We Finally Know the Case Against Trump, and It Is Strong

Mr. Cohen, you can plead guilty to 6 counts and get 4 years or 8 counts and get 3 years.

Which do you prefer?
Sorry, I don't have to give any time to this fantasy.

Cohen committed the felonies. It's a matter of record, not of debate.

And Bragg doesn't have to spend a single second arguing that Cohen committed those felonies. It's a fact he can enter into the record, just like the sun rising in the east.
Good grief. The United States Congress has a slush fund to pay off people who accuse politicians of sexual harassment and other misdeeds. They always include non-disclosure agreements.

Why else but to protect the reputation of the person, i.e. "influence the next election"?

So fine. If they want to charge Trump, they better start charging everyone else that does the same thing.
Peace agreements in the Middle East? China and Russia kept at bay? All time high employment levels for blacks?

No wonder you anti-Americans hate him.
Obviously I meant the global embarrassment and failed presidency that was the orange pile of shit's term. Ask anyone who isn't in the cult, if they haven't all disowned you already.
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Compared to what seems likely to surface from the Special Counsel and the Georgia AG, the Manhattan charges seem like one notch above jaywalking...
The Manhattan charges, however, will keep the Orange Behemoth pinned down until the Feds and Georgia can bring up the Big Guns...

The Manhattan charges are kinda like the warm-up act (lead-off band) before the Main Attraction at a fun-filled and righteous concert... :cool:
Well, it didn't keep her mouth shut because I knew about it and NDAs are not illegal and shouldn't be in this case either otherwise it just opens the door for someone to produce some bimbo every time a politician runs for office creating a scandal and ruining a marriage. For one thing, we only have Daniel's claims that there was ever even any affair in the first place.

Like I said, it was common knowledge before the election.

See? There you go already prejudiced by the allegations sans any real facts and yet you blame Trump for trying to put these matters to rest. There is nothing illegal about NDAs.

But that is pure supposition on YOUR part. Trump's NDAs came at the time they did because that is when the hosebags tried to extort Trump of the money. Wouldn't surprise me if they were put up to it by the democrats.

Your question ought to be that they've had two years to try to prosecute Trump on this nonsense, so why dd they wait until now, timing the case so as to DIRECTLY CROSS the '24 election? My question is if you are so consumed with concern for Trump's alleged trying to influence the '16 election, why aren't you more concerned that the government is using this now only because of the coming '24 election and only because the other 15 cases they've tried to throw at Trump these past eight years have all failed? We all know that if this were ANYONE ELSE, Bragg wouldn't be concerned at all. Hell, he's not even concerned about rape and murder in his own city. So quit trying to blow smoke up my ass.

People I HAVE heard of never even got questioned for doing a million times MORE than Trump. So all that leaves is POLITICAL EXPEDIENCY and trying to rig the next election again by trying to influence public opinion in their favor. Funny how it is ILLEGAL when Trump supposedly did it but PERFECTLY FINE when the State tries to do it!!!

I've been telling people that for days. It's less about the conviction and more about just trying to steal the next election to keep Biden working for them and Trump out of Washington irregardless of how much the People want him as president.

That is what we call a banana republic.
The NDA has nothing to do with the actual charges. The NDA simply provides a form of proof that Daniels was being paid to keep her mouth shut. If Bragg can show the purpose of payments was connected to the election, he will have established the underlying crime he needs to make falsifying business records a felony.

The Trump Daniels affair was not made public till 2018, over a year after the election. Daniels nearly made it public days before the election on Nov 4, 2016 on a morning news show but she cancelled. One has to wonder whether Trump got to her. Payoffs had already been made to shut her up. Maybe Trump put a little pressure on her, like if you want to see another sunrise, you keep your fucking mouth shut. If you knew about the Trump Daniels affair before the election, then I will assume you were connected to either Trump, Cohen or Daniels.

Prosecuting a sitting president is just about impossible. 2021 is probably earliest they could have prosecuted. Trump and Trump organization has been under investigation for all types criminal activity since 2018. There have been a series of investigations for tax fraud and other types fraud resulting in multiple convictions in the Trump organization including Trump's chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg. In 2022, the grand jury turn to Trump himself resulting in the current indictment.

BTW, there have been a number of convictions in New York of exactly the same charges Trump is facing. Most of those convictions are for hush money payments for relatively small amounts by Trump standards. These people were far less important than Trump and some of those people are in jail. Trump's hush money payments exceeds $300,000 that we know of and he is not going to spend a day in jail simply because he is an ex-president and Donald Trump. He gets arrested and with no photographing, no handcuffs, no walking the perp line and no waiting in jail for 3 days for arraignment. Trump was in out of the courthouse in less than an hour. And they call this fair treatment.
Ah, yes, so it appears that the Manhattan district attorney, Alvin Bragg, has been receiving quite a bit of flak for pursuing a case against none other than Donald Trump. However, I must say that upon closer inspection, the charges brought against Mr. Trump are anything but weak. In fact, the charge of creating false financial records is not novel and has been used time and time again in New York to prosecute individuals who create fake documentation to cover up campaign finance violations - precisely the accusation leveled against Mr. Trump, or rather, defendant Trump.

It's worth noting that the Manhattan D.A.'s office is hardly your run-of-the-mill local cog in the judicial system. Rather, it is unique, with jurisdiction over the financial capital of the world, which means the office regularly deals with complex white-collar crimes, including those involving high-profile individuals. Indeed, the office recently secured a conviction of the Trump Organization and a guilty plea from one of its top executives, Allen Weisselberg, on charges related to a tax fraud scheme.

Moreover, the books and records counts laid out in the charging papers against Mr. Trump are the bread and butter of the D.A.'s office. He is the 30th defendant to be indicted on false records charges by Mr. Bragg since he took office just over a year ago, with the D.A. bringing 151 counts under the statute so far. Indeed, the Trump Organization conviction and the Weisselberg plea included business falsification felonies.

The 34 felony books and records counts in the Trump indictment turn on the misstatement of the hush-money payment to Stormy Daniels arranged by Michael Cohen in the waning days of the 2016 election and the repayment of that amount by Mr. Trump to Mr. Cohen, ostensibly as legal expenses. There are 11 counts for false invoices, 11 for false checks and check stubs and 12 for false general ledger entries. This allegedly violated the false records statute when various entries were made in business documents describing those repayments as legal fees.

While Mr. Trump's case may be unique in its particulars, his behavior is not. Individuals have often attempted to skirt the disclosure and dollar limit requirements of campaign finance regulations and falsified records to hide it. Contrary to Mr. Trump's protestations, New York prosecutors regularly charge felony violations of the books and records statute and win convictions when the crimes covered up were campaign finance violations, resulting in false entries in business records to conceal criminal activity.

All in all, my fellow members of this illustrious snakepit and a few ladies and gentlemen, it seems that Mr. Bragg is hardly navigating uncharted waters. His actions are supported by previous prosecutions in New York and elsewhere, which have demonstrated that state authorities can enforce state law in cases relating to federal candidates. It remains to be seen what will come of this case, but one thing is certain - Mr. Trump cannot persuasively argue that he is being singled out for some unprecedented theory of prosecution. He is being treated like any other New Yorker would be with similar evidence against him.

And let the war begin, the war of words, that is.


For weeks, Alvin Bragg, the Manhattan district attorney, has come under heavy fire for pursuing a case against Donald Trump. Potential charges were described as being developed under a novel legal theory. And criticism has come not only from Mr. Trump and his allies, as expected, but also from many who are usually no friends of the former president but who feared it would be a weak case.

With the release of the indictment and accompanying statement of facts, we can now say that there’s nothing novel or weak about this case. The charge of creating false financial records is constantly brought by Mr. Bragg and other New York D.A.s. In particular, the creation of phony documentation to cover up campaign finance violations has been repeatedly prosecuted in New York. That is exactly what Mr. Trump stands accused of.
According to Andrew Weisman that Trump card is supposed to be that other NY radical Get Trumper's civil case charge of inflating property values, which is not legit nor a felony (otherwise it wouldn't have been brought up as a civil suit by a political hit mob.)
Braggs hidden crime charge needed to be a felony for the statue of limitations to be ignored. Which leads me to believe this is all a sham to tarnish or hinder Trump to eat at voters tolerance level and hope most will be hidden from the real news, so propaganda can help infect the minds of the voters.

Fact: Bragg would have had to bring that charge to every single realtor and home seller in his district of NY, especially those million dollar lister tv celebs, and some property appraisers who all mistate the value of properties, this includes most homeowners in his staff and perhaps himself who have violated the same.
FACT: mortgage companies always get their own appraisers since pricing is subjective and has varied values to varied personal reasons, including value given a celebrity name recognized possesion that carries a premium, or value in design features not known unless you study it thoroughly, most often appraisers don't take these into acct so appraisers, buyers banks might have a different value than the owner, who by the way has to have the nudge to sell. So values can be subjective and wide valued from realtor to realtor, owner to owner , situation to situation, premise of future worth, bank lender compared to owner can be frustrating, just ask anyone forced to come down in value, because of low ball appraisels done by appraisers working on behalf of the lenders. IN SHORT :IT'S UP THE THE BANK-OR LENDER TO DO DUE DILLIGENCE in appraising the value and choose not to loan if disagreed, =happens all the time.
SO since Trump had properly disclosed on his contracts that they do this due dilligence and since it common sense policy by lenders, then there is no victim of a crime and no felony, nobody has been bamboozled but the public uneducated on the R.E. Business and processes and taken advantage of by corrupt DA's abusing their power to do political hit jobs to violate democracy, which they are not fans of (they are radical socialist DA's by chance)-no not by chance, it's not a coincidence nor the timing. They got the OP to post their propaganda, the dupes are numorous, all doing the communist parties dirty deeds.
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