clarify
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How about a strawman argument?
It’s understandable that you’re afraid to answer the question....poor baby
And, it's understandable that you have to make a strawman argument....poor baby.

No..it’s an example of the idiocy of everything having to fit within the strict confines of the stated words. We wouldn’t have an air force, NASA, FEMA, Social Security, Medicare, and a thousand other vital government services if we listened to this garbage.

But most directly affecting the lives of everyday people is the right to privacy that is not defined in the Constitution but is surely an expectation.

So why don’t you answer the question?
The Constitution protects the people from government. I hope that answers your strawman argument.
The tap dance continues.

So it protects those that broadcast your personal information by making sure they can’t be prosecuted?

It depends upon who "those" are, their position of authority, the ethical structure under which they operate and the nature of the contract between "those" and their clients, if any.

Individuals not so tied to such positions are under no such restrictions. If you find out your neighbor has a dose of herpes, you can shout it from your rooftop if you choose.

Just be sure you're correct.
The words of the United States Constitution are not to be reworked or legislatively overturned by activists liberals judges who feel the Constitution is a living document. Strict constructionist view is the correct one.
Loose Construction versus Strict Construction | Conservatism In The United States | United States Government
Tell us about those well regulated militias
National Guard and private citizens who are armed. Every authoritarian or totalitarian governments that I know of all have one thing in common...no private gun ownership.
National guard is well regulated

Private citizens are not. Our founders said NOTHING about arming private citizens, a strict constitutionalist must support that private ownership is not covered
The whole 2nd Amendment is about an armed citizenry. British wish they could have disarmed colonist after French-Indian War...didn’t work that way. Lexington-Concord 1775 showed necessity for armed citizens.

Looks like you are interpreting there
More reason we need courts to clarify

We lost Lexington and Concord
Can we agree that the Constitution was mean to protect the people from government?
Tell us about those well regulated militias
National Guard and private citizens who are armed. Every authoritarian or totalitarian governments that I know of all have one thing in common...no private gun ownership.
National guard is well regulated

Private citizens are not. Our founders said NOTHING about arming private citizens, a strict constitutionalist must support that private ownership is not covered
The whole 2nd Amendment is about an armed citizenry. British wish they could have disarmed colonist after French-Indian War...didn’t work that way. Lexington-Concord 1775 showed necessity for armed citizens.

Looks like you are interpreting there
More reason we need courts to clarify

We lost Lexington and Concord
Can we agree that the Constitution was mean to protect the people from government?


The Constitutions primary focus was establishing the government for We the People

The Bill of Rights, ten amendments to the Constitution, protected the people from government
The words of the United States Constitution are not to be reworked or legislatively overturned by activists liberals judges who feel the Constitution is a living document. Strict constructionist view is the correct one.
Loose Construction versus Strict Construction | Conservatism In The United States | United States Government
Tell us about those well regulated militias
National Guard and private citizens who are armed. Every authoritarian or totalitarian governments that I know of all have one thing in common...no private gun ownership.
National guard is well regulated

Private citizens are not. Our founders said NOTHING about arming private citizens, a strict constitutionalist must support that private ownership is not covered

Hysterically funny, that.

The Constitution disagrees with you, and the SCOTUS also, having mostly reiterated it.

More will be recovered in the future, and many decisions are forthcoming with which you will disagree.

Tough titty.
National Guard and private citizens who are armed. Every authoritarian or totalitarian governments that I know of all have one thing in common...no private gun ownership.
National guard is well regulated

Private citizens are not. Our founders said NOTHING about arming private citizens, a strict constitutionalist must support that private ownership is not covered
The whole 2nd Amendment is about an armed citizenry. British wish they could have disarmed colonist after French-Indian War...didn’t work that way. Lexington-Concord 1775 showed necessity for armed citizens.

Looks like you are interpreting there
More reason we need courts to clarify

We lost Lexington and Concord
Can we agree that the Constitution was mean to protect the people from government?


The Constitutions primary focus was establishing the government for We the People

The Bill of Rights, ten amendments to the Constitution, protected the people from government
'WE THE PEOPLE' should explain the intent, Rightwinger
Court decisions change its interpretation

At times, in error. So much for settled law.
That makes no sense. Yes, court cases do change interpretations. Plessy and Brown are the most obvious. Marbury is another.

Marbury v Madison is the mistake that set the course for where we find ourselves today.
You may think so, but that opinion has no affect on modern constitutional law.

"Modern constitutional law" is about to change before your eyes. Better get some Visine.
The United States Constitution is, indeed, a "living, breathing document" - subject to evolved interpretation as the nature and needs of the Republic change.

And, of course, the Supreme Court is the Ultimate Authority for its interpretation.

If, in the future, the Court overturns Roe v Wade or other LibProg Sacred Cows, then, that too, is an evolving interpretation based upon the nature and needs of the Republic.

The Founding Fathers did not intend the Constitution to be a Perpetual Straight-Jacket.

We are now embarking upon an era in which the Court will serve up decisions more in line with Conservative rather than Liberal values.

Checks and balances, on an ongoing basis.

LibProgs go too far, then Conservatives checkmate them for a while.

Eventually, we'll rinse-and-repeat the entire cycle, over a generation or two or three.

If the Constitution is whatever nine lawyers say it is, then it is nothing more than a guide. And yes, the founders did intend the Constitution to be a straight jacket on the federal government. The founders did everything they could to limit the power of the federal government to the specific tasks outlined in the document. The Supreme Court has continually loosened the bonds and allowed the federal government to insert itself in just about every part of our lives.

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