We Know They Are Killing Children—All of Us Know

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEMnyiDKUJI]Happy 40th Anniversary, Baby - YouTube[/ame]
They risk their lives? Oh yeah, from the anti abortionists who would murder them for doing their jobs. How pathetic that in the US, your life could be in danger because of your profession.
They don't have cops, firefighters, lifeguards, military, and high steel workers in OZ? :confused:

Not the same thing, most of those jobs are dangerous because of the equipment they work with, not people who are opposed to what they do.
Tell that to any Soldier in a combat zone. Or a cop who patrols a bad neighborhood. :cool:
She had the right to abort me, yes.

Why the fuck does that offend you? Your mother had the same right, you know.
My mother had the obligation to birth, nurture, and raise me! She had no right to terminate my life once I was conceived - I was endowed at my incipience by my creator to have inalienable rights; life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness!

Now you are just sounding like a religiously crazed lunatic. Your mother had no obligation to you at all.
Wow. Just...wow.

What Republicans call children. They say we should protect these children. Nurture them. Police women to make sure they take care of them. Republicans feel these are a "gift from God" and in case of rape, a "silver lining".


These are what Republicans call "punishment" for women who have sex. They feel there should be no daycare to take care of them. That we should end food stamps to feed them. That school lunches cost too much. That education costs too much. Republicans see these as "less important" and "less valuable" than assault weapons.



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She had the right to abort me, yes.

Why the fuck does that offend you? Your mother had the same right, you know.
My mother had the obligation to birth, nurture, and raise me! She had no right to terminate my life once I was conceived - I was endowed at my incipience by my creator to have inalienable rights; life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness!

Now you are just sounding like a religiously crazed lunatic. Your mother had no obligation to you at all.
I'll simplify it for you: once you place an order, you have a responsibility to pay for it. You are not ending a piece of meat! You are destroying a sentient being; what they are, and what they can be! A fetus is a starter person; a person who has begun!
Abortion cannot be murder. It cannot be murder to kill something which is inside your body without your permission.
I believe abortion is a right, yes.
So someone had the right to terminate your life?

When my mother was pregnant with me, she had every right to choose an abortion. But she didn't, because I was planned.
Soooo, as long it's NOT planned it's ok to kill the kid, even though you knew the possibilities when you spread your legs?

Interesting...... sick and twisted......but interesting just the same.
My mother had the obligation to birth, nurture, and raise me! She had no right to terminate my life once I was conceived - I was endowed at my incipience by my creator to have inalienable rights; life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness!

Now you are just sounding like a religiously crazed lunatic. Your mother had no obligation to you at all.
Wow. Just...wow.
It's fuckin' disgusting.

What Republicans call children. They say we should protect these children. Nurture them. Police women to make sure they take care of them. Republicans feel these are a "gift from God" and in case of rape, a "silver lining".


These are what Republicans call "punishment" for women who have sex. They feel there should be no daycare to take care of them. That we should end food stamps to feed them. That school lunches cost too much. That education costs too much. Republicans see these as "less important" and "less valuable" than assault weapons.
never get sick of that lie do you?
Abortion cannot be murder. It cannot be murder to kill something which is inside your body without your permission.
I believe abortion is a right, yes.
The only way it gets there without your permission is in the case of rape, which is the reason given in 0.1-0.6 % of all abortions.

It's astoundingly easy to NOT get pregnant. Really.

Consent to sex does not equal consent to pregnancy, just like getting in your car does not mean you consent to getting in an accident.
So, you're trying to make the comparison between a mechanical object that has no ability to say who enters it, and the possible consequences, and a human being that has the full ability to say who "enters" them, and knows full well the possible consequences?

Are you fuckin' serious?
Your point? At 35 weeks you were, and you think your mother had the right to kill you then. I'm just glad that's not legal here in most circumstances, and glad we only have four doctors left who are willing to do it if that article was correct.

Abortions are not legal at 35 weeks in Australia, unless there is a medical reason.

Well, I'm glad to hear that. That way you talk about America and how backwards we are because most of us don't think it's kosher to kill a viable fetus led me to guess that in Australia it was anything goes until the baby was all the way out of the mother's body.

Abortion is available here in my state until 24 weeks. After that you need the consent of two doctors, so late term abortions are not exactly banned here, just restricted after a certain point.
My mother had the obligation to birth, nurture, and raise me! She had no right to terminate my life once I was conceived - I was endowed at my incipience by my creator to have inalienable rights; life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness!

Now you are just sounding like a religiously crazed lunatic. Your mother had no obligation to you at all.
Wow. Just...wow.

Are you saying that the law prevented your mother from choosing an abortion if she wanted one, and that she was unable to have you adopted, if she wished?
It saddens my heart that there are people who champion the practice of killing innocent babies.
My mother had the obligation to birth, nurture, and raise me! She had no right to terminate my life once I was conceived - I was endowed at my incipience by my creator to have inalienable rights; life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness!

Now you are just sounding like a religiously crazed lunatic. Your mother had no obligation to you at all.
I'll simplify it for you: once you place an order, you have a responsibility to pay for it. You are not ending a piece of meat! You are destroying a sentient being; what they are, and what they can be! A fetus is a starter person; a person who has begun!

A fetus is not sentient. It is not aware it exists.
Now you are just sounding like a religiously crazed lunatic. Your mother had no obligation to you at all.
I'll simplify it for you: once you place an order, you have a responsibility to pay for it. You are not ending a piece of meat! You are destroying a sentient being; what they are, and what they can be! A fetus is a starter person; a person who has begun!

A fetus is not sentient. It is not aware it exists.

You know this how?

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