We know better!

I've been doing some pro-bono work, putting together a new ad campaign for the Big Blue Wave. I've been looking a for a short, catchy phrase that captures the zeitgeist of modern Democrats. After consulting with some of the prominent Democrats on USMB, I think I've come up with the perfect thing: "We know better!".

This is the main message the Democrats need to communicate to the American people. They know what's best for you! And if you disagree, it can only mean you're an ignorant racist. Or a misogynist. Or just really, really stupid.

I think the brevity and simplicity of this slogan will play well with the ignorant, white rednecks, and ensure gains for the Democrats going forward. What do you all think?

If you doubt the wisdom of this campaign, just remember - "We know better!"™
You already hit on the winner.

We know what's best for you.
I've been doing some pro-bono work, putting together a new ad campaign for the Big Blue Wave. I've been looking a for a short, catchy phrase that captures the zeitgeist of modern Democrats. After consulting with some of the prominent Democrats on USMB, I think I've come up with the perfect thing: "We know better!".

This is the main message the Democrats need to communicate to the American people. They know what's best for you! And if you disagree, it can only mean you're an ignorant racist. Or a misogynist. Or just really, really stupid.

I think the brevity and simplicity of this slogan will play well with the ignorant, white rednecks, and ensure gains for the Democrats going forward. What do you all think?

If you doubt the wisdom of this campaign, just remember - "We know better!"™

Well. I know morons hate being told that they are morons. But sometimes it is true.

Dems have been better for the economy.
Dems have been more fiscally responsible.
Dems have embraced freedom and personal responsibility.
Dems have far less corruption in office.
Dems would never allow a moron to be the nominee for president.

We kinda know better.

Stay the course!

Nah. That’s not been working too well. I think we will do a few things differently. Perhaps you’ll get a glimpse of these things in November.

Given the giant, putrid globs of crazy you've been generating so far, I personally can't wait to see it. :popcorn:
I've been doing some pro-bono work, putting together a new ad campaign for the Big Blue Wave. I've been looking a for a short, catchy phrase that captures the zeitgeist of modern Democrats. After consulting with some of the prominent Democrats on USMB, I think I've come up with the perfect thing: "We know better!".

This is the main message the Democrats need to communicate to the American people. They know what's best for you! And if you disagree, it can only mean you're an ignorant racist. Or a misogynist. Or just really, really stupid.

I think the brevity and simplicity of this slogan will play well with the ignorant, white rednecks, and ensure gains for the Democrats going forward. What do you all think?

If you doubt the wisdom of this campaign, just remember - "We know better!"™

Well. I know morons hate being told that they are morons. But sometimes it is true.

Dems have been better for the economy.
Dems have been more fiscally responsible.
Dems have embraced freedom and personal responsibility.
Dems have far less corruption in office.
Dems would never allow a moron to be the nominee for president.

We kinda know better.

Stay the course!

Nah. That’s not been working too well. I think we will do a few things differently. Perhaps you’ll get a glimpse of these things in November.

Given the giant, putrid globs of crazy you've been generating so far, I personally can't wait to see it. :popcorn:

Yep. Crazy. You nailed it.

What’s the issue that is most important to you?
I've been doing some pro-bono work, putting together a new ad campaign for the Big Blue Wave. I've been looking a for a short, catchy phrase that captures the zeitgeist of modern Democrats. After consulting with some of the prominent Democrats on USMB, I think I've come up with the perfect thing: "We know better!".

This is the main message the Democrats need to communicate to the American people. They know what's best for you! And if you disagree, it can only mean you're an ignorant racist. Or a misogynist. Or just really, really stupid.

I think the brevity and simplicity of this slogan will play well with the ignorant, white rednecks, and ensure gains for the Democrats going forward. What do you all think?

If you doubt the wisdom of this campaign, just remember - "We know better!"™

Well. I know morons hate being told that they are morons. But sometimes it is true.

Dems have been better for the economy.
Dems have been more fiscally responsible.
Dems have embraced freedom and personal responsibility.
Dems have far less corruption in office.
Dems would never allow a moron to be the nominee for president.

We kinda know better.

Stay the course!

Nah. That’s not been working too well. I think we will do a few things differently. Perhaps you’ll get a glimpse of these things in November.

Given the giant, putrid globs of crazy you've been generating so far, I personally can't wait to see it. :popcorn:

Yep. Crazy. You nailed it.

What’s the issue that is most important to you?

Sorry, don't have just one.

If you truly MUST sum my political concerns up into one bumper sticker slogan - which, since you're a leftist, is all you can grasp - it would be, "Leave us alone, government!"
Well. I know morons hate being told that they are morons. But sometimes it is true.

Dems have been better for the economy.
Dems have been more fiscally responsible.
Dems have embraced freedom and personal responsibility.
Dems have far less corruption in office.
Dems would never allow a moron to be the nominee for president.

We kinda know better.

Stay the course!

Nah. That’s not been working too well. I think we will do a few things differently. Perhaps you’ll get a glimpse of these things in November.

Given the giant, putrid globs of crazy you've been generating so far, I personally can't wait to see it. :popcorn:

Yep. Crazy. You nailed it.

What’s the issue that is most important to you?

Sorry, don't have just one.

If you truly MUST sum my political concerns up into one bumper sticker slogan - which, since you're a leftist, is all you can grasp - it would be, "Leave us alone, government!"

Hmmm. I’m trying to have a discussion here.

Your primary concern is government intruding into your personal business? Is that it?
I've been doing some pro-bono work, putting together a new ad campaign for the Big Blue Wave. I've been looking a for a short, catchy phrase that captures the zeitgeist of modern Democrats. After consulting with some of the prominent Democrats on USMB, I think I've come up with the perfect thing: "We know better!".

This is the main message the Democrats need to communicate to the American people. They know what's best for you! And if you disagree, it can only mean you're an ignorant racist. Or a misogynist. Or just really, really stupid.

I think the brevity and simplicity of this slogan will play well with the ignorant, white rednecks, and ensure gains for the Democrats going forward. What do you all think?

If you doubt the wisdom of this campaign, just remember - "We know better!"™

Well. I know morons hate being told that they are morons. But sometimes it is true.

Dems have been better for the economy.
Dems have been more fiscally responsible.
Dems have embraced freedom and personal responsibility.
Dems have far less corruption in office.
Dems would never allow a moron to be the nominee for president.

We kinda know better.
What's frightening is that you actually believe that, and you vote.
I've been doing some pro-bono work, putting together a new ad campaign for the Big Blue Wave. I've been looking a for a short, catchy phrase that captures the zeitgeist of modern Democrats. After consulting with some of the prominent Democrats on USMB, I think I've come up with the perfect thing: "We know better!".

This is the main message the Democrats need to communicate to the American people. They know what's best for you! And if you disagree, it can only mean you're an ignorant racist. Or a misogynist. Or just really, really stupid.

I think the brevity and simplicity of this slogan will play well with the ignorant, white rednecks, and ensure gains for the Democrats going forward. What do you all think?

If you doubt the wisdom of this campaign, just remember - "We know better!"™

Well. I know morons hate being told that they are morons. But sometimes it is true.

Dems have been better for the economy.
Dems have been more fiscally responsible.
Dems have embraced freedom and personal responsibility.
Dems have far less corruption in office.
Dems would never allow a moron to be the nominee for president.

We kinda know better.
What's frightening is that you actually believe that, and you vote.

I do much more than vote, loser. I motivate others to vote. I’m an activist. I’ll talk to a few hundred voters this upcoming weekend. I’ll register about 30 new voters. I’ll convince another 50 to sign up to vote by mail.

There are lots of us out here. Watch the turnout numbers. Your shit is played.
I do much more than vote, loser. I motivate others to vote. I’m an activist. I’ll talk to a few hundred voters this upcoming weekend. I’ll register about 30 new voters. I’ll convince another 50 to sign up to vote by mail.

There are lots of us out here. Watch the turnout numbers. Your shit is played.
How many of those new voters are legal and not duplicates? And, above ground?
I've been doing some pro-bono work, putting together a new ad campaign for the Big Blue Wave. I've been looking a for a short, catchy phrase that captures the zeitgeist of modern Democrats. After consulting with some of the prominent Democrats on USMB, I think I've come up with the perfect thing: "We know better!".

This is the main message the Democrats need to communicate to the American people. They know what's best for you! And if you disagree, it can only mean you're an ignorant racist. Or a misogynist. Or just really, really stupid.

I think the brevity and simplicity of this slogan will play well with the ignorant, white rednecks, and ensure gains for the Democrats going forward. What do you all think?

If you doubt the wisdom of this campaign, just remember - "We know better!"™

Well. I know morons hate being told that they are morons. But sometimes it is true.

Dems have been better for the economy.
Dems have been more fiscally responsible.
Dems have embraced freedom and personal responsibility.
Dems have far less corruption in office.
Dems would never allow a moron to be the nominee for president.

We kinda know better.
What's frightening is that you actually believe that, and you vote.

I do much more than vote, loser. I motivate others to vote. I’m an activist. I’ll talk to a few hundred voters this upcoming weekend. I’ll register about 30 new voters. I’ll convince another 50 to sign up to vote by mail.

There are lots of us out here. Watch the turnout numbers. Your shit is played.

We know better!
I've been doing some pro-bono work, putting together a new ad campaign for the Big Blue Wave. I've been looking a for a short, catchy phrase that captures the zeitgeist of modern Democrats. After consulting with some of the prominent Democrats on USMB, I think I've come up with the perfect thing: "We know better!".

This is the main message the Democrats need to communicate to the American people. They know what's best for you! And if you disagree, it can only mean you're an ignorant racist. Or a misogynist. Or just really, really stupid.

I think the brevity and simplicity of this slogan will play well with the ignorant, white rednecks, and ensure gains for the Democrats going forward. What do you all think?

If you doubt the wisdom of this campaign, just remember - "We know better!"™

But they actually don't know better. Lol.
I do much more than vote, loser. I motivate others to vote. I’m an activist. I’ll talk to a few hundred voters this upcoming weekend. I’ll register about 30 new voters. I’ll convince another 50 to sign up to vote by mail.

There are lots of us out here. Watch the turnout numbers. Your shit is played.
How many of those new voters are legal and not duplicates? And, above ground?

Ooohhhh! Zing!
I've been doing some pro-bono work, putting together a new ad campaign for the Big Blue Wave. I've been looking a for a short, catchy phrase that captures the zeitgeist of modern Democrats. After consulting with some of the prominent Democrats on USMB, I think I've come up with the perfect thing: "We know better!".

This is the main message the Democrats need to communicate to the American people. They know what's best for you! And if you disagree, it can only mean you're an ignorant racist. Or a misogynist. Or just really, really stupid.

I think the brevity and simplicity of this slogan will play well with the ignorant, white rednecks, and ensure gains for the Democrats going forward. What do you all think?

If you doubt the wisdom of this campaign, just remember - "We know better!"™

But they actually don't know better. Lol.

Of course you would say that. Because you don't know better. They do. Get with the program!
The Republican War On The Middle Class

I know I’m not the first one to use this phrase, but it’s time we all started using it. Say it again with me:

The Republican War On The Middle Class

Now let’s say it a million times until it sticks. And don’t just say it because it’s a simple clean message, don’t just say it because it’s good strategy — say it because it’s the truth.
I'm middle class. Where's the war? My paychecks are biglier than ever before.
How much bigger and for how long?? Middle class got scraps The yachts the planes the diamonds the 4th home went to the super rich
That's where the normally go, genius. Do you expect somebody making 60k to be out buying planes and yachts?
I've been doing some pro-bono work, putting together a new ad campaign for the Big Blue Wave. I've been looking a for a short, catchy phrase that captures the zeitgeist of modern Democrats. After consulting with some of the prominent Democrats on USMB, I think I've come up with the perfect thing: "We know better!".

This is the main message the Democrats need to communicate to the American people. They know what's best for you! And if you disagree, it can only mean you're an ignorant racist. Or a misogynist. Or just really, really stupid.

I think the brevity and simplicity of this slogan will play well with the ignorant, white rednecks, and ensure gains for the Democrats going forward. What do you all think?

If you doubt the wisdom of this campaign, just remember - "We know better!"™

Well. I know morons hate being told that they are morons. But sometimes it is true.

Dems have been better for the economy.
Dems have been more fiscally responsible.
Dems have embraced freedom and personal responsibility.
Dems have far less corruption in office.
Dems would never allow a moron to be the nominee for president.

We kinda know better.
What's frightening is that you actually believe that, and you vote.

I do much more than vote, loser. I motivate others to vote. I’m an activist. I’ll talk to a few hundred voters this upcoming weekend. I’ll register about 30 new voters. I’ll convince another 50 to sign up to vote by mail.

There are lots of us out here. Watch the turnout numbers. Your shit is played.

We appreciate you getting more voters to vote Republican, because for the life of me, I can't see anybody hearing how they will lose their tax break, have open borders for more aliens to take our jobs, more MS-13 in our neighborhoods, and less guns to protect ourselves would get anybody to vote Democrat.
I've been doing some pro-bono work, putting together a new ad campaign for the Big Blue Wave. I've been looking a for a short, catchy phrase that captures the zeitgeist of modern Democrats. After consulting with some of the prominent Democrats on USMB, I think I've come up with the perfect thing: "We know better!".

This is the main message the Democrats need to communicate to the American people. They know what's best for you! And if you disagree, it can only mean you're an ignorant racist. Or a misogynist. Or just really, really stupid.

I think the brevity and simplicity of this slogan will play well with the ignorant, white rednecks, and ensure gains for the Democrats going forward. What do you all think?

If you doubt the wisdom of this campaign, just remember - "We know better!"™

Well. I know morons hate being told that they are morons. But sometimes it is true.

Dems have been better for the economy.
Dems have been more fiscally responsible.
Dems have embraced freedom and personal responsibility.
Dems have far less corruption in office.
Dems would never allow a moron to be the nominee for president.

We kinda know better.

Luaghing animated .gif
I've been doing some pro-bono work, putting together a new ad campaign for the Big Blue Wave. I've been looking a for a short, catchy phrase that captures the zeitgeist of modern Democrats. After consulting with some of the prominent Democrats on USMB, I think I've come up with the perfect thing: "We know better!".

This is the main message the Democrats need to communicate to the American people. They know what's best for you! And if you disagree, it can only mean you're an ignorant racist. Or a misogynist. Or just really, really stupid.

I think the brevity and simplicity of this slogan will play well with the ignorant, white rednecks, and ensure gains for the Democrats going forward. What do you all think?

If you doubt the wisdom of this campaign, just remember - "We know better!"™

Well. I know morons hate being told that they are morons. But sometimes it is true.

Dems have been better for the economy.
Dems have been more fiscally responsible.
Dems have embraced freedom and personal responsibility.
Dems have far less corruption in office.
Dems would never allow a moron to be the nominee for president.

We kinda know better.
What's frightening is that you actually believe that, and you vote.

I do much more than vote, loser. I motivate others to vote. I’m an activist. I’ll talk to a few hundred voters this upcoming weekend. I’ll register about 30 new voters. I’ll convince another 50 to sign up to vote by mail.

There are lots of us out here. Watch the turnout numbers. Your shit is played.

We appreciate you getting more voters to vote Republican, because for the life of me, I can't see anybody hearing how they will lose their tax break, have open borders for more aliens to take our jobs, more MS-13 in our neighborhoods, and less guns to protect ourselves would get anybody to vote Democrat.

If you had the capacity for empathy, you’d know how boring and tedious it is to have you involved in a conversation.
I've been doing some pro-bono work, putting together a new ad campaign for the Big Blue Wave. I've been looking a for a short, catchy phrase that captures the zeitgeist of modern Democrats. After consulting with some of the prominent Democrats on USMB, I think I've come up with the perfect thing: "We know better!".

This is the main message the Democrats need to communicate to the American people. They know what's best for you! And if you disagree, it can only mean you're an ignorant racist. Or a misogynist. Or just really, really stupid.

I think the brevity and simplicity of this slogan will play well with the ignorant, white rednecks, and ensure gains for the Democrats going forward. What do you all think?

If you doubt the wisdom of this campaign, just remember - "We know better!"™

What’s the GOP platform? jiggle keys in front of the rubes while you pick their pockets ?

A constitutional government.
The idea that women are women and men are men.
A citizenry capable of defending themselves from evil doers.
Getting people off of social programs instead of on them.
A smaller less intrusive government on our job creators.
Personal responsibility.
Lower taxes.
Not allowing other nations to control our country by eliminating the Paris Accord.
Tougher borders and less immigration.
I've been doing some pro-bono work, putting together a new ad campaign for the Big Blue Wave. I've been looking a for a short, catchy phrase that captures the zeitgeist of modern Democrats. After consulting with some of the prominent Democrats on USMB, I think I've come up with the perfect thing: "We know better!".

This is the main message the Democrats need to communicate to the American people. They know what's best for you! And if you disagree, it can only mean you're an ignorant racist. Or a misogynist. Or just really, really stupid.

I think the brevity and simplicity of this slogan will play well with the ignorant, white rednecks, and ensure gains for the Democrats going forward. What do you all think?

If you doubt the wisdom of this campaign, just remember - "We know better!"™

Well. I know morons hate being told that they are morons. But sometimes it is true.

Dems have been better for the economy.
Dems have been more fiscally responsible.
Dems have embraced freedom and personal responsibility.
Dems have far less corruption in office.
Dems would never allow a moron to be the nominee for president.

We kinda know better.
What's frightening is that you actually believe that, and you vote.

I do much more than vote, loser. I motivate others to vote. I’m an activist. I’ll talk to a few hundred voters this upcoming weekend. I’ll register about 30 new voters. I’ll convince another 50 to sign up to vote by mail.

There are lots of us out here. Watch the turnout numbers. Your shit is played.

We appreciate you getting more voters to vote Republican, because for the life of me, I can't see anybody hearing how they will lose their tax break, have open borders for more aliens to take our jobs, more MS-13 in our neighborhoods, and less guns to protect ourselves would get anybody to vote Democrat.

If you had the capacity for empathy, you’d know how boring and tedious it is to have you involved in a conversation.

Oh come on, what you posted was a complete joke.

Democrats are for government dependency--not responsibility.
Democrats are for more control over the people--not freedom.
The biggest political scandal of the country is unfolding as we speak with the corruption of the FBI, the CIA, the DOJ.
The economy hasn't been this great in over 20 years under Republicans.

Everything you posted is a complete lie. Democrats are for none of the things you posted.

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