We know better!

Yep. Crazy. You nailed it.

What’s the issue that is most important to you?

Sorry, don't have just one.

If you truly MUST sum my political concerns up into one bumper sticker slogan - which, since you're a leftist, is all you can grasp - it would be, "Leave us alone, government!"

Hmmm. I’m trying to have a discussion here.

Your primary concern is government intruding into your personal business? Is that it?

My primary concern is government MASSIVELY overstepping its appropriate bounds and involving itself in things that are none of its business, and/or which it does badly.

That is nice. Would you care to provide an example?

How about the fact that you actually have to ask that question?

Let's start with the fact that the federal government has a very clearly-defined structure under the Constitution. The vast majority of what the federal government does APPEARS NOWHERE IN THAT STRUCTURE. Businesses spend billions of dollars every year to comply with - for example - EPA regulations which have the force of law, BUT WERE NOT WRITTEN OR PASSED BY DULY-ELECTED LAWMAKERS. They're written and enforced by nameless, unelected bureaucrats.

How about Obamacare? Can you explain to me why the relationship between me and my doctor, for the purpose of preserving my personal, individual life and health, should in any way involve the federal freaking government? Why do I need to inform the government that I have chosen to take the financial responsibility for my health onto myself, rather than purchasing health insurance, and get my hand slapped like a naughty child because someone else has determined that that's a bad choice and I shouldn't make it?

Why does my church have a civil rights lawyer on retainer because of the possibility that some homosexual couple on an SJW mission might decide to try to rent the sanctuary for the purpose of triggering a "hate-crime" lawsuit? Why is anyone, anywhere in this country being forced to discuss and justify their religious beliefs to ANY employee of any government?

And don't think I don't know that you're asking for examples only so that you can try to deflect the conversation off onto a specific item and whether or not XYZ choice or behavior is good or bad, so that you'll never have to discuss the larger question of IT'S NONE OF THE GOVERNMENT'S BUSINESS EITHER WAY.

Ahhhh. You think I want to deflect. So you don’t give a specific example.

I think you know that you are fine with the government butting into certain people’s business and you love it when the government forces religion on people.

You are not for freedom from government for all. Just for some.

Admit it.
I do much more than vote, loser. I motivate others to vote. I’m an activist. I’ll talk to a few hundred voters this upcoming weekend. I’ll register about 30 new voters. I’ll convince another 50 to sign up to vote by mail.

There are lots of us out here. Watch the turnout numbers. Your shit is played.

We appreciate you getting more voters to vote Republican, because for the life of me, I can't see anybody hearing how they will lose their tax break, have open borders for more aliens to take our jobs, more MS-13 in our neighborhoods, and less guns to protect ourselves would get anybody to vote Democrat.

If you had the capacity for empathy, you’d know how boring and tedious it is to have you involved in a conversation.

If you weren't a self-absorbed princess, you'd know that not everyone agrees with you. Many of us find Ray quite amusing and refreshing.

Yeah. I’m sure you do. He’s a breath of fresh air. Just like you. Always on point and never guilty of posting dopey cliche’s.

If you leftist dipshits ever learned and matured, we wouldn't have to state the same blindingly obvious truths over and over until they become cliches.

Ahh. You repeat lies and memes because you have to. I get it now.
Sorry, don't have just one.

If you truly MUST sum my political concerns up into one bumper sticker slogan - which, since you're a leftist, is all you can grasp - it would be, "Leave us alone, government!"

Hmmm. I’m trying to have a discussion here.

Your primary concern is government intruding into your personal business? Is that it?

My primary concern is government MASSIVELY overstepping its appropriate bounds and involving itself in things that are none of its business, and/or which it does badly.

That is nice. Would you care to provide an example?

How about the fact that you actually have to ask that question?

Let's start with the fact that the federal government has a very clearly-defined structure under the Constitution. The vast majority of what the federal government does APPEARS NOWHERE IN THAT STRUCTURE. Businesses spend billions of dollars every year to comply with - for example - EPA regulations which have the force of law, BUT WERE NOT WRITTEN OR PASSED BY DULY-ELECTED LAWMAKERS. They're written and enforced by nameless, unelected bureaucrats.

How about Obamacare? Can you explain to me why the relationship between me and my doctor, for the purpose of preserving my personal, individual life and health, should in any way involve the federal freaking government? Why do I need to inform the government that I have chosen to take the financial responsibility for my health onto myself, rather than purchasing health insurance, and get my hand slapped like a naughty child because someone else has determined that that's a bad choice and I shouldn't make it?

Why does my church have a civil rights lawyer on retainer because of the possibility that some homosexual couple on an SJW mission might decide to try to rent the sanctuary for the purpose of triggering a "hate-crime" lawsuit? Why is anyone, anywhere in this country being forced to discuss and justify their religious beliefs to ANY employee of any government?

And don't think I don't know that you're asking for examples only so that you can try to deflect the conversation off onto a specific item and whether or not XYZ choice or behavior is good or bad, so that you'll never have to discuss the larger question of IT'S NONE OF THE GOVERNMENT'S BUSINESS EITHER WAY.

Ahhhh. You think I want to deflect. So you don’t give a specific example.

I think you know that you are fine with the government butting into certain people’s business and you love it when the government forces religion on people.

You are not for freedom from government for all. Just for some.

Admit it.

Ahhh, you want to deflect, so you change the goalposts and then try to blame people for not reading your mind (as if I can manage with such small print).

You can "think I know" whatever the fuck you want to pretend or project until your face turns purple. Doesn't make me in the slightest bit responsible or answerable for it.

Whenever you're ready to debate my ACTUAL WORDS with the ACTUAL PERSON SAYING THEM, instead of your imaginings of what I think with the imaginary Cecilie in your head, you let me know. Until then, your surrender is noted, and you may run along and attempt to fuck up and derail some other conversation.
Hmmm. I’m trying to have a discussion here.

Your primary concern is government intruding into your personal business? Is that it?

My primary concern is government MASSIVELY overstepping its appropriate bounds and involving itself in things that are none of its business, and/or which it does badly.

That is nice. Would you care to provide an example?

How about the fact that you actually have to ask that question?

Let's start with the fact that the federal government has a very clearly-defined structure under the Constitution. The vast majority of what the federal government does APPEARS NOWHERE IN THAT STRUCTURE. Businesses spend billions of dollars every year to comply with - for example - EPA regulations which have the force of law, BUT WERE NOT WRITTEN OR PASSED BY DULY-ELECTED LAWMAKERS. They're written and enforced by nameless, unelected bureaucrats.

How about Obamacare? Can you explain to me why the relationship between me and my doctor, for the purpose of preserving my personal, individual life and health, should in any way involve the federal freaking government? Why do I need to inform the government that I have chosen to take the financial responsibility for my health onto myself, rather than purchasing health insurance, and get my hand slapped like a naughty child because someone else has determined that that's a bad choice and I shouldn't make it?

Why does my church have a civil rights lawyer on retainer because of the possibility that some homosexual couple on an SJW mission might decide to try to rent the sanctuary for the purpose of triggering a "hate-crime" lawsuit? Why is anyone, anywhere in this country being forced to discuss and justify their religious beliefs to ANY employee of any government?

And don't think I don't know that you're asking for examples only so that you can try to deflect the conversation off onto a specific item and whether or not XYZ choice or behavior is good or bad, so that you'll never have to discuss the larger question of IT'S NONE OF THE GOVERNMENT'S BUSINESS EITHER WAY.

Ahhhh. You think I want to deflect. So you don’t give a specific example.

I think you know that you are fine with the government butting into certain people’s business and you love it when the government forces religion on people.

You are not for freedom from government for all. Just for some.

Admit it.

Ahhh, you want to deflect, so you change the goalposts and then try to blame people for not reading your mind (as if I can manage with such small print).

You can "think I know" whatever the fuck you want to pretend or project until your face turns purple. Doesn't make me in the slightest bit responsible or answerable for it.

Whenever you're ready to debate my ACTUAL WORDS with the ACTUAL PERSON SAYING THEM, instead of your imaginings of what I think with the imaginary Cecilie in your head, you let me know. Until then, your surrender is noted, and you may run along and attempt to fuck up and derail some other conversation.

You have said nothing.

The Cecile I know from here is an angry person who thinks it’s cool for a business that is located upstream from my farm to dump toxic waste in the river. She thinks that another business in town which is owned by a bigot should be able to decline to serve people based on immutable circumstances. She is fine with the fact that our currency says “In God We Trust” on it. She would raise holy hell if I walked down the street naked.

Cuz..... Constitution! Freedom!!!
We appreciate you getting more voters to vote Republican, because for the life of me, I can't see anybody hearing how they will lose their tax break, have open borders for more aliens to take our jobs, more MS-13 in our neighborhoods, and less guns to protect ourselves would get anybody to vote Democrat.

If you had the capacity for empathy, you’d know how boring and tedious it is to have you involved in a conversation.

If you weren't a self-absorbed princess, you'd know that not everyone agrees with you. Many of us find Ray quite amusing and refreshing.

Yeah. I’m sure you do. He’s a breath of fresh air. Just like you. Always on point and never guilty of posting dopey cliche’s.

If you leftist dipshits ever learned and matured, we wouldn't have to state the same blindingly obvious truths over and over until they become cliches.

Ahh. You repeat lies and memes because you have to. I get it now.

See above, re: not taking responsibility for your ASSumptions and projections. Whatever script you had in your head of this conversation, I am not answerable for following it, nor does it prove anything when I don't except that you're too chickenshit to have a conversation with a REAL person, rather than your straw man construct of her.

Shoo, poseur.
If you had the capacity for empathy, you’d know how boring and tedious it is to have you involved in a conversation.

If you weren't a self-absorbed princess, you'd know that not everyone agrees with you. Many of us find Ray quite amusing and refreshing.

Yeah. I’m sure you do. He’s a breath of fresh air. Just like you. Always on point and never guilty of posting dopey cliche’s.

If you leftist dipshits ever learned and matured, we wouldn't have to state the same blindingly obvious truths over and over until they become cliches.

Ahh. You repeat lies and memes because you have to. I get it now.

See above, re: not taking responsibility for your ASSumptions and projections. Whatever script you had in your head of this conversation, I am not answerable for following it, nor does it prove anything when I don't except that you're too chickenshit to have a conversation with a REAL person, rather than your straw man construct of her.

Shoo, poseur.

Wait! Am I mistaken? Are you in favor of the EPA shutting down toxic waste dumpers? You favor public accomodation laws? You OK with people going naked when they want?

Come on. Let's talk these things over.
After careful consideration, the recommendation from my team of analysts is that Democrats should go with:

"OK. We get it. We'll leave you alone."

It polls the best with key demographics. And with some creative typesetting, it'll fit on a bumpersticker. But .... they've got to sell it. They've got to convince voters they mean it. And as some here have mentioned, that'll be a stretch.
If you weren't a self-absorbed princess, you'd know that not everyone agrees with you. Many of us find Ray quite amusing and refreshing.

Yeah. I’m sure you do. He’s a breath of fresh air. Just like you. Always on point and never guilty of posting dopey cliche’s.

If you leftist dipshits ever learned and matured, we wouldn't have to state the same blindingly obvious truths over and over until they become cliches.

Ahh. You repeat lies and memes because you have to. I get it now.

See above, re: not taking responsibility for your ASSumptions and projections. Whatever script you had in your head of this conversation, I am not answerable for following it, nor does it prove anything when I don't except that you're too chickenshit to have a conversation with a REAL person, rather than your straw man construct of her.

Shoo, poseur.

Wait! Am I mistaken? Are you in favor of the EPA shutting down toxic waste dumpers? You favor public accomodation laws? You OK with people going naked when they want?

Come on. Let's talk these things over.

Like I said, you want to deflect off onto "Isn't this a good thing?!" to avoid talking about whether or not it's being done correctly. And apparently you ALSO want to play "all or nothing", as leftists always do, and try to make ME answer for YOUR asinine, simplistic belief that one must love ALL government, or want anarchy.

I will not be "talking over" the words you try to put in my mouth. If you actually want a conversation, you will start the fuck over with my ACTUAL views, and understand that you are not setting the parameters. If you state some more dumb shit presumptions about what I think and demand that I defend them, I will tell you again: Shoo, poseur.
Yeah. I’m sure you do. He’s a breath of fresh air. Just like you. Always on point and never guilty of posting dopey cliche’s.

If you leftist dipshits ever learned and matured, we wouldn't have to state the same blindingly obvious truths over and over until they become cliches.

Ahh. You repeat lies and memes because you have to. I get it now.

See above, re: not taking responsibility for your ASSumptions and projections. Whatever script you had in your head of this conversation, I am not answerable for following it, nor does it prove anything when I don't except that you're too chickenshit to have a conversation with a REAL person, rather than your straw man construct of her.

Shoo, poseur.

Wait! Am I mistaken? Are you in favor of the EPA shutting down toxic waste dumpers? You favor public accomodation laws? You OK with people going naked when they want?

Come on. Let's talk these things over.

Like I said, you want to deflect off onto "Isn't this a good thing?!" to avoid talking about whether or not it's being done correctly. And apparently you ALSO want to play "all or nothing", as leftists always do, and try to make ME answer for YOUR asinine, simplistic belief that one must love ALL government, or want anarchy.

I will not be "talking over" the words you try to put in my mouth. If you actually want a conversation, you will start the fuck over with my ACTUAL views, and understand that you are not setting the parameters. If you state some more dumb shit presumptions about what I think and demand that I defend them, I will tell you again: Shoo, poseur.

You've spent so much time protesting that you forgot to even respond to the post. Weird.

I don't love all government. In fact, much of it is shit. But, much of it is good. Necessary. Vital.

Like the EPA. Necessary. Life saving.

Don't you feel that we need the EPA?

"I’ll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” Lyndon Baines Johnson (DEMOCRAT) about the Great Society plan.

“These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days, and that’s a problem for us, since they’ve got something now they never had before: the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this — we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference.” - Lyndon Baines Johnson (DEMOCRAT)
If you leftist dipshits ever learned and matured, we wouldn't have to state the same blindingly obvious truths over and over until they become cliches.

Ahh. You repeat lies and memes because you have to. I get it now.

See above, re: not taking responsibility for your ASSumptions and projections. Whatever script you had in your head of this conversation, I am not answerable for following it, nor does it prove anything when I don't except that you're too chickenshit to have a conversation with a REAL person, rather than your straw man construct of her.

Shoo, poseur.

Wait! Am I mistaken? Are you in favor of the EPA shutting down toxic waste dumpers? You favor public accomodation laws? You OK with people going naked when they want?

Come on. Let's talk these things over.

Like I said, you want to deflect off onto "Isn't this a good thing?!" to avoid talking about whether or not it's being done correctly. And apparently you ALSO want to play "all or nothing", as leftists always do, and try to make ME answer for YOUR asinine, simplistic belief that one must love ALL government, or want anarchy.

I will not be "talking over" the words you try to put in my mouth. If you actually want a conversation, you will start the fuck over with my ACTUAL views, and understand that you are not setting the parameters. If you state some more dumb shit presumptions about what I think and demand that I defend them, I will tell you again: Shoo, poseur.

You've spent so much time protesting that you forgot to even respond to the post. Weird.

I don't love all government. In fact, much of it is shit. But, much of it is good. Necessary. Vital.

Like the EPA. Necessary. Life saving.

Don't you feel that we need the EPA?

You've spent so much time trying to engineer the conversation you WANT to have, you forgot to say anything that deserved a response. Weird.

I don't hate all government, and I'm not answerable to your attempts to pin that on me.

The EPA is NOT necessary. SOME, a very few things, which the EPA does are necessary; the vast majority of what it does is not, and more to the point, the EPA has no business existing in its current form and doing anything the way it currently does.

For the third time, we are NOT going to digress off onto, "Well, you think XYZ thing is good to do, don't you?" The topic is, and will continue to be, things the federal government does which it should not do. So yank your fuzzy butt back on-topic.
If you leftist dipshits ever learned and matured, we wouldn't have to state the same blindingly obvious truths over and over until they become cliches.

Ahh. You repeat lies and memes because you have to. I get it now.

See above, re: not taking responsibility for your ASSumptions and projections. Whatever script you had in your head of this conversation, I am not answerable for following it, nor does it prove anything when I don't except that you're too chickenshit to have a conversation with a REAL person, rather than your straw man construct of her.

Shoo, poseur.

Wait! Am I mistaken? Are you in favor of the EPA shutting down toxic waste dumpers? You favor public accomodation laws? You OK with people going naked when they want?

Come on. Let's talk these things over.

Like I said, you want to deflect off onto "Isn't this a good thing?!" to avoid talking about whether or not it's being done correctly. And apparently you ALSO want to play "all or nothing", as leftists always do, and try to make ME answer for YOUR asinine, simplistic belief that one must love ALL government, or want anarchy.

I will not be "talking over" the words you try to put in my mouth. If you actually want a conversation, you will start the fuck over with my ACTUAL views, and understand that you are not setting the parameters. If you state some more dumb shit presumptions about what I think and demand that I defend them, I will tell you again: Shoo, poseur.

You've spent so much time protesting that you forgot to even respond to the post. Weird.

I don't love all government. In fact, much of it is shit. But, much of it is good. Necessary. Vital.

Like the EPA. Necessary. Life saving.

Don't you feel that we need the EPA?

Need the EPA for what? All bureaucracies should be dismantled immediately. Any laws we need under any category should be passed by Congress the way our founders meant it to be. Bureaucracies have no constitutional authority to pass laws, create fines or taxes against the people.
Ahh. You repeat lies and memes because you have to. I get it now.

See above, re: not taking responsibility for your ASSumptions and projections. Whatever script you had in your head of this conversation, I am not answerable for following it, nor does it prove anything when I don't except that you're too chickenshit to have a conversation with a REAL person, rather than your straw man construct of her.

Shoo, poseur.

Wait! Am I mistaken? Are you in favor of the EPA shutting down toxic waste dumpers? You favor public accomodation laws? You OK with people going naked when they want?

Come on. Let's talk these things over.

Like I said, you want to deflect off onto "Isn't this a good thing?!" to avoid talking about whether or not it's being done correctly. And apparently you ALSO want to play "all or nothing", as leftists always do, and try to make ME answer for YOUR asinine, simplistic belief that one must love ALL government, or want anarchy.

I will not be "talking over" the words you try to put in my mouth. If you actually want a conversation, you will start the fuck over with my ACTUAL views, and understand that you are not setting the parameters. If you state some more dumb shit presumptions about what I think and demand that I defend them, I will tell you again: Shoo, poseur.

You've spent so much time protesting that you forgot to even respond to the post. Weird.

I don't love all government. In fact, much of it is shit. But, much of it is good. Necessary. Vital.

Like the EPA. Necessary. Life saving.

Don't you feel that we need the EPA?

Need the EPA for what? All bureaucracies should be dismantled immediately. Any laws we need under any category should be passed by Congress the way our founders meant it to be. Bureaucracies have no constitutional authority to pass laws, create fines or taxes against the people.

I will say I don't mind so much having SMALL bureaucracies to carry out laws once they're passed by the duly-elected legislators. But I'm right there with you on having no patience with people who weren't invested with power by the people through an election creating ANY sort of regulation or restriction on people's lives and activities.
See above, re: not taking responsibility for your ASSumptions and projections. Whatever script you had in your head of this conversation, I am not answerable for following it, nor does it prove anything when I don't except that you're too chickenshit to have a conversation with a REAL person, rather than your straw man construct of her.

Shoo, poseur.

Wait! Am I mistaken? Are you in favor of the EPA shutting down toxic waste dumpers? You favor public accomodation laws? You OK with people going naked when they want?

Come on. Let's talk these things over.

Like I said, you want to deflect off onto "Isn't this a good thing?!" to avoid talking about whether or not it's being done correctly. And apparently you ALSO want to play "all or nothing", as leftists always do, and try to make ME answer for YOUR asinine, simplistic belief that one must love ALL government, or want anarchy.

I will not be "talking over" the words you try to put in my mouth. If you actually want a conversation, you will start the fuck over with my ACTUAL views, and understand that you are not setting the parameters. If you state some more dumb shit presumptions about what I think and demand that I defend them, I will tell you again: Shoo, poseur.

You've spent so much time protesting that you forgot to even respond to the post. Weird.

I don't love all government. In fact, much of it is shit. But, much of it is good. Necessary. Vital.

Like the EPA. Necessary. Life saving.

Don't you feel that we need the EPA?

Need the EPA for what? All bureaucracies should be dismantled immediately. Any laws we need under any category should be passed by Congress the way our founders meant it to be. Bureaucracies have no constitutional authority to pass laws, create fines or taxes against the people.

I will say I don't mind so much having SMALL bureaucracies to carry out laws once they're passed by the duly-elected legislators. But I'm right there with you on having no patience with people who weren't invested with power by the people through an election creating ANY sort of regulation or restriction on people's lives and activities.

Well that would make bureaucracies only enforcement agencies which they are not......well they are..but they are enforcing the laws that they created.

What's worse is when politicians want to do something most people are against, but don't want to take responsibility for it. Instead, they get some bureaucrat to do their dirty work and when asked, they say "I had nothing to do with that new regulation!"

Our founders never wanted federal government to have ultimate power against the people.
Vote Dem for higher taxes and more illegals raping and killing Americans.
or one could be like the board’s resident mouth breathing liar, BluesFailure, and vote directly for a walking Cheeto who shares his inclination towards sexual predatory violence

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