We do not want a transcript of the call, we want the Whistleblower's

The whistleblower report was found to be credible and urgent.

You republicans and trampers are deplorable.
Are you blowing the fake whistle blower now? Is that what constitutes as Whistle Blowing these days?

This douchebag should be prosecuted for making false accusations, and wasting America's times.

Sucks to be you losers falling on your face again.

How's that Mueller report working out for you?

Is it even good toilet paper, or does it feel rough on your snow flake ass like I suspect it is?
Any whistleblower is obligated to report any wrongdoing they are aware of. Why won’t Trump respond to the report?

He already admits to making the call. Why doesn’t he allow Congress to hear what was said?

"hearsay" isn't whistleblowing.

Our President explained the reason why- to do so would cause damage to the entire diplomatic process. However, if you paid attention, President Trump did confess he did nothing at all improper in regards to his call to Ukraine. So the matter is indeed, closed.
Sure it is

A whistle blower can say......I heard this happened, you need to investigate it

How does Trump get to close his own investigation?

If the House wants to investigate this, they should.

President Trump isn't closing anything, he's just not cooperating with Witch Hunt 2.0

Sure he is , he and Barr, his fixer. LOL you sound like tramp.

If you want to write a book report, learn to read and read it first.

The House can call witnesses, like this gossip monger who pretends to be a whistleblower.

They don't need to see the transcripts or tapes at all.
The whistleblower report was found to be credible and urgent.

You republicans and trampers are deplorable.
Putting it in larger font does not make it fact. It’s a liberal myth that it does but it’s all you got.
The whistleblower report was found to be credible and urgent.

You republicans and trampers are deplorable.
Penny the terrorist sympathizer strikes again with more FAKE NEWS!!

Source says whistleblower didn't have 'firsthand knowledge' of Trump call with ...
2 hours ago · The source said that it is made clear in the complaint itself that the whistleblower did not have direct knowledge of the July phone call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. ... Democrats, meanwhile, have seized on allegations that Trump pressured Zelensky to
report. They can make up a transcript of the call, so lets see the report that was sent to the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community (IC IG) who determined it was creditable and urgent for the security of the US.

Also the name of the whistleblower should be given under classified info to the House Intelligence Committee.
are they still a whistleblower if they got the info 2nd hand and never heard it for themselves??

Yup. That's what I've been reading. The "whistleblower" didn't actually know anything. He just repeated something he was told.

More of a gossip than a whistleblower. LOL

Reading that where? Who is reporting that as fact?
I've heard it multiple times from various sources. The so-called anonymous "whistle blower" reporting what he heard. In other words, it's hearsay of hearsay.
we want HRC's 10,000 deleted emails, not redacted.

we want Obama's college transcripts
Why do you want Former President Obama's college transcripts?
mebelle has no idea why she wants to see Obama's college transcripts. mebelle is just regurgitating rightwing bullshit that she gleefully gobbles up.

It is not so much "rightwing bullshit," but academic folks that study this are curious about the anointed one's background, as much of it remains clouded in mystery, with out substantiation.

Intrepid beltway reporter, Wayne Madsen, has leveled the allegation that Obama's upbringing and education was funded and steered by the CIA from the beginning.

Release of personal records could substantiate much of these allegations.

The Story of Obama: All in The Company (Part I)
by Wayne Madsen
The Story of Obama: All in The Company (Part I), by Wayne Madsen
report. They can make up a transcript of the call, so lets see the report that was sent to the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community (IC IG) who determined it was creditable and urgent for the security of the US.

Also the name of the whistleblower should be given under classified info to the House Intelligence Committee.

Orange man bad face !
Greta the used and abused stooge up first , he gets to Ukraine
The whistleblower report was found to be credible and urgent.

You republicans and trampers are deplorable.



So what is the Jail Term for Buying Russian Propaganda from Putin to try to rig an election in your favor, and also selling Russia 20% of Untied States" Strategic Uranium" which ends up in Obama Bombs in Iran?

The worst thing imaginable. They'd have to listen to you 24/7!

Collusion is a Putin Shaped Dildo shoved straight up in to the Ass of The DNC.

Russian repression?

The only Russian Repression around here is you Leftists Trying to keep those Putin shaped Dildos lodged firmly in your asses all day.

Nah I'm pretty sure it represents repressed or latent homosexual desires. Russia must be full of them.

How liberal of you to use the 'gay' card.

What's wrong with being gay?

Who said it was wrong to be gay? I do feel it wrong to use "Collusion is a Putin Shaped Dildo shoved straight up in to the Ass of The DNC". I also feel that someone using such graphic imagery in a political discussion is probably looking to divert from their lack of reasoning skills......or I'm just make fun of and fucking with ol'Treebeard here....

You did when you played the 'gay card'

Nah I'm pretty sure it represents repressed or latent homosexual desires. Russia must be full of them.
report. They can make up a transcript of the call, so lets see the report that was sent to the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community (IC IG) who determined it was creditable and urgent for the security of the US.

Also the name of the whistleblower should be given under classified info to the House Intelligence Committee.
are they still a whistleblower if they got the info 2nd hand and never heard it for themselves??
Yes you are

You do not need to witness the actual call. Few do
But as part of your job, you hear content from a credible person, you are obligated to report a possible violation of ethics or the law

It is up to the IG to investigate the report
How do we know the person he heard it from is credible? We don't even know if he/she is credible. This is nothing more than malicious gossip.
Despite the liberals continual and ever changing word salads, Muller found Trump unable to be charged with a crime and if you can’t be charged, then you are innocent.
In fact, Trump is So Innocent that he never got declared innocent because he was Never Charged

Trump was found guilty but then pardoned himself. Does that make him innocent?

Trump declares 'absolute right' to pardon himself

Just remember that Republicans. Next time a Democrat is in charge, he or she can pardon him/herself"

Good to know.
"Found guilty" of what?
Despite the liberals continual and ever changing word salads, Muller found Trump unable to be charged with a crime and if you can’t be charged, then you are innocent.

Not true dick head. He said he's guilty but we don't charge sitting presidents.

Your logic is fucked up.

Hillary is innocent in the email case and benghazi?
He didn't say any such thing, shit for brains.
I agree! We need the transcript when Biden threatened the Ukrianians


Trump has claimed Biden called for the removal of a notoriously corrupt prosecutor in Ukraine in 2014 to impede an investigation into Ukrainian gas company, where Hunter Biden was a member of its board of directors at the time. But Ukrainian authorities have cleared Biden of any wrongdoing.

There’s no evidence Biden, as vice president, withheld aid to Ukraine to advance his own interest, as Trump has claimed. BUT, several House committees are now investigating whether Trump delayed more than $250 million in aid to Ukraine as he allegedly pressed Zelensky to advance his own interests.

“The one who’s got the problem is Biden,” Trump said Monday. “What Biden did is a disgrace. What his son did is a disgrace.”

No Trump. You are the one with the problem. You did what you falsely accused Biden of doing. And when the Ukraine told you Biden didn't do anything wrong, you withheld money to get them to lie for you. And now you got busted god bless the whistle blower.
You idiots are the liars, you prove it constantly.

No, just like this story Trump has proven to be a liar on a daily basis. And even when caught he never stops lying

Rump has claimed Biden called for the removal of a prosecutor in Ukraine in 2014 to impede an investigation into his son. Now I know you won't believe anyone but Trump, but Ukrainian authorities have cleared Biden of any wrongdoing.

But now Trump has done the exact thing he falsely accused Biden of doing.

And Trump lies about EVERYTHING. Remember he said Alabama was in the storms path and when the weather people corrected him he drew in Alabama with a sharpie? Are you fucking kidding me?


I mean are you kidding me?
Biden admitted it on video, you fucking moron. When did Ukraine "exonerate" him of anything?
Despite the liberals continual and ever changing word salads, Muller found Trump unable to be charged with a crime and if you can’t be charged, then you are innocent.

Not true dick head. He said he's guilty but we don't charge sitting presidents.

Your logic is fucked up.

Hillary is innocent in the email case and benghazi?
Potty mouthed sillybobo off suspension briefly but certainly headed back to time out due to inability to articulate a response.
You are right. i'm sorry. But I was right that Hillary was always innocent. How do we know? She was never charged with anything.
Not true dick head. He said he's guilty....
This is an -absolute- lie, and completely unsupported by anything in the Mueller report.
Well Mueller said he couldn't bring a charge against a sitting president but he could be charged after he leaves the white house
And thus, you -admit- you lied.
Not in Trump world. Read between the lines. If Trump was innocent and Mueller found he was innocent, he wouldn't have commented about charging him after he leaves office. And he wouldn't have said, "I can't charge a sitting president"

Basically if Trump wasn't POTUS he'd be in jail with all his buddies right now. Lock him up, lock him up!
Finding Trump innocent wasn't in Mueller's job description, moron.
we want HRC's 10,000 deleted emails, not redacted.

we want Obama's college transcripts
Why do you want Former President Obama's college transcripts?
mebelle has no idea why she wants to see Obama's college transcripts. mebelle is just regurgitating rightwing bullshit that she gleefully gobbles up.

lol! You know nothing about MeBelle, dummy!
Then tell us, why do you want to see his college transcripts?

Read upthread for your answer, darling.
In other words, you have no idea why and are depending on someone else to tell you why. LOL.
report. They can make up a transcript of the call, so lets see the report that was sent to the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community (IC IG) who determined it was creditable and urgent for the security of the US.

Also the name of the whistleblower should be given under classified info to the House Intelligence Committee.

Orange man bad face !
Greta the used and abused stooge up first , he gets to Ukraine

Thanks for showing even trump [unwittingly] agrees with Biden threatening to pull that guaranteed loan unless Ukraine reined in corruption...

@ 2:53 in the video you linked ...

"Why would you give money to a country you think is corrupt?"

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