We have a big problem in this country

Our problem is the rich want it all and fuck everyone else. People like you sides against your own best interest...Idiocy.

Both Democrats and Republicans bow to the wealthy because they have the bucks. They manipulate the media and you gleefully fall to your knees for the left.

Trump is the first modern President that isn't bought and paid for .. but alas .. you will always be a puppet of the left/right status quo.

Not bought and paid for? Have you seen his cabinet? Big business has never had a better friend in the White House than Donald J. Trump.

Not paid for ... hahaha .. probably because he doesn't need an incentive to fuck us in the ass. He'll do it just for the benefit of his friends, and for the sadistic pleasure...

mmm.. plenty of melodrama but you hire the best you can find, do the best you can for the American people regardless of the nay sayers desperately looking for excuses and political rationalisations for mistrust and silly headed hate.

btw. what great accomplishments have Democrats had in the past year, what so inspires you to follow them?

The best he can find??? Trump has the least educated and least experienced cabinet in history. His government is in chaos because no one knows what they’re doing. Cabinet members are openly and publically questioning Trump’s intelligence.

Foreign leaders are laughing at him to his face, and then flattering his ego and taking advantage of his lack of preparation and weak negotiating skills to screw him over at every opportunity.

The US is no longer the leader of the free world and China’s power and leadership are growing exponentially. The Chinese are busy buying up American companies and funding American foreign policy research.

Your country is being taken over by foreign government interference and you’re letting it happen.

Yup, the past 11 years or so have been pretty devastating but alas your post has more to do with tribe politics, Dem.obstruction, a new administration finding their way and making understandable mistakes, epic 24/7 fake/hate media and their sore losers, phony/fishing investigations and as a willingness to accept the worst possible scenarios.

Overall, I believe Trump has done a fairly good job exposing the Washington cesspool/media under highly adverse conditions and seems very dedicated in being successful for the American people. No doubt, his Trump-ism sure pisses a maniacally dedicated resistance off...:lol:
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