We do not want a transcript of the call, we want the Whistleblower's

Trump to release transcript of Ukraine call tomorrow - but will it be REAL?

And if it doesn't fit the democrats MSM narrative what's next make demands for the Ukraine to release their transcript...

Doesn't fit our narrative? Are you kidding me? We all know what this is. Trump was trying to make up a scandal about Biden. It blew up in his face. Now we all know Trump is willing to lie cheat and steal in order to win.

He thought the elections were rigged before he won. No doubt if he has the power to rig the election he will. Does he have that kind of power? If I were democrats I'd keep a close watch on the 2020 swing states.
The Democrat filth has nothing for America except an agenda to make this country a Socialist shithole so they can raid the Treasury to satisfy their greed.

Trump is standing in the way of them doing that and they can't stand it. He is also standing in the way of the Liberal assholes taking away our Liberty and Constitutional rights.

When the transcript comes out tomorrow once again these Democrat Butt Pirates will be made to look like fools.

They know they can't win an election based on their agenda of greed so they are trying to win with dirty tricks. That Russia shit didn't work out and nobody is buying the racist bullshit

Trump will cram this up their ass just like he has everything else.
Trump to release transcript of Ukraine call tomorrow - but will it be REAL?
Don't want it. It sets a bad precedent. Just follow the law and give the whistleblower complaint to the gang of eight...as the law prescribes.

It sets a bad precedent? For criminal behavior? Funny...
Releasing transcripts of presidential conversations sets a bad precedent. Just follow the law and forward the full whistleblower complaint that the Trump appointed IG said was urgent.
Trump to release transcript of Ukraine call tomorrow - but will it be REAL?
Don't want it. It sets a bad precedent. Just follow the law and give the whistleblower complaint to the gang of eight...as the law prescribes.

It sets a bad precedent? For criminal behavior? Funny...
Releasing transcripts of presidential conversations sets a bad precedent. Just follow the law and forward the full whistleblower complaint that the Trump appointed IG said was urgent.

You think Trump and Barr will voluntarily release the whistleblower complaint?
The Democrat filth has nothing for America except an agenda to make this country a Socialist shithole so they can raid the Treasury to satisfy their greed.

Trump is standing in the way of them doing that and they can't stand it. He is also standing in the way of the Liberal assholes taking away our Liberty and Constitutional rights.

When the transcript comes out tomorrow once again these Democrat Butt Pirates will be made to look like fools.

They know they can't win an election based on their agenda of greed so they are trying to win with dirty tricks. That Russia shit didn't work out and nobody is buying the racist bullshit

Trump will cram this up their ass just like he has everything else.

So instead of talking about Trump breaking the law, you are so pathetically falling back on the socialism bs? Pathetic bro.

Raid the treasury? Have you seen the debt and deficits since Trump took office?

You also said Bush was standing in our way and that's why we didn't like him. Then he caused a great recession and Trump even admitted Bush lied us into Iraq. So your judgement is obviously flawed. You will defend a corrupt Republican no matter what, until it doesn't matter anymore then you will throw them under the bus like you did Bush.

You said Clinton and Obama were going to take away your liberty and constitutional rights. They didn't.

Trump did collude with Russia. Just not enough evidence to convict him. But we knew that wasn't the only place he was doing wrong and this story is just another one of the times where Trump has broken the law.
Trump to release transcript of Ukraine call tomorrow - but will it be REAL?
Don't want it. It sets a bad precedent. Just follow the law and give the whistleblower complaint to the gang of eight...as the law prescribes.

It sets a bad precedent? For criminal behavior? Funny...
Releasing transcripts of presidential conversations sets a bad precedent. Just follow the law and forward the full whistleblower complaint that the Trump appointed IG said was urgent.

Transcripts: Trump Told Mexican President Border Wall Is 'Least Important Thing'

Now, new details of the conversations have emerged, via transcripts obtained by The Washington Post. The excerpts printed by the Post show a president cajoling and heatedly arguing with the the Mexican President. They show a president trying to burnish his image but they provide some new insights into the president's pugilistic demeanor in dealing with even nations who have good relations with the U.S.

The Trump administration is, for now, being reticent about the leaked transcripts.

I thought Trump loved wikileaks. Now he doesn't like leaks?

The transcripts say that Trump told Peña Nieto that the border wall is "the least important thing we are talking about, but politically this might be the most important."

This is a startling admission from a president who at rallies led his supporters in chants of "build the wall."

Asking Peña Nieto to stop talking about not paying for the wall

Trump repeatedly assured his supporters that Mexico would pay for the wall. Peña Nieto disagreed; the Mexican president told his nation in a televised address that they "would not pay" for the wall.

In the call with Peña Nieto on Jan. 27, Trump asked him to knock it off: "If you are going to say that Mexico is not going to pay for the wall, then I do not want to meet with you guys anymore because I cannot live with that."

Trump also said he had to push for Mexico to pay for the wall because he had promised it for so long.

"I have to have Mexico pay for the wall — I have to," he said. "I have been talking about it for a two-year period."

The Democrat filth has nothing for America except an agenda to make this country a Socialist shithole so they can raid the Treasury to satisfy their greed.

Trump is standing in the way of them doing that and they can't stand it. He is also standing in the way of the Liberal assholes taking away our Liberty and Constitutional rights.

When the transcript comes out tomorrow once again these Democrat Butt Pirates will be made to look like fools.

They know they can't win an election based on their agenda of greed so they are trying to win with dirty tricks. That Russia shit didn't work out and nobody is buying the racist bullshit

Trump will cram this up their ass just like he has everything else.

So instead of talking about Trump breaking the law, you are so pathetically falling back on the socialism bs? Pathetic bro.

Raid the treasury? Have you seen the debt and deficits since Trump took office?

You also said Bush was standing in our way and that's why we didn't like him. Then he caused a great recession and Trump even admitted Bush lied us into Iraq. So your judgement is obviously flawed. You will defend a corrupt Republican no matter what, until it doesn't matter anymore then you will throw them under the bus like you did Bush.

You said Clinton and Obama were going to take away your liberty and constitutional rights. They didn't.

Trump did collude with Russia. Just not enough evidence to convict him. But we knew that wasn't the only place he was doing wrong and this story is just another one of the times where Trump has broken the law.

No, Moon Bat, Trump did not collude with Russia. You are confused. Go read the Muller report.

The filthy greedy Democrats are all running on a platform to give away a ton of free stuff. They are going to get the money out the Treasury and they don't give a shit if they run up another ten trillion in debt like that worthless asshole Neggra Musim Obama did.

They have nothing for this country except socialist destruction and that is not a winning platform except in the ghetto shitholes of this country. That is why they are making up crap about Trump.

The real culprit here is that Biden turd. Covering up for the corruption of his son getting a $50K a month job from a foreign country selling influence. John Kerry has been doing the same damn thing.

You stupid Moon Bats think you are on to something just like you thought a dozen other times. It is comical.

The good thing that will come out of this is that the voters in the swing districts that went for Democrats last time will see that the candidates that ran as "moderates" were really nothing more than run of the mill asshole Moon Bats that sides with the extreme TDS Left.

Trump will cram this all up their asses.
What do you think he might be hiding?

I have no idea but since he's the only one to fear releasing them in some 1/2 century, he's clearly hiding something.
What does obuthole fear? You hypocritical asswipes.
What? Try English next time.
Yep, don't want to answer the question do you?
How can I answer a question that doesn't have English words in it? I suggested you repeat your question in English but it appears you don't really want an answer.
You're too stupid to know that was a simple question. Stupid libtards.
the times found us to defend our democracy from all enemies foreign and domestic. we have a republic...if you can keep it, as Ben Franklin once said!
I have no idea but since he's the only one to fear releasing them in some 1/2 century, he's clearly hiding something.
What does obuthole fear? You hypocritical asswipes.
What? Try English next time.
Yep, don't want to answer the question do you?
How can I answer a question that doesn't have English words in it? I suggested you repeat your question in English but it appears you don't really want an answer.
You're too stupid to know that was a simple question. Stupid libtards.
Containing non-English language. I don't speak conservative gibberish.

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