We do not want a transcript of the call, we want the Whistleblower's

Because every other president showed theirs.
lol And what did you learn from those tax returns?
That they didn't have anything to hide.

What do you think he might be hiding?

I have no idea but since he's the only one to fear releasing them in some 1/2 century, he's clearly hiding something.

". . . he's clearly hiding something."

I agree! We need the transcript when Biden threatened the Ukrianians

You have it on video.

The video is woefully inadequate and you should know that.. All the video shows is that Biden used the threat of withholding American funds if the prosecutor was not fired. I would like to know why he had the prosecutor fired. . Old man Biden claimed that he wanted the Ukrainian prosecutor to do more about the corruption in Ukraine. You may accept that but I don't. Biden didn't give a damn about all the corruption in this country; therefore, it is foolish to believe he was desperately concerned with corruption in the Ukraine.

You may believe Biden based on his own words but I do not. It is more than a coincidence that the prosecutor he got fired was investigating the company who paid his son $50,000 a month for no apparent reason .For the very same reasons you demand transcripts of Trump's call, I demand the transcripts of all Biden's conversations with anyone associated with Ukraine. It's baffling that you will not accept what Trump says without transcripts to back him up, but you take everything that Biden says as Gospel truth.

Biden spent eight years in one of the most corrupt administrations in history. I don't think he's dirty, I know he is.
I would like to know why he had the prosecutor fired.

He pushed to get him fired because he was refusing to prosecute corruption...and was supported in that by the EU, the G7, and the International Monetary Fund

Trump on the other hand was trying to coerce a foreign government into opening a bogus investigation of his political rival
report. They can make up a transcript of the call, so lets see the report that was sent to the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community (IC IG) who determined it was creditable and urgent for the security of the US.

Also the name of the whistleblower should be given under classified info to the House Intelligence Committee.
are they still a whistleblower if they got the info 2nd hand and never heard it for themselves??

Yup. That's what I've been reading. The "whistleblower" didn't actually know anything. He just repeated something he was told.

More of a gossip than a whistleblower. LOL

Reading that where? Who is reporting that as fact?
I've heard it multiple times from various sources. The so-called anonymous "whistle blower" reporting what he heard. In other words, it's hearsay of hearsay.

Pulling something out of your ass is not a reliable source. Try providing a link. The Trump appointed Inspector General considered it a credible and serious allegation requiring congressional notification.
Why do you want Trump's tax returns?
Because every other president showed theirs.
lol And what did you learn from those tax returns?
That they didn't have anything to hide.

What do you think he might be hiding?

I have no idea but since he's the only one to fear releasing them in some 1/2 century, he's clearly hiding something.
What does obuthole fear? You hypocritical asswipes.
lol And what did you learn from those tax returns?
That they didn't have anything to hide.

What do you think he might be hiding?

I have no idea but since he's the only one to fear releasing them in some 1/2 century, he's clearly hiding something.

". . . he's clearly hiding something."

Just like you folks were sure the Mueller report would show Trump was doing something dastardly with the Rooskies, eh?

That they didn't have anything to hide.

What do you think he might be hiding?

I have no idea but since he's the only one to fear releasing them in some 1/2 century, he's clearly hiding something.

". . . he's clearly hiding something."

Just like you folks were sure the Mueller report would show Trump was doing something dastardly with the Rooskies, eh?

It did.
I agree! We need the transcript when Biden threatened the Ukrianians

You have it on video.

The video is woefully inadequate and you should know that.. All the video shows is that Biden used the threat of withholding American funds if the prosecutor was not fired. I would like to know why he had the prosecutor fired. . Old man Biden claimed that he wanted the Ukrainian prosecutor to do more about the corruption in Ukraine. You may accept that but I don't. Biden didn't give a damn about all the corruption in this country; therefore, it is foolish to believe he was desperately concerned with corruption in the Ukraine.

You may believe Biden based on his own words but I do not. It is more than a coincidence that the prosecutor he got fired was investigating the company who paid his son $50,000 a month for no apparent reason .For the very same reasons you demand transcripts of Trump's call, I demand the transcripts of all Biden's conversations with anyone associated with Ukraine. It's baffling that you will not accept what Trump says without transcripts to back him up, but you take everything that Biden says as Gospel truth.

Biden spent eight years in one of the most corrupt administrations in history. I don't think he's dirty, I know he is.

You don't know jack diddly doo doo.
Because every other president showed theirs.
lol And what did you learn from those tax returns?
That they didn't have anything to hide.

What do you think he might be hiding?

I have no idea but since he's the only one to fear releasing them in some 1/2 century, he's clearly hiding something.
What does obuthole fear? You hypocritical asswipes.
What? Try English next time.
I would like to know why he had the prosecutor fired.

He pushed to get him fired because he was refusing to prosecute corruption...and was supported in that by the EU, the G7, and the International Monetary Fund

Trump on the other hand was trying to coerce a foreign government into opening a bogus investigation of his political rival
One vote for: Impeach Trump for what Biden did
Biden got a corrupt prosecutor fired and was supported by the EU, the G7, and the IMF

Trump tried to coerce a foreign nation to open a bogus investigation of his political rival

Not the same at ALL
The entire whistle blower report needs to be turned over to Congress as the law requires.

Not next week. Not six months from now

NOW. Trump is breaking the law....AGAIN
report. They can make up a transcript of the call, so lets see the report that was sent to the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community (IC IG) who determined it was creditable and urgent for the security of the US.

Also the name of the whistleblower should be given under classified info to the House Intelligence Committee.
are they still a whistleblower if they got the info 2nd hand and never heard it for themselves??

Yup. That's what I've been reading. The "whistleblower" didn't actually know anything. He just repeated something he was told.

More of a gossip than a whistleblower. LOL

Reading that where? Who is reporting that as fact?
I've heard it multiple times from various sources. The so-called anonymous "whistle blower" reporting what he heard. In other words, it's hearsay of hearsay.

Pulling something out of your ass is not a reliable source. Try providing a link. The Trump appointed Inspector General considered it a credible and serious allegation requiring congressional notification.
In fact the Inspector General called it credible and URGENT

So of course Trump is slow walking every aspect of it
report. They can make up a transcript of the call, so lets see the report that was sent to the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community (IC IG) who determined it was creditable and urgent for the security of the US.

Also the name of the whistleblower should be given under classified info to the House Intelligence Committee.
I think we should know the name of this fucker and we should see 'the transcripts' so the Democrats can ignore them and call for impeachment.
I also think that all private phone calls with foreign leaders be broadcast on CNN from now on. All presidents should make all private phone calls during a town hall hosted by Rachel Maddow.
He’s not a billionaire
What makes you think so?
He is now after he passed his tax cuts.
Trump has been losing money since he became President, moron.
Trump would hav made more if he would have just invested his dads money rather than the real estate scam he’s been doing all these years. Him, Michael Cohen, Jeffrey Epstein
That's leftwing propaganda. He was already a billionaire before his father died.

And he filed bankruptcy 6 times as he lived high off the hog and took every red cent out of them, while stiffing attorneys, laborers, and contractors, and by the way, why did his daddy bail him out so many times??
report. They can make up a transcript of the call, so lets see the report that was sent to the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community (IC IG) who determined it was creditable and urgent for the security of the US.

Also the name of the whistleblower should be given under classified info to the House Intelligence Committee.
I think we should know the name of this fucker and we should see 'the transcripts' so the Democrats can ignore them and call for impeachment.
I also think that all private phone calls with foreign leaders be broadcast on CNN from now on. All presidents should make all private phone calls during a town hall hosted by Rachel Maddow.

Compare the both of them, the whistleblowers report and the transcript, although the whistleblowers report was said to contain a few incidences, wonder what the others are??

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