We do not want a transcript of the call, we want the Whistleblower's

report. They can make up a transcript of the call, so lets see the report that was sent to the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community (IC IG) who determined it was creditable and urgent for the security of the US.

Also the name of the whistleblower should be given under classified info to the House Intelligence Committee.
I think we should know the name of this fucker and we should see 'the transcripts' so the Democrats can ignore them and call for impeachment.
I also think that all private phone calls with foreign leaders be broadcast on CNN from now on. All presidents should make all private phone calls during a town hall hosted by Rachel Maddow.

Compare the both of them, the whistleblowers report and the transcript, although the whistleblowers report was said to contain a few incidences, wonder what the others are??
Yeah I wonder......*yawn*

I wonder if any of these uneducated low information stupid Moon Bats even realize we have Creepy Joe on video bragging about how he put pressure on the Ukrainians to fire the prosecutor that went after his corrupt son?
I would want to read a transcript and wouldn't care at all about the whistleblower's report. Just would like to see if any US asset was offered in return for dope on Biden's son?
It's not the dope on Biden's son he is after, it is information on the extent to which Biden used his position as VP to get his son the job with a corrupt gas company widely believed to be laundering money, and if Biden threatened to withhold US aid if the prosecutor looking into the matter wasn't fired in order to protect his son. If true, this clearly would have been a clearcase of malfeasance in office, an indictable offense.

I don't disagree with any of that. Just would find a recording or transcript of Trump's conversation more reliable than the whistleblower's report in determining whether this "malfeasance in office" is also part of this regime?
How could insisting on the truth about Biden's possibly illegal actions in Ukraine be construed as malfeasance? The Democrats seem to be saying that since Biden may be the Dem candidate he should have immunity for past crimes, just as they argued with Hillary.
lol And what did you learn from those tax returns?
That they didn't have anything to hide.

What do you think he might be hiding?

I have no idea but since he's the only one to fear releasing them in some 1/2 century, he's clearly hiding something.
What does obuthole fear? You hypocritical asswipes.
What? Try English next time.
Yep, don't want to answer the question do you?
That they didn't have anything to hide.

What do you think he might be hiding?

I have no idea but since he's the only one to fear releasing them in some 1/2 century, he's clearly hiding something.
What does obuthole fear? You hypocritical asswipes.
What? Try English next time.
Yep, don't want to answer the question do you?
How can I answer a question that doesn't have English words in it? I suggested you repeat your question in English but it appears you don't really want an answer.
Are we to the point now where nothing can be investigated because no investigators can be trusted?
The only Russian Repression around here is you Leftists Trying to keep those Putin shaped Dildos lodged firmly in your asses all day.

Nah I'm pretty sure it represents repressed or latent homosexual desires. Russia must be full of them.

How liberal of you to use the 'gay' card.

What's wrong with being gay?

Who said it was wrong to be gay? I do feel it wrong to use "Collusion is a Putin Shaped Dildo shoved straight up in to the Ass of The DNC". I also feel that someone using such graphic imagery in a political discussion is probably looking to divert from their lack of reasoning skills......or I'm just make fun of and fucking with ol'Treebeard here....

You did when you played the 'gay card'

Nah I'm pretty sure it represents repressed or latent homosexual desires. Russia must be full of them.

That's not a gay card. That would be a closet card.

"An erotic inclination toward members of the same sex not consciously experienced or expressed in overt action, as opposed to overt homosexuality"
Like The Left's Homoerotic Fixation on Orange Man Bad's Massive Oranges!
The whistleblower report was found to be credible and urgent.

You republicans and trampers are deplorable.




He admitted to strong-arming a corrupt government to clean up its act if they wanted the money we were prepared to give them. I'm still waiting for someone to explain what was wrong with that. Another poster just posted a video of trump saying exactly that....

"Why would you give money to a country you think is corrupt?" ~ Donald Trump

Joe and Hunter Biden say, "Won't you give Money to Politicians you Know are Corrupt?"
"Trump has claimed that Biden in 2016 pressured the Ukrainian government to fire Viktor Shokin, the top Ukrainian prosecutor, because he was investigating a Ukrainian gas producer, Burisma Holdings, that had added Biden’s son Hunter to its board. But it turns out that the investigation had already been shelved when Biden acted and may have even involved a side company, not Burisma. The Ukrainian prosecutor was regarded as a failure, and “Joe Biden’s efforts to oust Shokin were universally praised,” said Anders Aslund, a Swedish economist heavily involved in Eastern European market reforms.

Moreover, Yuri Lutsenko, a former Ukrainian prosecutor general who succeeded the fired prosecutor, told Bloomberg News that there was no evidence of wrongdoing by Joe or Hunter Biden."
Joe Biden came out and BRAGGED about Blackmailing The Ukraine in to firing the prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden for getting paid $84,000 a month for doing literally NOTHING.

No Evidence of Wrongdoing?

Biden came out and admitted he was involved in all sorts of corruption because he is old, stupid and senile. He can't remember what lies he told to who.
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The transcripts will not satisfy the emotionally addled libs. If it does, they will soon move onto some other fantasy. We need to quit paying attention to their outbursts and we need to stop trying to prove ourselves innocent.
I wonder if any of these uneducated low information stupid Moon Bats even realize we have Creepy Joe on video bragging about how he put pressure on the Ukrainians to fire the prosecutor that went after his corrupt son?


Ukraine’s prosecutor general said in an interview that he had no evidence of wrongdoing by U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden or his son, despite a swirl of allegations by President Donald Trump’s lawyer.

The controversy stems from diplomatic actions by Biden while his son, Hunter Biden, sat on the board of Burisma Group, one of the country’s biggest private gas companies. As vice president, Biden pursued an anti-corruption policy in Ukraine in 2016 that included a call for the resignation of the country’s top prosecutor who had previously investigated Burisma.

Yuriy Lutsenko, the current prosecutor general, said that neither Hunter Biden nor Burisma were now the focus of an investigation. He added, however, that he was planning to offer details to U.S. Attorney General William Barr about Burisma board payments so American authorities could check whether Hunter Biden paid U.S. taxes on the income.

“Hunter Biden did not violate any Ukrainian laws -- at least as of now, we do not see any wrongdoing. A company can pay however much it wants to its board.” He said if there is a tax problem, it’s not in Ukraine.

In recent weeks, Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer, has said that Joe Biden had a conflict of interest when he pressed Ukraine’s officials to crack down on corruption. Giuliani said that Biden could have been trying to help his son’s business dealings and that Ukraine needs to investigate.

Back in March 2016, Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in loan guarantees if Ukraine failed to address corruption and remove its Prosecutor General, Viktor Shokin, who soon after left office amid widespread calls for his dismissal. Though Shokin had begun a probe into Burisma, it was dormant when he departed, according to a former prosecutor.

See a video and transcript of Biden discussing Ukraine here

Giuliani scrapped a planned trip to Ukraine this month to discuss the Biden allegations and other matters with Lutsenko and Ukrainian politicians after a report spurred criticism that he was seeking to harm a Democratic opponent. He appeared to be enlisting a foreign government to investigate Trump’s possible challenger in the 2020 U.S. presidential election.

Addressing the controversy this week, Biden called it a “personal attack” by Giuliani. “I can’t remember any lawyer representing the president, conferring with the president, deciding to go overseas where a government that relies on U.S. largess to try to get them to do something that everyone knows never happened,” Biden said in an interview in New Hampshire posted Monday on Twitter.

“Biden was definitely not involved,” Lutsenko said. “We do not have any grounds to think that there was any wrongdoing starting from 2014.”

“All cases against Burisma were closed,” Lutsenko said. “I do not see any wrongdoings of any foreigners who worked for Burisma in Ukraine.”

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