We Know They Are Killing Children—All of Us Know

thats like saying you can kill a new born because its living in your house
premature babies at 21 weeks have survived.. What's the difference between killing a premature baby and abortion ??

A premature baby has been born, it is separated from the mother. A fetus remains physically attached to her, and resides inside her.

So ???

i think she is under the impression a baby is nothing more then a wart in the womb.....She might be slow witted
What children are being killed? He makes no argument at all.

In the first example, the abortion doctor is right - it is more important that a woman have her freedom to choose than whether an abortion is murder or not.

So, it doesn't matter that abortions are murder. Just what I thought.

With this mindset, abortion will be the rule and not the exception.

Do you believe abortion is a natural right?

That's your opinion, and not reality-based.

If abortions were murder, people would be getting arrested for having them.

Words mean things, pixie.

Drew Peterson got death penalty for killing his wife and the unborn human baby in her womb. Now somewhere there has to be a smart enough liberal who realizes she's not carrying little green frogs.
Are you claiming that his wife's murder isn't worth a death penalty sentence?
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Rightwingers, as usual, contradict themselves. They want fewer abortions, while doing everything they can to keep birth control out of reach.
So that raw cake batter I put in the oven 30 seconds ago is a cake?

You cannot be serious.

It's irrelevant. It's not immoral to destroy either the finished cake or the unbaked cake. It wasn't a very good analogy.

Its not about what is moral and what isn't.

A fetus isn't a person until he it goes through the birth process, just like a cake isn't a cake until it has been baked, and a seed isn't a tree until it has been planted and watered and nurtured.
You seriously need to watch the following, it's an amazing piece, and then come back and make the claim that a fetus isn't a person until it goes through the birth process.....'cause that's one of the dumbest things i've ever heard from a pro-choicer.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qf_or0JaZvs]Alexander Tsiaras Conception to birth -- visualized - YouTube[/ame]
What children are being killed? He makes no argument at all.

In the first example, the abortion doctor is right - it is more important that a woman have her freedom to choose than whether an abortion is murder or not.

Wrong. The woman surrendered her "freedom" when she chose to open her legs and fuck someone. Now I'll wait for the typical strawman arguments...
What children are being killed? He makes no argument at all.

In the first example, the abortion doctor is right - it is more important that a woman have her freedom to choose than whether an abortion is murder or not.

So, it doesn't matter that abortions are murder. Just what I thought.

With this mindset, abortion will be the rule and not the exception.

Do you believe abortion is a natural right?

If you feel stressed by the idea of being a parent, or that your lifestyle may be impaired by a child, or that your boyfriend might not like you so much any more...why not. No woman should be expected to resist those natural urges to screw anything with a third leg...after all, that is their right.
What children are being killed? He makes no argument at all.

In the first example, the abortion doctor is right - it is more important that a woman have her freedom to choose than whether an abortion is murder or not.

So, it doesn't matter that abortions are murder. Just what I thought.

With this mindset, abortion will be the rule and not the exception.

Do you believe abortion is a natural right?

Abortion cannot be murder. It cannot be murder to kill something which is inside your body without your permission.
I believe abortion is a right, yes.

You laid down, you fucked some guy, permission granted. If you don't want children, don't have sex. If you cannot abstain from sex until you are ready for children, there are plenty of other preventative measures.
If men could get pregnant - all this anti-abortion/anti-contraceptive bullshit would quickly come to an end. Rubbers and contraceptives would be dropping from the sky. Churches would likely sponsor abortion clinics.
Drew Peterson got death penalty for killing his wife and the unborn human baby in her womb. Now somewhere there has to be a smart enough liberal who realizes she's not carrying little green frogs.

Fetal homicide laws are not laws against abortion.

So, if you decide to allow an unborn child to be ripped from your (non-consenting) body, that's OK. If someone stabs your bulging belly and kills the unborn parasite therein, they commit murder. Am I getting this right?
Abortion cannot be murder. It cannot be murder to kill something which is inside your body without your permission.
I believe abortion is a right, yes.
So someone had the right to terminate your life?

When my mother was pregnant with me, she had every right to choose an abortion. But she didn't, because I was planned.

Then maybe more women should plan better.

I don't believe you at all. You couldn't care less about abortion. You're only against it because you think every liberal in the country supports it. And you think talking against it supports your argument against gun control.

If you really cared about the lives of children, your first reaction to what happened in Newtown would not have been to whine about your stupid guns possibly being taken away. You're a fake!!!
Permission, morals (whose) - has nothing to do with it.

A woman's body is hers and hers alone. What she does with it is no one's business. If you disagree with abortion, DON'T HAVE ONE.

And, while you're preaching to others to give up their NATURAL freedom, are you also adopting kids? Of course not. Nor should you have to.

But, get your Big Government off other people's bodies.

I fully support a woman's right to do with her body as she chooses.

But that right ends where her baby's body begins. It is a genetically-distinct human being.

That point is inarguable.

Truly. If you don't want the child, put it up for adoption. Plenty of people want newborn children to raise as their own. Oooops! My bad. I forgot that pregnancy will destroy you perfect figure.
Now you are just sounding like a religiously crazed lunatic. Your mother had no obligation to you at all.
I'll simplify it for you: once you place an order, you have a responsibility to pay for it. You are not ending a piece of meat! You are destroying a sentient being; what they are, and what they can be! A fetus is a starter person; a person who has begun!

A fetus is not sentient. It is not aware it exists.

And you know this how?
A fetus is not sentient. It is not aware it exists.

You know this how?

Umm, duh. Medical science knows this. Not even a newborn baby is aware it exists.

You don't think a fetus thinks about how warm and cozy it is, do you? You think it decides to suck its thumb, or take a piss? You think that it feels fear when aborted? It doesn't. It has no concept of fear.

I'm still interested in how you know it doesn't.

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