We have a big problem in this country

How are we going to solve this problem?

First we reelect Trump. That’s a given. Then hopefully we throw out 90% of Congress at the same time. That won’t be as easy as Trump walking into a second term but it’s doable.
How are we going to solve this problem?
We will overthrow the social system of production that makes a progressive tax system feasible.

That, in fact, by the word "state" is meant the government machine, or the state insofar as it forms a special organism separated from society through division of labor, is shown by the words "the German Workers' party demands as the economic basis of the state: a single progressive income tax", etc. Taxes are the economic basis of the government machinery and of nothing else. In the state of the future, existing in Switzerland, this demand has been pretty well fulfilled. Income tax presupposes various sources of income of the various social classes, and hence capitalist society. It is, therefore, nothing remarkable that the Liverpool financial reformers — bourgeois headed by Gladstone's brother — are putting forward the same demand as the program.
Critique of the Gotha Programme-- IV

In addition to the mortgage which capital imposes on it, the small holding is burdened by taxes. Taxes are the life source of the bureaucracy, the army, the priests, and the court – in short, of the entire apparatus of the executive power. Strong government and heavy taxes are identical. By its very nature, small-holding property forms a basis for an all-powerful and numberless bureaucracy. It creates a uniform level of personal and economic relationships over the whole extent of the country. Hence it also permits uniform action from a supreme center on all points of this uniform mass. It destroys the aristocratic intermediate steps between the mass of the people and the power of the state. On all sides, therefore, it calls forth the direct intrusion of this state power and the interposition of its immediate organs. Finally, it produces an unemployed surplus population which can find no place either on the land or in the towns and which perforce reaches out for state offices as a sort of respectable alms, and provokes the creation of additional state positions. By the new markets which he opened with bayonets, and by the plundering of the Continent, Napoleon repaid the compulsory taxes with interest. These taxes were a spur to the industry of the peasant, whereas now they rob his industry of its last resources and complete his defenselessness against pauperism. An enormous bureaucracy, well gallooned and well fed, is the ―Napoleonic idea‖ which is most congenial to the second Bonaparte. How could it be otherwise, considering that alongside the actual classes of society, he is forced to create an artificial caste for which the maintenance of his regime becomes a bread-and-butter question? Hence one of his first financial operations was the raising of officials‘ salaries to their old level and the creation of new sinecures.
The Democrats aren't "Americans with a different point of view", they're Socialists who follow a foreign form of government.

Socialism demands a "progressive tax structure"

They're ALWAYS going to support raising taxes.


1) If you're the Democrat "lower class", then you support raising taxes in hopes someone raises your welfare, and other gifts.

2) If you're the Democrat "middle class", then you support raising taxes in hopes someone creates more union/government jobs, so you can earn 300k per year while you sit back with your feet up.

3) If you're the Democrat "upper class", then you support raising taxes in hopes your Democrat politicians buy $5000 dollar screwdrivers from your company.

4) If you're the Democrat ruling class, then you support raising taxes in hopes you get more unlimited public funds to piss away.

The truth is, "The Rich" is anyone who earns an honest buck.

What these people are doing, are hoping they'll get something in return for helping to transition the country from liberty to dictatorship.

How are we going to solve this problem?

Great argument.... the other party isn't American, their views are anti-American.

So, what next? banning them and having a one party state? How American!

Actually DEMOCRACY is supposed to be American. And yet the powers that be, the rich people in other words, have made sure you're not thinking about real Democracy. That'd be Proportional Representation where everyone gets one vote that counts for one vote and most people get representation for their views in Parliament, instead of the US system where you onlt get your views represented if you've been brainwashed into accepting the main two parties's views.
Not bought and paid for? Have you seen his cabinet? Big business has never had a better friend in the White House than Donald J. Trump.

Not paid for ... hahaha .. probably because he doesn't need an incentive to fuck us in the ass. He'll do it just for the benefit of his friends, and for the sadistic pleasure...

mmm.. plenty of melodrama but you hire the best you can find, do the best you can for the American people regardless of the nay sayers desperately looking for excuses and political rationalisations for mistrust and silly headed hate.

btw. what great accomplishments have Democrats had in the past year, what so inspires you to follow them?

exactly what great accomplishments have the dems been capable of pulling off with a republican congress led by a republican president and administration?

oh yeah, they kept healthcare in tact - never mind.

They could do their jobs as legislators for all the American people, only losers give up and do nothing but whine and that's what you recommend?

Obamacare was Obama's greatest accomplishment and it's a complete failure... :wink_2:

you wish

A record number of people signed up for Obamacareplans on the first day of the enrollment season, according to a new report. In California, Obamacare sign-ups were up25 percent on the first day. The upward bump came despite a slashing of enrollment promotion budgets by the Trump administration.Nov 7, 2017


Yup, just what the country needs, more dedicated losers sucking off taxpayers and leading the country to failure.

If you haven't earned the entitlement, you're a freeloader or a sympathy that deserves charity and help voluntarily.
So add a branch to the military. Call them Defunders. Screen carefully ! IQ must be over 68, just slightly under the marines requirement. Don't forget to click expand on your phones
mmm.. plenty of melodrama but you hire the best you can find, do the best you can for the American people regardless of the nay sayers desperately looking for excuses and political rationalisations for mistrust and silly headed hate.

btw. what great accomplishments have Democrats had in the past year, what so inspires you to follow them?

exactly what great accomplishments have the dems been capable of pulling off with a republican congress led by a republican president and administration?

oh yeah, they kept healthcare in tact - never mind.

They could do their jobs as legislators for all the American people, only losers give up and do nothing but whine and that's what you recommend?

Obamacare was Obama's greatest accomplishment and it's a complete failure... :wink_2:

you wish

A record number of people signed up for Obamacareplans on the first day of the enrollment season, according to a new report. In California, Obamacare sign-ups were up25 percent on the first day. The upward bump came despite a slashing of enrollment promotion budgets by the Trump administration.Nov 7, 2017


Yup, just what the country needs, more dedicated losers sucking off taxpayers and leading the country to failure.

If you haven't earned the entitlement, you're a freeloader or a sympathy that deserves charity and help voluntarily.
So add a branch to the military. Call them Defunders. Screen carefully ! IQ must be over 68, just slightly under the marines requirement. Don't forget to click expand on your phones

mmm interesting response.. I feel like laughing, is that okay, I wouldn't want to hurt your feelings...:wink_2:
How are we going to solve this problem?

First we reelect Trump. That’s a given. Then hopefully we throw out 90% of Congress at the same time. That won’t be as easy as Trump walking into a second term but it’s doable.
Just because people are replaced by voting doesn't mean they will be inline with the political strategy of the usurpers...
exactly what great accomplishments have the dems been capable of pulling off with a republican congress led by a republican president and administration?

oh yeah, they kept healthcare in tact - never mind.

They could do their jobs as legislators for all the American people, only losers give up and do nothing but whine and that's what you recommend?

Obamacare was Obama's greatest accomplishment and it's a complete failure... :wink_2:

you wish

A record number of people signed up for Obamacareplans on the first day of the enrollment season, according to a new report. In California, Obamacare sign-ups were up25 percent on the first day. The upward bump came despite a slashing of enrollment promotion budgets by the Trump administration.Nov 7, 2017


Yup, just what the country needs, more dedicated losers sucking off taxpayers and leading the country to failure.

If you haven't earned the entitlement, you're a freeloader or a sympathy that deserves charity and help voluntarily.
So add a branch to the military. Call them Defunders. Screen carefully ! IQ must be over 68, just slightly under the marines requirement. Don't forget to click expand on your phones

mmm interesting response.. I feel like laughing, is that okay, I wouldn't want to hurt your feelings...:wink_2:
You cant. I was army 71-75. I'm too stupid to be insulted..........SIR
They could do their jobs as legislators for all the American people, only losers give up and do nothing but whine and that's what you recommend?

Obamacare was Obama's greatest accomplishment and it's a complete failure... :wink_2:

you wish

A record number of people signed up for Obamacareplans on the first day of the enrollment season, according to a new report. In California, Obamacare sign-ups were up25 percent on the first day. The upward bump came despite a slashing of enrollment promotion budgets by the Trump administration.Nov 7, 2017


Yup, just what the country needs, more dedicated losers sucking off taxpayers and leading the country to failure.

If you haven't earned the entitlement, you're a freeloader or a sympathy that deserves charity and help voluntarily.
So add a branch to the military. Call them Defunders. Screen carefully ! IQ must be over 68, just slightly under the marines requirement. Don't forget to click expand on your phones

mmm interesting response.. I feel like laughing, is that okay, I wouldn't want to hurt your feelings...:wink_2:
You cant. I was army 71-75. I'm too stupid to be insulted..........SIR

You wouldn't be that new rare liberal I've been hearing about that actually has a sense of humor, would you?

... and Thanks...:salute:
you wish

A record number of people signed up for Obamacareplans on the first day of the enrollment season, according to a new report. In California, Obamacare sign-ups were up25 percent on the first day. The upward bump came despite a slashing of enrollment promotion budgets by the Trump administration.Nov 7, 2017


Yup, just what the country needs, more dedicated losers sucking off taxpayers and leading the country to failure.

If you haven't earned the entitlement, you're a freeloader or a sympathy that deserves charity and help voluntarily.
So add a branch to the military. Call them Defunders. Screen carefully ! IQ must be over 68, just slightly under the marines requirement. Don't forget to click expand on your phones

mmm interesting response.. I feel like laughing, is that okay, I wouldn't want to hurt your feelings...:wink_2:
You cant. I was army 71-75. I'm too stupid to be insulted..........SIR

You wouldn't be that new rare liberal I've been hearing about that actually has a sense of humor, would you?

... and Thanks...:salute:
Naw man. Thank YOU !
I could get a wheelbarrow full of smoke and had a yobo " taking care of me" day and night on your dime.
DMZ........not a bullet in sight.........not sure if the retards in the north had any either ?
Yup, just what the country needs, more dedicated losers sucking off taxpayers and leading the country to failure.

If you haven't earned the entitlement, you're a freeloader or a sympathy that deserves charity and help voluntarily.
So add a branch to the military. Call them Defunders. Screen carefully ! IQ must be over 68, just slightly under the marines requirement. Don't forget to click expand on your phones

mmm interesting response.. I feel like laughing, is that okay, I wouldn't want to hurt your feelings...:wink_2:
You cant. I was army 71-75. I'm too stupid to be insulted..........SIR

You wouldn't be that new rare liberal I've been hearing about that actually has a sense of humor, would you?

... and Thanks...:salute:
Naw man. Thank YOU !
I could get a wheelbarrow full of smoke and had a yobo " taking care of me" day and night on your dime.
DMZ........not a bullet in sight.........not sure if the retards in the north had any either ?

I'm not quite following you and I've noticed that I am tired, catch you later n ... Likkmee... :popcorn:
That'd be Proportional Representation where everyone gets one vote that counts for one vote and most people get representation for their views in Parliament, instead of the US system where you onlt get your views represented if you've been brainwashed into accepting the main two parties's views.
Actually I get two votes, one for a local representative and one for a political party. It's great, a better spread of representation in Parliament while keeping the ability to retain effective local representation.
That'd be Proportional Representation where everyone gets one vote that counts for one vote and most people get representation for their views in Parliament, instead of the US system where you onlt get your views represented if you've been brainwashed into accepting the main two parties's views.
Actually I get two votes, one for a local representative and one for a political party. It's great, a better spread of representation in Parliament while keeping the ability to retain effective local representation.

And what choices do you have? Basically two choices. Hardly a choice at all. You choose Demopublicans or Repucrats.

Which will you vote for? Makes no difference really.

Do you live in a state where you get to choose the president? Chances are you don't.
And what choices do you have?
Dude. Look at my location. Read my post. Check out our PM for whom I voted by voting for her party, who created a coalition government involving three parties when she didn't even have the plurality. The joys of proportional representation.

Last edited:
And what choices do you have?
Dude. Look at my location. Read my post. Check out our PM for whom I voted by voting for her party, who created a coalition government involving three parties when she didn't even have the plurality. The joys of proportional representation.


You think I'm going to look every time.

Whatever, the US system sucks balls.
Our problem is the rich want it all and fuck everyone else. People like you sides against your own best interest...Idiocy.

Both Democrats and Republicans bow to the wealthy because they have the bucks. They manipulate the media and you gleefully fall to your knees for the left.

Trump is the first modern President that isn't bought and paid for .. but alas .. you will always be a puppet of the left/right status quo.

Not bought and paid for? Have you seen his cabinet? Big business has never had a better friend in the White House than Donald J. Trump.

Not paid for ... hahaha .. probably because he doesn't need an incentive to fuck us in the ass. He'll do it just for the benefit of his friends, and for the sadistic pleasure...

mmm.. plenty of melodrama but you hire the best you can find, do the best you can for the American people regardless of the nay sayers desperately looking for excuses and political rationalisations for mistrust and silly headed hate.

btw. what great accomplishments have Democrats had in the past year, what so inspires you to follow them?

The best he can find??? Trump has the least educated and least experienced cabinet in history. His government is in chaos because no one knows what they’re doing. Cabinet members are openly and publically questioning Trump’s intelligence.

Foreign leaders are laughing at him to his face, and then flattering his ego and taking advantage of his lack of preparation and weak negotiating skills to screw him over at every opportunity.

The US is no longer the leader of the free world and China’s power and leadership are growing exponentially. The Chinese are busy buying up American companies and funding American foreign policy research.

Your country is being taken over by foreign government interference and you’re letting it happen.

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